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LANE OW Daath wane us DISCUSSION Kenwere 8, Laws," Assoc. M. ASCE,—As the drain well promises to Ihecome a very useful tool in foundation engineering, the author's development of the theory of consolidation with drain wells is particularly timely. ‘The process of consolidation involver the expulsion of water from the soll voids, thus permitting the grains to attain closer contact under the influence of applied loads. In a homogeneous material the time required for consolidation varies 1s the equare of the distance the water must travel. Insertion of sand-illed drain wells in a foundation shortens the water escape path and thus greatly accelerates the rate of consolidation. With water escaping radially to the wells, in addition to escaping in the normal vertical direction, the time of con- solidation can be reduced to a fraction of that for vertical low only (tee Fig. 8) —governed mainly hy the cheice of well spacing, ‘This benefit from drain wells is fur greater in a horizontally stratified material (ax the author has noted) where the horizontal or radial permeability is generally much larger than that in a vertical direstion. Bonefte of Drain Welle—There are three major benefits from using drain ‘wells in 4 weak compressible foundation: (1) Acceleration in the rate of settle. sent (2) asceleration i the rate of gain of sbear strength; and (8) reduction in the lateral transmission of excess pressure. 1. Acoaleration in Rate of Stiement.—The percentage of ultimate settlement st a given time is the name as the percentage of consolidation. 2. Acceleration in Rate of Gain of Shear Strength.—Let o; be the total unit streas on an element of toil; vg be the inital stress; Aor be the nerement of stress added to 64; ¢ be the intergranular pressure; and e, be the final intergranular presrure. In the notation of the paper 7 ie the hydrostatic pressure and wis the pore water pressurein excess of hydrostatic pressure. The total stress on an clement of soil consists of infergranular pressure plus water pressure. With the sddition of a new lod to a soil wich has reached full consolidation under ite cs, tia rorlts i cece (808) (692) orto tbe tae. (onan ove bet ute. 1 EBM cece cere (B00) Under a. common hypothesis for the shear strength of clays, only the inter granuler pressure, is effective in creating shear strength from internal friction, ‘The process of consolidation involves the transfer of added atress, Ac, initially carried in the pore water as excess pressure, u, to intergrumular stress with re- sulting gain in shear strength. Eqs. 89 and 80¢ represent the beginning and fend of consolidation, the hydrostatic portion of the pore-water pressure, £ Ym remaining unchanged. Chi Bain aod Gly rch, Garivon Due, Carpe of Engrs, Diamarc, Ns Dak 9 m4 ANE ON DRAIN WaILS As the author bas indionted, the factors governing the shear strength of clayn are not well understood, ‘The ether common approach it based om ex- pirical discoveries thet shear strength varies inversely with water content. ‘Under either approach shear strength increases ns consolidation progresses by decreating both pore pressure and water content. 8, Reduction in Lalera Transmission of Bxceas Pressure, ue in the More Pervious Layers of Stratified Soil—Boneath the conter of an embankment the added stress, zy, and the resulting excess pressure, tu, reach their maximum values, If the horizontal permeability is much greater than the vertieal per- meability, as in the varved clay pictured in Fig. 9, a portion of the center line excess pressure, u,, will be transmitted laterally to the sone beneath the em- benkment toe. For such eonditions at the toe, Eqs. 89 become: amen thot ere eee (809) met cam bat Hie) + ue +2 re. . (908) i ne ty hae. in which J(u.) is the part of u, transmitted to beneath the toe. The effective ‘intergramular pressure is reduced below its initial value to = Flu) <9) ‘The shear strength is correspondingly reduced, and dangerously #0, since an embankment induces high shear stresses in the zone banaath its toe, ‘By intercepting such laterally transmitted excess pressure, drain wells serve: to minimise reduction in shear strength beneath an embankment toe. Al- though the danger from this lateral trantmission of axcese preasure becomes {greater as the ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability increases, fortunately the same condition operates to improve the efficacy of the drain welle in attracting radial drainage. Uaage of Drain Welland piles have been used to strengthen soft founda- tious for many years in the Low Countries of Eufope and such send colu undoubtedly accelerated consolidation when loade were added; although it is questionable if constructors of the sand piles contemplated this added benefit or relied on it. To the writer's knowledge the first intended application as true drain wella occurred on the “SVIR 3” power dam constructed from 1980 to 1935 in Russia.!# Hore 12-in. sand.flled wells were installed 40 ft deep in a bed of interstradified clay and sand of Devonian age and appear to have served several purposes. Although they were initially installed for water control uring excavation, they seem to have been used later for seepage contral as relief wells for reducing seepage pressure in the more pervious buried strats, They alto eorved to accelerate settlement of this eoncrate dam, at well at rate of gain of shear strength and corresponding resistance against eliding. In American practice it appears that O. J. Porter, M. ASCE, and his associ- that time in the California Highway Department were the fire to design, 2 Sepa soma Gogtin oh a Fonda BVI Ue tia ree Baca (raf Froese fntrnttiseal Calernee cal Mecha ‘Wary, Geman Naar Ya Ml po. 304 08 (008) 350 LANE ON DRAIN WELLS 745; ‘and install sand-flled drain wells for the expressed purpose of accelerating contolidation—an experimental installation n 1034 followed by several highway embankments over marshes, peats, and harbor gilts.‘ Early work was charac. torized by relatively large wells, up to about 20 in. in diamoter. Subsoquentiy, drain wella have been ured considerably on the west coast of the United States on saveral important war construction and other projests. Recent large in- stallations are on the Terminal Island Freeway near Los Angeles, Cal,” and on the Bayshore Yreeway near San Francisco, Calif," employing drain wells from 18 in. to 29 in. in diameter and from 20 it £0.60 ft deop. Tho objective of these installations hus boen largely for accelerating settlement tnd, to a lesser degree, for increasing shear strength to reduce tos displacements, ‘For similar purposes, the Connecticut Highway Department bas employed drain wells of 12 in, in diometer and 25 ft in depth’ on 15-ft centers in erossing ss marsh near Old Lyme, Conn!" An exteasive installation is contemplated on very wide or “dual-dual” highway near Elizabeth, IN. J., using well 18 in. dismeter on 10-t conters up to 24 ft deep across a march." Itis particularly interesting that alternate bids on this New Jersey project showod a saving of rore than 80% in favor of drain wella over excavation of the marsh deperit. ‘An application almost solely for accelerating settlement is the experimental installation at LaGuardis Fiald, New York, N. ¥.2—174in. wells about 80 ft oep in silt with epacing varied from 8 ft to 14 tt ‘Drain wells for the major purpeee of inereasing rate of gain in shear strength wore employed during the construction of cellular cofferdam walls for sub- merged shipways.! Here 12-in, wells were plased inside the eofferdam cells to stifien the filling of elay-like material formed from dredged-in marl. As an interesting innovation to speed further the consolidation of the cell fil, the central wells were pumped. For the prime purpose of reducing lnteral transmission of excess pressure, the firt installation to the writer's knowledge was employed on the reconstruc tion of «slide on Riverfront Dike in Hartford, Conn” As. matter of interest, this partioular slide is one of the fow that was analyzed and predicted in ad. vance, A highway of dredged fll was being added landward soon after sub- stantial completion of the dike, and the highway engineers decided to take the risk in the face of warnings on the probability of a slide, whlch occurred sub- stantially as predicted. In designing the earthwork phases of the reconstruc ton for the Providence (BR. 1) District of the Corps of Engineers, the weiter snd the author concentrated three lines of drain wells just inside the too of the rebuilt embankment to innare against los of shear strength at this eritical zone. Some ninety drain wells were constructed, in February and March, 1942, through 40 ft of sand and 40 ft of soft, varved clay (see Fig. 6). Wells were nl Band Dra Bods ed Sra hog 10,» a ERP oe re oe Cmte ae a” Heme spd dey ly Drv Pit fr Lent,” Bighay Ramah Ase, cbwer seers leo rial Sasd Drala Ute Now Some Supe” aneag NasnEaok ed Drain fr Tauri Pld dy drut 28 1047, m7 “Fouodaen Fale Chums Slump in ig Dike ot Hartlord Gat” a July 31, 141, 1, 351 746 Lugee Om DRAIN weEs spaced in a trlangular pattern on 20-¢ centers and, to facilitate construction by hired labor equipment, were 0 in, in diameter, A G-in, temporary easing was used through the eand, advancing the hole with a chum drill, To minimize sraear, the clay was excavated by wator jots of «special clay auger designed by ¥.E. Fahlquist, M. ASCE. Construction cost was about 81.00 per ft of wel ‘A group of closed-system piosometers was in place, with which it was hoped to measure the effet of these drain walls. However, the effect of daily tem perature variations from dazkness to daylight made the closed-system piezome- ters very unsatisfactory and, by removing the Bourdon gages, they were con- verted to the open-eystem type {open pipe with filter at the tip). Alter thia change the piesometers also failed to give dependable readings because of the ‘effect of dampening on ehanging pressures, from the flaw into an open-syatem ‘pierometer from a highly impervious soll, Accordingly, no dependable mea- surements were obtained on the performance of these drain wells except that, from general observations, it appeared satisfuctory. One question that arose in the design of these Riverfront Dike drain wells concerned a possible tendaney of the-well to 8 sand pile or bard point in the foundation, attracting load and somewhat relieving stresses in the aur- rounding compressible deposit. Although this tendeney would be less for wells of small diameter than for larger wells with « smaller slenderness ratio, it was ecided to place two cushion layers of cinders on tho Riverfront Dike wells, with the thought that this material would be mare compressible than the aand bockll, and substantially as pervious. However, the cinders obtainable proved to be a poor Siter against intrusion ofthe elt strata in the surrounding vvarved clay and were difficult to install, tending to sink through water slowly and to mix with the sand. Accordingly, use of the cinder cushion layers was sbandoned and most of the wells were backfilled entirely with asnd, poured in from the surfsee. If 6 drain well should act as o stiff point in attracting load in spite of the loose stats ofits sand baskfl, the effect on arehing of load would spperently bbe the opposite of the author's solution for equal vertical strain, ‘The effet on consolidation rste would probably not be large, judging from the small differ. ‘ence in rates for free strain and for equal vertcll strain shown in Fig, 8. Of ‘more concern is the action of the sand column ia deforming under # load com centration as the turrounding, and probably more eampressble, soil settles, ‘This deformetion may be accomplished either by « bulging of the well column af gand with small increase in density, of by a loeal shearing with pousibly & tive displacement of the sand columa. Bulging is not objectionable and is belisved to be the more probable action in soft founcation soils where most drain wells bavo been installed to date, except on the SVIR 3 dami* For example, to accommodate about 4 ft of settlement, an 18-in. drain well 80 ft long would have to fnerease uniformly in-diametar only about 04 in., and con: siderably less than this by sllowing for the densification of the sand back {rom ita initially loose stata. A definite sheuring of the well column eould be very undesirable because if continuity of the drainage path were broken, the break might even nullify the effect on the consclidation contributed by the as2 SCBENE ON DRADE WELLS v7 region of the wall below the blocked zone. Such shearing of the sand eolumn would seem more likely to occur in brittle, but stil quite compressible, clays: and, pending further Knowledge, is probably best handled by conservatism in selecting well spacing and size, In what i believed to be the first applicstion of drain wells to the design ‘of an earth dam, from 1943 to 1948, the writer and the author designed a system ‘of about 240 drain wells to be placed in a triangular pattern on 60-Ft canters ‘over substantially the entize valley bottom of Claremont Dam, near Claremont, NH, Although the design of this dam waa essentially completed in 1945 by the Providenes Distriet, Corps of Engineer, its construction has been deferred ponding further negotiation with local interests, ‘The dam ia intended to be about 120 ft high over a foundation of approximately 15 ft of eand and gravel lying over from 40 ft to 80 ft of soft, varved silt (alt, cloy, and fine sand inter- stratified, as shown in Fig. 9, with alt predominant). The weak alt is under~ Lain by impervious glacial tll which is Ikely to create a caso of single drainage ‘where excens pore water can escape oaly in an upward direction, Drain wells 18 in. in diameter, extended to the bottom of the silt with methods to minimise smear, wore included in the design because ft slopes to reduce shear stresses and an extended construction period of graclual load application were not in ‘themselves considered muficent for stability with this very weak silt foundation. ‘The wells are intended both to reduce lateral transmission of excess pressure and to accelerate rate of gain of ehear strength. Conclusions—For the design of a drain well installation, the author's eolu= tions are excellent examples of the ease where « mathematical solution is invalu- able in indiesting the relative importance of the different variables—ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability, well epacing, well resistance, peripheral ‘amear, and well size, Tn general, these ean be evaluated from the curves which ‘the author has laboriously computed and presentéd in this paper and in his carlior paper.’ If the author has other similar curves evailablo, itis felt they would be a worthwhile inelusion in the closing discussion, particularly where they. aid in showing the efoct of single varisbler and comparing the relative importance of the different variables. ‘The author hes properly indicated that certain solations were developed by L, Renduliot in 1934 and by N. CarilloM* in 1940 For the record, it is ‘worthy of mention that the author also developed substantially the same solu- tions independently from 1940 to 1942 before lesrning of the solutions of Messrs. Rendulic and Carillo, Pumar Kaawn," Assoc. M. ASCE.—A valuable contribution to the subject of drainage wells for hastening consolidation of fine-grained soils, a subject which in receiving increased attention in the fied of soll meshasice, bas been made by the author. After a study of the paper, the graphs become useful tools in analyzing actual problems end in designing installations, as mentioned by the author. Mr. Barron is also to be congratulated for his solutions showing the effects of smear and well resistance which were not presented before. When wells are installed without casing or-mandrel, the smear sone is probs ‘Dale of Clay Sata by Fier Wala by Bc Terug Cit Bopanna Onin 1088 p<. “pete Hipheay Hage Gala and Founda), Bits Mighwey Dept Harton, Come 353 78 ELEMAN ox DRA WaILs less than din. thie and can be ignored for wells Inger than 6 in. in diameter. For other cates, the author's solution indicates that the emesr aoxe materially ‘fects the time factor and rate of settlement. ‘During 1947 the writer designed and supervised the installation of about 400 sand drainage wells on a highway project in Old Lyme, Conn.* A fill from 16, ft to 20 ft high was placed for a four-lane divided highway on a foundation of approximately 80 ft of soft organic clayey alt, Tinal settlements will average about Se ft; 85 ft (or 65%) consolidation oeeurved during the six weeks nec- casary to place the All, Assuming the average date of load application to be three weeks altar commencement of placing the fll, 4.0 ft (or 75%) eonsalida- ‘tion occurred five and one-half weeks after this average loading date. This is about 0% of the time estimated for 75% consolidation if no wells had been installed. Calculations made with the aid of Fig. 3 indicate that the actual time-settlement curve for that project will roughly approximate a theoretical time-ssitlement curve, if itis ansumed that horizontal permeability is ten times 4s great as vertical permeability, Well resistance was not included in these calculations, slthough it was actually present in approximately the same valus used in Fig. 10. Warren Kyetnacax,® Esa—The consolidation of « fine-grained soil sub- jected to a load can be accelerated by vertical drains inserted in the soil. Tn the United States such drains consist of circular sxnd-filled wells, having nore mally about a 20-in. diameter and a spacing of from 10 ft to18 ft. In Swoden, band shaped cardboard wicks of fin, by d-in. croas section (Fig. 11) are used. ‘These are furnished with inner longitudinal channels and spaced about 4 ft apart, It may perhaps interest readers to learn how the problems, 6o clearly dealt with in this paper, are looked upon in Sweden, Swedish investigations concerning “deep drainage” of soils were started in 1996. Owing to arching of ground and overburdes in all practical eases, the ‘momentary strains were deemed to be nearly equal everywhere in the ground. ‘Therefore, all Swedish calculations refer to this very ample cane of equal strain. In the United States, on the contrary, all calculations ofthis kind prior to Mr. Barron's paper seem to refer to the very complicated cate of free strain. Fig. 8 shows that both cases give nearly the same rerult. Consequently, there is ne ranean for anyone to bssome further involved with frog strain. When determining the spacing of the drains in the United States, grost re- liance is placed on the horizontal draining effectuated by coaree-grained layers, sod Was peed Marah Crna” by Plip Kewna, Baer Rods, Si, BeBe Gri Tonio (Ton Hep! Sei ov Irate Marverag 354 KJELIMAN ON DUAIN WELLS 79 In Sweden such layers exist in the lower part of the glacial elay deposits, but ‘hey are of litte use since the spacing must be determined with regard to the upper part of the deposits (the upper part of the glacial elay and, on top of it, tthe postglacial elay), which as a rule contains no coarse-grained layers. Pure ‘thermore, the fine-grained aoils in Sweden scem on the whole to be considerably less pervious than those in America. For these reasons, and because the equiv- ‘Ment radius of the wicks used in Sweden is much sméller than the radius of ‘the American wells, the spacing is considerably smaller in Sweden. ‘By laboratory tests it has been found that the permenbility of « clay without coarse-grained layers is not appreciably reduced by remolding. ‘The unfavor able effect of peripheral smear, discussed by the author, must therefore refer to course-grained Inyers only. No relianee is placed on such Inyers in Sweden, 60 that peripheral smear need not be considered. In Bweden the spncing of the drains is rather small, Thus, the vertical water Bow is unimportant when compared to the radial flow and is disregarded. This approximation, which simplifies the calculation and leads to safe results, {s justified by the uncertainty of the caleulation. In principle the triangular drain pattern is the most coomomical one, as stated by Mr, Barron. However, certain considerations have shown that in ‘this respect the difference between the triangular and square patterns is quite unimportant. ‘Therefore, in order to attain certain amall advantages when driving the wicks, no fixed pattern is used, other than to make the epscing of ‘the wicks in each rom equal to the distance between rows. ‘The longitudinal channelsin the cardboard wick easily can be made numer~ ous enough and wide enough to let through (without appreciable resistance) ‘any water flow that the one drain may be called on to esrry. Furthermore, the permeability of the eardboard is very great when compared to that of the fine- rained soils in question, ‘Therefore, there is no need to complicate the oal- culations by taking into account the flow resistance in the drain. Because the cardboard serves 48 8 perfect Slter, there is, of course, no risk of the channels ‘becoming clogged as may occur in sand-filled wells. Laboratory testa have shown that the channels do not collapse even under a very high clay pressure an the wick. This is probably due to arching in the tlay, causing the pressure to be much lower on the covers of the channels than between them. ‘The question has been raised as to whether a well (ike n pile) attracts a great part of the load, and whether it can be damaged when the sol settles. A cardboard wick eannot, of course, affect the load distribution. Tests have shown that it may erease, if the vertical compression is great, but that itis not damaged. Tn Swedish practice (as follows from the foregoing statements), the time- settlement curve of a deep-drainod soil is calculated in the simplest possible ‘manner—assuming equal strain, no coarse-grained layers, radial low only, mo peripheral smear, and no drain resistance, The calculation, made in 1997 but never published, is contained in prineiple in Mr. Barron's paper. result of the caleulation the following procedure is used for determining the spacing of the druing (square pattern): 385 750 KJRLEMAN ON DRAIN WELLS (0) Fiaving assumed a time, 4 in months, in which a sertain percentage of ‘the final settlement is to oveur, Fig. 12 is used to find the value of o, ‘which ipa quantity of ealeulation with no physical meaning, (© Knowing the value ofp, and also the coeficient of consolidation of the soll, c« Gin square centimeters per second), the value of r, which isa ‘quantity of ealeulation with no physical meaning, is computed from maga. ee (62) (6) Knowing the value of m, Fig. 18 is used to find a convenient combination of draip radius r, and spacing &. : ] . sig om i Ys ra it —Duseeue pon Formos Vaens or ‘This procedure may be used in eases not too divergent from Swedish conditions. Obviously, the draining effect of a drain depends to a great extent upon the circumference ofits crass section, but very litile upon its eroasaectional ares. ‘Therefore, the circular cross section has been abandoned in Sweden in favor of the bend shaped drain. Certain considerations show that the cardboard wicle i as effective as circular drain with .1-in, radius, (The ciroumference of the latter is slightly greater than that of the former.) Thus, the curve in Fig. 15 for a 1-in, radius can be used for the wicks. ‘The curve for a 10-in. radiun in valid for the aand wells with a 10-n. radius frequently used in the United States. Comparing these two curves, it appears that wells with 10-ft spacing are equiv- lent to wicks spaced 6.2 ft apart. Thus, in this case, one well is equivalent to 2.8 wicks. ‘The wick has several advantages over the well. First, very little material is consumed in its manufacture, and, second, as both its weight and ite volume per unit of length are small and as it oan be rolled on # drum, itia easy to handle This means that production can be concentrated in a factory, wheneo the wicks can be transported inexpensively to the diferent sites and driven into the ground by s machine working ot high speed in about the same manner as a sowing machine 356 BARRON GH buat wiLas 751 Stecgt Ong 5 Fat . oF To 107 At the Halmsj¢n Airjort outside Stockholm (Swedes) some 3,000,000 ft of cardboard wicks are to be driven in 1947-1949. The cost is between 10¢ per ft and 15¢ per ft. Further information about the wick method will appear in the Proceedings of the Second Interuational Conference on Soil Meshanics to bo held in Rottordam, Holland, in 1948, Reontany A. Bannon, Assoc. M. ASCE—The benefits of drain wells have bbeen brought out by Mr. Lane's discussion. Although, probably, they are not quantitatively correst, Eqs. 89, $0, and 91 are of great use qualitetively. ‘The writer believes that Mr. Lane is correct in his statement that column action by the well backéll would redistribute the soll stresses and would result in a slower rate of consolidation. However, Fig. 8 indicates that the difference in comsolidation rates is very minor and of no practical importance. In fact, such column action may be much loss than the possible compreaiive eBect of ‘the horizontal seepage gradient, This possibility was not considered by the vwriter but its effect would be to compress the soi radilly in & horizontal plane adjacent to the well where the seepage LEE T] mndients ore high. Because of this radial compreasion, the soll farther out | vill probably cause vertical settlement 4s it deforma radially in extension. ‘Mr. Keene has discussed the use of ‘consolidation drain wells on highway project, The use of drain walls to sc- Asa Boo youn don eclerate the consolidation of foundations for highway fills is valuable, expecially Shay renner considering the effect of foundation eon- solidation on the finished quality of the pavement. On the other hand, such measures are not always necessary for earth dams, and it may be more economical to obtain stability by using fatter embankment slopes. Bepeimene Sidon Vetoes Hin 387 782 BARRON ON DRAIN WELLE Mr. Kjellman diseustes « very interesting development of the consolidation drain well method. It is possible that, should wick material and installation machines become available in the United States, sund wells may be outmod Mr. Kjellman states that “"* * * great reliance is placed on the horizontal ruining eflectusted by course-grained layers” and * * the fine-grained soils in Sweden seem on the whole to be considerably less pervious than those in America.” The writer is not in a position to state exactly what degree of ‘reliance is placed on horizontal drainage in the United States. Furthermore, ‘considering the variable geological history of this eountry, it is very possible that some of the lay depose in the United States are quite similar io those of 17 To . ‘Tass Paoron or 00% Camecmmarean Dum zo fam ie aes {Fie 1h —Conre von mun Deremuarion 0” ‘Bieeonse Hema Sweden. Tho writer considered the effect of horizontal permeability in the theoretical developments because such conditions existed at sites for which the studies were made. For other cases this diference in permeability may not be so marked. Mir, Lane requests additionsl curves indicating the effect of variables. Fig. 14 shows the vavintion of F(n) aa defined in Eq. 10 vergus m which is used in the following development for instantaneously applied londs using Eq. 21 in whieh @, is obtained from Eq. 8. For 90% average consolidation the average hydrostatic excess pressure is 10%. ‘Thus: Bae GO = Ole ceeccreserees (63) Expressions for the tims factors are hOtee aes - =) 358 BARRON OM DRAIN WELL 708 a+at at Ty EE a ceseese reer er ee (OS) , therefore, Hh , Tae cece eee = ooh Hoh on pat SAF cece Consequently, crime 23026 (+ Tone) = Becca OB) “ (1+ toew 2) Ber TD, ~ ERORG Eat, Flay ~ PCP w n+ see eoe 08) A curve of F(x) versus Tis given in Fig. 15, 100 2 aay F cor E o.00s cs} 9055 Tod7s bo 36 25 15 10 See 35 a vou Eau bat ane ene dein Fst vorote teas Presse pe ea a a a ea ia. 1imErmacr o7 Wats Graco won Pam Tie, 7.—Avmane Pacerraas or Hranorrime staan faro.on Tia Istana ich Pans in Gomuinergn ar Exe Pon O05, Comauins7ion ‘or Uniroma Rune oF Leanna Panton ‘Using the curve in Fig. 15, the curves in Dig. 16 for various permeability ratios were determined for the conditions dy = 1 ft and H = 80 ft, with no ‘smear or well resistance. The influence of permeability ratio ta/ky and well spacing is evident. 359 754 \DARRON ON DRAIN WELLS Point A in Fig. 16 was determined for the case of no smear but with well resistance for the condition that &./k, = 2,000,000 and k,/k, = 100. Well resistance thus requires about 40% more time to reach 90% consolidation; far ‘small ratios of ky/k, the effect would be less. Son curso ig fr aol ee ee Inet the sso yy dy i on vag Prenags fsa solidation and average hydrostatic excess pore water pressure at the end of uniform rate of load application, 360

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