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Product:STAR Date:01-01-2010Desk: LFE-0004-CMYK/31-12-09/16:46:41

!FR0 010110ON L 004Q! BLACKCMYK



For heaven’s sake, keep your cool

Astrological overview of 2010 has Mars creating challenges in the first quarter, flected in its chart. A negativity that
she says existed in Toronto in 2009
Call it the year of magical thinking. followed by important changes. Now, if we can just get through the winter . . . is poised to turn around once we get
Astrologer Jacqueline Bigar ex- past the first three months of 2010.
pects 2010 to be a challenging and ceeds,” Bigar says. says old flames could better under- highlighted around July,” Bigar “This has tremendous creative en-
dynamic year, with those who are Anger management will be impor- stand each other. says. ergy as a city,” she says. “It’s power-
able to dream up creative solutions tant in 2010, she says. Mars, planet “It might be good for working “In July, let go. If something is not ful, it really is.”
— and let go of conventional think- of anger and sex, is retrograde until through an old relationship, but working, don’t keep slamming and Bigar says Toronto will start gear-
ing — the most likely to come out March, which means suppressed don’t start a new one,” she says. slamming and trying to get it to ing up for something big — the Pan
ahead. anger and frustration might sur- After that, we enter a phase of ma- work and pushing it. It’s like put- Am Games, for instance, will be
“The person who says, ‘This isn’t face. She does not recommend em- jor planetary transformations. ting a round peg in a square hole.” held here in five years — which may
working; what’s a better way of do- barking on new projects or rela- “That means a lot of facets in our As for Toronto, Bigar says it’s a help the city become even more dy-
ing it?’ — that’s the person who suc- tionships during this period, but life will be changing, and this will be very interesting area, which is re- namic.

(March 21-April 20) (April 21-May 20) (May 21-June 21)
★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★
You romp into 2010
with your ruling planet
ARIES Events open you up to
change and possibili-
TAURUS Be more open and
aware in dealing with
dancing backward. Im- ties. Often, you might financial partnerships.
pulsiveness is associat- feel a sense of shock as Taking a class in this
ed with the ram but, for you evaluate what is field could be smart.
the first two months of happening. The biggest The unexpected runs
the year, try to curb this mistake you can make riot all year. A boss
spontaneity. Use spe- this year is to hold on to could be quirky and
cial care right now, too, the status quo. The difficult in the spring
especially with a child best part of your year is and you encounter
or loved one. In many that you are letting go very unusual people in
ways, from May of old ideas. You are the summer. An op-
through September, building a new type of portunity flies in from
you will experience stability based on get- left field. Be ready to
more excitement and ting past filtered think- PRIME grasp it quickly, as it
change than imagin- ing. Travel and foreign- MINISTER might not return. Be LYNN
able. For bold, assertive CÉLINE ers could be quite lucky STEPHEN careful with your
Aries, this will be easier for you. Do not get in- words, and do not say
if you just go with the
DION volved with profession-
HARPER something you cannot BORN:
flow. Your motto for the BORN: al or personal acquain- BORN: take back. Your motto MAY 28,
year: Stay in the pre- MARCH tances too quickly. Your APRIL 30, for the year: Learn to
sent. motto for the year: 1959 appreciate life’s 1947
30, 1968 Time is your ally. curveballs.

(June 22-July 22) (July 23-Aug. 22) (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★
Moon children could
feel as if they have a lot
CANCER You roar into 2010 as a
force to behold. The
LEO Finally, times are a little
easier, though your
of people demanding first quarter of the year chequebook could sing
something of them. You produces unusual en- the blues. Change your
are in a process of rene- ergy. You could have a budget to reflect the
gotiating your bound- nasty temper during way your values have
aries, since people this time. You don’t re- changed since you has
seem not to respect ally want to scare peo- emerged from years of
them. Many of you will ple; you simply want to forced responsibility.
hit major confronta- let others know you Relationships are far
tions, power plays and have boundaries. As from boring. If you are
control games. Sum- spring blooms, look attached by summer,
mer 2010 reminds you around — yours will be you could feel as if you
to take nothing for one of the few stable are on the roller-coast-
granted, as anything signs in the zodiac. It is MIKE er ride of your life. If sin- GOVERNOR
can happen. The wild- important for the lion to HOLMES gle, a wariness emerg-
card planet sends sur- TED be on top of finances
BORN: es when dealing with
prises, as it sits on the
READER and communications. others one-on-one. MICHAËLLE
very top of your chart. Your motto for the year: AUG. 3, Confidence emerges, JEAN
Your motto for the year: BORN: Accept an innate ec- 1963 allowing many new op-
Prevent stress from JUNE centricity. tions. Your motto for BORN:
building by incorporat-
25, 1963 the year: Walk away SEPT. 6, 1957
ing exercise into your from what doesn’t
days. work.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23) (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

★★★★ ★★★★ ★ ★★★★ ★
Accept responsibility
graciously. Learn better
LIBRA You are learning a new
style of communica-
SCORPIO You are a force to be-
hold this year, with a
diet and exercise pat- tion. Your movements stronger tie to home
terns and you will re- and expression reveal and family. Whether
lieve stress and have you are more centred. single or attached, you
more energy. Whatev- One of life’s lessons have options. You could
er is tossed on your that whirls through remodel your home,
plate will positively your life will be the paint a room, or move.
challenge you. Look at power of understand- Interactions with fami-
some of your views and ing. Artists may experi- lies and roommates
thinking. Could they be ence unusual creativity. have a new-found
stagnant? A relation- Children could be a depth and sense of
ship or several different handful, reminding you well-being. Summer
people in your life dem- of your wild days. Many will bring one of the ROBERTA
onstrate the possibility of you will have sur- hottest, most romantic BONDAR
that your thinking is rig- prise additions to your periods of your life. En- BORN:
id and staid. If single, family or, if single, one DRAKE joy every moment with
many options could very exciting love rela- BORN: this exciting individual. DEC. 4,
jump into your life. Your tionship or a sequence OCT. Count on nothing being 1945
life will be taking a lot of of several intriguing po- long-term until it really
interesting twists in the tential lovers. Your 24, is. Your motto for the
next year. Your motto RUSSELL PETERS motto for the year: Pre- 1986 year: Live it up — you
for the year: Do not BORN: SEPT. 29, 1970 pare to blaze a new only go around once.
fight the inevitable. trail.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 20) (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) (Feb. 20-March 20)

★★★ ★★★★ ★★★
Goats get better as
they age. You are a sign
CAPRICORN After the year you just
experienced, you might
AQUARIUS Others say you have
become a highly vola-
associated with career, wonder if you have the tile, transformational
work and commitment, energy to meet another figure in their lives but
which is exactly where dynamic period. As this is not your intent.
you need to focus. You 2010 enters, partners, Partners, friends and
are on familiar ground, associates, friends and people in general light-
yet shattering insights loved ones seem to be en up in 2010. Hold on
could affect your view on the warpath. Spring to your wallet during
of your personal world. enters, and you can the summer. Unexpect-
Your willingness to breathe. People return ed lightning bolts hit
strive for professional to normal but there is a your finances. The cali-
excellence could be in change, and it comes bre of your friendships
conflict with how you from you. Finances changes. Your goals will
view your life. With have been an unpre- MARTHA change, and there is a
these changes, doors BRIDGETT dictable roller-coaster HENRY new-found intensity
open that you never ZEHR ride. Plans will easily about living. Keep in JUSTIN
knew existed. Motto of dissolve but are re- BORN: contact with your true BIEBER
the year: Accept that BORN: placed often by adven- FEB. 17, desires. You are enter-
DEC. ture. New people and
there are forces stron-
new ideas become a
1938 ing one of the most ex-
ger than you are. 25, 1984 citing periods of your
given. Your motto for life. Your motto for the 14, 1994
the year: Go with the year: You can only go
flow. forward, not backward.

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