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Lesson number: 5 Title: Environmental impacts in the playground. Time: 1 hour.

Objectives: for students to become intrigued by and learn about the environmental impacts on the lifecycles of plants and
animals and work collaboratively in groups to collect data by conducting their own research within the playground.
Outcomes and Indicators:
ST2-4WS - Investigates their questions and predictions by analysing collected data, suggesting explanations for their findings, and
communicating and reflecting on the processes undertaken
Develop knowledge, understanding of and skills in applying the processes of working scientifically.
ST2-10LW - Describes that living things have life cycles, can be distinguished from non-living things and grouped, based on their
observable features.
Develop knowledge of the natural environment through understanding about the physical world, Earth and space and
living world.
EN2-1A Communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and
community contexts.
Interacts effectively in groups, adopting a range of roles.
ST2-1VA Shows interest in and enthusiasm for science and technology, responding to their curiosity, questions and perceived
needs, wants and opportunities.
Develop interest and positive, informed values and attitudes towards science and technology.
ACSIS055/ACSIS066 Safely uses appropriate materials, tools and equipment to make and record observations, using digital
technologies as appropriate.
ACSIS060/ACSIS071 Represents and communicates ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams, simple reports,
tables, written and oral facts and explanations.
Key Scientific Knowledge:
Like humans, plants and animals have basic needs that need to be met in order to survive,
grow and thrive. These needs include: air, water and food or nutrients for plants. Plants
and animals rely on their surrounding environment to meet these needs (Charlesworth
and Lind, 2010). The environment can affect the lifecycle of plants and animals in a
positive and negative manner. Some of these environmental impacts are be caused by
human actions (Tilman & Lehman, 2001).
Resources & Equipment:
Paper, pen, cameras, internet,
smart board.
Lesson Overview:
The lesson will begin with the educator drawing two mind maps (one at a time) on the board and initiating a discussion with
students based on their thoughts about how the environment can impact on the life cycle of a plant or animal. The educator will
continue the discussion by directing the students attention to the lifecycles of animals and plants weebly displaying information
regarding how the environment can impact on the life cycle of a plant and animal. Educators will need to take care not to access
the tab teachers resources when using the weebly page with students. The educator will explain to the students that they will
be given a camera to take photos of the environmental impacts evident within the school playground. Students will be divided
into groups (of no more than 4) to do so.
1. Each group will be allocated a section of the playground to observe and investigate.
2. Students will need to bring a piece of paper and pen with them to note what they took photos of and the environmental
impact they observed in each of the images taken.
3. Students are encouraged to take three photos (discussed with group members) of the school environment where they can
see the environmental impacts on plants/ animals.
4. Once students have taken 3 photos of environmental impacts evident within the school playground they will return to class
where the educator will assist with printing the images off for each group.
5. Once images have been printed off, students are to work collaboratively to devise a brief speech to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding of how the environment is affecting the lifecycles of these plants/ animals and their evidence
(photos) of these impacts in the school playground.
The educator will conclude the lesson by asking one group at a time to present their images and the environmental impacts the
discovered in the school playground through their brief speech. These images will be arranged on a wall with a description of the
environmental impact discovered in each image.
The educator will provide suggestions to the students who are
struggling to identify environmental impacts in the playground
such as looking at the plants in the garden/ vegetable garden
and the ants on the ground/ birds in the trees.

Students will be encouraged to extend themselves and take
photos of 6 environmental impacts within the selected area.
Students can also choose to access the computers and internet
to deepen their understanding of the environmental impacts
they discovered within the playground and incorporate it into
their speech.

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