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Steps: Mane Swe Flat Ale Sowa Syste pe toon is exist i Bu. Administer Workbench. Code Rodt) AWB! TH is the hewt™ of sah BW. Te te a tool for Gonboling, eaaeded| and walntalning all of Ge Protess Cooumed wits Pata . “and Prussing In ap ew. Te is the mela tool for The tases \n_ tre. Data ware housing Petes Tt Provides tata modeting -furctions asuell as - © functions for Conbol, Monitoring and shaintaining” | of the prouss iM SAP BH having in do with clita Procurement lata vetenton avd dota Prrcessing Fiuctiode oly Adwinistraty workbench | There are. § Fuacthong a Aeli \ Mocteling “AN 2 Honited X 3+ Reporting © een “.e8 " 4 “Tranéport — Connection 5 Documents CG. Business Costent 4: “Tranblection F Hetadata Yoposttony t Hodeting (Roa)? I Mode tag 1 YO% Can Creati and edit all the Objects and Vales oly the Administrator Wortbench tak arc need for clata teangport, updth and analyag you Cay also execute -funttions Velated ty modeting, “The. objects ave. displayed tn Hodeting cv “Tite Shactuve The objects am ptored here according to hierarchial Cites en. Using he Contest? Menu. C Right: most: button) for the objects , you can Aclect™ fhe Cowes porcting Halutance ctlalnue for the. objaty or Camyout fe Teleyaut” furctout Double Cite on inboobject bring you to The Cowesponcn Halatanu cUelegue, “The. ollootag gephic &hywk how The Various Odjerts are Gomected fn BW tipetoue) val opsoged Tanpocebe vel pc Pro Pst — Pertlatane Glaging Area Hodeting includes 5 Bub functions , Tey ate 1 Topo pene der (esau 2. Thfp Source t 3B. Source. Systems, Ye Thpoobjects ie Gota 2. Movitoring (RSMo) thy ttonitannge tn the cdndnishetor Wore bowk, tyou have The option off Over seeing and Controlling the. data loading Poass ob wall o& olfer types of data Prousrg im BW. Te is a bool used ty monitor tie Atatys olf data toad. 3 Reporting Agent (Ez AM TH 1s a cto used to dchedule the Yeporting fanctiong in the backg rou + The fellouwsmg Fusctios ave. available Frclacding Ercepttong Printing qpreries Premcalewlating Web templates Pre ~calculetiny Character Vartables oly ty Pre-~alekled Velue Pre—Cal ulation off queles for Crystal Yeports, Hanging Grkctarke Use: You make Keftings fir the Bpeciied Yeporting functions 2. You axtiqn The Indlvidud Letugs bo Echedule Packaged for backewound package: 3, “A Teensport — Comection (et ms , SE, SE07, Seta) Tn mot Cased es evelopment Projects are met Candied out laa Production £yetam bur fn. One of move levatopment” ystems. Ip you Carry out your development project they you mud henxpoit” - Me tovelepment Wnty the ‘Target Ayatin ov Production Systion You Can used te -bamsport Comection tv Collect newly Changed OF Created Bw object in feApective. evelopment, and Ihren bandpoit” then VAlng The Change and “Transport Orgertier (C0). and Change. and “Tandport: Syetem. The pollnatng Aogram Wudtertes the Objects Comerted with his Objects Ee These mobos i query i wilch Te Quay is huserted Te is « Collection of @ Hetiodala vepasitery - mpg [Reo ativeted — objects of CA verti) afr SAP defined az well os User Aefinet. vslte the etm} bated Hetadetla Tepasitery , You Con ateess ingrmation wm a Centr) poet abort the meladdla Objects 4rom Me BW. THIS Hetadeda eqpicially Includes important object Properties and they lationalips With The other objects. Fhuctwe of The Adnainietetive bOorkbench ¢ fiat Navigation indo oofapy 7 Hes Bar 1 ppptication Taolber — Fenctions or view ——- . States Bar Navigation window TAU Setters which. Provides data te SAP BW J Soure System * { are Celted Source System. A Source Byptem iS a Prbvtol thal Bw uses to. find ant exbact deta. Cose-it they The Bourn System U a non GaP System. A Fltfile or Thivd prety too) then The Mar un of Character, allowed for the CoseM lo Ushen Me Lowe dy ftou ts aw SAP Ayton Matches with techitca name is 1 ey SAP-Rfs Coty) We log teat Ay aterm Name . or SAP-CRM , They the. technica name Tn this case the Mar Number oly Characters allowed or te Techbeal mame, is ze. Note: Chavattersy —» Ab Z Eilphabets ) OF Gigits) and — — Cunderstore) rs Sqotemg! “These. ave & types DO GF] SAP eyeten from Yelease BOE CAumetie. Creation) t uses @ EF gap System tom Velesse 3-00 (Mannal Creation) CFregnmnd er Eq! gapuse®) ® [El sae Cussess Tapoondtion Carehonse @ Gl Fle Sytem Havel vetrlata, cata vstng Fle Trterface) _ © [Bl patebase Systm (Data and Metadata Usiug De Connect) © GAL Extenal System (Datta and Hebadata Transher Using staging BAIS) : @ Bl sa cem SepAtan, @® fel xm) database Syetins, Sure Case(i): Ty te cate -trenher 14 betwen SAP BW and other SAP Syelms Auch of SAP R/s @LTe), SAP CRM ‘Then Tt Uses SAP Intecface GAP] = Sewice Application” Pragrmming Interface. Gael is the Combined technologies off ALE, TREC: ALE—Applicetion Line Enablin. TREC — Trangattiona| Pemvte Finttim Call. Case(t: Ty te ctata tranther to bebe SAP BH and nov SAP Youre Systems then \t UseR BPI interlace. Buses Appcelim Progening InterFace. is a Collection oly ABAP/I fiuction modules. Oracle, MS SQL, PBZ ,Ceybaee BAP! rte DB Orlabase Systim : Tr Iqcludes inom CRMS Customer Relationship Hamegenent: Rls + Realtime. 3 Her architechuve pe pectonel Computer BRD! “Thiel Party or External Lystimg XML Extensible Hanwp Languoge! TE usez SorP taterface. Csinple object Accessing Protocol) Trypiiee Master OPS 8 Ee | | Bw v piste pale 1 Hetactaa| x - | | sewer | oo eed e \ beats [Aare Mapping $ Then sher j | Rakes Rules Replicate! i oo are ' ee alee —— Source Sy sls Naming Spaces or ed be there. ave 3 Nalag Spaces 4: SAP (Delivered by SAP): Tn mits the object” technical name wit) Prebived Wht’ 3! Cen) Ea weomp cope — Comparry Code 2 CUS Cqenerated by User oF Customer): “ethic Cate Me technical names off the Objects will be Prefired vol omy alphobet: Eg. VERSION , CUSTOMER. 2ehie 3: PAR CRartner) (Partner ctefined objects) Tnfocbjects 5 (CRSA 14)} Dapphcco (Rs Df Tr if a Folder or Aivectory Used +0 Organise TnpoCubes , ops obj ects 1 Soyoobjects 1 Hattiprovicel » Thos ete Throwght an Ippoobject Catalog each Fr ppobject 1 assigned to an Tnborven atwell Tt ig an Omgaridetion aid only. Ft will not partici pite in any deta Prcessing: Note’ cTnyeArea Can be Created at 2 levele Te AL cappobjects Level 2. At Tipfoviders level Note! “The Max. no. off Characters alowed f% tie Tayoarea, Technical Sn pouepern Ceattatog = et GMP OY InpooeRtss Le WS used to Orpoise Tafyodejects Undew cTiforArea « “these ave. Two Type 1s Chavacketstic MnpoObject Catalogs Tr ic a Collection off Characteistic Tapodbject belong 4 to om aappb'eation Exy 9.1m. ZL Key Figure Tapeobject” Coan TH ls a CollecHon ob Key Figue- Tofotbjects available. in an application Ex: Sp, mm, HR. Note: “The Hae no off characters altowed or the Tagoobject: Cotolag ts 3d. Mule! One chat oF Key Fiq fnpootject™ Can be qlaiatzined Under more than one ek tow to Transter Tnpoobject oly one. Tahooeject” Catala 40 other Tnpodeject_Cetalog Py Se ce “cory From" Function. Note: Tdemtity We a Techs name of Te Tapootect” Getaleg. -fom Vohere you wart to bane’ the Anfoobject& ey Toc_Sy¥_ch StPE* Creccte. cx newd nhookject Cateleg (chamctedMtte) Setect our Lnfohvea—> Cm —7 Create TTayoobyect™ Cetealog Es: Toc Ratu_ctt cory Fom/ Tocsyich dd © cher Di Create , Actiate , F3 Notes Ty we detety an Faoowject Fy -from. one. Catalng then 14 witl be — or Thpookject icant vee Fevored, ppm. al nbbsnces y we Use “T code REPL) or else. Fhe wd delle by cm on particular npedbject A TE Cannot be aatti beg He Is usteg Th the Tnyoobject is only at one Place , then we. Can ddléte Note: Ty The Same Tpobyect ‘is Used to mMutliple ingtana, then it 1K not possible to delete lnppobjeet” ivectle. By using “where sod’ Gist function we Can delete the Tnhoob)edy Ore — by one : Notes Th anes Tohpobject 14 used 4 Whernce to other objects, then \t 1A not poastbu te detitr me depended Obj edly + Ste ccalogs ov Tapotteas are used to Orgenize. Tofo0b| ets Th SAP BW Budiness Content , every application Cfunction enodles) oy onm ke Haintaing hel TnpoAreas amd Tnhodbject™ Catalogs. Te is possible to Cieate Sub Thpotede Fer Fg) & Financial Maragement” and Covballing OFeico ® Finandal Accounting CREW @ Financial Accounting Bb crarctwitticc Trppobjeet Catalog ae Key Figure. Tafoobject™ Catalrg, Enpoaryeet : Kote: TE ic not possible to assign the TIngoowject: Catalog to move. than one cnyoArea, aan a nr Tapoobects T(Rsa ig, R60 |) | These are Te Core baste building bles OF SAP ps0, Ml The business evalucction objects Buch o& Customer materials, ard Wall Ce4Pectue- KF Plants, Vendors; Revenue, Sold Quantity Probit are Calted Inhoobyects Th SAP BO Chavactoidies and Key Figues are Coleettvety Called ag — Topeobjectt erate a haode atten Mentdecs ah CAP BA) ney Atvucture The “ahormation Needect -to create lala targets Buch ahs — Inprcube , 005 , Mastery pata Tavaet , Muttipnrides, 1 Tnhooets,, Quetta ... “Types of Tnbookject: These ewe 9 types TN Chearcctet Att cs 2. Key Figures 3. The Characteristics Unit Charected atte 5: Othey Fretds CFechateal Charactehabics) 1. Datatypes For Charactengtic Tityooejeck™ a 4 types Ato2- Le CHAR — Character SKg Calphabely Sits, —) Lengtir : Go Wax. 2. Nome — Character Shing with only digits (0409) Length: bo Max 3. pars — Pate Hetd Cyvyymmpn) tore a4 char e, 6. “Tims — Time Feld Chhmmss) ctwe a4 Char & Note The ‘Tab Abips avelatble matetaimed fpr Charactesttic Tahaotject “Thee @ Tabs Genero} / Business Exploer] master dataprerts /tenwehy /-Abi loutes | Compourcivg | © ® e ® ea 6 2. Key Figue Trpoobfects (Represents how muck, how vane Scenarioes) Key Ftques are Kod +0 deraibe any Kind off numeric Vagormation, com the. business Process level. Low level numbey Buch af Sale? Quantities » Sales Vevenue. and high level Koy performance indicator? such of Castner Uibtee Values, Product Liptime Valaet are all mv deled velng ap be Key Rgure. Yeprrents amounts , quentitles , weighls , Volumes etc Datatype for Key Pique Tabobjects s These are 6 types of the Key Figuee + Amount — Cure C11, 2) 2. Quantity — Cavan C11, 3) < 3. Number — DEC (17, 3) . a Toteger ~ Inr4 ao) ®& Time — pec C11) 6 Date — DEC tq) Based on Aggregation Behaviow” Key igures Can be Classified tata B types ' Cummutative or additive Key Fi guce 2. Non Cummatertive WHI Non-cum Vale. Change wot Hme OF Semi~ Cum. [ Semj additive Keyfiquee 3B Nom Cummalative. witr ‘fa and Out How of Non—-addifive. OF Nm actttive Key Figure 3B Time Chavacteristie! “these are used in tre Obtigatong (mandatary) Time dimension of Topecobe® te expres the Heme reperence_ ofp Budiness Events. Note: Ty SAP-BW 31¢, 355, BI7.0 there 1S Time Characted shes, Tn BW 2c, BH SOB Versi’ there F time Characten Shes, Example! Qcatday — calender doy Qelweex — Calenter Week ® Calmont ~ Calender Hontt © Glyear — Carlegdey Year © Fiscrer. — A Unit Character gts’ “these ce Used to Rtoe Pier Crwencles OF mits off mesures fy mjunction volt Key Figuees of type amount Gud quantity Note: ‘There 55 Unit Chatactedstic of key Figue off datatype a! » amount Ex! A Cuwency — Cuwenay Key Rpoc_curcy - Local Cucreocg BS There are (35 Unit Charactelstics — fer Key-ttgwe of time. Quail Eq* Suwcr ORSE—VoM — Boric Unit off Measure Ouray 135 3. Technical Chavecterstic or Other Fields ! “These CharactehAttes are. Organized under lata Package climendlon. “There are 3 technical Char. 1. QREQID = Request If 2 ORECROTP— Record “Type. 3 QetinerrD — Change Run tA. Note: Chavacteitiess Key Figues, Time charactaistcc, Unit Characesisies are Halnted, by Customer or User bert “Techaical Char. ar Molilalued by Byétim ourtomadt cally. woe’ Technical mame off Tnfooblecte length must be blu 3 an Be fe "9 It 49. mine mage Pr) THpcube 2 arson BB yg catog Vecsin. —_OrActive fevice} Char O Ket ont | Ostime char oe on rnp a CJ Easines Contert} an Oat A ESL Fag OB) oes Crete Mike Aoalyee OA solgohec O Free Din aby Tagechfeety TInroopgects (Rept, D Tnjohves | 2 TohoObject Catal Gi AR Chae Tapocnjet Catalag FB har Totes Techs, Unit Time Chat, Cher Chet Topoobject Qvequid Quit Acaltay — Pretucttf Q vecors TP ae soup a Galt Ooeterial eo Fixed Dimensions A Charett stow TngoObfects "Master Data, (Cha. Tab) Rea 14) keghig Tofebject Coalog Aa Keophig Infobjects KeyFigure Cumulative, Serai—Cumeledtive _ Non— Cunnuleative) Oates Fejpes BAmoudl —cure © Ouest — 6 Q Integer oa Q Time. Pest Q Cate re \ are used In CAP-BWI BI) “FS! Teams trey Arete CS! Communication Gracia OPS Eperrtional Pata Store DSO Dafa Chore Objet PSA: Poreistant omg} fea. whet ic Reference. object™™ and Aenp late object 7 J Novigation S Create a Cher Toe => Select Toe Ly om ~> Create. Tapoobject™ cre PLantipy Create anotzev inkookect’ plantio 2. Refemau Chay “planttO | @ Select B& (wert aapoobject) prasr io Pr PetetType =. ume Lege = : PLNAWe . Activate YES Selec 4 @revous Tnpoobyect) Prawtio 2 Repertnce Ohjeet > eh Xf any Tnyoobject= (Char or KE) Ex plastape. 1 Crented Utlnpe andtiher “Infpokjed™ Fx! PawnDt aS Wperense. ject then the Metadata Properties re, datatipe, length, cteciwal Plates, output length, attibutes , Hlerewthles and ert ete. are Perino | oot be Mapped fo PLetwetOs. we Cannot matched any Changer in PLarttto2 , but Changes Macle at Fefeene Oefet Plant willl auctoraecticallg Yeflect te PLanTiOn. and other objets Which Ucee PLAnID! as Vefperone. Objet” “This will arantee Whe clatabose. Confistbacy Puaintaluing Rame_ Properties in aighowt Places) ee a Templati Object § -Natigation! Creel a. Char PLaWITIDS Using PLANTIDI os “Temple Object Select Create fom [OJ fea! « [C }— SCwnbs 7 PE é Sp we Create any objects ev Plauttp 3 Using owothery To ExPlantide ar templaté object ThA all he tetadata Propertiea will be hewshered to panttios Notes rt is possible. to Change. the datatype , Lengik , attributes dor PLANTIOS — intependont- of PLawTiO t Template Objects tproves Copy and rouse. Fusetion bit ‘rt wort Guerettce— Connistencay ‘ ple = clo fyoSowee. : \T Code Bsa 12 Application Components =F tS uted 40 rqganise cTapoSources. These ave Aimilar TppAess used with ToppObjects, TTahoCube. Tt 1% an organbActip- ml af only. the max. m0: of Chavactecs allowed pr the technica) nome 72 29, Bote Letter"2" alll be prefivet with given Tedoniceel name. Eq: aac HL Tnjosource * InpoSoure i4 a kbuctwe ta which. TapoObjects ave logically Groupee together. TTnjoSouradegertbes the. quantity of all the date available for a busines “Trandaction. fe’ TnpeSouee never Contain date An TrppSoure describes Borne off Buses Trjormecton. An Taphoure Man Yokemedictey blu the teehwical detail of Me data Nansher Process aud The Apecibic buclnene Yequivemensls mModaled inte the TnbeCubes Obs objects (wperctione! data Stor) and Master Data Objects. Use! Th BW a data Soura ts assigned to an TrkeSowce. Ih fields that logically belongs +42 whether exist in Various Source System, They Can be. goured together into a Ringle Tnlyesoore. fw Bud in Lodi tHuttiple hata Soees Can be assigned to an ZnbeSource. Types ob in poSourees ! ‘These ave 2 types 1 Flevible update to any data Target Cexcept tHerarchies) 2. Direct update off tastev data . 1s Flestbte CTnpocube. OPS object \ tee | Bat Ze On Flexible TohoSoure. fr ® = = s le 8 Transaction Athibutet “Text ce Pd Note: Geng Fletble vedats we Ca upload -tranactio dda, Harter cate Atthbtes , Text but Hierechleg Neate! Ty Me aaSure -tyee is flevible updati then Max no. Oly Characters allowed for the Soppfouree -techutes] name is 20 2. Direct update _ or Haster deta rs ~ Tngehect = Dive ct JnpSouce fej & Aiibutes tert Hievavchiee Pp t+ f = =z I Afltbutes “Text Berar ches Aweet update off Vevtterdte we Can Iuptoed Matter Sng the bed Mah tard Stent Abad oo Mh Wis the. Technice) manne. oy AnpoSoure ts STechuicd! Nene. of Anfpobjedt The Map. length J Character’, Data Source! AL Pifa Souree deseribe® a Apecitic Koure oly data tn a Specific Bowree Aystim from “Technbeel paint off Views Data that [agically belongs Logether 14 Bored (n Te Bource Byrom In the fom of chat Boucee’, A Data Sour. Congr oly a quactity of -fietds That ae oye fv deta tramper ato BY. “The Data Soure is tech cally based on the- ghetds Of extection Aebuctore, Bq efing a OxtaSouwe there pietds Con be enhancect asualias Nddow fpr Me lata tanger “The Petla Source deter ption Included Fafpomection. clout Te exhaction Procst, the data transfer Preuss and it provides the option 40 Stor. the data W me Votermediatry stage Called Psd. (feristact Staging Ara) “Types olf Cada Soures! “There are. -types I. Data Sources for Trangaction data 2. Cate. Sourels for Master data “There Can be = Datta Sources For athh butes — PataSoures Aoy “Text. —PateSources for Merarche. te: , Moles We qou exteting data tom Flt ale Syatn CP). hed, ff Me Taposoure. type js Flerible updaty tren the dataCoure name and Tohesoue namee are Same Eq! ToyeSoure awe is Toi Thay AateSoure name t¢ TsAL Noe: We you ove ephecting dats fom Flat File Syetinn Cec) aud if bre. iyrSoore Type Is tect upctety thin» Ie Tayoobject CMD Key) wih act a8 nh Soue ati Tataatlek name io emtID the “TkvSoure Tech name ie Cmid Trans fev Shuctave + “The “Transhey Geucture, $6 fhe Ghuctue I which the oldta 14 ctranspoited dom the BmreSystem “toto The SAPRY. Tt ts a Selection off etaSource Held cro a Sourcesyater TWransfey Shuttle, Map itaSoure FietAs te The TofpSoure TToppokipa. Tt is a Data Ctreture used th deteribe the techital data formate Used Ao branche dale from a CoureeSystin to an Gar EW Syélion, “the. “transfer Structure Can be Vegarded a ee Contmce ce oe agreement on hay to base’ Data and what data te “hansher, Note: Trans fyev Gruclar Ys Me Com Pat of Me PetaSource+ Use: “The “Transher Structive Provide, the BW With all Phe Sow SyBen Tnhormnetion available fora Business Procest N An AnfypSoure in Bw fequiree atleast one deta Source tor data Extraction. Neler An “Tenshev Guclirne clweyt fefeé to a DataSource ina Sour Sifter and an TajpCowee in a BW Syste pute: The data te “Trans pe ia UE cfm then brancper Shractin 0 5H Qoureasy stim toto The BO Tranttye Stuer. From tere TES ranehered Into te Communication Bicuctue Using the. Transher Rules Update Hodes Ak the time ofp Creding Baty “Thank yer Shruttine —Retavoue. the cehautt Uplatr rede Is Said te " Eull upload " The other Update modes aveileble here ave te Fal uploed CPefautt) 2. New Stalag -for Changed Reenets (OOS object only) 3+ Additive. Celta Cops object 3 Inocobe), 1 opening Balance? When you are extmcting data for non Commuletive. teeg Fiquecs kuch a8 Galance Amowt fo frank, trengattonk, balance Shek, (Tavemtoy Hagnt) we use this Setting. 1_Char only: Thy Wis Felting is Selected then the clatatypes for the. Keyfigues ancl Chavactesatics will be dinplyed as Chor So Mat we Cen Use these fields im Shing Opens Cchey Shing Fonsions) TE tis ts Unchecked then Tre Vetpectve. claatypes Char, Kume, CR, DEC are displayed: : Feview [61] + TNs allows you to view the file Conkent tn The npesome sets, inétead oly Presiewing ile. Content et the “LnpoPackage. level Neter Yohen you arc exhacting data hom Flat Ale bahen you enter ‘the TappObfete fo the “Trewsfer Shuctee alll The Customer Aepintd cinpoObpets vill be Converted Into ‘elds. fq: Thyeoblect _ Feld cp /BicferD Pio /BICT PID Peary [Bictpary Bunter unit Ocweency —Cupvency Qcacory cave AY wher Bt— Business Tatettigen ce. C~ Customer chefined Qa SAP defined Note * AEAP Rowtnes Understands the ypictd names Iba Is ‘oka Tayookyects Conrerted te Field Conventions. CHAR — 00000 CABAP Convention) ore Eqi — Tnyoobject PIO! Terclpip Cooooo4) “TYPE C, Data Tansher tethods’ “These. are 2 methods b Psd 2. Toc, Ped Geoietet Stat Ao): Va AD aU dee > PsA Vs @ dn chak Me ddta Oo te WW on Untermediatany Wweetion befor the cata Is Sent to its Aettinations (ctnyoCabe, obs object ) Master clata “Targas [Atte -Text, Hie). PA a database table -tor arving data uploaded to SARBW Syston prior to ap olying shandper Vales. Hence the data \n the P&A- Is Called Raw Data and he PLA 1S Called 24 Paw Pata Store. Ps Je the Wbound stoc for data which. Comes hom me Sburce Systems, Trensber Strueter ; For cack Tnhosenree, OMe psa is Malutained. Note! Pea ‘is Partloned by the. Syston duing data, loading Heel The Partitioning Criteda ih tequest Id, Note: Use Ttode sav Rscustve +0 Patton the PLA - Poa Pacttoniveg fepowed ‘Ivading Ferkormance « Stracture of Psd Table! T/pc + 4 Ase (Ae TS ~ “Trandlper Shuchure Ds — Datasource -— IpASE~ Adibtonal System Fields got [- Reckage no L prctcage. Value “Parpose ob PsA! The main Purpose ofp PsA ia bo Ato. tploaded deta por data quality ond Conelattency maintainance Purposes « Once data 1% Atoed in Poa, this data available. for Multiple updates tatp Hulliple cat Targets (Tn pecubes, 00s objects...) at aifperent Points off time avriding Hultiele extraction fens dor the ame Ret Of lata from (he Four Syalens Pst allows een hand ty, befor leading the data nts nh Cobes. Mote: pA Uses TREC as Dessyer log PSA SuppolsS a Mex ob 1942 bytes Rev Recent Length and H can havdle 265 dttabase pletds. Note! “To know fKe poq Table Name, Structure name <7.Select o4vTabalihe Qtuctuc, Name ang “Table name = Obsewer tie PSA PsA Shucture name 1S: XR KXX_YY KKYKK > Tinga Source. ‘Techs name Bq! Ts KL YyH7 doy. two alphabet? Combination malvitained by Byaten Egy CH te. Eq: Ts-KL_ctt Pca Table deme is (ici eaa Ct) ‘Customer defined objects B - Bogie of) ect Eq: lec eyangtyergen. Note: Ty te clata toad monitor Zereen We Can monitor o Bogle fequat Adla at o dime ie, He is not Possible-to monitoy the mull ple equest ccta in re PS, in the monitor Screen . equate “To View the Multiple. Reenede Pata in The Psd, Check the dala in The pst Tee. Knovo the PSA “table name! How(P) HetWod iy Sebet Tohecube Ly cm-y Showdatattod Tech: S8[ore Switch, Hethod 21 Expand the nkocube, observe the Update Malet nome, TS ARG CInoSeuree. Tech, nave) Gelut” cnfpSouste. Under mtoteling lL Find «> (Is 4198) Select Gur To foSauree v cm Ly Show data Foor Tech. orf. Sit Entev ~T-Code! Observer Te PSA Table Stredac , \4t repoeily Wanther structive 6f Pate Sure fF 4 ASE (Technica! Keys), CID, PID... are Called Symamtic Key.t CPermary Kaye ov Maslrclate kos) But in PSA table Master ov primey Kes are not lowed Where a Tech Kea’ ar Maintained at, Pamary leans . That is wing PsA table allows duplicates In The Taster Datta Select Contest [FEA | tom , Execute Por Table maltaine , he deta belongs to all the tqusts Bped ie te trat lnjodouce Toc: Ttemedicte Dacment: (1006, WEOE EOS, WEIE.. Thee is SAPS Btandard formate or electonic data en frterchouge betutem Systeme ‘Tooc's Can be. sed in the following ue mess Scemortde, |. ALE Application Link Enabling, 2. ED) Electonic ata Intecharge Note? the stwetue off the TOoc ‘included t. Coatul Recor. 2: DAa Record. 3. Status Record, “the Recerls oy he Too ave Called Cea ener Each Sequet 1h a Zequence ely Held Contests, Ape . Note? fn eA lax length of feard tc (woo bytes, Nolet Toor ts ratalained only WM ooAE cfevntly Syetins Eq GAP-RJs OLTF, SAP COM, SAparo , SAP BW) his tteane That Edo" are not mateted in nor GAP Bystimn Fy Flat Fle Some sy slam | Yiml database ete Basically thee ac 2 types off Iboc , Tora © abound 1c (The \Oods waivtalned Im the Pe celyi Sycten) 2 @® owtbound 1Ooc (THe loveg, Matntained in Spare Sy Stim) cal Ba The Tnloouwnd 100c Is also ‘tod pec Etore or ALE Tnbop The outbound toc ts alm Caled Mutbound Soc Store or tLEoulbex, Benthitg oly using TREC over Tooc: TRE Firengactionat Remote Fonction Call)! TR 1s an SAPS Interfen Protoce]. TRF $s used to exhact data from te Anaee Systm awd Push. the dala fq The SAP-Bw sydtims, I “The. data Can be Atored In Psd Using “TREC 2 Impewed —perpomane cling Aéta Loading 3B Thoc Bide te United to toobytes! 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