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They are bluesky corps solid and of spherical form that rotate about of a Stara only it
know the that spherical about of sun: mercury, Venus, the erath, Marte, Júpiter, saturno,
urano, neptuno and pluton.
The six firsts are know for the man since the antiquity while that last three it has
discovered in recents epoch: urano in 1781, neptuno in 1846 and pluton in 1930.

MERCURY: Is the planet nearest to the sun that has a diameter of 4.873 kilometers,
it is smaller than the Herat its gravity and mass are inferior to the earthly.Its surtace is
habite place of contr quantity of craters, similar to the of the moon.

VENUS: Is the second planet of solar system, is situated between mercury and the
Herat and is nearest to is last. It has a size very like to our planet and it has a duration of
225 days in complete a turn a round the sun.

THE EARTH: Is the planet that we live, it has spherical form.its dimension is of
12.756,78 kilometers for the diameter ecuatorial and, 12.713 kilometers for the polar
radio. I t has water to heat occuped 70.8% while that the 29.2% of the surface is
occuped for firm Herat.
MARTE: Is the fourth planet of solar system whose dimensions represent more less
the half of the of the earth. Ii has a perid orbit of a 687 days, and its axis of rotation
represent a inclination like to axis earthly, for that too it hoppen in its surface to four
seasons.The temperatura is bettwen a maxim of 30 degree during the day and a lesat of
65 centigrade grades at night to in the equator.

JUPITER: Is the fifth planet of the solar system is one of the gigants planets, the big
planet that compose the solar system. Its equtorial is of142.800 kilometers, in other
Word a eleven times more that the earth. Its position is different to our planet, with a
roocks nucleus, a cape of hydrogen metallic, a cape of liquid hydrogen and last a
superior cape that constitute the atmosphere of the planet consist of hydrogen and ice in
the same proportion that the sun.
SATURNE: Is the sixth planet of solar system, is too a big planet. It has a diameter
equatorial of 120 000 kilometers, it the more flatest of all the planets and too is the
smaller density.Its composition as in the nucleus as in the atmosphere, chas very similar
with the of Júpiter we distinguís simple view by the presence of a system of rings that a
turn it at the high of equator.

URANO: Is the seventh planet of the solar system, was discovery in 1781. It diameter
equatorial is of 52.400 kilometers, a 4 time the of the earth. Although it composition
not know with accuracy, to suppose that clear of stone núcleus and metallic, secovered
by a cape of ice o fones 8000 kilometer of thickiness.
Has live satellites that was discovery in 1977.

NETPUNE: Is the eighth and last planet of the solar system, is other of the planets
gigantic. Isn´t know nothing of it composition and the only than have been esteem until
now the investigations scientific is the presence of a atmosphera extraordinaryly
powered, of metano, hydrogen and helyo.
PLUTON: Is the last and the more external of the solar sytem that was discovery in
the 1930 year. Has a diameter equatorial of 2.500 kilometers the that means the it size is
very small and g oto accompany of a satellite that was discovery in 1978.

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