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Burn Off The Extra FAT If You Have Some Extra

Some of us, to master the human flag are going to have to lose some extra body fat. Remember we
need our bodies to be lean, dense, and pound for pound very strong. You can weigh a lot; it just needs
to be strong efficient muscle and a low percentage of fat. Ive seen guys who are over 200lbs do the
human flag but they were solid efficient muscle and they could perform a good amount of pull-ups, dips,
and other body-weight exercises.
So if you need to cut down the fat percentage on your body here is some things you can do.

Now even if you are not trying to lose extra fat, diet is very IMPORTANT. What you put into your body
will affect the energy levels you have, how fast your muscles recover, and of course, how much body fat
you will gain.
You need to have a well-balanced diet that avoids harmful toxins and chemicals.
This day and age, it is hard to feed our body and cells all the nutrients we need. I am going to give you a
few simple guidelines to follow that will get your body operating at its maximum level.

1. EAT 4-6 Meals a Day

This will help increase or keep your metabolism at a high level. Eat your three basic meals and
snacks in between. Your meal portions should be smaller.

2. Eliminate Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is used in everything you see in the supermarkets. It is an anti-nutrient and an
empty calorie. This means it takes nutrient away and adds useless calories to your body. Look
for products that specifically say pure cane sugar instead.

3. Eliminate Enriched Flour

White flower or enriched flower is a wheat grain stripped of most of its nutrients. Try to
consume whole grains like wild rice, barley, wild oats, and quinoa. These grains are full of
nutrients and are much healthier than breads. If you do eat breads choose 100% whole wheat.

4. Eliminate Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Trans

Unlike real butter or virgin coconut oil, hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans fats and
trans fats are like poison to the body. You will find partially hydrogenated oils in most packaged
or boxed foods. Look on the ingredients list and if you ever see hydrogenated oils stay away
from it. Now it is important consume fats. You just need to consume the right ones. Avocados,
olive oil, raw nuts, and high quality meats are a great source of healthy fats.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Most of us do not drink enough water throughout the day. Pass on the cokes, juices, and energy
drinks. You should be drinking water all throughout the day.

6. Eat Raw, Organic Fruits and Vegetables

A large portion of our diet should be raw organic fruits and vegetables. Organic means NO
Pesticides are used and the product is grown in natural, undisturbed soils. Fruits and vegetables
grown in this environment have more nutrients and tend to taste better. Try to keep a nice
variety of colors and textures in your diet. Some nutrient packed vegetables are the green leafy
kind. Spinach, Kale, and Bok Choy are a few high quality greens.

7. Eat High Quality Meats

Look for anti-biotic and growth hormone free products.

8. Take High Quality Vitamins

Consume high quality vitamins. Even with a good diet, it is hard to receive all the vitamins and
minerals our body needs. I would recommend consuming a vitamin C and Multivitamin daily.

Watch calories; take in less than you burn. The only way you can lose weight naturally is by burning
more calories than you consume, period. So we need to exercise and elevate our heart rate to the
critical maximum calorie burning level and we need to consume or take in fewer calories than we burn
during the day.
You will burn calories in your workouts and you will burn calories throughout the day from your body
operating. Thats right you burn calories even when youre sitting on the couch. This is where your
metabolism comes in. Some of the lucky people out there have very fast resting metabolisms. So they
can burn a large amount of calories without doing much exercise.
You ever meet that person who can eat all day, not exercise, and theyre still a skinny bean pole. Well
they have very fast metabolisms and Ill explain more into metabolisms later on.
Calories are very important to keep your body running but if you consume too many and dont burn
them off through exercise you will see weight gain.

Keep in mind many of us have different metabolism rates due to different factors: genes, age, gender,
how we eat, and exercise.
Genes- Look at your parents, grandparents, uncles, etc. If they have had trouble keeping the weight off
or have slow metabolism than odds are you will pick up some of those traits. But this doesnt mean you
give up and thats that. There are ways to speed up your metabolism naturally.
Age- The older you are the slower your metabolism will be, when youre around... Its said that your
metabolism naturally slows down 5% every 10 years after
Gender- Females tend to have slower metabolisms than males.
How we eat - If you eat only 2 big meals a day your metabolism will be slow if you eat 5-6 smaller meals
a day you will boost your metabolism. Also eating the correct diet as mentioned above will also increase
your metabolism.
Exercise- If you exercise on a regular basis, this will increase your metabolism.
Some places you can check and measure you sitting metabolism rate and then implement that into
calories burnt and calories consumed with your diet and exercise.

Fat burning- exercises: HIIT Cardio Circuits

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has been proven to be the fastest and most efficient way to burn
calories and lose fat.
The great thing about HIIT is you dont have to spend hours in the gym or run forever on a treadmill. You
train with high intensity for short bursts.
Below Im going to give you a very short a simple (HIIT) workout you can implement.
High Intensity Interval Training is AWESOME because you can get a nice aerobic workout in short
periods of time rather than running on a boring treadmill for half an hour. The Gibala study showed you
can get great results for both fitness and fat loss by using interval training. If the heart rate is maintained
above the 60 percent threshold proposed for aerobic training, then the session is both aerobic and
Here are a few simple exercises you can use for your (HIIT Training)
Shuttle or Suicide Runs:
(running to a line and back repeatedly) have both high muscular demand (acceleration and deceleration)
and high metabolic demand.
Stationary bike: If your body is not fit enough to run at high speeds or you have joint issue in your legs
you can ride a stationary bike and get great results as well. You can find these at most workout gyms.
With HIIT Training you will train in intervals with rest in between each session. For example, you do
30seconds of sprints then rest 1 minute, 30 seconds of sprints then rest 1 minute, and you continue the
cycle for a total of about 20-30 minutes.
The WORK to REST ratio is very important. The shorter your workout periods, the more intense they
should be so the rest period will be longer as a percentage of the interval.
Heres an example:
Fifteen second intervals will need at least a 2-1 rest to work ratio. 3-1 will work better for beginners.
(Work) 15 second sprints
(Rest) 30 second Rest or 45 seconds Rest

During your work intervals you do NOT want to work at 100% or you wont be able to complete your
exercises. Work at around 90%
- work 15 sec. Beginners at least Rest 45 sec (3-1), more advanced 30 sec (2-1)
- work 30 sec. Rest 1:00 to 1:30 (3-1 or 2-1)
- work 1:00. Rest 1:00- 2:00 (2-1 or 1-1)
So if youre first starting off you can perform your HIIT workout like so:
Warm-up: 10 mins
HIIT training: 15 sec sprint followed by a 45sec rest
15 sec sprint followed by a 45sec rest
15 sec sprint followed by a 45sec rest
15 sec sprint followed by a 45sec rest
Do this for about 20 minutes or 20 rounds.
Just remember, as the intervals get longer, the recovery time, as it relates to the interval, may not need
to be as long. In other words, a fifteen second sprint may require 30-45 seconds rest but a two minute
interval may only need to be followed by a two minute rest.


Develop the Muscles

The muscles you are going to use for your human flag are primarily core muscles and your upper body.
So thats what we are going to develop. First we will perform the Flag-Ready Warm-Up Routine:
Heres a video giving a quick demonstration ALL the muscle-building workouts were going to be doing
for the Human Flag (Only 7 basic workouts) WATCH ALL Muscle Building Exercises
- Hanging Leg Raises
- Hanging Knee Raises
- Windshield Wipers
- Pull-Ups
- Side to Side Leg Raises
- Plank
- Right Side Plank
- Left Side Plank


If you dont develop your core, you will
never get your human flag.
The Plank is one of the most effective and
simple AB exercises you can use. Its fantastic for your core strength! When were training our flag the
core is going to be used the most. So we want to spend a lot of time developing our core strength. We
are going to perform 3 different plank exercises.
The Plank targets the abdominals, back, and hip muscles.

Step 1: Lay on the ground with your stomach facing down. Place your forearms on the ground
underneath your chest. Place your toes on the ground. I like to angle my forearms in a little bit form a
triangle. I also like to clinch my fist but this is just personal preference.
* Find a soft surface like grass when first doing these planks.
Step 2: Lift up with your body to form a nice bridge position. The only body parts touching the ground
should be your toes and forearms.
* NEVER sag your hips, you must always keep a straight line with your back.
Step 3: Tighten up with your abs to hold the bridge position.
Depending on your starting core strength you can hold for 10 secs 2 minutes with this plank hold.
The rule of thumb is to hold the plank as long as you can without sacrificing your form. Once you begin
to sag your back or readjust, thats when your muscles have had enough.

Right Side Plank


Step 1: Lay the right side of your body on

the ground. Place your right forearm on the
ground underneath your chest. Place your
right foot on the ground as well. You can
place the left foot on top or behind your
right foot.
* Find a soft surface like grass when first doing these planks.

Step 2: Lift up with your body to form a nice bridge position. The only body parts touching the ground
should be your foot/feet and forearm.
* NEVER sag your hips; you must always keep a straight line with your back.
Step 3: Tighten up with your abs to hold the bridge position.
Depending on your starting core strength you can hold for 10 secs 1:30minutes with this plank hold.

The rule of thumb is to hold the plank as long as you can without sacrificing your form. Once you begin
to sag your back or readjust, thats when your muscles have had enough.

Left Side Plank


Step 1: Lay the left side of your body on

the ground. Place your left forearm on the
ground underneath your chest. Place your
left foot on the ground as well. You can
place the right foot on top or behind your
right foot.
* Find a soft surface like grass when first doing these planks.

Step 2: Lift up with your body to form a nice bridge position. The only body parts touching the ground
should be your foot/feet and forearm.
* NEVER sag your hips; you must always keep a straight line with your back.

Step 3: Tighten up with your abs to hold the bridge position.

Depending on your starting core strength you can hold for 10 secs 1:30minutes with this plank hold.
The rule of thumb is to hold the plank as long as you can without sacrificing your form. Once you begin
to sag your back or readjust, thats when your muscles have had enough.


Windshield wipers are a more advanced core workout but very effective.
These will rip your abs up and build up a lot of strength. They target your obliques and you will be using
these a lot for the flag.
You might have trouble doing the straight leg wipers at first. If so, try performing them with your legs
tucked in. You can also perform these on the ground. Ground wipers are much easier. Ill show you
ground wipers in a little bit.
Step 1: Lift legs up as if youre doing a leg raise.
Step 2: Tilt your head and body slightly back to get a good angle.
*At this point you can pull-up with your arms a little bit to create a bend in your arms. This will give you
more control.
Step 3: keep your legs together and move them back and forth in a semi-circle. Imagine they are
windshield wipers on a car and your legs are going back and forth on a car window.
If you have trouble with windshield wipers, you can work the same muscles with ground wipers. Ground
wipers are less stressful on your body.

Ground Wipers
Step 1: Lay your back on the ground, look straight up towards
the ceiling, have your arms extended out to your sides.
Step 2: You can have your legs tucked or straight and lift them
up to the sky directly above your hips.
Step 3: Carry your legs side to side, just like we did with the windshield wipers above. Your legs should
come pretty close to touching the ground on each side you wipe.
* note with the ground wipers you are not working the upper body, so if you are fit enough to
perform the hanging wind shield wipers and dont experience any pain with them do those instead of
the ground wipers.

Hanging Knee
Raises/ Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises/knees raises are one of the
best ab building exercise. They are also very
good for your core.
This exercise blows crunches out of the water
and if you arent already doing this exercise in
your normal workout routine youve been
missing out on a killer six pack workout.
This workout will also get your abs and core
ready for flagging.
You can perform these hanging like Im doing in
the picture or if you have access to a gym or have a chair set up you can do these in a chair.
I find the hanging raises are a better workout on your abs and your upper body. The chair raises are
easier but also dont create as much stress on your lower back. Much like the windshield wipers and the
ground wipers we discussed above.
Try to do the hanging leg raises but if your arms are too worn out at this time or you start to feel any
pains look for the chair raises.

The human flag uses a lot of core strength but
it also uses upper body strength. The best total
upper body workout is the pull up.
This is how you get that v-cut in your back that
was made famous by Bruce Lee.
This exercise targets your lats, shoulders,
biceps, triceps, and even some abs for
Now if you have trouble doing a pull-up there
are ways to build up into the pull-up and Im
going to show you those steps further below.
First lets go over the technique for the pull-up.
Step 1: Grab on to a bar or tree limb. Make
sure you thumb and fingers are wrapped around the bar going the same direction. You can have your
arms about shoulder width a part or a little wider. Switch grips from time to time. Have palms facing
away from you and then switch to having palms faced toward you. This will work both your triceps and
biceps evenly.
Step 2: Pull-up slowly, just using your arms (no kipping on these) pull-up till your chin is above the rail.
Step 3: Lower down slowly and go all the way down. Go down until your arms are almost straight and
locked out. Then pull back up for another rep.

Pull-Up Progression Steps


Step 1: Performed incline pull-ups. Find a low bar that allows you to rest your feet
on the ground in front of you. This will take away some of the weight for the pull-up
and allow you to gradually build up your upper body muscles.

Step 2: Move your legs further forward to take away more and more assistance.
Then you can lift one leg up and perform the inclined pull-ups.

Step 3: Perform bar hangs. Hang on the bar at different heights. Hang on the bar
with your arms fully extended. Half way bent, and all the way up with your chin
over the bar

Step 4: Perform negative pull-ups. Start with your chin above the bar and slowly
lower down. Repeat this process. At this step you can also perform jumping pullups.

Step 5: Perform kipping pull-ups. Launch your knees and your hips up while pulling
up. You can also jump into the pull-up from the ground and slowly lower down.

Step 6: Perform pull-up

Side to Side Leg

This is another exercise for your
obliques and core.
This is going to mimic the flag position
and movement.
Step 1: Get in your pull-up position and
put your legs together. Tighten up with
your abs, legs, and butt.
Step 2: Move from side to side as slow as you can. Try to hold at the maximum height for a second or
two and lower back down.
If you have trouble performing these or your arms are worn out. You can perform these on the ground
in the superman position.

Superman Side-Side
Step 1: Lay on your stomach on soft ground. Have your legs
together and arms extended out to your sides
Step 2: Lift up your upper body and legs about an inch or so off the ground. You will be balancing on
your lower abdomen or hip area. (this is why we want to do this on soft ground)
Step 3: With your arms and extended and balancing on your hips. Move from side to side taping your
extended hands to each leg. Go back and forth.

Now you have the tools and exercises to CUT Down excess fat and Develop the flag muscles!
I put these exercises smoothly into your flag schedule so you can easily implement them.
Now its time for you to go out and train!
Safe training,

Thomas Tapp

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