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Conflict Quiz

Fill in the blank with the word that best completes the sentence.
1. A ____________________ is a struggle between two or more individuals or groups.
2. A struggle between man and some force outside himself is an ________________
3. _________________ _________________ is a struggle that takes place within an
4. The three types of external conflict are _______________, _________________, and
5. Internal conflict is referred to as Man vs. _________________.
Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the response that best identifies the type of conflict described.
6. _____ Todd is trying to quit cheating.
a. Man vs. Man

b. Man vs. Nature

c. Man vs. Himself

7. _____ Sherri and her sister are fighting over a toy.

a. Man vs. Man

b. Man vs. Nature

c. Man vs. Society

8. _____ Mr. Smith challenged the fairness of the law.

a. Man vs. Nature b. Man vs. Society c. Man vs. Himself
9. _____ Charles had to cross the Rocky Mountains alone.
a. Man vs. Nature b. Man vs. Society c. Man vs. Man
10. _____ Sara had to decide between babysitting her sister or going to the football
a. Man vs. Nature b. Man vs. Man

c. Man vs. Himself

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