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Question Bank DBMS Lab

1 Explain data model and different types of data model

2 Explain relational model
3 Explain relation
4 Explain ER model and graphical notations
5 Explain entity and relationship

1 Explain Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique key. Explain difference between primary key and unique key.
2 What is constraint? Explain Entity, referential and null integrity constraint.
3 Explain different types of joins.
4 Explain difference between group by and where clause.
5 Explain DDL, DML and DCL
6. What is schema.
7 Explain savepoint
8 What are character matching functions.
9. What is stored procedure.
10 What is difference between procedure and function.
11 What is cursor. Explain implicit and explicit cursor.
12. What is trigger and types triggers.
13 What are different data types in MySQL.
14 What are features of MySQL
15 Give syntax for create table.
16 Explain rollback and commit.
17 What are the functions associated with cursor.
18 Explain use of cursor.
19 Explain structure of Procedure.
20 Explain row level and statement level triggers.
21 Explain nested queries (sub queries) with example.
22 What are the features of MongoDB
23. State equivalence of MongoDB with relational database concept.
24 What is collection and document.
25 Give the structure of document.
26 Explain _ id field in MongoDB.
27 What is JSON. State features of JSON
28 Difference between JSON and XML.
29 Explain structure of JSON object.
30 Explain 2 Phase Committ protocol.
31 Explain K means algorithm.
32 Explain MongoDB Connectivity.
33 Explain Java Script functions in MongoDB
34 Syntax for create, insert, remove, update, sort in MogoDB
35 What is difference between update and save method in MongoDB
36 Explain Aggregation in MongoDB
37 Explain MAP-REDUCE in MongoDB
38. What is index and its importance. Types of indexes?
39 Explain on delete cascade.
40 Give sequence of group by, where, having, orderby clause in select statement.
41 Explain SAVE and UPDATE method in MOngoDB
42 What is the advantage of MongoDB over relational database.
43 How two collections are related. Explain DBRef in MongoDB.

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