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Nicolette Briglio

Part B
Ms. Tavani
March 11, 2015
Dear Slobodan Milosevic,
I am a Bosnian Muslim. I know that you probably wont see this because your now in
prison where you belong, but I hope the guards give this letter to you. This letter is to give
you little insight on the results on your doings. You deserve nothing but the worst because
you brought this all upon yourself and I dont feel bad for you one bit. I knew from the very
start that you were bad for Yugoslavia and were not going to be able to fill the shoes of Tito.
In my opinion you should be in the position you are in because you were not a good leader.
A leader is supposed to hold everyone together so they do not fall apart and go against one
another, but you obviously did the opposite.
Let me just give you a little recap of what life was like for people, not just me, but
everyone who wasnt a Serb. You separated what was known of our country right down to
the smallest of families. Loading us onto buses and trucks by pushing and forcing us
against our will was just the beginning. You held us hostage with thousands of others
women and children who feared for their lives. Not knowing where we were going and what
will happen to us was scary. Driving away and hearing gun shots made me sick to know
what was happening to the boys and men that we had to leave and made us horrified for
the plans you had for us women.
Continuing on with the Bosnian War was like the crashing point of what we had left.
As I did escape from the Serbs, I settled in to a safe haven to keep me protected from any
possible reconnections to what had already happened to me. Just as I could let go of my
nerves airstrikes came down on the town. I saw bodies lying on the ground and people

frantically running everyone to take cover. Do you feel happy knowing that innocent people
are dying? Please tell me because I would like to know what is going on in your head. With
the hard hitting airstrikes landing, the whole town started to crumble to pieces.
While writing this letter to you today, I hope you feel horrible about your actions. All
because you wanted every person to be Serbian. You should apologize for the damaged
you caused, the people that died and the country you tore apart. The U.N. tried to protect
two parts of Serbia from fighting, which is something that you should have been doing
instead of playing games and leading the fight. As you sit in that jail cell just know that the
Muslim and Croatians are still standing and I am one of them.
A Bosnian Muslim Women

R- Bosnian Muslim when Milosevic was in prison

A- Rant
F- Letter
T- Angry, questionable

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