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Name ___________________ March Spelling

1. thermos: a container used to keep things warm (therm-: a prefix

meaning heat)
2. microphone: a device used to make sounds louder (phon: a word
root meaning sound or voice)
3. solar: relating to the sun
4. lunar: relating to the moon
5. boycott: to protest by not buying or not using something
6. antifreeze (anti-: a prefix meaning against)
7. midnight (mid-: A prefix meaning middle)
8. thermostat: a device used to control the temperature (therm-: a
prefix meaning heat)
9. comet: a ball of mostly ice, with a tail, that travels around the sun
10. triangular trade: the exchange of slaves and goods among Europe,
the Americas, and West Africa, using shipping routes across the
Atlantic Ocean
11.thermometer: an instrument used to measure temperature or heat
12. cacophony: harsh sounds or bad noise (phon: a word root meaning
sound or voice)
13. asteroid: a small body (minor planet) that revolves around the Sun.
14. abolition: the act of putting an end to something
15. proclamation: a public announcement

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