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PAPYRUS OF PASER "Faw vavescs of God's Father of Amon Paser* (the noble) is painted in black, red, green, pink, and blue, It is in four fragments, besides a small fragment bearing the title of the book,? which is framed with the beginning of the papyrus. The title reads: Book of What Is in the Netherworld of Osiris, God’s Father of Amon, Paser, the justified. In the first scene Paser is represented making a Hbation before Osiris, His head is shaven, and he wears a necklace, ample robes, and sandals. The god stands on a ped- cesta with steps. On the side of the pedestal is represented the Union of the Two Lands, ie., the plants of Upper and Lower Egypt bound to the sign of “union.” ‘The god wears a short cloak and holds the crook and the flagellum. On his head is the Atef-crown with horns and a disk, Before the god is the Zmytt-symbol and behind him is the sign of West with human arms raised in adoration, ‘The text above the scene reads: Osiris, He at the Head of the West, the Great God, Great one of the living, Lord of Burial, He above (his) Mound. ‘Making a libation before this god, Osiris, He at the Head of the Living, that he may grant food offerings which are presented to him, libations and fumigations which are on his altar to Osiris, the Beloved God’s Father of Amon in Karnak, Chief of the censer bearers, he who goes before Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified before the Great Ennead, Lords of Hery-Aha. “Phe rest of the papyrus represents twenty-one divinities, mostly mummiform, stand- ing in shrines of which only the barrel-shaped roofs are indicated. A column of text before each god is a prayer for the deceased. IT Text: He gives offerings, libations, fumigations to Osiris, God’s Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one before the Great God, (shile) his body is in the Netherworld before the gods. * Bibliothéque nationale, Nos. 158, 159, 160, and 161. Width, 0.37 m.; the framed part of the papyrus, 0.82 mj length of fragments, 0.58, 0.57, 0.40, and 0.51 m. 2 This part of No. 158. PAPYRUS OF PASER ‘The god has a bearded human face and is called: ‘This god, Lord of the Netherworld. Text: He gives all things good and pure of which the gods live to Osiris, the God’s Father of Amon in Karnak, Paser, the justified one before the Great Ennead in the Ne- cropolis and the gods and goddesses, Lords of the West. ‘The god has the head of a Bennu-bird, The inscription reads: Bennu. ‘Text: He gives all things good and sweet of which the gods live for the Ka of Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one in heaven like Re, prosperous and strong on the face of the earth under Geb, and the Company of gods, the Lords of the earth (?). ‘The god has the head of a baboon. Above him: ‘This god, Lord of the Necropolis. ‘Text: He gives bread, air, and water to the Ka of Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods in Karnak, Paser, the justified, lord of offerings (?) in the Necropolis, before the Lords of Heliopolis. ‘The god has the head of a jackal and is called: ‘The Jackal of the South. Text: He presents his justification to (?) Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified, the revered one in peace as the gods together with the goddesses. ‘The god has the head of a rat and is called: He who makes a seat, Text: He gives clothing and honor of the Lords of Heliopolis to the Ka of Osiris, the Beloved God’s Father of the Great Bunead which are in Karnak, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has the head of a hawk and is called: This god, Lord of the Netherworld. 10 tt 12 PAPYRUS OF PASER Text: He gives incense and all kinds of food to the Ka of Osiris, Chief of the censer bearers, he who goes before Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has four serpent heads, ‘Text: He grants his justification to (?) him who is in a coffin, for the Ka of Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has the head of a cat and is called: This god. Text: He gives his seat (to) him who is in the Necropolis together with the Lords of Eternity, for the Ka of Osiris, God’s Father, honored by Amon in Thebes, Paser, ‘the justified. ‘The god has a plume in place of a head and is called: ‘The West (?) of the Holy Land (#). ‘Text: He gives wine, refreshment, milk for the Ka of Osiris, God’s Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods in Karnak, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has a human head and is looking backwards. He is called: ‘Lord of returning. Text: For the Ka of the greatly praised one of his god Amon, God’s Father of Amon-Re in Karnak, in Thebes, Paser, the justified. He enters and goes out before all the gods, ‘The deceased is represented as a mummiform divinity. His head is shaven and he wears the funeral cone, Before him is written: Osiris, Paser, the justified. ‘Text: He gives clothing and alabaster, incense and unguents for the Ka of Osiris, the Beloved God's Father of Amon in Karnak, Paser, the justified one before the Great God. My 15 16 i PAPYRUS OF PASER The god has the head of a jackal and is called: ‘The Great God, Lord of the Mysterious Netherworld. ‘Text: He gives all sweet things, (meat from) the back (?) of which the gods live, for the Ka of Osiris, the Beloved God’s Father of Amon in Karnak, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has the head of a crocodile. Above him is written: He who creates their household (?). Text: He gives every member, everything he carries, to the Ka of Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, great establisher (2) of the Great Ennead in Karnak, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has the bearded head of a donkey (?). Above him: Great God. Text: He grants that the Great Mountain (?) receives all his members, of the Ka of Osizis, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one before the gods, Lords of the Netherworld. ‘The god has the head of a ram and is called: He in the Netherworld. Text: He gives offerings at every hour for the Ka of Osiris, God’s Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods in Kamak, in Thebes, Paser, the justified. ‘The god has a basket containing a lamp in place of a head. Above him: Great Flame, Text: He grants that offerings may be presented on his altar for Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one before the gods, the Lords of the Netherworld. ‘The divinity is an Udja-eye with an ibis on its lower part* and the word “great” written underneath, which means: ‘The Great Udja-eye. 8 See p. 150, 0.5. 18 19 21 PAPYRUS OF PASER ‘Under the eye is an oval with red dots indicating fire or sand, and in it stands a bearded mummy, Text: Te gives refreshment every day to Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser (sho is) in heaven like Re, and upon earth before Geb. ‘The divinity is a ram above a closed shrine. His name is: ‘This god, the Lord of the Netherworld. Text: . He gives all good and sweet things which are on this ... for the Ka of Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser (who is) in heaven and upon earth before all the gods, ‘This god has in place of a head four flat loaves of bread with a fifth cone-shaped loaf on top. He is called: Great One in the Mound. Text: ‘They grant to enter and to come out of the Necropolis before the gods and the goddesses, Lords of the Netherworld, to Osiris, God's Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one before the gods, Four jackals, one above the other and looking alternatively right and left, are over an oval containing two disks joined by three dotted lines. Text: He gives offerings and all sorts of provision for the Ka of Osiris, God’s Father of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Paser, the justified one before the Great Ennead. ‘The god has a lamp in place of a hend and is called: Lord of Offerings. inate s stem [ec ROS ee Tote So Sey oe +8 a oe a Fi es 3 Bis dag gh eee y eo JR A ee ate i? — — : i ite hi us i Peale iby inte USAIN SSCS Hoe Fea rein ” hein til esin ira -6 Retell ch Ss Sis ih me i | 130} { =) saiavlerdinarcas ees i ‘| aad ge : = mane ‘3 oe ee Aa i af Hi : ef AA Oram SUSE seetin cc ee (NS EVES ies mea Sntcre ie —- ---Oh- eo fens te ape acetal ge ee Taek te eee ST Sheee tae ek 8 Be cays c gh $i te dic ie Te AS oa yy. ee es Shoe

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