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Task Description:

Overall Pupil Comment:

Overall Teacher Comment:

Level achieved for this unit:

Baseline Level:

Target Level:

Pupil Comment
Strength: What did you do well?
Improvement: What do you need to develop further?
Dialogue: What is your next step?

Do you
help with
the skill

KS3 Art National Curriculum

Level 3

Level 4

I can explore ideas in my artwork.

I can collect images and other information that is relevant to my project
I can investigate the way different materials and processes feel and look
I can express ideas and meanings through my artwork
I can design artwork for different purposes.
I can make artwork for different purposes.
I can comment on the things that are the same and different between my own and others' artwork
I can adapt and improve my artwork after an evaluation.
I can use lots of different approaches to explore and experiment with ideas
I can use information and resources to help me develop my artwork
I can Investigate and develop a range of practical skills using different materials
I use the qualities of materials and processes purposefully to suit my intentions when designing/making.
I can discuss my own work and that of others
I can compare and comment on the different ideas, methods and approaches used by people who make and
design artworks. I can relate these to the contexts in which the work was made.

Level 5

I can consider how to adapt and refine my design ideas, skills and processes as my work progresses.
I can collect and select specific and relevant information and resources to develop my artwork.
I take some creative risks when exploring, experimenting and responding to ideas
I can develop my technical knowledge and skills about materials and processes
I manipulate the qualities of materials, processes and the formal elements appropriately as work develops
I can consider and discuss the ideas, methods and approaches that are used by others that create and
design art, relating these to both the context and purpose.
I can evaluate my own work and that of others, reflecting on my own view of its purpose and meaning.

Level 6

I can adapt and refine my ideas, processes and intentions as they progress.
I accept creative risks, exploring and experimenting with ideas independently and inventively
I use a range of appropriate resources imaginatively to develop, design and make work.
I apply my technical knowledge and skills to create artworks, using the qualities of materials, processes and
the formal elements effectively.
I can Interpret and explain how ideas and meanings are conveyed by people who make and design art,

Level 7

I recognise the varied characteristics of different historical, social and cultural contexts.
I can evaluate of the purpose and meaning of my own work and that of others, with reasons.
I use critical understanding to develop my own views and practice.
I learn from taking creative risks that help to form and develop my ideas
I regularly create purposeful, imaginative work with some originality.
I demonstrate confident understanding and use of materials, processes and the formal elements, combining
them thoughtfully to realise intentions.
I can analyse and comment on my own and others work, appreciating how codes and conventions are used
to express ideas in different genres, styles and traditions.
I can explain how and why understanding of the work of others affects own ideas, values and practice.

Level 8

I can develop, express and realise ideas in often original ways,.

I am confident in exploiting what I learn from taking creative risks, and my understanding of creative
I can exploit the potential of materials and processes independently, making both intuitive and analytical
judgments to develop and realise my intentions.
I can engage with, and question critically aspects of my own and others work, identifying how beliefs, values
and meanings are expressed and shared.
I can confidently express reasoned judgments about my own work and that of others, demonstrating
analytical, critical and contextual understanding.

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