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Dalam part ni, tak perlulah buat ayat berjela-jela.


BANYAK KESALAHAN TATABAHASA yang bakal kita buat. Nasihat mami, cuba buat ayat yang
moderate yakni, tak terlalu ringkas dan tak terlalu komplex. Dalam kelas mami, mami dah set kan
beberapa ayat2 pegun yang hanya perlu disambungkan mengikut keperluan soalan. Ayat pegun ini,
mengandungi beberapa penanda wacana yang fleksibel untuk hampir semua jenis keadaan soalan.
Pelajar2 mami hanya perlu mengingati & menggunakan ayat2 pegun tersebut setiap kali mereka
menjawab soalan. Bagi pelajar pelajar2 yang kreatif, mereka boleh mengubah pengubah penanda
wacana mengikut keserasian soalan.
Check it out:I would choose / prefer ____________________ because I like_____________ so much. Further
more, ___________________________________. Although it / the book / the place / the building is
_____________, it is ____________. The best part is, I can stand a chance of wining / I'll be able to /
it cost only RM / it comes with a _______________ as a free gift. I hope (follow the question) will
(follow the question).
Jom kita cuba guna ayat2 kat atas tu. Tulisan merah merupakan gabungan ayat pegun dan jawapan.
(b) It is your sister's birthday. You plan to buy her a cake. Which cake would you choose? Give reason
for your choice.
I would choose Chocolate ice-cream cake because I like chocolate so much. Further more, it is filled
with creamy ice-cream all over the cake. Although it costs RM25, it is half kilogram in weight. The
best part is it comes with a chicken pie as a free gift. I hope my sister will like this cake as much as I
(b) You would like to take part in the competition. Based on the information given, which
competition would you choose? Give reason for your choice.
I would choose Painting Competition because I like painting so much. Further more, the competition
is located at Indah Parade which is near to my house. Although I have to pay RM10 for the fee, I will
surely enjoy myself painting my drawing. The best part is I can stand a chance to win a radio. I hope
my parents will allow me to join the competition on this coming school holiday.
(b) You are interested to participate in an activity during the school holidays. Based on the
information given, which activity would you choose. Give reason for your choice.
I would choose Back-To-Nature Camp because I like outdoor avtivities so much. Further more, it is
held at Taman Negara accompanied by experience guides. Although I have to pay RM100 for the fee,
I will surely enjoy myself doing the fun outdoor activities. The best part is I'll be able to experience
kayaking, flying fox as well as mountain climbing. I hope my parents will allow me to participate in
Back-To-Nature Camp during the school holidays.
Takde lah susah sangat kan. Mami berharap idea ini akan dapat membantu anda memahami &
menjawab soalan bahagian (b) Seksyen B dengan lebih kreatif. Remember, penambahan penanda
wacana yang sesuai serta penggunaan adverb (sure => surely, cream => creamy, grace => gracefully)
dapat mencantikkan ayat2 anda dan mendapat markah yang lebih baik.

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