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Always begin with observation.
a. Behavior:
Are they happy, friendly, scared,
sad, or withdrawn?
b. Appearance:
Are they well cared for? (hair clean
and cut, hygiene, dressed
for weather)
c. Nutritional status:
Are they skinny or obese?
d. Affect:
Is it RIGHT for the situation?
e. Consolability:
Is the child CONTENT and relaxed?
A normal HEALTHY baby should
be consolable.
f. Position:
Are they guarding in pain, do they
assume a position that helps them
2. Distraction Techniques:
a. This is done to make sure we get
the most accurate PHYSICAL
and vital signs.
b. Dont forget to talk to PARENTS
even before you talk to the child.
3. Vital Signs:
LEAST invasive first
Observe before TOUCHINGor even
talking to them.
a. Order of obtaining vital signs:
1) Respirations
2) Heart Rate
3) Blood Pressure
4) Temperature
b. Always count RR and HR for one
full minute because of
c. If vital signs cannot be taken
without disturbing the child, then
record the
BEHAVIOR with the measurements.
d. Temperature:
1) Rectal: Do not use in children over
3 MONTHS months.
Most reliable measurement of
CORE temperature.
2) Axillary: All ages may be done
when an ORAL route is not possible.
3) Oral: Start at age 3.
4) Tympanic: All ages.
e. Oxygen saturation: Used to obtain
a picture of blood oxygen level
through the

1) Check perfusion, skin temp, and

edema to determine the best location
sensor probe.
2) Common sites are ORAL and
3) Record what is going on at the time
the pulse ox is measured.
Will activity level affect the oxygen
level? YES
4) The pulse wave form/intensity
display on the oximeter machine
correlate with the childs RADIAL
4. Nutritional Assessment:
a. General growth within ________
to__________ percent for height,
weight and
head circumference is desired.
1) The fiftieth percentile is the LEAST
2) What happens to the growth rate
between 6 and 12 years of age?
3) How much earlier do girls
experience the onset of
b. Lab Values:
1) Hemoglobin/Hematocrit
2) __________________
3) Creatinine
4) Nitrogen
Hint: Always document where
temperature was taken, do not add a
5. Physical Assessment:
a. Hair
1) Want hair to be _______________
and soft to touch.
2) Poorly nourished it will be
_________ and course.
b. Fingernails
1) Tell you about hygiene
2) Emotional status
c. Skin
If skin is pale, it could be a sign of
d. Eyes
If eyes are sunken, could be a sign
e. Mouth
Assess mucosa color and moisture.
f. Teeth
Assess hygiene and check their
6. Pain Assessment
a. The name of the pain scale is
CRIES, its an acronym for:
Crying (0-2)
Requires increased oxygen (0-2)
Increased vital signs (0-2)

Expression (0-2)
Sleepless (0-2)
The __________________ the score
the __________ pain in all the scales.
Face, Legs, Activity,
______________, Consolability.
0-10 scale: 0 no pain, 10 worst pain
Hurst Review Services 233
c. Wong-Baker rating scale is used
on children at what age? Any age
usually 3 years and older.
Make sure child has cognitive
development and is not
Scale is 0-5.
d. Numerical scale is used at age 5
and older.
B. Respiratory System:
1. General Assessment:
a. Accessory muscle use.
b. Flaring __________
c. Pallor
d. Sternal ________________
e. Consolability crying, restlessness
and agitation may mean hypoxia.
f. Capillary refill greater
than________ seconds.
2. Upper Respiratory Disease:
a. Laryngotracheobronchitis:
Most ________________ type of
Croup experienced by children
admitted to
the hospital and primarily affects
children under 5.
1) Causes:
Parainfluenza, adenovirus, and RSV
2) S/S:
Slight to severe diarrhea
________________ or brassy
Increased temperature.
234 Hurst Review Services
3) Tx:
Mild croup can be treated at home
with steam (hot showers), cool mist
humidifiers, car rides with windows
If symptoms worsen or do not
improve, hospitalization is required
corticosteroid therapy.
b. Epiglottitis:
1) Causes: H. influenza
2) S/S:
Absence of cough
Agitation with the rapid progression
to severe respiratory distress.

3) Tx:
This is an emergency
May require intubation or trach
IV antibiotics and corticosteroids
c. Tonsillitis:
1) S/S:
Difficulty swallowing and breathing
so child is a _____________ breather
and they have bad breath.
Impaired taste and smell, voice has
nasal/muffled quality.
Persistent couch
Swollen tonsils can block drainage
of the ear canal and cause otitis media.
2) Tx:
How should a client be positioned
after a tonsillectomy? Place on side
with elevated head of bed or
Why are brown and red fluids not
given post op? We do not want
to be confused with ___________.
What would indicate that
hemorrhaging is occurring?
How many days post op is the client
at risk for hemorrhage?
Hint: Children with Epiglottitis
usually look worse than they sound,
and the kid with LTB sounds
worse then they look.
Hurst Review Services 235
Complaint post op? Sore throat and
slight _______ pain
Low grade temp
Bad breath
d. Otitis Media:
1) Patho:
What part of the ear is affected?
__________ ear
The Eustachian tubes are blocked.
It usually follows an upper
respiratory infection.
2) S/S:
What does the tympanic membrane
look like with otitis? Bulging and
bright ______
3) Tx:
Do heating pads help with the pain?
Avoid ________________. And
provide soft foods.
Lie on the ___________________
May not hear you.
Avoid smoke.
May require PE tubes to keep the
middle ear ________________.

The ear tube (grommet) stays in

about 6 months and then falls out.
4) Prevention:
While tubes are in wear ear plugs
when bathing or swimming.
Have baby
_______________________ for
No bottle propping.
AVOID nose blowing.
Avoid smoke.
3. Lower Respiratory Tract Disease
a. RSV Respiratory Syncytial
1) Causes:
An acute viral infection that affects
the bronchioles and includes RSV
bronchiolitis or RSV pneumonia.
Leading cause of Lower Respiratory
Tract Illness in children less than
________ years.
236 Hurst Review Services
2) Risk Factors:
Congenital disorders
Focus is on _________________
(high risk will get RSV vaccine)
3) S/S:
Nasal ____________________
Mild fever
Nonproductive ________
Tachypnea with flaring nares
Retraction and _________________
It is important to know the onset of
s/s because the disease will become
worse on days _________________.
4) Dx:
Nasal ________________.
5) Tx:
_________________ precautions.
Teach good hand washing
Treat symptoms (supportive care:
Oxygen: may need mechanical
IV fluids
Antiviral (Ribavirin)
Hint: Sign and symptoms can range
from mild to severe; can go from
cough, runny nose with copious
amounts of
mucus, to severe respiratory distress!

b. Pneumonia:
1) Causes:
Viral (RSV, adenovirus or
Bacterial (Culprit is ____________
pneumonia) children <4 yrs
Mycotic (walking pneumonia)
primarily in adolescents.
Aspiration pneumonia (something
other than air gets in the lung)
2) S/S:
Fine ____________ or rhonchi with
a cough that is productive or
Abdominal distention
Back pain
Fever that is usually high.
Chest pain from coughing
3) Tx:
Cough suppressant
c. Asthma: (see 5th day material)
d. Down Syndrome:
1) What type of infection are Down
Syndrome children prone to
_______________________ Why?
Because they have a poor
_________________ system
2) The most common type of defect
associated with Down Syndrome is
___________ ______________.
3) The primary aim in genetic
counseling is to inform the parents of
e. Cystic Fibrosis:
1) Causes: ____________ trait, and
must get trait from _______ parents.
2) S/S:
___________, _________________
Characterized by ____________
gland dysfunction. (These secrete
Thick, sticky secretions are found in
the _____________ and GI tract.
238 Hurst Review Services
3) Dx:
Diagnostic test for cystic fibrosis?
Positive __________ chloride test
At risk for ___________________.
The earliest sign in the newborn is
the meconium, called _____________.
They will have steatorrhea stools,
which means ________ and

4) Tx:
Enzymes that help improve
digestion are the ______________
Take _______ minutes prior to eating,
do not crush or chew.
Need a well balanced, low fat, high
calorie, ________ protein diet.
Require _______% of the
recommended daily allowance.
They need to take ________ soluble
vitamins including A, D, E, and K.
C. Cardiac:
1. Heart Failure:
a. Causes: Usually due to congenital
b. S/S:
1) Lips turn blue when taking a
2) Increase pulse at rest, or with slight
3) Increased respiratory rate
4) Scalp sweating
5) Fatigue
6) Sudden weight _______
c. Tx:
1) Ongoing assessment
2) Control room temperature
3) Sit them up
4) Rest
5) __________ stimuli
6) Cool, humidified oxygen
7) Uninterrupted sleep
Fluid retention think heart problems
Hurst Review Services 239
2. Cardiac Medications for pediatric
a. Digoxin:
1) Infants rarely get more than
2) Give ______ hour before and
_____ hours after feedings.
3) DO NOT mix with medicine,
___________ or fluid.
4) Always check the dose with another
5) Check the apical pulse for
b. Ace Inhibitors: enalapril
(Vasotec), captopril (Capoten)
1) Side effects:
____________ blood pressure
Kidney problems
________ cough
2) Action: They block
c. Lasix: To decrease the volume.
3. Nutrition in HF Pediatric Client:
a. Well rested prior to eating.
1) Feed them when they wake up or
show signs of hunger.

2) ______________ crying.
b. Small frequent feedings every
__________, no longer than
c. High calories.
d. We want to use a ________nipple
with a __________ opening so the
baby wont
have to work so hard to get the
formula out.
e. May require gavage feedings.
f. Usually dont require sodium and
water restrictions because of
decreased intake.
240 Hurst Review Services
4. Acquired Cardiac Disease:
a. Rheumatic Fever is an
inflammatory disease that occurs after
an infection with
___________ beta hemolytic
1) Major cardiac clinical manifestation
is _____________.
2) Therapeutic management is
________________, if they are
allergic then
erythromycin is the drug of choice.
b. Kawasaki Disease is characterized
by wide spread ______________ of
the small
and medium sized blood vessels.
Coronary arteries are most susceptible.
High dose IV immune-globulin
_______________ therapy
_____________ environment.
D. GI System:
1. Cleft Palate/Cleft Lip:
a. What is the top nursing diagnosis?
Alternation in __________________
1) Feed with an ______________
nipple or medicine dropper down the
side of
the mouth.
2) Burp frequently so they will not
swallow a lot of _____________.
b. Cleft Lip Repair:
1) Position on back or side lying to
protect the ___________________.
2) Do not place them
3) Clean the suture line with
______________ post op.
c. Cleft Palate Repair:
1) Place them prone to promote
2) Avoid putting things in their mouth
(thermometers, straws).
3) Soft diet until well healed
4) Are speech defects common?

5) When is the best time to do this?

Before ___________ development.
6) What type of restraints would be
used? ____________
Hurst Review Services 241
2. GER, GERD: GER becomes
GERD when complications such as
failure to thrive,
bleeding, or difficulty swallowing
(dysphagia) occurs.
a. Positioning:
1) ____________ position with
feedings and at night.
2) 30 degree elevated prone position
to _________ reflux and improve
b. Feedings:
1) Small frequent feedings of
____________ formula.
2) Breast feeding continues with more
frequent feedings or expressing the
for thickening with rice cereal.
c. Medication: H2 blockers, Proton
pump inhibitors
3. Esophageal Atresia/T-E Fistula:
a. Causes:
The saliva cannot make it to the
stomach because the esophagus ends
in a
blind ____________.
b. S/S:
1) Why do babies with esophageal
atresia not have meconium? Because
never swallowed _____________
2) How are they feed?
_____________ tube
3) T E Fistula watch for
Chocking especially while drinking
The first feeding needs to be
The top nursing diagnosis is
potential for ________________.
c. Tx:
1) They will do corrective surgery and
the infant is placed on their back with
_________ and ________________
2) It is not uncommon to see
polyhydramnios in pregnancy when
the infant has
GI problems. The infant does not
swallow any amniotic fluid so it just
242 Hurst Review Services
4. Pyloric Stenosis

a. S/S:
1) Projectile VOMITTING usually
after eating.
2) Very hungry
3) OLIVE shaped mass in epigastric
4) Peristalsis is obvious.
b. Dx:
Pyloric ultrasound
c. Tx:
1) Hydration
2) Intake and OUTPUT
3) Daily WEIGHT
4) Monitor urine specific gravity
5) _________________
5. Intussusception: (When a piece of
bowel goes backwards inside itself
forming an
a. S/S:
1) Sudden ______________
2) Cramping
3) Abdominal _____________
4) Inconsolability
5) Drawing up _____________
6) Currant ____________ stools
(monitor stools)
b. Dx/Tx:
The definitive diagnosis is through a
_________ __________ and this will
sometimes fix the problem.
Teach sign and symptoms of
6. Hirschsprungs Disease: a
congenital anomaly also known as
megacolon that results in a mechanical
obstruction along the bowel (sigmoid).
a. S/S:
1) The presenting symptom is
2) Abdominal distention.
3) ____________- like stools that
have a foul smell.
Hurst Review Services 243
b. Tx:
1) Remove the portion of the bowel
that is diseased.
2) May require two surgeries to give
the intestines time to heal.
7. Imperforate Anus:
There is no __________________
opening, therefore the baby will not
pass the
They will do surgery, so they may
come back with a ________________
8. Celiac Disease:
a. Causes:
A genetic malabsorption disorder
where there is a permanent intestinal

intolerance to ______________.
b. Tx:
1) No food with
___________________. (Vegetable
2) They cannot have BROW.
3) They can have RCS.
9. Genitourinary:
a. UTI-Urinary Tract Infection:
1) S/S:
In newborns and children <2, the s/s
may be nonspecific- might even seem
to be a GI problem.
Failure to thrive
_________ problems
Vomiting and __________
If left untreated kidney becomes
small, tissue may be destroyed and
scarring occurs and then the kidney
could lead to ______________.
Urine smells fishy
Predisposing factors (renal
anomalies, constipation, bubble baths,
hygiene, pin worms, sexual abuse)
244 Hurst Review Services
Classic symptoms in children >2:
___________ pain
2) Dx:
Properly collected urine specimen
Most accurate method is
3) Tx:
Antibiotic therapy: PO or IV
b. Testicular torsion: surgical
Painful condition caused by the
sudden twisting of the spermatic cord
results in the loss of blood flow to the
Occurs in 1 out of every 40,000
males with a peak onset of _______
years of
Most common cause of __________
loss in adolescent males.
If not diagnosed in a timely manner,
they can ________ the affected

1) S/S:
Unilateral pain to affected testicles
May experience __________ and
_______________ of the testicles
2) Tx:
E. Hematology:
1. General Information:
When caring for a client with a
hematologic disorder, always include
______________ isolation as part of
their plan of care.
High risk for _________________
Encourage __________
Always use sterile technique.
2. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
This is a hereditary disorder in
which the ___________________ is
partly or
completely replaced with sickleshaped hemoglobin.
Sickle shaped hemoglobin or Hgbs
cannot carry _________ like normal
a. S/S:
1) __________ in the areas of
2) Anorexia.
3) Exercise _____________________.
b. Tx:
1) _________ __________
3) Analgesics
4) Antibiotics
5) ___________ transfusions and
6) Oxygen
F. Childhood Cancer:
1. Leukemia:
a. This is cancer of the blood forming
tissue and proliferation of
white cells.
b. When thinking of leukemia always
remember immunosuppression,
c. Two types ALL (acute lymphoid
leukemia) and AML (acute
d. S/S:
Vague abdominal pain
Easily acquired infections

2. Now, Wilms tumor or

nephroblastoma are found where?
a. Most common presenting sign is
___________________ or non-tender
mass on
one side of the abdomen.
b. Dont palpate the ______________.
c. ____________ _____________
while bathing or moving the client.
246 Hurst Review Services
G. Neurology:
1. Hydrocephalus:
A disturbance of the ventricular
circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid
in the
Increase of cranial pressure.
a. S/S:
1) Bulging of the _____________
2) Dilated scalp veins
3) Depressed ________
4) Irritability and changes in the
5) High-pitched cry
b. Tx: Insertion of a VP
(ventriculoperitoneal shunt)
1) Measure the __________ occipital
2) Fontanel and
cranial_______________ line
3) Monitor the temperature
4) ___________ position
2. Seizure Disorders:
Should consider as a symptom of an
underlying disorder rather than a
May have a short term memory
School work deteriorates which may
be ___________ indicator of a
a. Classification:
1) Partial:
Limited to a particular location of
the brain.
An ___________ may be the only
Simple partial means without loss of
consciousness with various
sensations: Numbness, tingling,
prickling, or pain.
Complex partial means they have
______________ consciousness and
may be confused and unable to
2) Generalized:
Loss of ________________.

Tonic-clonic (formally known as

grand mal)
Myoclonic (sudden, brief contractures
of a muscle or group of muscles;
may look like a startle reflex)
Absence (formally called petit mal
and characterized by a brief loss of
Hurst Review Services 247
b. Tx:
Diagnostic testing: EEG,
Ultrasound, CT/X-ray
Airway, Breathing and Circulation
DO NOT put anything in the childs
H. Musculoskeletal System
1. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature and
___________ of the spine.
Seldom apparent before age 10, and
can be genetic.
a. Contributing factors:
Heavy __________________
(suitcases, grocery, etc.)
Carrying children on hips
b. Tx: The 3 Os
Orthosis (supports and braces)
O ______________ which usually is
spinal fusion with rod.
I. Early Childhood Conditions:
1. Pin Worms:
How are they spread?
How are they diagnosed?
a. S/S:
Intense rectal _________________
General irritability
Poor sleep
Bed wetting
Short attention span
b. Tx:
Mebendazole (Vermox)
Hand ______________
Keep fingernails ______________
248 Hurst Review Services
2. Chicken Pox:
Prevent ___________ in the lesions.
Home remedies that alleviate itching
are ___________ bath, __________
___________ paste.
Is it contagious? ________
If they have an increased risk for
severe varicella, Acyclovir is
J. Middle Childhood Conditions:
Head Lice:

Common symptom:
How are lice spread?
_________________ contact
K. Adolescent Conditions:
What is the name of the virus that
causes infectious mononucleosis?
How is it spread? ____________
intimate contact
Rest, analgesics and fluid
The spleen will be enlarged so you
dont want them to participate in
contact sports.

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