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ALCHEMICALLY PURIFIED and SOLIDIFIED MERCURY BY PETRI MURIEN ALCHEMICALLY PURIFIED and SOLIDIFIED MERCURY BY PETRI MURIEN Published In India by : RASA VIDYA MARG. (Copyright 1992 alright reser [Nop of his text maybe used without or permission of the athe Processed & Printed a Lasereen, (Chinehvad, Pune 411033. Inia Phones 91-0-212.758455, 354089, HISTORICAL ASPECTS Foralready thre thowsand years, the spiritual ete andthe fwarsor caste of India bave Been wsing and handling Gichemically purified and’ sliied "Mercury The Knowledge ofthe alchemy of merery, 4 well-kept secre belonged tothe clergy. the kings and ascetics ia pricular. inower to protect is powers. The alchemy of mercury, eter known asthe mercurial System, was perfectly mastered by Tibetans aswell and Sure who were many in India asa consequence of the Mogul invasions The” Blending of these. diferent ivliztons, Tibetan, Aryan. Draviian and. Mogul ‘readin the county called Indiaa mosaic of aes which temained very distinc. (Out of these many civilztons and societies, ferent Plowophical systems emerged. which were founded. at {hei oust, pon he dct understanding. parcepion, and knowledge of God, of His Creation which s the Universe, tnd of His comseious and cesive Energy manifest Naver. “The knowledge tached tothe practice ofthis scence of Gi and Nature i clled ALcheny Alchemy ithe universal science par excellence itasbeen {mterpreted and codified imo a phlosophical system which, throughout centuries, has undergone the influence of Varios historical civilizations to piv Dinh to diferent medical systems During the Chalcolihical geiods, prior wo Vedic existed in ancient Indi, a Tans Shiva sytem. Has firmly established as is indicated by” the any archeological dscoveis on the sites of Mobendjadaro tnd Harappa in toons Pakistan. This Tani sytem Spread, branched out and. matued in varous and ‘emarkable wae: we can fad icin the Tibetan Tanti ‘stem, inthe Shivunm of Kashi ia Northern India and {nthe Sivas of the Dravidian South, Following the peat ini es Sete Mery Peet Aryan migrations which occured inthe Norther par of the county, line of thought emerged ut of all these encounters between the diferent spiral systems 1 open the Vedic period, which ave birt othe famous medial system ofthe Indian Ayurveda, This system sill ‘predominates in India tos) Mach ater, the Mogu-islanic civilization which invaded the Northern pat ofthe county and established ise here fave binh to an equivalent medial system, the Unani ftom, Ie was often claimed, wrongly, that Indians obtained thei Knowledge of alchemy and medicine fom the Aras. In fact eventhough the Arabs developed a very advanced tmeallrgy dans had oth to eavy them in this ‘domain. Onjcts and amulets made of solidified mecary were found in the archaeological ste of Mohendjda, Sihich proves that ancien civilizations ofthe Indus valley lready possessed avery good knowledge of alchemy and ‘of mines! and metalic medicines. The Southern part of India, which remained Dravidian, te bth oe Sida system which mean hp “The Tibetan system isl canst relly be diferente from the nian syns because Tibet thought consis actualy sed sss af for nda, sf ek ‘Ava ter of fac, Tibet was the sttgie deposi of etecam sd spitualty 3s, uring te wovbled tines tlsanic invasions, he Indians entrant and deposed thee Knowledge of oat scence in hi county, hoe, {Sprserve it fom destin For this eon, we ould tot be surprise of te narrow Hak uniting Inn and ‘Theta enitons “Thus the foe medical sytem: he Tibetan, Ayurvedic, nani and Sin present number of common points Because they ar four hlcen of ale Ta at hy ae tenia Pi Sia ey en mainly the therapeutical and medical applications of ctemy, beter known a pages. ‘THE IMPORTANCE OF MERCURY IN THE SIDDHA AYURVEDIC, TIBETAN AND UNANI SYSTEMS. When we stay and compare the fur medical ystems, #6 become aware ha thet respective pharmacopoeia exhib commen Teaues, especialy i the domain of rstalie of tier! preparations Al soa and all metal art put 0 Use, all posons can be purified and exalted, and of all tals, mercury alae asthe fit place Mercury bad Bee skilfully used long before thes systems ‘ame ino being. Its use was the pivilege of Beings who lead am nner quest, for is itcve energy hat get slfnty with Man's vine energy illed Kundalini wich {s dormant atthe level of the coceyn, Cerin sete ‘adios and schools of Yoga used alchemical mercy 12 ‘akon and amplify ths Kuli, man's fundamental ‘nergy. Through his awakening and ampieation, cern ‘pin accomplishments and certain occult powers could be manfesed. Many techniques to fh effect ae ill now; for example, by robbing the hands with mercurial pte specifeally prepared, the separation of the ara ody was pevforinca in oder to convince esl ofthe existence of the more sub worlds and ofthe coination Of lie afer the_ physical body hus died. Alchemea ‘mercury isan intermediary between The physi and fhe ‘bade paves ts a veble, key. This perception of Imeicuy expais why alchemists used a separate the Soul ether metals o miserls td her ehil Wel Forths same reason, the Ancients garded Mereuy athe mesenger of the Gods 1m India, the usdivona!lieraure is andar. about tlenembcal merciry athe many ways it san be prepared tnd handled, Many clascal works prise soi merry and expound the various prosesse ol prfiction {nd soidieation to pevect it imo ap exaed exec rin which can go as fara confer certsin powers tots, (Sez Works such as the Rasumavskalp or the Besehra Darana parity ea he wae of ‘the payee powers which allows the atainment Stine pees of Man sod o aly The Hate Yors Pradipia tells us about certain powers obtained in a ‘manner, which unites the knowledge of breath otha of tmerouy to conto one's beating while Keeping stall of tmereuy i the mouth. Actually, we wereto quote only the tiles. of these ancient works that deal with the ‘reparation of mercury anditsure, we wouldneedancaie Boo In studying these texts, it comes 1 our station that mercury was first used in occ, esoteric and highly spiritual gals, and was the privilege ofa sole minority or ‘ite. Only liter t became » medicine for humanity 2 8 ‘hoe, upon te appearance ofthe various medial yems tmemioned above. We should stress ths pont for i= fundamental there are two levels of use of alchemical mmereury, an escere level, historically th older, aiming at ‘sprealny, and. the exoteic level, which appears tmultaneously with the traditional medial systems, of ‘which the ain is healing on the physical, ental and Spiritual planes ‘Among the many works of Indian medicine glorifying ‘mercury, let us note in paral: the Rasa Jala Nidhi, compiled in ive volumes, one of which is entiely devoted to mercurial preparations, the Sushrts Samhita, and the Charaka Samhita which reckons with the brightest schieverments of the syurvedc system, Yet tis in Sou, Tadia hut mercury occupies the foremost place, where Alchemy hasbeen more bility perfected, Unfortunately for us, this system remained unrecognized forthe adept fathers of this science (Siddha), imposed secrecy on tet disciples: consequently this tion suffered oblivion Despite this general obligation to secrecy, the knowledge Ades Pie a st May Pet (ofthe Sidda-sytem has been comple in many books ‘This Siaaha system or “perfect syst” is also called he lalpe system, which means the system of reenerescence ‘WHATIS MERCURY? In chemistry, mercury is described asa very heavy guid ‘metal the heaviest fer god. Is chemical symbol s Hg, ‘om he geek Hydrargyrum which means ligud silver of quick silver, is atomic number i 80; dhs element cannot te divided. Iie distilled at 370°C but can volatilize very slowly ina venilted location under the sun's hea. Iisa toxic sbatnce, which ender sus fcuk was Wed uring the Middle Ages to cure venereal diseases, butt ‘wan progressively disearded by the medial bay dt ts {oxiciyy for want of Knowing ow w prepare it slchemcaly, i man discards oo eatily what Re doesnot now or does ot understand Intra possible to make ‘mercury ino «completely non toxic and pure substance fom s pls we make s nectar which can then be Wd without risk aor danger, conversely i becomes penne (ir for whoever uses it. To grasp the remarkable potenial of this stunning rosa, we need (0 conser ‘mercury in its achemical aspect, and this calls for 2 ‘Preliminary understanding of what alchemy is. Chemisty, Solely mules, does not acknowledge the concept of onseousness asthe origin of the univers, Wt ropards ‘onecousness ata by-product of mate, whereas wehersy ist concerned with the spirituality of mater, and set the later as divine, considering it emanates from the ‘nivel conciousnese, We can seth! the two systems fe poles apart. The first, chemist, only considers real ‘wits visible, touchabl, inter words perceptible bythe Senses; the second, alchemy, takes as. very real, even fundamental, primordial the cosmic forces which for man ‘manifest the visible words, the wold of his perceptions ‘Alchemy regards man as made of pit which hickens ato sil i iid a Pes 1 soul which in tam contac further down into 2 body: hemisy, om the oter hand, only ses the body and ‘onside hat consciousness only emanates fom the bai. Chemisty is fit ofall mateilsc ad does ot accep ‘man's immorality alchemy i fist and foremost spitual. ‘ABOUT ALCHEMY IN GENERAL Instead of being. witness of the universe, we are ite ‘Performer and etch one of ws decodes it according one's ‘wn imitations, one's own coaceps and one's ow wrong, Uunderstapdings. This isthe source of our misery. The more person tives to stop his persona interpretations inorder {e rogain balance in his perception asthe Witness, which ‘enables him to abandon hs lmiations, the moe he open Upto world of s knowledge ifiaitely more ral which i ‘awry and spontaneously revealed to him. alchemical those i the selene pur excellence to which one should Fase up oneself einer depends upon nor belongs 103 Specific epoch. It ste science of Nature which plays and Manifest thoughout Creation, 1 pilesophical {oundation is asyrem of thought in which te creative ‘nergy of the Universe is an intelligent force which ‘erally implements the tiple process of emanation, [preservation and reabsorption ofthe cosmos. Tis wipe funtion which les our entize existence 5 called the “Mystery of Trini”. I supports the agglomerate of the four elements Air, Fre, Waterand Earth, which case the appearance ofthe word “The kaowledge ofthe alchemical science i only avaiable to howe who devo their lives to. ontemplaion tad Worship, 10 the study and understanding of the laws of alread, in the couse of time, this tradition bas been ‘tanamited though an unstemupied lineage from Master to disciple, With the aid of this knowledge 1 becomes posible for man to study and understand tater, which ‘ows him to analyses terary eeparaion ina very ists pws profound and intimate way, to then consi tin pew ‘bwtances more noble and more perfect Alchemy thos ‘offers 8 potential for understanding infinitely more ast than contemporary chemist could ever offer. Rreconles ‘eiece,plosophy and mysticism: is the Sience ofthe Spiral future as mach so as thas ben the Selene of he ast [Alchemy thus considers thatthe materials of the thse ‘ealms: animal, vegetable and mineral ae made wp of si. foul and body and histor Tinity manifests toughthe fourElements, The Elements fom all words among whieh is ours, called the mucrocosm. Our solar sytem is composed of several heavenly bodies, or planets, among ‘sich are de two liars, the Sun andthe Moon, and ‘upon hich we emily depend for survival. Everyone knows thatthe Moon give bth the ides spd tht without the sun everything would de. Our life is ensely influenced ‘nd conuolled by the heavenly bodies which rule ou solar system. Astrology has originated in his understanding, and if i ss tre that aman at birth is subjected to th {nhuences ofthe planes sccording othe postions inter ‘rts, otis with plans and minerals For centuries plants have been classified by botanist alchemists and by spaggss according the plaetsto Which ‘hey “corespond.” These cusificaions ave Deen ‘sublished after an extensive study of the behaviour of och plant. An abundant erature on this subject is ‘moreover at the disposal or researcher Just ke plans and animals, the minerals of which meals ‘uc par, coespond in thei evelutons to one he seven Planes of our solar system. Thus, gold is associated with the Sun, silver with the Moon, mercury with Mero copper with Venus, ion with Mar, tn with Jupiter and lead with Satur. Note however that mercury holds special place among the seven metals, frit bet origin. tmcy Ree Seed Mery me ‘Once we know how to alehemically open 4. meta, it ‘becomes easy to Verify 0n our own the veracity f this stement, forall meals during thee dssocdon bere 8 ‘Dercural spirit, a sulphurous oly soul and a saline and ‘aly body. These tree principles of Mercury, Sulphur ‘and Sat consti the Trinity of alchemy and contain the four Element in potential form. All substances, a hard and dy as they may seem, libre these three principles ‘then we know how to process he. the vegetable ream, {or instance, when we divide or open «plan, frst erates a mercurial spirit, which Is inthe alechol for alebol vehicles the mercury of plans, then it gies up its Seipurous sul, whichis e essential oi, tt chrcer ‘Sonsini vegeable Sperm which sac ne snd ad then hl yes fing sal, he compacting vepeible ssi which cs tetvo spa vole principles, span soa a tangle bos which ste plant sucha appears {0s These same principles ar verified in meta and ther ‘minerals. When se alchemical open a meal afer having tmortfied and puted itt rekeases a daphanous mec Spa, Salptrous and’ ly soul and sal bound 10 2 compacting earth, ‘All metas can, while they are being separated, release a tine metallic mercury, analogous to feguar mercury ins ‘er form. This separation proces is rather dificult 10 ‘laborte, but tis pssble and this statement can therefore be verified. It hasbeen observed tht some mereay could ‘vente exacted from ron, amtalrather poor in mercy, tnd on this subject, we should note that altough, among the seven meas fn i Sud to be the nly one that cannot be disolved in mercury, we affirm ha thi sot entiely tm, for iron can be dissolved in mercury provided We ‘aowhow to prepare theater and starve ito this proces. We can understand trough our wok inthe labortry hata the seven principal meals contain mercury within then. Once ay ed Sled Mey Pet this poio is sade clear, we must now understand the formation and evolution ofthe metal within the ert thet ‘elatonships with the diferent planets and their common origin in mercury. In Alchemy, we regard mereiry ot ‘uicksiveras ametali Sed, te sperm o al metals, tei ‘fgin, and. gold a5 the cnd of their evolution. $0 metinss” Yepins with mercury and ends with old, which isa mercury and sulphur brovpht to 8 pare Aigestion, maturation and pertection, Merry snd gol are the two ples of the metal eal, rom the depths of the earth ses a metalic vapour which comes from along concoction ofthe elements in fasion, Rising toward the earth's crs, this vapour cools down and condense into metalic watt runentary mercy, It theearh exists u certain sal which isthe moter ofa as. This sal by i Sole force, cook, disaves, deste and coapuates rom the earth exacts its greasy pais Sulphurous essence and unis within water which an be rightly called the blood of he cath. Tas nourishing, Deoeratng water either rising and feeding the vepeable Kingdom, or going down though be issues and working inthe mineal Kingdom. When this water encounters the ‘mercurial vapouts it congeals them right away to form 8 combination of mercury, Sulphur and sat Depending upon the puny, the beat nd humidity ofthe mate thats ofthe ‘ground in which this combination found, dierent ets Srl appear after the required digestion ime, For example, fn aground that contains a very pure re sulphur, and is suffice war, the luminous soar particles wil fix aed mature inthis mereery-slphursal combination and the ‘whole thing will very slowly coggulite into gold. In 8 round which contain «pure white slr but lacks bea {he luminovs haar patil will mature abd tus iver wll form. In aground of very cold mature which contains 2 «ros sulpir, the lino particles of Satur wil mate ‘and das lead wil form tis he sme proces with al he ‘metals and the luminous mater of the comesponding lanes. This allows us to understand tha the quality of the found in which the mercury-sulphursalt combination is {Band, wil infvene ths combination tough ts magnetic foros and transform i The ground of te earth, by the ‘ragoetic vine wich esto te Sal aac, reives nd conglates the subtle and specific luminous ter of fant, in accorance with their specie and sue nies We can then conte tht mercury isthe metalic men wich sto become sch or sucha speife meal acorn fo the quality of the ground, of the matin where the szolved sulphur it encounter is locate, to Torn Specie eatly magnet which wil testis celestial Romologue, "We ndentand how the seven metals ‘orrespand tothe seven planets of our solar system. I we pursue our alchemical study” of mercury, it Becomes Sbvious that this geld metal, tht metalic semen may become other metas through adaption, in other words it tas in tel the now manifested poteml of ther meas, thats of ter tes Jute a great re ptentally exists ‘in small sed, ll metals potentially exist n mreuy and ‘oncurenly to what we Have explained above, al metals fan be retrogessed to lowing mercury, and this same ‘owing mercury can be fxed no oter metas order to do'so, we must know how to imitate ature, Ost in Terogrssing it te prime water, then by scelerating is voluon ming pase trough te colours 30 Hts becomes the semen ofthe mercury ofthe specific meas. Allis ean be rapily conducted ina single vessel by & diligent worker. ‘The mineral real, which appeared fit, is sublumated, through evolution tnd aptatin, sno a vegetable realm tic is the reslng, tanafomaton, ben, rom the ‘egeuble kingdom appeared te eimai wich rakes ‘of the fist two. Thos the animal Kingdom i genuine blization”, te philosophical bination of ature. setter nacey ato Ibis hermetic and alchemical writings, Pareelsustllsus that man ea microcosm oe lite wort, bonus hei 0 extract of all the stars and planets ofthe firmament of the farth and. of the lements = he is therefore ther ‘qimessnce. The five Elements Ether, Ai, Fe, Water, Earth, form the universe and man sfonmed fom he. fas been understood and established by the ancient Clghtned. philosophers thatthe planets of ou sol System rule over the tree Kingdom of sare, miner ‘egenble aq animal Thus each of the metals wich ‘Goring coagulation is inNuenced by’ ceria planes, ‘omeaponds to an organ of the human body. The sum “which comesponds to gold comuols the bear and blood Tow, the moon which comesponds to silver conols the Iain, Venus which comesponds to copper contol the ‘ne andthe Kidneys, Mare which conesponds to ion onto the gl blader, Jupiter which corespoads to in ontvols the ver, Satur which conesponds t0 iad onto. the spleen and Mercury which conesponds 19 foereury conta the lange and the nerves, WHAT IS MERCURY IN ALCHEMY? ‘We must ist explain why this strange metals found in & ligaid sae All meas which are coagulated inthe earth's us, also exist ina state of fusion, constantly simed up by the central ire of th earth, All hese metal in fusion ae Composed, we have st explnined, of a fked salty a Somesha’ les xed meralie sulphur and. ola ‘mercurial spt. Though the action of het, the vlale ‘mercurial pit ss fst by going up othe surface ofthe art's crust, the sulphuous principles remaining below held bock by the more fied mealies. Though the ‘oolng down ofthe temperature, if te mecural sit oes not encounter any sulphur, I condenses ito metalic ropes which cling othe sides of rocks and fissures, I, fon the other hand, it encounter certain sulphur, ‘coagultes right avay to become either cinabar, the sulpur is very pure and concent, of progrenvly ete ober sett lien in accordance wah he Cally ofthe gromd: In deposts conning cnr, Samsara gui. ecery is en found fr the ‘Sipbury end sntusted wer aoe fnger in suet Saemiy) oe te exes of mera vapour dus ‘retary condenses nding tothe rock inthe frm iy oie ‘ris sulicien isha these ook to resort ‘mercy which i aed virgin, or ever underwent dhe olen attacks of the distillation fire which dest ts {der mens oul hus depriving tots hie. nmining regions eek in intabat, many meals and noticeably farses and areenics we discovered. It is now ea “derstand why; beease he beter or worse dispositions of thee various werestial sulfur which are united 1 mercurial vapours, yield diferent sulfides and diferent meals Therefore these vious metals, marcasites and ocncs ie found in abundance, such as marcasits of fon of antimony, of ead, of bismuth as well as numerous Imctals, If mercury is greater proportion, we have mercurial metals tha isch in meeury, Uke aver or foi. If sulphur isin greuer proportion, we have dos, ‘Sher, sulpburous metals ke ro, Alchemy afi that ‘mci, hve’ saline body, 2 slphurous soul and. tmeratal pri they have tus in themselves the image of the Trinity of man and of Go. PROPERTIES AND POTENTIAL OF MERCURY IN ‘ALCHEMY ‘Mercury’s potentials enormous, for its is a dsolving frolic. water, This Gasolving’ metalic. watercasly ‘Fallow inal eal and waites closely with ther, even ‘with Won no rater what has Dee said about It unite Slowey with the: metas and can steal het" metalic Salphars, volatlizing thet, wo clothe ise of hem and be ttaneformed. Such a merciry, which bas In il ther tecalic sulpburs, ie animony for example, can easly penile Sete eey Pert congue ving 10 the compacting property of these ‘Shun. bsealeurevlves, tease ects yellow end inure sexs fo be covered by a very fine are acer, perfect nt, Moreover neti menses {geld red meeay an tho Sues o acs merry have been found ts god pot of the erences which exc among eter dexter wh, eer ot ‘chemi, pear ental “ heave igi meray foun oe vy die from he vugw mex found ene mat. Many iets, doled, a ound To gn pec, ‘all bt ui quants ake vey Sere ‘This vigin mercury is alive, contrary wo cormmon mefcry, of which the violent fire ‘of dstllaion hat cooked 16