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en Star
By User: Nor7

night I decide
ed to try my hand at mak
king a woode
en star. Im an
a Engineer in by trade so
o the
So last n
angles w
were easy to figure out but the actual cutting wass not since my
m saws werre designed to
t make
d cuts to larg
ger pieces of wood. For this project I used a piece
e of nice pine
e I had laying
g around.
Dont re
emember wh
hat the dimen
nsions were from the sto
ore but it me
easured thick and 3
Luckily I have accesss to some higher end dra
afting softwaare so making this tutoriaal was a bree
Please e
enjoy and hap
ppy building..

Qty 1: 1x4, 8 long
Handful of pocket Sc
crews (rough
hly 10)
Glue (if yyou want to use it, perso
onally I dont like using glue)
Kregg Jig
Miter Saaw (or Table Saw, or Scro
oll Saw, etc)

Step 1:
Trace yo
our cuts on th
he first piece
e to determin
ne how tall itt is going to be. Ive provvided a sketcch that I
ended up using on my
m 3.5 wide
e piece of wo
ood. See pictture below. I drew a centreline and then a 36
degree angle
from th
he bottom/m
middle of the wood. I pickked 20 degre
ees for the sttar tips becaause I
liked thaat height, this
s angle is negotiable, a th
hinner angle will give you
u a taller starr.

Step 2:
Start cuttting. BE CAREFUL!!! W
R FINGERS!!! These are relatively sm
mall pieces compared
to the larger furniture I normally build so my fingers were
e close to the
e blade.
Step 3:
Once yo
ou have one piece complete it may make
it easierr to use it as a guide for the
t other 4.
Remember you will need 5 of these legs to
o make a who
ole star.

Step 4:
ble. I made su
ure to pick th
he ugliest side
of each piece
as my work side. I then used m
my Kregg
Jig to drrill two holes for each pie
ece. Remember you only need to drilll on one side
e of each leg. The
next leg will drill into
o the next an
nd so on until the last one
e secures intto the first. Make
sure yo
ou drill all
your holes before yo
ou start joinin
Step 5:
Youre d

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