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Running head: A NEWER DAY

Ronnie Armstrong
A Newer Day
Winston-Salem State University


A Newer Day
The future of jobs may not be in favor of humans. Some say robotics and other artificial
intelligence will have the upper hand when it comes to jobs. Thibodeau (2014) stated robots and
drones [will be] replacing a third of all workers by 2025, and whether you want to believe it or
not, is entirely your business (para. 1). What is said above is quite bold considering how he says
jobs will be taken over by artificial intelligence instead of being run by humans. Drones and
robots are beginning now to emerge as the technology that will go beyond the common or
traditional techonology world.
With this purpose in mind, I believe robots and other artificial intelligence such as
drones, are more efficient than human workers. Robots have the ability to do tasks much faster
than humans. They also have the ability to lift a larger amount of weight than humans can. An
average worker can only lift but so much weight for a short amount of time while a robot or
drone can do it repeatedly for a longer amount of time and faster. These machines are known to
peform a wide variety of work, both the physical and intellectual kind (Sondergaard, para. 6,
2014). Machines already had taken over the job of grading multiple choice tests and now they
are grading essays and large bodies of text. It will not be long before they start taking more jobs.

Furthemore, humans should not try to fight

to keep their jobs from robots and drones because it is
going to happen eventually. So humans might as well
should start thinking of new jobs to create in completely

Figure 1. Robot from Lost in Space


new fields. It would only be right considering [n]ew digital businesses require less labor;
machines will make sense of data faster than humans can (Sondergaard, para. 9, 2014).
Artificial intelligence takeover will definitely cause humans to create more jobs or else many
humans will be unemployed and homeless. Humans need to let robots take over. They will do
jobs we have been doing for many years and will do them much better than we can. Robots and
drones will do jobs we cant do at all and jobs we never imagined even needed to be done in the
future. Also they will help us discover new jobs for humans and new tasks that expand who we
are. Lastly, robots will let us focus on becoming more human than we were.

Eventually, robots and drones will be cheaper than

human labor causing them to be a better source for work
overall. It will not be long before businesses begin to realize
that they would be saving money if they were to go for the robot
Figure 2. Robot at the British
Library Science Fiction

movement. Schulz (2013) stated An MIT engineer

developed an industrial robot which doesn't take months to
install and program, but can simply be plugged in and made

ready to assume production-line functions in less than an hour -- and at a price of just $22,000
(para. 3). This statement above shows just how easily a robot can be put into effect and help out.
If one was to compare the price of a robot that would only need to be paid for once to the price to
be paid to an employer over the year, the employers fee would be larger. For some time, robots
were just too expensive but over the years, this concept has changed.


Consequently, robots and drones are a better fit in the workplace than humans ever will
be. They have the ability to do things humans cant do and do them at a faster pace. While this
may be true, it still doesnt take away the fact that many humans will be out of a job once robots
and drones take over. This theory could be the only flaw in having artificial intelligence take
over the jobs. But this is why humans should start now in thinking of new jobs to create for the
future once it happens because at the end of the day, artificial intelligence wins. So humans, let
the robots take the jobs and let them help us build up new work that matters.


Thibodeau, P. (2014). One in three jobs will be taken by software or robots by 2025. Gartners
crystal ball foresees an emerging super class of technologies. Retrieved from
Schulz, T. (2013). Man vs. Machine: Are Any Jobs Safe from Innovation? Cheaper Robots,
Fewer Humans. Retrieved from

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