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D&D Forgotten Realms Time Record Sheet ver 1.

1 Round / block
=1 Min
1 Minute / block
=10 Min
10 Minutes / block
= 1 our
"ame #ear$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
&ast "ame
1 our / block
Da(n = ) ours
= 1+ ours
=*, ours / 1 Da-
Daylight Hours From Dawn:____________________ Night Hours:_______________________
(Common terms for parts of a day starting from first daylight are: dawn, morning, highsun/noon, afternoon, dusk, sunset,
evening, midnight, moondark/nights heart, nights end!"
1 Da- / block
1 * . , / + 0 ) 1 10
= 2ne Tenda-
11 1* 1. 1, 1/ 1+ 10 1) 11 *0
= T(o Tenda-s
*1 ** *. *, */ *+ *0 *) *1 .0
= Three Tenda-s
31 Month4
#pring $%uino&: Ches '(
#ummer #olsti)e: *ythorn +,
-utumn $%uino&: $leint +'
.inter #olsti)e: Nightal +,
5nnual olida-$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3See !alendar belo(4
36ver- , -rs onl-4
Months / Festivals
' ____ Hammer (Deepwinter"
Midwinter Holiday ____
+ ____ -lturiak (/he Claw of
0 ____ Ches (/he Claw of the
1 ____ /arsakh (/he Claw of
the #torms"
Greengrass Holiday ____
2 ____ 3irtuk (/he 3elting"
4 ____ *ythorn (/he /ime of
Highharvestide Holiday ____
5 ____ Flamerule (#ummertide"
Midsummer Holiday* ____
6 ____ $leasis (Highsun"
( ____ $leint (/he Fading"
', ____ 3arpenoth (7eaffall"
'' ____ 8ktar (/he 9otting"
The Feast of the Moon
Holiday ____
'+ ____ Nightal (/he Drawing
: #hieldmeet holiday o))urs every four years and immediately follows 3idsummer nights holiday!

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