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Chapter 7

T owels. She‟d landed on towels. Nia sighed. “Why am I always in the gym!?” She spent

more time there than anywhere else. She looked around and only then noticed that the voices
had ceased. Silence in her head. Oh, and her own thoughts of course. She sighed in relief. She
had no idea what had happened, but she did know that she didn‟t like it. She stood and dusted
herself off, recognising the locker room and making her way to the door.

The gym was empty but the setup was all wrong. Usually, when it wasn‟t used for a lesson,
machines occupied the great space. Treadmills, rowing machines, different weight machines,
bikes and ones that looked like torture devices, if you got onto them the wrong way they
were. But all the machines had been pushed up against the wall, and in the middle there was a
great space, part of it occupied by gym mats and a…….pommel horse?

She approached the horse slowly, looking around for whoever had been using it. No one. Nia
bit her lower lip as she walked around it. She‟d only ever seen one on TV. Placing both of her
hands on the bit between the handles, she pressed down and hopped up so her legs straddled
either side. Then she leaned all her weight on her hands and lifted her rear off the horse,
holding her legs straight.

“See, I could win the Olympics.” She laughed and got off. A sound coming from the door on
the right of the gym had her dashing behind a weight machine that looked like a Rack. What
she saw floored her and left her mouth hanging open.

Raphael emerged from his office, his hands white with some powdery substance, and crossed
to the pommel horse. At a click of his fingers Switchfoot‟s „This is Your Life‟ started playing
and he flipped himself onto the horse.

I have to stop going into places unannounced, she thought, I always get a shock.
Like the time she walked into her brother Kai‟s room and saw him making out with Roman,
one of their mother‟s friend‟s sons, an Angelic. That had led to an embarrassing conversation,
but now she liked being the only one who knew. Roman hadn‟t made it to school. He hadn‟t
been strong enough.

When she looked up again, Raphael‟s large hands were gripping the handles and she watched
as he lifted his body off the horse. His wings were tight to his back, the emerald in them
glistening as he moved. Nia felt her mouth drop open as he proceeded to gracefully spin his
body around the horse, touching it with only his hands. His legs were encased in tight, well,
tights. Or maybe not tights but very skin-tight pant things. No top. If the spectacular
gymnastics display didn‟t impress her, his body did.

The body of an Archangel is generally much more impressive than an Angels, and Raphael
was no exception. His shoulders were broad, his skin smooth and golden. Even for a warrior,
his arms were stunningly defined, clear cut triceps and biceps. His body was ripped and
packed with muscle, but he didn‟t look like those scary body builder types, more like Taylor
Kitsch, only taller and broader. He was a god.
Nia hunkered lower behind the machine and just stared. She‟d never be able to get her body
to do that. He was at Olympic level, she was sure. Her face heated as she watched his
muscles twist and strain and she knew it was time to go. She wasn‟t in the school so she
could get a crush on her teacher. She was in the school so she could train and become the best
of the best and protect the world from the Fallen.
Shifting to the form of the clouded leopard she slunk behind the machines and made her way
to the door of the gym, into the hall and then ran as fast as she could towards the dorm house.

Three hours later and it was nearing midnight. She‟d tried desperately to do her homework
but she kept on doodling green eyes and raven wings. Nia sat on the edge of her bed
impatiently tapping her foot and hoping Elena would ring and tell her about the date. She was
wired, jittery and her head was aching. No more of the dead had popped in to yell at her, and
that helped but for some reason she felt the need to run. Bad thing about that though, the
school was on lockdown since the fire and nobody was allowed out.

Her black sports bra peeked out in all its Lycra glory from her underwear drawer and she
tugged on it until it was fully exposed. Shucking her shirt, she pulled the tight material over
her head and then stood in front of the mirror. The bra was more a crop top than an actual bra.
It stopped under her breasts and showed off her toned stomach and rounded hips. She only
wished she were more tanned. Pale skin is not sexy, even if it is smooth. Deciding that no one
would see her at this time of night, Nia grabbed up the shorts she‟d worn in Combat and
exchanged her jeans for them. Her sneakers were then rammed onto her feet and she stepped
cautiously out of her room and, when it was clear, went downstairs and out the door, heading
towards the gym again. No way would anybody be there and she could work out in peace.
Maybe the treadmill and some weights to tone her arms and make them stronger. The
punching bag if she felt the need to kill something. Feeling a lot happier now her mind was
made up, Nia practically skipped into the gym. The few students she had passed had been
breaking curfew anyway, so they gave her no hassle and looked away the minute they saw
her. Glares are fantastic things and work wonders.

But she‟d been wrong. About the nobody being in the gym thing.
Raphael lay spread eagle on the gym mats, sweating and panting a little from whatever
exercise he‟d been doing. His magnificent wings were flared out and his arms rested on the
soft under feathers. Her sneakers squeaked as they skidded on the tiled floor and his head
jerked up. Nia exhaled sharply. Some of his hair had come loose from its braid and curled
next to his cheek and neck, wispy and adorable. He looked so young.

“Hey,” his deep voice was a little hoarse but her body shivered anyway.

“Hi.” I carried a watermelon, she thought sourly.

“You hate the gym,” he frowned perplexed, “What are you doing here?”

“They‟ve locked up the school. I can‟t go into the woods and run like I usually would. So,
next best thing: Treadmill.”

He smiled over at her, a half smile, crooked, that lit up his face. Then in one smooth
movement he stood and padded on bare feet over to one of the treadmills still pushed against
the wall. He gripped the handle and manoeuvred it so it was in front of the pommel horse.
She watched warily, but he just gestured to it and stepped back towards his mat.


She walked forward on suddenly unsteady legs and started up the conveyor belt. Well, it
looked like a conveyor belt anyway. Raphael was back to straddling the horse, swinging his
legs, much like she‟d done, his hands supporting all his weight. He was watching her with
frown. Not an angry frown, more like a puzzled one. As though she were a Rubik‟s Cube he
was having trouble figuring out. She hopped on and set her legs to running. They creaked in
protest but soon got into the flow and she congratulated herself on not falling flat on her face.
She was showing off, she knew it, but he needed to know she had more talents than just
getting into trouble. She was a good runner too. But not in a wimpy, coward sort of way. An
„I run quickly towards danger‟ way. He moved his legs so they ran parallel to the horse and
then twisted his body so that he was doing a handstand.

“So…” He began tentatively, “Why‟d you burn the Maths room?”

She stumbled, missed a beat and tripped, sliding painfully back with the treadmill belt until
she landed in a heap at the bottom.


“You ok?” He was suddenly beside her, helping her up. She pushed his reaching hands away,

“Don‟t do that! You don‟t startle someone when they‟re on the treadmill! Arrgh! Ow.” She
moved her body, testing for pain, then got back on and set the thing to walk. He moved back
and took up his original position.

“You going to tell me?” He poked the question at her again.

“I didn‟t do it. I don‟t know who did either, so don‟t ask me.”


“Nia. Nightmare is what Elena calls me when she‟s mad at me. Plus Nia‟s easier to say

“Ok. I know it was you, Nia. The others didn‟t pick up on it because they haven‟t fought with
you, but there is a flavour, no, a scent, to your magic. White chocolate and caramel. That
scent was all over the Math room. So don‟t lie to me.”

“Why haven‟t you told Michael yet? Since you‟re so convinced.”

“Because I don‟t want whoever you were covering for to get into trouble. I‟m guessing it is

“Well, aren‟t you just a regular know-it-all? Please, don‟t get her in trouble. She just wanted
to be normal, and have a normal date, act like a normal girl. Don‟t ruin that for her.”
“I won‟t, but I think Gabriel already knows she‟s gone. I can‟t cover that up. I won‟t tell
anyone anything, even if they already find out, because you were helping your friend and I
think you could have done much worse. I know you‟re a good person, Nia. You just have this
evil mask that drops into place when you‟re with people you don‟t trust.”

“This coming from the guy who nobody knows about. Who are your parents? Where are they
from? What were they, warrior, healer? Only your sister knows anything. So don‟t talk to me
about masks. You wear one everyday, in class, with Michael and Gabriel, the other Angels.
The only time I think I‟ve seen you completely relaxed was when you were doing your
gymnastics.” She clapped a hand over her mouth, legs still walking as he looked up.

“It was you! I thought I smelled you.”

“I don‟t smell!”

“You smell to me. That came out wrong.” He shook his head. “You‟re strong, Nia. You have
good principles, you stand up for those who can‟t stand up for themselves and you are
fiercely loyal to those you love. Nia, you are amazingly powerful for an Angelic. You have
so much potential. Don‟t ruin your chance to be great by being an asshole.”

She smiled slightly. “You said asshole. Bad teacher.” He smiled back at her and shook his

“How can you joke when I‟m being serious?”

“No. I hear you, Raphael, I do. But my mask is in place for a purpose, and I‟m not giving that
up. Just like you won‟t give yours up. We all need something to hide behind.”

Nia wiped her hand across her forehead and looked down, away from the sympathetic look in
his eyes. She didn‟t know how they‟d managed to get into such an intimate conversation, but
they had, and now she felt awkward. Somehow the tone of their relationship had changed. He
wasn‟t her teacher in that moment, he was a friend. It unnerved her how comfortable she was
with him. Time to bail.

“I‟m gonna go. I should be sleeping, really. I get cranky if I don‟t. But it‟s been fun.” Then,
like a coward, she hopped off the machine and ran out the door.

Raphael twisted and landed on his feet. She was a strange girl. Funny how he felt comfortable
with her though. No one ever realised he was wearing a mask.
She was familiar, and he didn‟t know why. When he‟d met her years ago, she‟d been a
terrible teenager, she still was, but she was so much more mature. And not a whiny brat.
A deep unease ran through him as he realised that he liked her.
Chapter 8
E lena crept through the dorm house door, Dagan close behind her. The little red eyes of

the digital clock blinked 4:00 and she groaned inwardly. She was exhausted. They‟d finished
eating and then gone to the fair that was in town for the week. All those spinning rides had
made her stomach queasy, but she had had the best time of her life and didn‟t regret one
second. They didn‟t turn the lights on when they entered, so it was a big surprise when the
lights suddenly blinded them, like a spotlight and they were pinned by the fierce glare of a
very pissed off Archangel.

“Elena! Do you have any idea how worried I was? I came to talk to you, and you weren‟t
there, neither was you‟re boyfriend. I couldn‟t even find Nightmare. No one knew where you
were. There are fallen everywhere. What were you thinking?!”

Her voice rose in volume and pitch until it was so high only dogs could hear it, which
explained why Nia came down, bleary eyed and dressed in sweats and a sports bra. When she
saw Gabriel she paled and turned to go back upstairs.

“You! Wait!” Nia stopped for a second, but then carried on walking into the kitchen instead.
Gabriel rounded on Elena and Dagan again.

“Where were you?”

“ Charlestown.” Elena‟s voice was weak and quiet.

“What were you doing?” Steel laced her Spanish trill this time.

“We went on a date.”


“Bella Luna.”

“At least you were fairly safe then. Baby, why didn‟t you tell me?” The anger seemed to have
gone and was replaced only with a mothers fear. And a little bit of pain that her daughter
didn‟t tell her she was going on her first date.

“I knew you wouldn‟t let me go. You never let me go out, unless it is with Nia. For some
strange reason, you trust Nia. I love Dagan, and tonight was perfect, no regrets.” She said that
with a stronger voice but curled into Dagan‟s side. He stood there looking a little afraid. It
was the typical boyfriend response when caught sneaking in at an ungodly hour with
someone‟s daughter. Say nothing. Gabriel looked between the two of them and saw that her
little girl wasn‟t so little anymore. She didn‟t want to punish them, not really. She‟d just been
so terrified that one of the Fallen would get her and hurt her, or make her Fall.

“Go to bed, both of you. Separately. I suppose you were due a typical teenage rebellion.” She
smiled and stroked a hand down Elena‟s face tenderly. She nudged them towards the stairs.
“NIA!!” The girl in question padded back into the room, stifling a yawn. Her hand held a
glass of ice tea, which she downed before she spoke.

“I was here the whole time. Well, I wasn‟t here, I was in the gym.”

“You helped them get out.” Gabriel wasn‟t sparking mad, but a little annoyed.

“She‟s my best friend and this was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. Of course I did. I
wasn‟t about to let her pass the opportunity by.”

“You set a classroom on fire. I appreciate the thought but what you did was wrong. You, have
to be punished. It is technically a criminal offence.” Nia sighed and ran a hand over her face.

“I have to clean the gym again?”

“Nope. That punishment‟s too lenient.” Nia frowned, warily curious.

“I have to talk to your parents and Michael about what to do with you. I love you, sweetie, I
do, but when you do something like that, there‟s no helping you. You went too far.” She
smiled softly and then walked out the front door.

Nia stared at the place where her normally really cool best friend‟s mother had stood,
shocked that her parents were being told. She was going to die a really painful death when
they got here. Pouring herself another glass of seemingly sympathetic ice tea – the ice cubes
made a sympathetic face at her when she added them – she pouted and slumped back to bed.


Unfortunately Math wasn‟t cancelled, despite the fact that the room was still black with soot
and smelled really bad of smoke. Students choked as they entered, coughing and spluttering,
stepping gingerly over badly burnt spots on the lino floor. The desks had been replaced with
spare ones from the storage cupboard and a portable whiteboard stood at the front.

Nia ambled in with Kai and Fenrir on her tail, surveyed the damage and giggled. Her flames
had had fun. Danced their way over chairs and desks, painted the walls black with soot and
melted the floor until it was like toffee. Only less tasty.

“Nice work.” Fenrir nudged her until she smiled.

“Yeah, it is amazing. Beautiful actually, the different colours and textures…” Kai fought
back a grin and tried to stay serious, but he ended up laughing uproariously and the other
students edged away, nervous.

“Stop it. Let‟s get a seat before the comfy chairs are taken. I don‟t want one with wood
sticking into me.” Finally they ended up at the back, two desks saved for when Elena and
Dagan deigned to appear. Which wasn‟t long after themselves. Uriel, the Angel teacher,
stepped into the room and people scrambled to find desks. The canary blond Angel watched
them stoically from behind thick glasses, his eyes bug-under-a-microscope big and then
seated himself. Nia could almost hear the fashion police scream as he rearranged his Tweed
jacket so it sat properly on his shoulders. He started to teach as the last students crept in, his
monotonous voice ringing in the tired ears of all who heard him. Nia stared out the window
and watched the snow fall. It had been getting steadily colder the last few months and that
morning the snow had begun and continued. There was a thin carpet of white powder on
everything. Oh well, it was November. She rested her chin on her hand and sighed. It was

“Hey.” Nia turned expecting to see one of her brothers. But they were both resting their heads
on their arms, snoring lightly. It was the woman again, incorporeal as ever.

“Hey, come to bore yourself to death? „Cause I‟m about ready to join you.” The woman
laughed, a tinkle of sound.

“No. He is rather boring isn‟t he? No, I‟m here to warn you. Something‟s coming, and it is
bad. Really bad. I don‟t know what it is.”

“If you mean those freaky groups of dead people, already met them, but all they gave me was
a headache and a bruised cheek.” She rubbed said cheek. “What‟s your name?”

“Angela. And those guys are nothing. They‟re just wandering like me. Waiting for you.
They‟ve been dead a lot longer than me though, which is why they‟re grouchy. You have to
be ready.”

“Ready for what? And why are they waiting for me?” Some of her classmates were looking at
her funny, and she realised, to them, she was having a strange conversation with herself.
Angela was staring at Uriel when she answered.

“Can‟t say. Just please be careful. You‟re our only hope.” Then she disappeared again.

“I hate it when she does that!” She exclaimed aloud. The entire class, except her brothers who
were still snoring, turned to stare at her.

“What!? You don‟t think that triangle hates that she‟s similar to that one?” Plausible cover, if
a little strange. They turned back to the lesson, and Nia went back to watching the snow fall.
Bloody ghosts!


Bundled up in winter jackets, students swarmed across the school grounds, searching for
cover from the blizzard that was now raging. Nia bent her head against it and Dagan used his
body to shield Elena from most of it, but when they reached the History classroom, their
noses were still glowing and their cheeks were bright red. Nia rubbed her gloved hands over
her cheeks and shivered. Elena smiled over at her and she grimaced as her hand rubbed over a
raw patch of skin. They made their way to the desks and settled in, the heat from the radiators
delicious to their frozen bodies. The Angel teacher arrived late, snow piled on his head,
evilly, he shook his head and showered the students in the front row with icy water. They
shrieked and flailed and he just laughed, setting his laptop up so the class work was displayed
on the interactive whiteboard. Hitler. It is a known fact that Hitler was a Fallen Archangel,
who had the amazing ability to hide his wings. It wasn‟t until years later that humans found
out what he actually was. A master strategist, he‟d been taught in a German school – Hades
High wasn‟t around then – and had shown amazing potential. So amazing that he became an
Archangel ten years after he left. Usually, Archangels formed about 100 years after they left
school. Yes, he was insane, but other Fallen looked back on what he‟d achieved and seek to
perfect his mission, or carry it on. Or mainly just steal his ideas. He‟d built himself up in
human minds, made himself politically invincible and then destroyed hundreds of thousands
of humans. He‟d wanted Angel supremacy. It nearly worked.

“Our very own headmaster, Michael with the help of Raphael, managed to take down this
monster forever. We have heroes in our school, and some of you may very well be the next
heroes. Can anyone name some of the most famous Fallen in history?”

“Jack the Ripper.”

“Ted Bundy.”

“Countess Bathory.”

“Alexander the Great.”

“No, Nightmare, Alexander wasn‟t a Fallen Angel.”

“Yeah, he was. My great grandfather killed him. Alexander the Great conquered and killed
mercilessly, apparently for Greece, but really he relished in the blood, the pain and the fear
his name inspired. There is no difference between him and Hitler. People nowadays see him
as this great leader. He destroyed countless civilisations in his lifetime, for what cause?”

The teacher coughed, looked pretty uncomfortable and then carried on with his lecture about
Fallen Angels in History. Nia sat back smugly and her brothers grinned at her from across the
room. It was good to be her.
Chapter 9
T he small break between classes was a welcome relief. Nia sat on a bench beneath a

Weeping Willow, Kai and Fenrir on one side, Elena and Dagan on the other. It was the only
bench that wasn‟t covered in snow and the hanging branches of the Willow kept the snow
from them. It was surprisingly warm under the tree and they lounged, relaxed, legs stretched
out in front of them, talking about classes. Who was dating who, that sort of thing.

Nia groaned as she caught sight of Seraphina walking towards them.

“Wanna bet she‟s coming over here to ask Rei out?” Fenrir blushed and cocked an eyebrow

“Well, looky here,” weirdest opening sentence ever goes to the girl flicking her blue hair over
her shoulder. “Don‟t you guys look cosy?”

“What do you want Seraphina?”

“Well, I‟m hot, and Fenrir is super hot, so I was thinking we could be hot together?” She
moved over to him and put her hand on his shoulder, stroking. He flinched a little and moved

“I don‟t think so, Phina.”


“Look, psycho, he said no. He‟s said no every time you‟ve asked him. Back off.”

“Well, at least I actually like guys. Unlike you, never get a date, poor little fat lesbian.”

Everyone sat, eyes wide, waiting for Nia‟s reaction. It came as predicted. She stood in one
movement and slammed her fist into Seraphina‟s face, which broke with a crack. The blue
haired girl reeled backwards and did an ass plant in the snow. Blood spurted from her nose,
down her chin, soaking her shirt.

“There‟s nothing wrong with being gay. I‟m not, but there‟s nothing wrong with it. I‟m not
fat; I have hips and boobs, unlike you. And I don‟t date because none of the poor guys here
are man enough to take me. Now get the hell away from me.”

Phina stalked off, hand clutching her nose and tears streaming down her face from the pain.

“Nia, you OK?”

“I‟m fine, don‟t worry, I‟ve had worse.” She inhaled slowly and then released it, trying to
calm her need for blood. She checked her hand, no bruises, it throbbed a little though.

“We have to go to class. It is gonna start soon.”

“I‟m gonna go see Michael, give him my version before the bitch twists it into something it
isn‟t. I‟ll see you all later.” She pulled her hood over her head and stepped out from under the
shelter of the Willow, into the snow.


Serving detention for the second time, Nightmare went to lock up as the clock chimed twelve.
She‟d stayed later than ever, missing curfew simply because she really didn‟t feel like
sleeping, and quite enjoying using her power to clean the gym. As she went to move the last
batch of clean towels into the huge storage closet, she happened to pass the boys locker room
and was shocked to hear singing coming from inside. Bemused and slightly scared, Nia eased
the door open, wincing as it creaked. The singing stopped and she froze, holding her breath
and hoping whoever it was would continue. Luckily, they did, and she crept in, smiling,
padding softly towards the doors to the showers. She cracked them open and stuck her ear
through the gap. She was sooo not ready to see some fat guy naked.

“Some boys take a beautiful girl, and hide her away from the rest of the world.” Nia
recognised the song but couldn‟t place it until the guy carried on with,

“I wanna be the one to walk in the sun. Oh, girls, they wanna have fu-un. Oh, girls, just
wanna have that's all they really want.....Some fun....”

Nia almost fell through the door as the deep voice sang badly, a song that only teenage girls
should sing. But more than that, she recognised that deep voice as none other than her
handsome, angry, funny, scary, tough combat instructor and warrior Archangel….Raphael.
Laughter bubbled up but she choked it back before it could escape and expose her.

The water was still running and the singing continued as Raphael really got into the chorus,
doing the high pitch parts with amazing talent. Nia backed away, hands clasped over her
mouth to stop the laughter bursting out, her body shaking as she struggled to hold it in. Once
she thought she was far enough away, she exploded; deep belly laughs ripping their way
happily from her throat and mixing melodically with the sounds of the night. Wolves crept
from the forest to investigate, but found only their strange pack member, clutching her
stomach, giggling and rolling in the snow.

When she was finally able to stand, Nia made her way into her house, shaking the snow from
her hair and taking off her wet clothes as she climbed the stairs. She kept her ears open for
sounds of awake people and stepped into the shower at the end of the hall. The water
scorched her frozen skin, but she just moved in closer, lathering up and watching the suds roll
off her.

“I wonder if he sings anything else,” she laughed to herself, and then started humming, doing
a little jig beneath the showerhead. “I‟m never going to forget that.”


For some people the weekend is great news, and usually for Nia it was. But that weekend
heralded the arrival of her parents and she would have to stand in front of them and the three
Heads and let them judge and punish her. She dressed in a long velvet black dress, figure
hugging, with long sleeves and an embroidered spiral pattern over her breasts. It was the
smartest thing she owned, and since she felt like she was on trial, she thought it appropriate.
Nia left her room at ten and made her way to Michael‟s office, in the main building. Her
stomach tied itself in knots.

She raised her hand to knock, once.

“Come in.” He did not sound happy.

She opened the door and entered, lowering her head. She didn‟t want to appear haughty or
proud. It could damage her case.
The looks on her parent‟s faces were part disappointment, part anger, part embarrassment.
She hated it.

“Sit down, Nightmare.” She walked to the empty chair between her parents, looking round
the room as she did so. No escape routes except the door. Which Raphael was now stood in
front of. Gabriel stood behind Michael and his desk, watching.

“You know why you‟re here?”

“Not really.” Might as well put a little of her normal attitude into it.

He sighed. “You burned a classroom, broke Seraphina‟s nose, badly damaged Dominic‟s face
and never take any notice of curfew.”

“So what are you going to do? Are you kicking me out?” A little panic there, her voice

“Not yet. This is a warning. You are banned from excursions for two months, no shopping,
no going to the cinema, no free time to be spent outside this school.”

“Does that mean I‟m excluded from the Debutante Ball?” She smiled hopefully.

“No, you will be allowed out once to shop for your dress, shoes, etc. You have to go to that.
Let that be part of your punishment.” He grinned and she couldn‟t help but smile ruefully
back. She shook her head.

“That is not enough punishment. She is our daughter and she has been extremely destructive.
She should be locked in her room, away from everyone, since she can‟t be trusted not to
attack someone.”

“Rawson, calm down. Both times she struck someone it was in defence. I have witnesses for
both that say that she was attacked first. With Dominic, it was a physical hit. Seraphina
staged a cruel emotional attack and Nightmare retaliated. It was wrong, yes, but justified, so
the punishment won‟t be that harsh. The Math room burning is the one I don‟t approve of.”

“Maybe if she helps rebuild it, she will appreciate the amount of destruction she caused.”
This from Raphael. Nightmare rounded on him with wide eyes.

“I can do that. Just don‟t lock me up. I couldn‟t stand that.”

“And I think that is why we should do it. Maybe that would teach you.” Her father was

“I agree, she should be caged in some way. It would definitely teach her a lesson.” Great now
her mother was chipping in.

Nia looked to Raphael for help. Michael may just give in to her parents wishes. He liked her,
but her parents had a lot of influence, even if he was an Archangel.

Raphael, she thought at him, please, please don’t let them cage me.

What can I do?

Anything. I’ll go crazy if I can’t run, you know that.

I can’t do anything to help you. I’m sorry.

She growled out loud. Her eyebrow quirked wickedly and she ran her tongue over her
canines. Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world….


I wanna be the one to walk in the sun, ‘cause girls they wanna have fu-un, oh girls just
wanna have…..

Michael cocked his head, listening to the strange exchange by way of Raphael‟s mind. Nia‟s
parents were still discussing the best way to hurt her, but he was listening in amusement as
the young warrior blackmailed his friend.

That’s all they really wa-aa-aa-aant, some fu-uu-uu-un, when the working day is done, oh
girls they wanna have fu-un. Do something Raphael, or everyone knows about your little

How…? I don’t want to know. He shook his head, trying to hide a smile. She really was the
craziest person ever, to blackmail a teacher. Michael was desperately trying to hold in his
laughter, but his shoulders were shaking. Her parents didn‟t notice.

“What if she helps repair the Math room, has to attend the ball, doesn‟t get any free time for
two months and in her spare time has to help me teach some of the struggling warriors how to
fight? She can help me in support classes. That sounds fair.” Raphael finally spoke up for her.
She grinned in triumph. He held the gaze of her stubborn parents and they finally relented,
nodding their assent. Michael smiled openly.

“Glad that‟s sorted, then. You won‟t be locked up. Does that punishment seem fair,
Nightmare?” She nodded. “Good. The ball is in a month. Christmas Eve. Rawson, Fiorana,
you can stay here if you like until then.”
“No, I have business to attend to at home. We will be here for the ball. Maybe you can
behave until then, Nightmare?” he patted her head as he stood and she ducked away from
him, moving to stand near Raphael.

“Yeah, whatever. Bye.” Her mother kissed her cheek and then followed her father out of the
Nia slumped against the shut door.

“They‟re evil.”

“Yeah, they are pretty intense. They really wanted you to be locked up in a cage didn‟t they?”
Michael frowned at the door.

“My father did, Mom just follows whatever he says. Thanks for not letting them do that. I
appreciate it.”

Michael smiled. “I know. You‟re not a bad kid, Nightmare, I know that for sure. Locking you
up would drive you even more insane. I wouldn‟t do that to you. Now go back to your dorm.
You can go shopping tomorrow, for your ball stuff, but then that‟s it. Gabriel is taking Elena
anyway, and she said she didn‟t mind taking you, as long as you behaved and didn‟t cause
any trouble. Which you won‟t. Right?”

“I‟ll be good as gold. Do I really have to go to this thing? I hate balls.” He nodded and she

“Fine. I‟ll see you tomorrow.” She spoke in the direction of Gabriel, who had her back turned
and was looking at the snow. The blonde Angel waved absently.

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