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Teacher Candidate:

Erin Miller______

Date: 2/17/17

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Verano ___

Coop. Initials KV

Group Size:

Grade Level 3


Allotted Time _45

Subject or Topic: Extreme Weather


3.3.3.A4 Connect the various forms of precipitation to the weather in a particular place
and time



Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

a. The third grade students will state how extreme weather affects the earth
and humans by completing the Flooding worksheet.
Instructional Materials



Inquiry worksheet Flooding

Guided notes Extreme Weather
Powerpoint: Extreme Weather
Exit Slip: Extreme Weather (cut in half)
4 cups/container
1. Cactus potting soil
2. Peat soil
3. Potting soil
Large containers (for soil)
Measuring cups (1 cup)
Running water
Large container (for water)

Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of

additional content)
a. Prerequisite skills
b. Key Vocabulary


1. Hail-large pellets of ice more than 5mm in diameter

2. Snow-water vapor in a cloud that is converted directly into ice
3. Blizzard-a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
4. A storm where clouds form and static electricity inside the
clouds causes lightening
5. Whirling columns of air with winds that spin at hundreds of
kilometers per hour
6. Hurricanes-a type of tropical cyclone; a large swirling storm with
high winds and lots of rain
7. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
8. Flood-an overflowing of large amounts of water beyond its
normal confines, especially over what is normally dry land
9. Flash flood-a sudden local flood, typically due to heavy rain
c. Big Idea
1. How does extreme weather affect us?
d. Additional content
1. Absorbance
a. Introduction
i. Play Youtube Video from beginning to 0.56 seconds
2. So far we have learned the three states of water, the transitions
of matter, the water cycle, and the different types of
precipitation. Today we are going to talk about extreme
b. Development
1. Pass out guided notes Extreme Weather
2. Present Powerpoint
i. Slide 5: Allow students time to discuss, then write some
ideas on blackboard/whiteboard
ii. Slide 6: play video from 2:58-3:10
iii. Slide 6: Students discuss in pairs what else hail can damage,
share with class
iv. Slide 10: Students discuss if a hurricane can come on land
v. Slide 12: Play full video
vi. Slide 12: Students discuss in pairs why flooding is more
likely at rivers/lakes
vii. Slide 15: Begin Inquiry
3. Pass out inquiry worksheet Flooding
4. Have students get into groups of 3-4
5. Provide students with three types of soil (cactus, peat, potting)
6. Students feel the soil and predict which will be the least likely to
flood (on inquiry worksheet and as whole group)
7. Have students pour one cup onto the soil and start timer. Stop
the timer when the water has soaked into the soil (up to 60

i. Students fill out first chart on inquiry sheet

8. Student pour second cup into the soil, again waiting up to 60
seconds for it to soak
i. Students fill out second chart on inquiry sheet
9. Student pour third cup into the soil, again waiting up to 60
seconds for it to soak through
i. Students fill out third chart on inquiry sheet
10. Discuss how each type of soil would react in a flash flood and a
long-term flood
11. Collect the inquiry worksheets
c. Closure
1. Powerpoint slide14: play video to 2:04
2. Next time we will be having our unit test, so we will play a
review game, I will answer any questions, and then we will take
the test.
3. Pass out exit slip (half to each child)
4. Students complete exit slip
5. Collect Exit slip and complete exit slip check list
d. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. DC has a hearing disability. He will wear his hearing aids and I
will wear the microphone that will feed directly into his hearing
aids. He will also be given preferential seating, towards the front
of the classroom.
e. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
i. The inquiry worksheet Flooding will be collected
ii. Exit slip Extreme Weather will be collected and a
checklist will be filled out
2. Summative
a. There is no summative assessment.


Reflective Response
a. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection
on student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation
for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

b. Remediation Plan

c. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. How can I improve this lesson?

2. Were the students able to understand how these soils would react
out in nature?

3. Were the students able to understand why learning about each

type of extreme weather is important to them?


Resources (in APA format)

aesnow. (2010, May 16). Oklahoma City Hail Storm May 16, 2010 by Aaron Snow.
Retrieved from Youtube:
JungleJabba. (2012, January 16). Flash Flood in the Jungle (Time Lapse). Retrieved from
MOVIECLIPS. (2011, May 26). Twister (2/5) Movie CLIP - We Got Cows (1996) HD.
Retrieved from Youtube:

Natural Disasters. (2014). Retrieved from BrainPop:
Padilla, M. J. (2007). In Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Teacher's Edition (pp. 95-96).
Prentice Hall College.

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