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Security Council Presidential Statement on Women Peace and

Security 28 October 2014

The Security Council reafrms its commitments to the full and efective implementation
of resolutions 1325 (2000) 1!20 (200!) 1!!! (200") 1!!" (200") 1"#0 (2010) 210#
(2013) 2122 (2013) and recalls all statements of its $resident on %omen and $eace and
Security as reiteratin& the Council's commitments(

The Security Council ta)es note *ith appreciation the report of the Secretary+,eneral on
%omen and $eace and Security (S-201.-#"3) for the purpose of implementation of
resolution 1325 (2000) and particularly *elcomes its focus on implementation
sustainin& pro&ress and the need to translate commitments into improved outcomes(

The Security Council reafrms that *omen's and &irls' empo*erment and &ender e/uality
are critical to eforts to maintain international peace and security and emphasi0es that
persistent 1arriers to full implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) *ill only 1e
dismantled throu&h dedicated commitment to *omen's empo*erment participation and
human ri&hts and throu&h concerted leadership consistent information 2o*s and action
and support to ensure *omen's full and e/ual participation at all levels of decision+

The Security Council *elcomes the eforts of 3em1er States to implement resolution
1325 (2000) at the national re&ional and local levels includin& the development of
national action plans and other national su1+re&ional and re&ional+level strate&ies and
implementation frame*or)s and encoura&es 3em1er States to continue to pursue such
implementation( The Council further stresses that 4nited 5ations entities should continue
to support and supplement as appropriate eforts of 3em1er States in the
implementation of 1325 (2000)( The Council reco&ni0es the critical contri1utions of civil
society includin& *omen's or&ani0ations to con2ict prevention resolution and
peace1uildin& and in this re&ard the importance of sustained consultation and dialo&ue
1et*een *omen and national and international decision ma)ers( The Council encoura&es
the involvement of men in promotin& &ender e/uality and endin& se6ual and &ender
1ased violence(

The Security Council *elcomes the additional steps ta)en to implement Security Council
resolutions 210# (2013) and 2122 (2013) and notes the importance of sustained eforts
1y the 4nited 5ations to improve the /uality of information and analysis on the impact of
armed con2ict on *omen and &irls the role of *omen in all areas of con2ict prevention
and resolution peacema)in& and peace1uildin& and the &ender dimensions of these
areas and to systematically include information and related recommendations on issues
of relevance to *omen peace and security in their reports and 1rie7n&s to the Council(
The Council reiterates its intention to increase its attention to *omen peace and security
as a cross cuttin& su18ect in all relevant thematic areas of *or) on its a&enda includin&
on threats to international peace and security caused 1y terrorist acts(

The Security Council reco&ni0es that refu&ee and internally displaced *omen and &irls
are at hei&htened ris) of 1ein& su18ect to various forms of human ri&hts violations and
a1uses includin& se6ual and &ender+1ased violence and discrimination *hich can occur
durin& the various sta&es of the displacement cycle( The Security Council reafrms the
primary responsi1ility of 3em1er States in the protection of their populations includin&
refu&ee and internally displaced *omen and &irls( The Council stresses the importance of
the Secretary+,eneral and relevant 4nited 5ations a&encies inter alia throu&h
consultation *ith *omen and *omen+led or&ani0ations as appropriate supportin& the
development and stren&thenin& of efective mechanisms for preventin& and providin&
protection from violence includin& in particular se6ual and &ender 1ased violence to
refu&ee and internally displaced *omen and &irls(

The Council ur&es 3em1er States to ta)e measures to prevent refu&ee and internally
displaced *omen and &irls from 1ein& su18ect to violence and to stren&then access to
8ustice for *omen in such circumstances includin& throu&h the prompt investi&ation
prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of se6ual and &ender 1ased violence as *ell
as reparations for victims as appropriate( The Council stresses that the 7&ht a&ainst
impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern committed a&ainst *omen
and &irls has 1een stren&thened throu&h the *or) of the 9nternational Criminal Court ad
hoc and mi6ed tri1unals as *ell as speciali0ed cham1ers in national tri1unals(

The Security Council reiterates *ith &rave concern that the illicit transfer desta1ili0in&
accumulation and misuse of small arms and li&ht *eapons fuel armed con2icts and have
a disproportionate impact on violence perpetrated a&ainst *omen and &irls and
e6acer1ate se6ual and &ender+1ased violence(

The Security Council ur&es all parties involved in an armed con2ict to allo* full and
unhindered access 1y refu&ee and internally displaced *omen to humanitarian assistance
and protection as *ell as 1asic services such as education health housin& and
productive livelihoods includin& assets such as land and property in particular for those
refu&ee and internally displaced *omen and &irls at increased ris) of mar&inalisation( The
Council reco&nises the importance of 3em1er States and 4nited 5ations entities see)in&
to ensure humanitarian aid and fundin& includes provision for the full ran&e of medical
le&al psychosocial and livelihood services and notin& the need for access to the full
ran&e of se6ual and reproductive health services includin& re&ardin& pre&nancies
resultin& from rape *ithout discrimination( The Security Council further reco&ni0es that
refu&ee and internally displaced *omen and &irls are at increased ris) of 1ecomin&
stateless as a result of discriminatory nationality la*s o1stacles to re&isterin& and the
lac) of access to identity documents and ur&es States to ensure prompt and e/uita1le
provision of all necessary identity documents to such *omen and &irls(

The Security Council ur&es 3em1er States the Secretary+,eneral and relevant 4nited
5ations a&encies to ensure meanin&ful participation of refu&ee and internally displaced
*omen as *ell as adolescent &irls as appropriate in the development implementation
monitorin& and evaluation of policies and pro&rammes for refu&ee and internally
displaced *omen and &irls at all sta&es of the displacement cycle( The Council further
calls for the systematic collection analysis and utili0ation of se6 and a&e+disa&&re&ated
data that is re/uired to assess the speci7c needs and capacities of *omen and to
meanin&fully measure to *hat e6tent recovery pro&rammes are 1ene7tin& *omen men
&irls and 1oys 1y all relevant actors(

The Security Council e6presses *ith deep concern that violent e6tremism *hich can 1e
conducive to terrorism often results in increased displacement and is fre/uently
tar&eted at *omen and &irls leadin& to serious human ri&hts violations and a1uses
committed a&ainst them includin& murder a1duction hosta&e ta)in& )idnappin&
enslavement their sale and forced marria&e human trafc)in& rape se6ual slavery and
other forms of se6ual violence( The Council ur&es all 3em1er States to protect their
population in particular *omen and &irls afected 1y violent e6tremism *hich can 1e
conducive to terrorism *hilst respectin& all their o1li&ations under international la* in
particular international human ri&hts refu&ee and international humanitarian la*( The
Council encoura&es 3em1er States to en&a&e the participation and leadership of *omen
and *omen's or&ani0ations includin& refu&ee and internally displaced *omen in
developin& strate&ies to counter violent e6tremism and further to address includin& 1y
the empo*erment of *omen the conditions conducive to the spread of violent

The Security Council reiterates its intention to convene a :i&h+level ;evie* in 2015 to
assess pro&ress at the &lo1al re&ional and national levels in implementin& resolution
1325 (2000) rene* commitments and address o1stacles and constraints that have
emer&ed in the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000)( The Security Council
encoura&es those 3em1er States re&ional or&ani0ations as appropriate and 4nited
5ations entities *ho have developed frame*or)s and plans to support the
implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) to start revie*in& e6istin& implementation
plans and tar&ets and to accelerate pro&ress and prepare to formulate ne* tar&ets in
time for the 2015 :i&h+level ;evie*(

The Council *elcomes the commissionin& 1y the Secretary+,eneral in preparation for the
:i&h+level ;evie* of a &lo1al study on the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000)
hi&hli&htin& &ood practice e6amples implementation &aps and challen&es as *ell as
emer&in& trends and priorities for action( The Security Council encoura&es 3em1er
States re&ional and su1re&ional or&ani0ations as appropriate and 4nited 5ations entities
to contri1ute to the study( The Security Council invites the Secretary+,eneral *ithin his
ne6t annual report on the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) to su1mit on the
results of the &lo1al study and to ma)e this availa1le to all 3em1er States of the 4nited

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