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é 2 PUTTING YOU ~Z7RS7 Australian Government ‘Comeare FOI ref: 2014/82034 18 December 2014 Mr Paul Farrell Email: Dear Mr Farrell, Your Freedom of Information request no: 2014/80882 - Notice of Decision I refer to your email of 11 November 2014 seeking access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act), to: "All incidents reported to Comcare since September 2013 at all mainland and offshore immigration detention facilities. I request the data be produced in the same fields as the earlier request I received (attached as 22 Oct13), with the exact same data fields.” Authority I am an authorised decision-maker under section 23 of the FOI Act and this letter sets out the decision on your request for access. Decision I have identified 76 incidents in the specified timeframe that are relevant to your request. A table listing the incidents can be found at Attachment A. My decision is to partially release information pertaining to fifteen of these incidents, as some items contain personal information which is exempt under 47F of the FOI Act. My reasoning for the use of this exemption can be found at Attachment B. As discussed with you on 11 December 2014, the document you attached to your email of 11 November 2014 titled DIACO3 ~ Detention Ops Reporting Schedule (DIACO3) is not a Comcare sanctioned document, but was in fact created by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). DIBP have stated that this document is not currently used as the parameters in this document, around what is reportable, has changed. Comcare does not record incidents reported using the categories in this DIACO3 document (except Death). Per the link to the DIBP’s 2013-14 Annual Report (which I have replicated for ease of reference below) you will find that the only notifiable incident categories Comcare uses are Death, Serious Injury/illness and Dangerous incidents. Table 70: Incidents notified to Comeare under sections 35, 36 and 37 ofthe Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Death ieee ‘Serious injuryliiness | 338 Sil ‘Dangerous Incident o 103 Total [a GPO BOK e905 ‘CANBERRA ACT 2601 P 1300 366 979 COMCARE.GOV.AU As the categories in the DIACO3 document you provided are not used by Comcare, the FOI team has not categorised the incidents identified using the list you provided. Adding categories not used by Comcare is an unreasonable diversion of Comcare’s resources and would in fact create a new document which is not the purpose of the FOT Act. T have therefore created a table for you using only the information extracted from Comcare’s data base (including a new column with Comeare’s three categories). I acknowledge that in your FOI request in September 2013, you received the incident data already categorised into the six critical incident categories. I now realise this was added by the business area at the time, before I was provided the information. Consultation ‘Comcare consulted with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on the release of this information. Timeframe for proces: 9 your request Your request was received by Comcare on 11 November 2014, The 30 days’ statutory timeframe for processing an FOI request makes the due date for a decision 11 December 2014, However, I sought and received your agreement on 11 December 2014 for an additional eight days in which to manage your request, making a decision due by 19 December 2014. Charges On this occasion, Comeare has not applied charges for processing your request. Searches The relevant business area searched all incidents that were notified to Comcare by the DIBP from 01 September 2013 to 13 October 2015. Rights of review Should you not be satisfied with this decision, there are rights of review available to you. Those review rights are at Attachment C to this decision notice. Contacts Should you have any enquiries about this decision, please contact me by email to or by telephone 1300 366 979. Yours sincerely, Pa Bernadette Suitor Attachment A: Schedule of Incidents Attachment B: Statement of Reasons ‘Attachment C: Review Rights Incidents notified to Comeare from 1 September 2013 to 13 October 2014 crn ns Ere Caer ATTACHMENT A 1 o7/i0/2014 IMMI- Cent diagnosed withtubercuess~ | NoUfabie-Sersinjuryorliness | BrisbanetTA Trestment in pation -Mesandan 1200SusorsilRead 7 un aons z orpiopaate Tiil-Cient taken to Fospial after Tila: Sercas jury oriiness ——] Wieknam PntTOE ‘verdosing on meleation- Horta resent 1235 Channa! stand Road NT Wika a2 7 ‘wopa TA -Cient attempted sev harm NS Notifiable Serious ray or ness ‘Trestmant- aura 7 poor Titl- Gent ened postive (rapide) for | NAtNOBIe-Seriousnjry ress | anus Renal OCR rmaaria-ongorg treatment -Manus centre {ombrum Naval ase Les Hepes and Manus ravine 5 508 ORE Ti Get testo postive rapid tet for | Notifiable: Serious jury ariness | Manus Relonl Prac molrio-engoig monitoring and treater = Contre Manus Lorbru Naval ase Los Neos = jeeps Tien wes versfered to Royal Toate: Sereus jury or iese | arebane 1 ‘Brisbane Hospal fra pycinrc nestment 1200 Sugar Road Meesadsh QU ‘up aon 7 Tp Tnavi- Pregnant detainee cine roofas_| Noifabe- Serious mjnyor nate Brigbane 7A was distesed, emergency eres alle 100 Suara au ‘Lo «ano z apap TMM Genter tale paper agit wrapped | NoUaBe-Dangveusnidant Phosphate Hil erate soured egs-Superfital nies HAPOD) Pace Of Detention ‘Vagabond Road, Phosphate wa Christmas sland WA 6796 3 Bera Inno detainees presented to Hemel | Nate Sour njry ar noe Manus Offer Procesing eve unwell oth elagnased wth maa entre Narus sana Leora Naval Base Manus land a0 Posner TWi-Detaneeraneredto re Rosptal | Noofable- Savaut jury arlness | Yoga il {ve to being unconscious WI Mitchel Northam WA 6403 Tf orearaoia Thi Wambordrankcinset repel orseap | NouTable-Serour jun arlinase | Wickham Pint OC Hospital eatmant- Witham 1235 Channel sland Rod Welham NT 7 fowmarana TMif- Gent tabbed another cient neck | Notable Serious jury orliness Marloymong immigration with ezor- Tretent In paint Detention centre Malétone Se rampsteng Rose Malstona WC 3012 Boren TMi Gent found unresponsive courtyard | Notable Serious jury ar liness | Wester General HospiaT Suspected dr use Horta renter Emergency Deparment Fetseray 160.ordon street FeotserayVICIO1E a Oran IMT Worker eceved soos burns when | Woo Serious my or Tne taking ot hot wax frm mroweve- MS Monon Hotl bad crs aaa INIMI- Detainee tested polive to malard~ | Nona Seiour jay arsine: | Manat Ore rocesing Manus and centre i Lombrum Nova Base % ios Tn = Rol shar closed down onto | Natfable-Dargeous redone NeuruRect ores - Medical estat -taura 7 para TMi Gent se harmed by banging ead on_|Notfable- Serious jury arlinese | Wickham Pirt Kteraive _wal-Shlee jury (WPAPOD, NT) Pace of Detention 1235 Channel san ad \Wesnam WT #22 ae TM Gent required to be erainedto be | Notable Serious jay orlines® | Maribyrnong IDC ‘taken to hospital - Hosp examination Detanas Acrommodaton Maribyong Tena S3Hampsead Road | IMarbyrong VIC3032 sapere TW - Cent was Taken tohosptaland’ | Notable Seiouranzyor hes Vora aa ‘weatd as inpatient with suspected reve teal ae domage: Northam Northam wa s4caYourgsh ova Dc B spear Tha - Corti reeivedanelecie ack | Notfabe- Sous hry ores touching ive power cord MMS Trestent a Pogo tf Tr oe ene See mS 2 02/08/2014 TMWMI-cet trpped gettngout of carsleod | Notable Sercusijuryariness — Melbourne TA nose ee Fist al & hospital tresiment Road Srondmeadon frosdmesdowe VC3047 2 apoE TMM lent ingesiedWisier mediation and_| NoWFaBle- Serica jury orlinass Wier Poin Aemative rank t- Hospital examination -Wiektary Pac of Detention 1235 Channa island Road Witham Wr 822 a Taper Ti- Cent was site to heal Teta Serica jury ores | Vilswood ide suffering rom schiephreia-vilawood Vilawood NSW 22268, m eporpaae THAI - lent ngest age quay of panadel- | NoUTable- Serious injuy orlnass Wier Poin erative Tronsierredto hosel Pace of Detention 1235 Chane! sand Roa \Wieham W722 3 [awyorpae Till -Sutcase Tel om top oY cupboard onto | NoTabe- Dangerous incident worker head Head & Nec injury “aur 3 [ewan Til -bie Crane ipped whist ocang | Notfabe- Dangerous inaldant Greerfiitombnim OPC storage container No inries- anu and Expansion ste Lomrrn Nava ace 7 Tapers Tani - iia esraning Glen, wovlar ht Wetfabe- Serio njuy or neee head on pound. Unconscious ad lending Marbyrong inmrsion Detention etre 53 Hampstead Road Msistone VIC3DI2 7 Taner TiS Tog ranch Fan compound No | NORGE" Dogvows relat Injuries Melbourne ination Trans Acconmodstion Mayga Bracks, 150 Camp Rood Brosdmesdowe ViC2047 w co Tat Detrnes stempted 2i-hare Tetiable Seousajuryoriness | Witham Point Akernative ‘verdes Wickham Pace of Detention 1235 chanel ond Road ‘Wiekham WT 822 w Tea Ti detainee found wavesporsive ‘eaiable Serausjuryornes | Melbourne ra unknown injres 30130 camp Road Broadmeadows VIC 2087 a CoyoeraaTe Til ient fe down sas and he the | NoUaDIe- Serious injury ornes= —— wiethar nmigations head -Sufleed seizure ater fal- Wickham Detention Cantre u Tapa TM -Bavbl weight fe orto workers fot | Notable Dangerausncene atbourne imgraion Suspects broken bane -Oroadmesdour Transit Accomedation 120-50 Camp Rood Brosdmesdows VIC 3087 = sya THT Tjured and removing Rem Fo cant | Neti: Seow nur or ines Cuteettchestonand Meabynong immigration Detention Centre 53 rampstead Road Melstone VIC3012 % TaOPT TWi- Cnt ngesed rset repent ‘iad: Sous juryariiness | wkham Pent Aeriatve orpiltresment- Witham Pac of betention 1235 Chana snd Road |. ‘wiekham Wr 822 cs appa TWa- Cet neni nested sec replant | Noble: Serious ory ar Wes Vomiting Wiest Po ternathe Pace of Detention 1235 Channa sland Road wiesba ao0. 36 «CY ovesrania Tii-Clentwastalen tohosplland | Notable Senaur jury arise | Contrction ap APSE ‘Yented asin patent UT arsenal aca Vagabond Road Gis sar Chistian WA 6798 a7 orasraana Ta - lent punched another ent inthe | Noa Sour Wjry orTnese face Treatment inpatient - Maidstone Nanbynongingraton Ostention Centre ‘53 Hamprtead Rood Maidstone ic 312 Taree Thil- Cleat aippadinpoolara- jor t0 | Notable Serbur jy or hess PerthiOC kee ana hip- Inpatient Reade nr Baker and MeComb Road Redeife WA S104 3 aera Titil-Uraeloded nance found No | Notfabe- Dangerous ncdent (OPCS Naurs rea 1h Injures Nour (PCa Nara ry savour Thal-Fre sciderialy use by coakon | Notable: Dangerous inedent Penh ronan store No injures Resdertial Housing 1197.99 Kanowra Avenue Lo edeife WA 6104 Page of rere rey eee meres a 22/08/2014 MMI Large tee branch fllon roof at hous | Notable: Dangerous incident Inverbracie APO *Noinjuries- versace s& 78.8 Woodsie-Naire Ros lovereaki A 524 ose Ti - lent Bara Tove paper Wo jes | NatRGES" Dangerous relent NorthWest Point Client spoken t- Orit and IngrtionFactity Christmas land Vagabond oad Chstnas land WA 6738 Sporenma TN Gent el playing soccer Fead_| Natfobe-Seriour injury ores iverracke Aeration Place Of Detention 1OWoodside-Naime Ross | Invertracke S524 aa arraraaie TW Deaincawasbiten by rake, chy, | Nobile Serious jury ores BMF Base Curtin burning wis taken othe hapa WA Derby WA S28 = ayer TIMI Gent fe sckandwastraferedTo | Notable Serious jury arlness | uetininniration hospital Vralnfecton Detention cetre RAAF Curt, Derby Highway Dery WAsr28 « Tiyoarae Thil-Doona sioulerng whe Gying nthe | NotoBle- Dangerous incident Yorwah a loshin yer, mo jres- WA, Mitchel avenue Northam WA 5402 aaron TMi Gent sferedaaphylacic hock afer | Noifabie Seiousinjay arlinss Ula Agia APCD Immunisation Hosplal- Christmas and ‘Yqabond Rose wa _csmas ana WA 67998 Paar IMIMT- Detainee presented wih headin, | Notible- Death ‘ronsferedta the hostel ad short time Manustland ter @ Tejoare NMI -Clent sped on dechingopeing pre | NoUfabie-Seious jury orlnese | Berwin Ripon Loge csting wound paint -Marare Coe ory Wray rive & Sirtlorman BroarleyOrve Marara NT B12 @ Tea Tha 35 lens abaconded rom the ota Seribus muy ar ass Manus Ofthore Proven Processing Centre Sorte damage MMS Cente twectment Manus (sear Compound Manus ove a apoaraaa ‘Wi -Deat by sade Fatalty= Totti: Death Marybynongimmvgraton Manroone Vic Detention Centre 53 Hampsteed Road =f ovaenee TN - Detainee cofapsed at medial while | Notfable-avous ry or inasr Blayein POD faernatve waltng fermeciation ick layin APOD Pace f Detention) m 11235 CHANNEL ISLAND ono’ Wiha Pear TMi Gent Wippedoverandslcedfrasr | Wotfabie- Serious injury arlless Darwin Aponte under door-Hesptal eatment- Marra Chr Henry Wrigley Deve & Sirtorman Bearley Grve Marra riz cs Tso TWiM- Save top fire within szonmodation — | Nota: Dangerous ROenT ‘Corner of mein venom hhoues-No juris Inverbracie a Woodsice naire Ross 7 Inveroace SA 5244 = Tapia TW- Contractor reeved elecvic shock | Notfable- Sous ary ores pluggingin phone testment a i-patient- (ft shore Processing Contre aur paar Thar Breas tn fibre Lodge | WolTabie- Dangerous neidert Workers inhaled powder fom ire entingishers- Maura MenenPotl a Voip IMiMI- lent hes refed Toodand water~ | Natfabie- Seo injury orlinase Scherer DC “Treatment as igatient- Weipa Scherer RAAF Base Weipa cs 4374 # pipe "ia- Cent swallowed sec repent du | Notiibi Seiou juny ar Whess Bayi APOD to stess- Hospital Treatment: Wan 1235 Channel ond Road ‘wekham WT 822 B pein DIAG Oe suspaced of contacting THe abi Sauna or nese Marvs land Ofshore ‘JopeneseEncepalts- Mans land = PNG Processing Cente arus san w ayo ‘IAC Chi Gant elapsed cand by aaty | Nabe: Sercur uy orlings | 7 Woodside ‘attached Imerbracie SA Nairn Road Iewerbracle A S244 or Coro ‘IAC: Child affering and, fot eauth | Notable: Sevausjuryorliness | Bayan PCD (as2ace- Wieham Point NT 4235 Chanel snd Rose Welham nT 622 Page 3 of errnn rs 5/01/2014 Essien [DAC Cent an over fnger wih sewing machine jury tet inde ger - Wickham wt eens reer TNotfabe- serious jy rinses Mietham Pint migration Detention Contre Wien 823 = eR Ti- Worker caved bay bes ‘etal Soroukjuryarnese | Department of inigraton| hospital inpatient -Weipa QLD Border Protection Seherger immigration Detention centre Mathewanh Road RAAF One Scherger Welpa cis 474 a losriapaons TWi- Sra fire oeted ovis antand | Notable: Dangrovs nde Vilawood 0c lerterral zone Fre extinguished -Vilswcod 15 Birmingham Avenue I Vilowod NSW 2163 S Baas "Wil-Dtsnee diagnosed with yphold~ | NoTSBe-Sericsirjuyor ness | ans land Ofshore Trestment ain patent - Manu and Processing Centre % HAO TAWI- Fre nrubbbh bin -Fre eingshad | Notabe-Dangraus acne ‘Yongah iC No nies Northam Mitchel Avenue oF Tapio TMM- Detainee was malig oon when the | Notfobie-Dagaraus incident Maryoong inition toaster caught on fea” MTA VIC Detetion Centre SaaS Tt Gent spit cooling olin our whit | Notabe-Dargereus nddent Inwerbracce AFOD ooking causing fie -No juris nverracie 1 Woodie to Nara Road BAO ROT TWWMI- Cent fel aciward ff cha Ree armors —— Suspected broken erm Tverbrece Alternative Pisce Of Detention 20 Weodkide sme Road 0 Bape Tia - Daring eaten easter an aia: Dangers naan contd raw sewerage sprayed onto Nave Processing Cetre ‘worker Nau ce 23/05 7013 IAC Chant cmb preter fence estape | Notable Ser ry or hes raced ark - Darwin NT Tomgretion centre a aaa ‘AC Gent ight tein compound Ne | Notabe-Oangerour neent ia Inuis-Vilswood NSW BRST TMT ent fang to eas and ake Tad | Natale Serbo yur or Wns Trevirentasir-patert- Perth Perth OC 7a Tiers ‘IAC -Cnaractr irre during resiaint | Nodfiable- Serious njry ov ness ‘eciniqus traning Hostal inpatient Manu and Nhs Coles Lomrum navaisaso Manus and oy TM Branch ll onto cvdng Fence No | Wotfabie- Dangerous PORT slboure gation Innes Brosdmeadows Vc “aan kecommodston 120-80 Camp Read ora TMi - Gientgest a quan of uiknown | Natabe- Serious inp oriiness—Vitewood be tablets Inpatient -Vitowood 15 Giminghar Avene Pages ots ATTACHMENT B STATEMENT OF REASONS Material taken into account 1 In making my decision, T had regard to the following: + the terms of your request + the content of the documents to which you sought access + the relevant files relating to the request «advice from Comcare's officers with responsibility for matters relating to the documents to which to which you sought access + publicly available information * any consultation responses + the relevant provisions of the FOI Act, and ‘+ material produced by the OAIC. Findings of fact and reasons for decision RELEVANT LEGISLATION Section 15 - Requests for access 2 You have exercised your right under section 15 of the FOI Act to request access to documents. Section 15 relevantly provides: (1) A person who wishes to obtain access to a document of an agency or an official document of @ Minister may request access to the document. Section 3 and Section 3A - Objects of the FOI Act 3 Sections 3 and 3A of the FOI Act concern the objects of the Act and state the reasons for aiving the Australian community access to information held by government. I have had regard to these objects when making this decision. Section 22 - Redacting documents 4 Section 22 of the FOI Act permits a decision-maker to edit a document by deleting exempt or itrelevant material so that the documents may be made available to the applicant. In making my decision, I relied on section 22(1) of the FOI Act and, in accordance with subsection 22(3) I have identified the specified provision under which information is to be deleted. Section 11A - Access to documents on request 5 Access must be given to information unless, in the circumstances, access at that time would be contrary to the public interest. This means that information which is conditionally exempt from disclosure must meet the public interest test in section 118 of the FOI Act before an exemption may be claimed. Section 11B ~ Public interest exemptions - factors 6. The public interest test is whether, on balance, access to the conditionally exempt Information would be contrary to the public interest. If access to conditionally exempt information would be contrary to the public interest, then I have claimed the relevant exemption and not disclosed that information. 7 Factors favouring access, Subsection 11B(3) of the FOI Act sets out four factors favouring access and applies for the purposes of working out whether access to conditionally exempt information would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest under subsection 11A(5). Those factors are important to my decision and I have extracted them below: 118(3) Factors favouring access to the document in the public interest include whether access to the document would do any of the following: (a) promote the objects of this Act (including all the matters set out in sections 3 and 3A); (b) inform debate on a matter of public importance; (©) promote effective oversight of public expenditure; (d) allow a person to access his or her own personal information. 8 Ihave considered other factors that weigh in favour of release, including whether disclosure would promote scrutiny of government decision-making or reveal the reasoning for a government decision. 9 Inrelevant factors. I have also had regard to subsection 118(4) of the FOI Act which sets out the factors that are irrelevant to my decision-making. 10 Ihave not taken into account any of these irrelevant factors in making this decision. Factors against disclosure 11 The FOI Act does not list any factors against disclosure, but the Information Commissioner's Guidelines do. 12 The factor that I consider is against access being conditionally exempt information is that disclosing the information could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the individual Section 4 ~ Personal information 13 The term "personal information" is defined in section 4 of the FOI Act to mean: "..information or an opinion (including information forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion". Personal information relates to a “natural person” including a deceased person 14 The Guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner (Guideline 6.125) state that personal information needs to convey or say something about a person, rather than just identify the person. 15 In determining what information contained in the table might identify an individual, 1 was mindful of Guidelines 6.121-6.124, which state that “the individual's identity needs to be reasonably ascertainable by the applicant” and that this “will depend on the context and circumstances... in other words, it depends on whether it is practically possible for an applicant to link pieces of information to identify an individual.” 16 I have also relied on Guideline6.117, which states that personal information can include a person’s residential address. 17 _ In those instances where it may be possible for information contained in the table to be linked to the identity of an individual, I have redacted the Information Section 47F - Publ \terest cont ional exemptions ~ personal privacy 18 Certain types of information are conditionally exempt if their disclosure under the FOI Act would involve the unreasonable disclosure of any information about any person (including a deceased person). The test of unreasonableness involves the consideration of all factors relevant in a particular case and the balancing of all legitimate interests, including the public interest. 19 In determining whether disclosing the information would involve the unreasonable disclosure of Personal information, I have had regard to the following matters contained in Guidelines 6.131 and 6.132, that is: a) _ whether the author of the document Is identifiable; b) whether the documents contain third party personal information; ©) whether release of the document would cause stress on a third party; 4) whether any public purpose would be achieved through release; e) _ the current relevance or age of the information; 20 I have examined the information relevant to your request and have determined that those items or parts of items that contain personal information, the disclosure of which would be unreasonable, are conditionally exempt for the purposes of the FOI Act. 21 The specific harm that would be caused by the release of the conditionally exempt information would be the unreasonable disclosure of a third party's personal information, such as their residential address or the specific location of an incident. 22 The key statutory question to be addressed is whether the disclosure of personal information relating to third parties would be unreasonable and furthermore would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest, 23 That question is answered by considering and balancing all relevant matters, including the factors relating to the public interest test. Public interest test 24 Section 118 of the FOI Act sets out the factors favouring access in the public interest. Section 118 also requires that I have regard to the Information Commissioner's Guidelines. 25 Accordingly, the factors that I consider to favour access being granted to the conditionally exempt information include: a) The disclosure of the information will promote the objects of the FOI Act by: + giving access to information that is held by the Government of the Commonwealth, + increasing recognition that information held by Government is to be managed for public purposes and is a national resource, and ‘* facilitating and promoting public access to information, promptly and at the lowest possible cost. 26 In weighing the factors set out above, I have determined that, on balance, the factors against disclosure outweigh the factors favouring disclosure and that access to the conditionally exempt information, at the time of this decision, would be contrary to the public interest. 27 Accordingly, the FOI decision is to exempt under section 47F of the FOI Act all personal information that identifies or reasonably suggests the identity of other people, including their address or the specific location of an incident. ATTACHMENT C Review rights If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you have certain rights of review available to you. Firstly, under section 54 of the FOI Act, you may apply for an internal review of the decision. Your application must be made by whichever date Is the later between: + 30 days of your receiving this notice; or * 15 days of your receiving the documents to which you have been granted access An internal review will be conducted by a person other than the original decision-maker. No particular form is required to apply for review although it will assist your case to set out in the application the grounds on which you believe that the original decision should be overturned, An application for a review of the decision should be addressed to: Freedom of Information Comeare GPO Box 9905 CANBERRA ACT 2601 If you choose to seek an internal review, you will subsequently have a right to apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for a review of the internal review decision. Review by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Alternatively, under section S4L of the FOI Act, you may seek review of this decision by the OAIC without first going to internal review. Your application must be made within 60 days of your receiving this notice. Information is available on the OAIC’s website www.oaic, You may contact the OAIC to request a review of a decision online, or by writing to: OAIC, GPO Box 2999, Canberra ACT 2601 Complaints to the Office of the Austral You may complain to either the OAIC or the Commonwealth Ombudsman action taken by Comcare in relation to your request. The Ombudsman will consult with the OAIC before investigating a complaint about the handling of an FOI request. n Information Commissioner or the Ombudsman Your enquiries to the OAIC can be directed by telephone to 1300 363 992 (local call charge) or by email to enquiries@oaic, Your enquiries to the Ombudsman can be directed by telephone to 1300 362 072 (local call charge) or by email to There is no particular form required to make a complaint to the Ombudsman or the OAIC. The request should be in writing. and should set out the grounds on which it is considered that the action taken in relation to the request should be investigated and should identify Comcare as the relevant agency.

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