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what a goddess so fine

its all mind
still her star shines
and us
you kan say
were star like
gettin all these starbux
together our stars bright
how bright
so bright we
kant kome out at night
not to imagine if we
ever had the jewelery on
im so glad that
were not on what they be on
so muh pills
you gotta wonder were
they re brain be going
i reminse about the trips
i think bout every moment
lifes exquiste
with a goddess

with a kommon interest

thinkin to mulply
tahst wat i like
im not agaisnt it
im all for business
fkn up the kompetition
with a goddess
whos modest
with a kommon interest
allt that means
its a rase to the finish
kant wait let it simmer
skrape the plates its a dinner
had to wait
now we enter
with 1 goal on the mind
kontrol dont kollide
kombo with no fries
kontour thru da lines
konkord thru da skies

its time

all i want
is a goddess

all i need is a
all i got is the goddess

till the end

im of servise

dear goddess
this the life
where we thrive
look in my eyes
this is years in the making
to be greatness

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