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Decline of Feudalism & the Middle Ages

Black Death reduced population; workers in demand, could be paid for labor
Agriculture improves with the 3 field system and heavy horse pulled plows
Better/More food leads to growth of population
Left manor for the cities; formed guilds, businesses; Rise of towns
Trade/Banking/Commerce develop
Rise of money economy rather than land economy
Rise of a middle class (bourgeoisie)
Nobles weakened by Crusades/many killed
Kings begin to reestablish power, created centralized government
Church declines due to failure to cure the plague
Church fails to take the Holy Lands from Muslims
Opens up new trade routes, ideas, products, better roads
Corruption in Church/More secular & worldly
Great Schism (two Popes)
Hundred Years War
Age of Knights/Chivalry dies due to longbow
Rise of NATIONALISM rather than allegiance to a local lord
Modern Era!

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