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Introduction (Page 1 of 18) COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF B AND T LYMPHOCYTES Sate UCM Mia e ice com encecan adaptive immunity, the body’s third line of defense. These lymphocytes. are like soldiers defending a medieval castle. Like archers, ieee eu at ee MmR Ch ccautantomere antibodies, not arrows. Some T cells are like Pacer erect ten tam nn eat ere ht Creme mee LCT meet elena T cells act like officers and help direct the battle. B and T lymphocytes have different ereane atta cma ter ESTE CeO MUON eLU See Wc ODED features are the focus of this topic. Goals (Page 2 of 18) GOALS © Outline the shared features of B and T lymphocytes. © Describe the structure, function and sources of diversity of B and T cell antigen receptors © Understand how immune reactions to self-antigens can be avoided. © Explain why lymphocyte recirculation is necessary for effective host defense. + Distinguish between effector cells and memory cells. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW * Key characteristics of adaptive defense mechanisms {IE} © The nature of antigens and antigentic determinants, (isle) © What cell membrane receptors are and how they work © The microscopic anatomy and function of the thymus [ile) * The function of primary and secondary lymphoid (BR) organs. To see definitions of terms, click the bold red words Click Next to go to the next page Adaptive Immunity (Page 7 of 11) The adaptive defenses differ from innate defenses in four key ways. Adaptive defenses Are specifie—directed against an identified enemy, Involve B and T lymphocytes Have memory. 4. Are systemic—ean act anywhere in the body. Antigens (Page 8 of 11) The Thymus (Page 20 of 22) Biri The thymus is the sile for differentiation of lymphocytes into mature T cells. Thymic homones and other factors influence the development of immature T cells Clicis the thymus to begin Primary and Secondary Lymphoid Organs (Page 6 of 22) Lymphocytes are a key component of adaptive immunity, ‘While all leukocytes originate from bone marrow, B cells mature in the bone marrow, and T cells mature in the thyraus Together, the bone marrow and thymus are the primary lymphoid organs. Biri Click a primary lymphoid organ to continue. Overview (Page 3 of 18) Shared features of B and T lymphocyte function include: * Specificity of receptors * Diversity of receptors * Regulation of activation. Activation of either B or T cells leads to the formation of a clonal army of defenders, a process called clonal expansion. Click either of the B or T cell soldiers to see clonal expansion. Overview (Page 3 of 18) Shared features of B and T lymphocyte function include: * Specificity of receptors * Diversity of receptors * Regulation of activation. Activation of either B or T cells leads to the formation of a clonal army of defenders, a process called clonal expansion. Memory Click any B or T cell soldier to see memory. Antigens: Self-Antigens (Page 4 of 18) There is a vast number of antigens outside the body, each with multiple antigenic determinants. There are also normally-occurring internal antigens, called self-antigens. Lymphocytes must recognize antigens from pathogens while ignoring self-antigens Self-antigens are the shapes that lymphocytes expect to find in the body. Lymphocytes must not mount a defense against these shapes because doing so would lead to autoimmune disease. ’ hg @ Antigens: Self-Antigens (Page 4 of 18) There is a vast number of antigens outside the body, each with multiple antigenic determinants. There are also normally-occurring internal antigens, called self-antigens. Lymphocytes must recognize antigens from pathogens while ignoring self-antigens Self-antigens are the shapes that lymphocytes expect to find in the body. Lymphocytes must not mount a defense against these shapes because doing so would lead to autoimmune disease 2 The ability to distinguish pathogen from self depends on the specificity of lymphocyte antigen receptors and comes about through a process called education, which we will discuss later in this topic. Antigen Receptors: Specificity (Page 5 of 18) Immune system function depends on its ability to recognize antigenic determinants. In adaptive immunity, this recognition occurs when the target shapes bind to membrane-bound receptors The surfaces of mature B and T cells are studded with lymphocyte antigen receptors that allow these celle to identify their particular antigenic shape The antigenic specificity of B and T lymphocytes is determined by the shape of their antigen receptors Click this B cell to see its lymphocyte antigen receptors, Antigen Receptors: Specificity (Page 5 of 18) There are two important features of these two B a 7—— Lymphocyte antigen 1. All of the antigen receptors on a given cell receptor are identical Click the other B cell =. a Ty Yr Antigen Receptors: Specificity (Page 5 of 18) There are two important features of these two B cells: ®, Lymphocyte antigen 1. All of the antigen receptors on a given cell | 0) teceptor are identical 4 4 2, While the antigen receptors on the two cells have the same general shape, the antigen specificity, as determined by the a shape of the ends of the arms of the Y-shaped receptor molecules, is different. \ Each B or T tymphocyte: Expresses 10,000 - 100,000 antigen receptors of identical specificity. * Binds optimally to only one antigenic determinant. While the antigen receptors of B and T cells have a related structure and sitnilar function, there are important differences in their shapes and the way in which they interact with antigens Click Next to go to the next page Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) The B cell antigen receptor is an immunoglobulin, or antibody, molecule. This antibody molecule is identical to secreted antibodies except that it has an additional segment that extends through the plasma membrane, anchoring the antibody 10 the cell. The structure of antibody molecules > ij is discussed in Topic 5 Click the B cell to enlarge the B cell receptors 1. os i ‘sy Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) The B cell antigen receptor is an immunoglobulin, or antibody, molecule, This antibody molecule is identical ta secreted antibodies excegt that it has an additional segment that extends through the plasma membrane, anchoring the antibody to the cell. The structure of antibody molecules is discussed in Topic 5 When antigens occupy the antigen binding sites on the B cell receptors, the B cell receptors signal the cell that antigen has been found and recognized. Click the bacterium to see it bind the receptor Y Antigen B cell antigen receptor Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) Like B cells, different T cells display T cell receptors specific for different antigens Click the bacterium ta see T cells and their lymphocyte antigen receptors Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) Unlike the B cell receptor, the T cell receptor is 20! the * A membrane-bound antibody oe . = V-shaped e, Lymphocyte Click a T cell receptor. } antigen receptor > T cell A H > A f Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) 2B cell immunity, or humoral immunity, is directed against antigens free in the extracellular fluid *T cell immunity, or cellular immunity, is directed against the body’s own cells when they are invaded of have become cancerous Click the virus-infected cell, Selfentigen MHC Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) T cells identify target cells by the clues on the surfaces of the target cells. These clues are antigen fragments cradled inside special cell membrane proteins called the major histocorpatihility complex (MEIC) proteins. The T cell receptor binds to the combination of MHC and antigen fragment. Click the T cell to see it identify antigen onan infected body cell Selfentigen MHC Antigen Receptors: Shared Properties (Page 6 of 18) -T cells identify target cells by the chues on the surfaces of the target cells, These clues are antigen fragments cradled inside special cell membrane proteins called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. The T sell receptor binds to the combination of MHC and antigen fragment. Click Next to go to the next page Antigen Receptors: Clonal Selection (Page 7 of 18) To respond to any antigen, the body must have a Y 4 Lymphocyte antigen lymphocyte with receptors that are specific for that j y feeeetor antigen. However, there are millions of different A potential antigen shapes that the immune system “= may have to recognize ae . . Click the B cell to learn how the immune ?= : =~ system solves this problem. j Antigen Receptors: Clonal Selection (Page 7 of 18) Our immune system makes a wide os variety of receptors in advance, ' [ hefare the antigens for those 3 X receptors ever enter the body. When - antigen binds and activates one of these receptors, the cell divides i *, \_ > repeatedly, making a clone with | re identical receptors. This mechanism x * Re for matching receptors and antigens is called clonal selection. It is the =f antigen that selects the lymphocyte ae by binding the correct receptor shape, therehy causing more copies <0) | of it to be made. -~! if . 4 Y je Drag the antigen to a B cell receptor ta select it and & dail” generate a clone. ¢ %%& ni # py & Antigen Receptors: Clonal Selection (Page 7 of 18) Our immune system makes a wide variety of receptors in advance, before the antigens for those receptors ever enter the body. When antigen binds and activates one of these receptors, the cell divides repeatedly, making a clone with identical receptors. This mechanism for matching receptors and antigens is called clonal selection. It is the antigen that selects the lymphocyte by binding the correct receptor shape, thereby causing more copies of it to be made. Clicks Mext to go to the next page, Antigen Receptors: Diversity (Page 8 of 18) The clonal selection theory requires that the body take a large number of lymphocytes—each with unique antigen receptors—in hopes that one will match whatever antigen might come along Just how many different cells is that? Click the lymphocyte to get an idea of the number of cells Antigen Receptors: Diversity (Page 8 of 18) The clonal selection theory requires that the body make a large number of lymphocytes—each with unique antigen receptars—in hopes that one will match whatever antigen might come along + Think about all the different antigens, each with a unique shape, ¢ that your body might ewer encounter. This number is potentially huge. Your body makes about 100 million different types of lymphocyte antigen receptor, each just waiting to be selected, Click Next to go to the next page Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) The immune system must generate about 100 million different kinds of lymphocyte antigen receptors. These receptors are proteins whose structure is, encaded by genes. Vet there are only about 25,000 different genes in your body, only a fraction of which code for immune system proteins How do our bodies generate so many different receptors from so few genes? Click the antigen receptor to find out. Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) The immune system uses only a few genes, but it mixes and matches bits of DNA from within those genes to form the final code for the protein, much like the colored blocks of a genetic "Lego set." Receptors have © Constant regions that have the same functions for all receptors, including anchoring the receptor in the membrane and signaling the cell when the receptor is bound Click a constant region to continue. Lymphocyte antigen receptor Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) The immune system uses only a few genes, but it mixes and matches bits of DNA from within those genes to form the final code for the protein, much like the colored blocks of a genetic "Lego set." Receptors have © Constant regions that have the same functions for all receptors, including anchoring the receptor in the membrane and signaling the cell when the receptor is bound Variable regions that bind antigens and are encoded by small chunks of DNA that have been randomly assorted Lymphocyte antigen receptor Click a wariable region to label it. Constant region. Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) In this animation we use different colors to represent different shapes. For antigen receptors, these randomly chosen different shapes determine the receptor’s specificity for antigen Both B and T cell receptors are built using a similar process, but we will use the T cell receptor as an example. Let's build some T cell receptors by randomly selecting DNA fragments. Click the T cell Lymphocyte antigen receptor Variable region r Constant region. Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) Antigen Receptors: Generation of Diversity (Page 9 of 18) Education: Immunocompetence, Self-Tolerance (Page 10 of 18) Both B and T lymphocytes otiginate in the bone marrow. ‘While immature B cells remain to mature in the bone marrow, itamature T cells migrate to the thymus and mature there. Because lymphocytes originate and mature in the hone marrow and thymus, these organs are called the primary lymphoid organs Click the bone marrow to allow immature T cells ta migrate to the thymus Education: Immunocompetence, Self-Tolerance (Page 10 of 18) To become successful, mature lymphocytes, B or T cells must accomplish two things 1. Each must successfully generate a viable lymphocyte antigen receptor by randomly shuffling its DNA segenents 2. Each must survive the education process, a daunting series of practical exams which veil result in as many as 19 out of 20 cells self-destructing by apoptosis. Click the bone marrow or thymus to allow mature lymphocytes to enter the circulation. Education: Immunocompetence, Self-Tolerance (Page 10 of 18} To become successful, mature lymphocytes, B or T cells must accomplish two things 1. Each must successfully generate a viable lymphocyte antigen receptor by randomly shuffling its DNA segments 2. Each must survive the education process, a daunting series of practical exams which vwaill result in as many as 19 out of 20 cells self-destructing by apoptosis. Each mature lymphocyte is immunocompetent, in that it has a viable lymphocyte antigen receptor, and is self-tolerant. Click Next to go to the next page Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) Click the immature T cell to learn about its education in the thymus, Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) ‘While we will focus here on T cell education, B cell education is thought to bea sitnilar process Immature T cells migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus. In the outermost cortex, immature T cells * Divide © Shuffle their DNA + Form new T cell antigen receptors Click the immature T cell to generate receptors Thymic corte: Immature T cell Dendritic cell Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) ‘While we will focus here on T cell education, B cell education is thought to bea similar process Immature T cells migrate from the hone marrow to the thymus. In the outermost cortex, immature T cells: © Divide * Shuffle their DNA + Form new T cell antigen teceptors These cells: * Are "educated" and tested © Migrate from the cortex ta the medulla Let's follow a single cell through the testing process. Click the immature T cell to begin. Dendritic cell Thymic corte: Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound Thee to MHC proteins am Test 1: Positive selection * Requires T cell to recognize MHC by binding to it * Is administered by antigen-presenting cells y Drag the iramature T cell ta \t if ¥ VY the dendritic cell to learn about positive selection Dendritic cell Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound toMHC proteins aap Tes: Test 1: Positive selection me ‘© Requires T cell to recognize MHC by binding to it Is administered by antigen-presenting cells Y Click the "No" arrow to see the fate of immature No T cells that fail to recognize self-MHC [Feet] ——> Y Yes (positive selection) Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound to MHC proteins Test 1: Positive selection Requites T cell to recognize MHC by binding to it * Is administered by antigen-presenting cells Cells that fail to recognize MHC die by apoptosis Cells that recognize MHC survive to proceed to the next test. Thymic corte: Apoptosis Test 2: Negative selection # Is designed to protect the body from being attacked boy T cells that recognize the body's own antigens. + Is administered by antigen-presenting cells * Tests for recognition of many self-antigens Drag the immature T cell to the dendritic cell 1o learn about negative selection Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound Thymic corte: to MHC proteins ne Test 1: Positive selection ‘* Requires T cell to recognize MHC by binding to it * Is administered by antigen-presenting cells Cells that fail to recognize MHC die by apoptosis Cells that recognize MHC survive to proceed to the next test. Apoptosis < Test 2: Negative selection # Is designed to protect the body from being attacked boy T cells that recognize the body's own antigens. + Is administered by antigen-presenting cells * Tests for recognition of many self-antigens Click the "Yes" arrow to see the fate of ay No (negative selection) immature T cells that bind to self-antigens Thymic medulla Education: Positive and Negative Selection (Page 11 of 18) T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound Thymic corte: to MHC proteins ne Test 1: Positive selection ‘* Requires T cell to recognize MHC by binding to it * Is administered by antigen-presenting cells Cells that fail to recognize MHC die by apoptosis y tw Cele at rcogze MAC savivetepocest | ReeoBuee NE] to the next test. Y 25 (positive setection) Apoptosis Test 2: Negative selection # Is designed to protect the body from being attacked boy T cells that recognize the body's own antigens. + Is administered by antigen-presenting cells * Tests for recognition of many self-antigens Immature T cells that recognize self-antigens Y No (negative selection) die by apoptosis Immature T cells that do not recognize self-antigens are self-tolerant, They have now passed all the tests and are allowed to continue to mature. Continued maturation Thymic medulla Education: Autoimmune Diseases (Page 12 of 18) Negative selection of lymphocytes is not perfect. The immune system allows Iymphocytes that react weakly with self-antigen to survive and circulate through ye the body. This allows the immune system | 9 Gy" 10 fight off pathogens that have antigens Type I similar to self-antigens Diabetes mellitus Sometimes these self-reactive lymphocytes attack the body's own cells which can lead to autoimmune diseases. See if you can Graves’ disease match the targets of the autoimmune response with the diseases Drag the autoimmune response target to the disease on the easel. Myelin in the nervous system ‘TSH (thyroid. stimulating hormone} receptors Insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas Hemolytic anemia Red blood cells | iy | Education: Autoimmune Diseases (Page 12 of 18) Negative selection of lymphocytes is not perfect. The immune system allows iymphocytes that react weakly with F self-antigen to survive and circulate through be the body. This allows the immune system a to fight off pathogens that have antigens ‘Type I similar to self-antigens Diabetes mellitus Sometimes these self-reactive lymphocytes J} Insulin-secreting cells attack the body's own cells which can lead of th: to autoimmune diseases. See if you can Graver’ diacata match the targets of the autoimmune i 5 response with the diseases. TSH (yr hormone) receptors Well done! Click the red blood cells. Hemolytic Multiple anemia F sclerosis Myelin in the Education: Autoimmune Diseases (Page 12 of 18) Mechanisms that keep weakly self-reactive lymphocytes in check and ensure self-tolerance: The process of activation of lymphocytes contains built-in safety checks 2. Regulatory T cells act to suppress [Do Infection wits a pathogen that nas self-reactive lymphacytes antigens resembling self-antigens. ‘We will discuss both of these in more detail in Topics 5 and 6 Changes in the structure of self-antigens by Normally, these mechanisms are enough the attachment of small, foreign molecules: ta prevent autoimmunity, but sometimes these self-reactive lymphocytes slip out of control. Trauma that causes release of self-antigens that are normally hidden Click each applicable event: behind barriers such as the blood-brain barrier, Education: Autoimmune Diseases (Page 12 of 18) ‘Mechanisms that keep weakly self-reactive lymphocytes in check and ensure self-tolerance: ‘The process of activation of tymphocytes contains built-in safety checks 2. Regulatory T cells act to suppress self-reactive lymphocytes ‘We will discuss both of these in more detail in Topics 5 and 6 Normally, these mechanisms are enough to prevent autoimmunity, but sometimes these self-reactive lymphocytes slip out of control. That's correct! All of these can lead to autoimmune diseases. (| Iefection with pathogen that as antigens resembling self-antigens. Changes in the structure of self-antigens by the attachment of small, foreign molecules. Trauma that causes release of self-antigens that are normally hidden behind barriers such as the blood-brain barrier, Lymphocyte Circulation (Page 13 of 18) Band T lymphocytes that have completed their education are taature, immunocompetent. Iymphocytes. Because they have ‘not yet encountered their one specific antigen, we call these Iymphocytes naive There are two possible strategies that a naive lymphocyte could use to find its antigen [JJ wait for antigens to come to it (J taunt for their antigen Click the strategy you thinks lymphocytes use Lymphocyte Circulation (Page 13 of 18) Band T lymphocytes that have completed their education are taature, immunocompetent. Iymphocytes. Because they have ‘not yet encountered their one specific antigen, we call these Iymphocytes naive There are two possible strategies that a naive lymphocyte could use to find its antigen Click one of our naive graduates ta see it circulate. [JJ wait for antigens to come to it [A] unt for their antigen ‘Yes. Lymphocytes hunt for their antigen by continuously circulating throughout the body, testing for their antigen as they go. This approach increases the likelihood that a rare antigen will meet its equally rare receptor. Lymphocyte Circulation (Page 13 of 18) Lymphocytes leave the blood and enter secondary lymphoid ongans in search of antigens. If they full to find antigens, then they return to the blood. For example, lymphocytes retum to the circulation from lymph nodes by leaving via the efferent lymphatics and returning with the lymph to the venous circulation. Clic: Next to go to the next page Activation and Clonal Expansion (Page 14 of 18) s process begins with cl jon. As we will see in the next two topics, activation of both B and T cells is lightly regulated and includes a number of safely checkpoints. The repeated cell division that follows lymphocyte activation Antigen Activate the T cell and see clonal expansion by dragging it to the dendritic cell and binding the antigen T cell Activation and Clonal Expansion (Page 14 of 18) The result of clonal expansion is a clonal army of about 1000 cells, each with identical lymphocyte antigen receptors © Most of this clonal army is made up of ef cells © Theremainder of these cells become antic memory cells that can be re-activated if this antigen is ever encountered again. Both B and T cells form effector cells and memory cells, but. the effector cells act in different ways, to be discussed in the next two topics Click Next to go to the next page. Memory cells Effector cells Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) ‘When an antigen is encountered for the first time, a primary immune response is generated, Let's examine how this response unfolds over time. First, we will introduce an antigen (we'll call it antigen A) into the body. Click the splinter to begin. — Splinter Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) ‘When an antigen is encountered for the first time, a primary immune response is generated, Let's examine how this response unfolds over time. First, we will introduce an antigen (we'll call :it antigen A) into the badly Over the nest several days antigen A is carried through the lymphatic vessels to lymph nodes or through the blood to the spleen. These secondary lymphoid organs are the sites where lymphocyte activation occurs DAY. Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) Following interaction with antigen, the activated lymphocyte undergoes clonal expansion to form an army of effector and memory cells. Click the B cell to expand the clone. 2 Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) Following interaction with antigen, the activated lymphocyte undergoes clonal expansion to form an army of effector and memory cells. Antigen A has activated a B cell which forms a clone of effector cells called plasma cells that are antibody -producing factories. Sunilarly, T cells activated by this antigen would form a clone of effector T cells eb ed @ (@ Ge Plasma cells eva a Dd ed aa ; a > e@3 ; @ a Memory cells [ae Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) The magnitude of the response to antigen A can be measured by determining the amount of anti-A antibody in the blood, T cell activity follows the same pattern of activation anda similar time course. ® Trey a YXYTTTY eo errr wd . J wo LVVTTL TV TTY TEVTTYTY TY TTY begeeeesessegang VVVVTV TEL YY TTY 1900000000 000000 000008 4 Primary Immune Responses (Page 15 of 18) In this example * Antibody appears in the blood (about day 7) # Antibody concentration rises to a peak * Antibody concentration declines as antigen is cleared Antibady concentration This is the primary immune response, which occurs on first egposure to an antigen, 0 7 DAYS 4 21 ww YTTYY ee vrvrrrr @ xo YVVYLVTY YY ee rvyryryyryyry ) ew begeeeesessegang VVVVTV TEL YY TTY 1900000000 000000 000008 4 Secondary Immune Responses (Page 16 of 18). You have just seen a primary immune response. If'an individual is exposed to the same antigen again, memory cells Senerate a secondary immune response. Click the splinter to elicit a secondary immune response. (— Splinter Secondary Immune Responses (Page 16 of 18) You have just seen a primary immune response. If'an individual is exposed to the same antigen again, memory cells Senerate a secondary immune response. Memory cells Antibady concentration © Are created in large rinbes dinette «SSS ee ae 0 7 DAYS 14 21 respanse oa Are more quickly sa NUN Y IY YY TTY activated by antigen gy LUT VV IVY VY TY tn pete cele aea VYUVYYYYYYYTYY SGaudstea Breer eee VENT TYryY number of effector Gem = VV VV VV YY YY TTY cols gauge aden VVVIVTYTTVTTVTT TTY sevondary response, phe OLLIE err Pic tt RARARAAARARAAARARARAAnns Say SSR TTT T TTT TNT TTT VT TTY TY “a7 ‘3|— Memory cells vad Click the graph to compare the two responses. Sl 4 7 DAYS i 2 Secondary Immune Responses (Page 16 of 18) c Secondary immune , response Secondary immune responses often clear pathogens before symptoms of'an illness appear. This explains why we may get sick froma given pathogen only once. Some pathogens avoid detection by continuously changing their surface antigens. Vaceination artificially introduces antigens and generates memory cells during a primary immune response, protecting us from dines. eeCeecececce CECECECLECECE Seeee hye Ta ¢ €e¢¢ce Primary immune ; 7 response 0 7 DAYS 4 21 EUVEVTCY TTY YVEVV TLV TY VTE YUTLV TEV TTT TTY VVEVV EVV TEV TET TY EVELYN TY TTY RARMAMAARAARA AAA AA seeeeeggegagons eer TEER TEE TEE TEE TTY TTY TT To see this animation again, click the finger Click Next to go to the next page Antibady coneentratian Summary (Page 17 of 18) SUMMARY Each lymphocyte has multiple identical copies of an antigen receptor, but receptors on different lymphocytes are unique. © Antigen recepior diversity is produced by random recombination of gene segments During development in primary lymphoid organs, lymphocytes become immunocompetent and self-iolerant, * Lymphocytes continually circulate throughout the body in search of their one specific antigen * Binding of antigen to a naive lymphocyte’ s antigen receptor causes clonal selection and clonal expansion, resulting in the production of effeetor cells and memory cells * Secondary immune responses are faster and of greater magnitude than primary immune responses Click the quiz button to go to the self quiz.

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