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Separates anterior and posterior

Supplied by spinal root of
accessory nerve (which crosses
the posterior triangle to supply
Hyoid bone
Body + greater and lesser horns
Support for floor of mouth and
Found in pretracheal fascia
Lobes covering 2nd-4th tracheal
rings are connected by an isthmus
Sternothyroid prevents an enlarged thyroid from ascending upwards and
hence it can extend into the superior mediasteinum
Produces thyroxin which maintains BMR
Produces calcitonin which lowers serum calcium
Supplied by: superior thyroid (branch of external carotid) and inferior
thyroid (branch of thyrocervical trunk from subclavian) arteries
Drained: superior, middle (to internal jugular) and inferior (to left
brachiocephalic) thyroid veins
4 parathyroid glands at the back (2 upper + 2 lower (position can vary)).
o Secrete parathormone which raises serum Ca by mobilising it from
the skeleton
o Supplied: branches rising from anastomotic channels between
superior and inferior thyroid arteries
Thymus gland
Undergoes fibrofatty degeneration and atrophies after puberty
Sympathetic chain (T1-L2)
Preganglionic leave via anterior rami and constitute the white rami
communicantes sympathetic chain
Chain extends into the neck where 3 ganglia are formed
1. Inferior cervical ganglion
2. Middle cervical ganglion
3. Superior cervical ganglion
Cardiac plexus = Vagal + sympathetic nerves (sympathetic innervation)
o Slows heart rate and decrease cardiac output
o Brochoconstriction on lungs
o GI tract relaxes sphincters and stimulates general peristalsis
o Pupillary dilation
o Raises eyelid invountarily

Phrenic nerves: supply motor and sensory fibres to diaphragm and sensory
fibres to pericardium, mediastinal pleura and subdiaphragmatic peritoneum
L enters thorac above aortic arch and anterior to apex of the lung.
Descends on fibrous pericardium overlying L ventricle
R runs behind brachocephalic vein and onto the right side of the SVC and
right atrium
Vagus nerves:
L descends in carotid sheath lateral to common carotid artery. At aortic
arch it is crossed anteriorly by phrenic nerve

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