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Math Module Reflections

Module 3
November 13- We were supposed to combine both Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 for todays lesson. It
seemed to work out very well.
November 14- Fractions are tough today. Finding common denominators is hard for them
because they dont know their facts.
November 20- Mid Module today. Not the best test ever. Students had a difficult time
remembering to find a common denominator, as well as changing the numerator as well.
November 25- Last day of fractions before break. We did Lesson 12 today. I am worried about
what the students will remember when we come back from break.
December 1- We worked on lesson 14 today. It was very rough. They pretty much forgot how to
find common denominators while gone.
December 4- Took End of Module 3 test today. I was touch and go, but the students either knew
it or not. No in between.
Module 4
December 12- Lesson 7 went okay. The students are doing somewhat better with their
understanding of fractions.
December 18- Lesson 11, We decided not to take the Mid- Module until after Winter Break, so
we are going to do lessons 13 and 14 when we come back, then review and Mid- Module on
that Friday the 9.
January 9- The students did better today on their Mid-Modules that expected. And all of the
students finished in the allotted time!!!

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