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GIVING BASIC INFORMATION Complete the table. Present sing ‘The aims of this unit are to: en] + introduce key terms from the ol industry youre [youare——| «+ give an introduction to social English ~ the English you will use to Reis ‘communicate with colleagues, she’ ts By the end of this unit, you will be able to: wee or «introduce yourself and ask questions about pérsonal information i they are «ask the trainer for clarification and repetition ; ‘+ describe objects, equipment and jobs in the oil industry 1 Write three more sentences about [lan or his family. [[fesson 1: Talking aboutyourself, 2 © Listen. What is Hlan saying? Put the sentences in the right order (-H)- nnn ennnnnEnEEnnEnnna 1 My so, Adam, i 18 and my daughter, Sophie, is 10. 3 ! 2 They aren’ with me in Azerbajon oOo 3 Let me tell you about my family oO 4 ’m maried with two children o a 5 I'ma technical taine 6 Hi, My name's Alan. {al eee Oo i Talk about yourself Use these prompts. 8 My wie’ name is Aa. o [(2siyears oid] [maridsingle] [a technical trainee | [trom (aka) | | : Th Wit out the entoce in ere Hin he comet dr. Make one paragraph. ite hee sentences about ou, fl : 2 emus TNE MOUSE Lt Ta pe HOR HE BENE OLATHE ek Lace Taig be vt [[iesson 2: Introducing people = There are five met: Hello, Bod stakes in the dialogue, Find and correct them. Hi, Ahmed. How are you? fr Thanks. And you? 1m very well, thanks. You do know Yusef? No, | don't 1b, this is Yusef. Yuse, here is Bob, Yuse Please to mest you Bob: Pleased to meet you, too. Do you work with Abr Yusef: No, he my brother-in-law. BF © Listen and check your answers. Then practise reading the dialogue in soups of three, Choose three possible responses fr each of the questions below. No, Iknow B06 fom university No, I work on the ‘tam vory wel, thank you. (De you work here too? Match the greetings and questions with the correct responses. Decide if each one uses formal or informal language. 1 How’ it going? . ‘+ How do you do? 2 Lt me introduce my colleague, Vail. © + No, | was here last year. 3 How do you do? . + Good to mest you. 4 Sony Im late. | was held up. . +» They'e all well, thanks '5 How are your family? : + Fine, thanks. 6 Hoven't we met before? . + ve been on holiday 7 Is this your fist vist to Azerbaijan? © + That’ oay. 8 What have you been upto recently? + + 1 don't think so Gi Work with a partner. Write your own dialogues using similar questions and responses. [[tesson 3: Asking questions BD Complete the tables. resent single IY Write questions fr the responses below. Subject [Be fm a ie po (yr T } po mn you hahele esta 4} |__| __ : vwehiey | 4s ter, 5 2 Yes, we have two. 4 Subjest ean ms t 7 2 vein azrbtin aa he 8s rma trainee operator. Tne BF © Listen and cheok your answers. Choose the correct options to complete the paragraph, they (Our My names are Yusef and Ahmed. I'm 26 and Ahmed is /are 34. We is /are — from Algeria | am /issingle. Ahmed am /is married to my / her sister, They has / have thee children, and your their second son is called Yuset, too. We live / ives In Algiers and we both wark / works on an oil rig. Ahmed am /is a diver, so he work / works under water. 'm a derrick monkey atthe top of the rig - I don’t doesn’t ike ‘going inthe water!

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