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“Origami Museum! _ ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa Fa Origami Museum! ! ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa Translated by Hiroko Ichivama and Mary Kiyono) Published by Kamakura Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd., Fokyo, Japan Overseas Distributors Japan Publicatious Trading Go., Lid. P.O Box 5030 Tokya Internarional, Tokyo, Japan Diitnbutor Untten States: Kodansha International /USA, Led. through Farrar, Sirus & Girone, 19 Union Square West, New York 10008. Cawapa: Fitzhenty & Woitesice Lid. 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario LUR 1'T8, BRUSH Isues: Premier Book Marketing Lid, 1 Gower Street, London WCIL GHA. EUROPRAN CONIINEN': European Book Service PRD, Strijkviertel 65, S434 PK De Mecrn, The Netherlands. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZRALAND: Bookivise International, 54 Crittenden Road, Findon, South Australia 3023. Tre Far East AND JAPAN: Japan Publications Trading Co, Led., 1-2-1, Sarugaku-cho, Chiyodackn, Tokyo 101 ISBN 0.87010-737-6 1907 by Akira Yoshizawa All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form without che written permission of the publisher. Second printing: July 1989 Printed in Japan’ PREFACE It gives me the utmost joy to create figures which are not only beautiful but are heart-warming and endear themselves to people. Every diagram introduced in this book was born out of my longing for many years to do this Creative Origami with tree expression, which | admire most, begins by working with limitless lines and results in the production of the most beautiful figures which perfectly match the given theme. These folding lines must follow the laws of nature. The theme of this book is animals; therefore it is necessary tor everyone of us to get acquainted with animals and observe them carefully in order to bring liveliness to the folded objects. Here, | have tried to fold paper more freely and creatively combining planes and folding lines most effectively. In this way, each person can produce something uniqua out of plain papar and one’s own creativity becomes tangible and alive, in Japan, origami of the past was a repetitious copying, simply folding the same subjects exactly as others did. In such a way, there was no creativity in the works. In 1958, there was exhibit of my works in Europe presented by Dr.Gershon Legman Through the exhibition my works wera introduced to many nations of the world as a completely new art of paper work. Since then, more and more people have become interested in and understand origami. | believe that origami carries the message of peace to everyone in the world in the coming ?1st century. | sincerely hope that origami can bring each one ot you joy, at the same time can reach every corner of the world Akiva Yoshizawa President of International Origami Society September 1986 “ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER” Itis a source of great delight to know thal in recent years the art of origami has spread throughout America, Europe and many other countries of the world. itis more than fifty years since | first became enchanted with origami. | then saw, through Mr. Yoshizawa’s books, that unbelievably beautiful, life-like objects could be created from a combina- tion of folding lines and planes on a simple piece of paper. At the same time, it filled me with a sense ot endless joy and wonder. Since that beginning, | came to know Mr. Yoshizawa through years ot correspondence and finally, in 1959, | was able to meet him in person Mr.Yoshizawa, the gifted master of origami, who excels others by tar. has created artistic ngenious, heart-warming creatures and figures in abundance. | am so happy that there is now a book in English so thal you will be able 10 not only discover the great joy of origami put will receive an insight into the natural scientific and philosophical knowledge which underlies all his work Iig the desire of Master Yoshizawa thal origami enthusiasts will share his hope that this creative art will be correctly introduced to others I myself continue to value oreative origami, to spréad the knowledge of it because I am convinéed that it is meant to enrich everyone, everywhere. Fictvan Offperktecer Lillian Oppenheimer Founder and Director The Origami Center of America October 1986 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE - "ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER” SYMBOLS OF FOLDING BUTTERFLY TADPOLE JUMPING FROG 2 SNAIL CICADA CRAB GRASSHOPPER JUMPING ORIGAMI DRAGONFLY - WHALE AND FISH LOBSTER HERMIT CRAB. TURTLE BIRD ++ FLYING DOVE PENGUIN cROW - Mountain fold oO Valley told MOTHER CROW AND BABIES DUCK FAMILY === ~ coceoeat OWL DOVE +++ cow » RABBIT RACCOON The Drummer « SNAKE DRAGON + MOUSE TIGER GIRATTE, GORILLA GIANT PANDA FACE OF DOG ++ PUPPY IGUANODON FLEPHANT ++ ABOUT THE AUTHOR + SYMBOLS OF FOLDING cs @ Fold toward right side: Fold toward wang sie Rolled fold Mountain told Pushin Pull out or push in “00 a. => —> tif the instructions are the same for several forms, the repetitious paris are deleted, » When diagrams are sufficient, instruc tions are omitted ® Tre dagrammagrifed Fight wef Gu0ve sotty oe Ee — Center tine NOTE: + The symbols only shown on the exte + Wo used symbols ABC plus OO a rior surtaves and others whan necessary 10 mark the corners and surfaces + In the small areas of the diagrams, the folding lines are extendad. If you match your paper to the comers it will make it easiet 1Or to fold a figure, BUTTERFLY With a sheet of paper and a bit of free time, you can enjoy creating endless beauly and joy. Paper for origami can pe found In abundance all around us in innumerable textures and ypes. In Creative Origami the paper is not cut or pasted but is simply folded and the lines and refraction express the beauty of nature, deliant or sorrow. .lust as there is an endless variaty of paper, 80 are there any numbor of themes you can choose from, However, unless you first become familiar with the basic folds, you cannot fold frecly ; only then will you gradually be able to step [urther into the world of creative art After the ong cold winter, spring has come. Flowers bloom in the tields and putterities it among them enjoying their sweet scent. What a pleasure it would be if you could write a poom or fold a piece of paper to express the joy of spring, Select your paper so thal Ihe color and texture will mateh the fragility of butterilies. Stick folded butterflies on the wall or make a mobile with them. — cone Finish E F = t + t | U 1 Uso a square sheet of paper Folo al the point ot "4 of tno sheet, Then fold tin hall (fou cary use a rectan- Gute sheet wina 3 allo") E 6 £ ® ® 1 Adjust tne Mood ‘ard’ booy by. folding om the mountain 2 Fala | 6 anwar as ang vally Tots arrows indicate « : Wy iatovin Make a Bloat ara Rook ign the body Open as in diagram 4 Maik Re ating eo ay foles, reiald asm Slagram bush dnwn ba'0 YP Fold in erder ot. 2 and ec For € 6 . ® OQ. 8 toc &D aie Push the downward comers in 4 Fol cach part QQ as ations mdiale Pull 8 ou of ihe wsige 2 ties line 2 making it 4 2 Bring B down trom B Ihe mountain tine between G 8H. bola » exiar poe CA) Pineh as in), then fold in direciion ch Make oyes by folcing small corners of A Fold and D- Inward mountain ine ari them out at the val to make the foe OSA @ Sh. tod Y Fold a square piece of na ea fim ioid @8 0 Inaction at tne @ furn B inside 9) Fol m vor for ol A, tne fold pat’ of B Irom mountain line in chaoe of fated TADPOLE | grew up in the country and | often used to walk baretootedt on the paths between the rice ticlds Many times, | found tadpoles swimming in the streams ‘oF in the irrigation water A smell tadpole looking like a black ink spot wilh a tiny tatl soon grows to the size of a lima bean, Then, rear legs sprout near the tail and forelegs later appear. Finally, there is a baby irog, a perfect minialure of its parent, hopping around ali over ihe place When a baby frog hears footsteps, it quickly jumps into the stream and hides itself, leaving behind only the sound of a faint ‘splash’. IN| was quick encugh, | could catch a tiny frog in my hand, When | slowly opened my fingers. I would find it looking up at me in surmise, Yes, remember my childhood days very well Hore then is a tadpole. Alter you lear now to make il, why vont you make many mora? You can use small sheets of gray paper and arrange them as if they are swimming ina pond A METHOD | yD) y 2 Fold AC and BD back a arrows incicale Mark oth mountain vallay ines and 9i9 ingly Press_ pont X and slide your finger, then frog will ump foward. a by Make Iolaing shown 1 FoF AG toward ine Pull AC ap ad ines 8 ward tum Fold H up ard then over as in 4 i ne and gu 3 } s um && cirection of ow. Fait re-shown _ METHODI ©) 6 rr a ® Gring B to ‘ell as the arrow indicates. € thinner and rear ‘ones longer. 8 A InMetnod tay epi toto imc [Puirgitevela, tei cF Method |. and mountain then | fle BM tee nt Megs Finish JUMPING FROG Let's make @ mobile origami The diagram for the frog is designed functionally 50 that it produces a movement just like a real frog, If you fold it well, it will jump four of five times the lenath of its body You will have fun playing with the folded frog by having it jump towards a bullseye marked on drawing paper or onto your notebook. You can also told many trogs and let them have a jumping competition By varying the size ot the body or curving the nose, you van alse make diflerent Kinds of frogs sucn aS the green trog or a bull frog Be careful to note the —— in diagram fF) which denotes the diraction of the fiber in the paper 13 Use a square piece of paper with differ- ent colors on each side to differentiate the ody trom. the shell Wt Fuld AB insiv# to make 1 14 D Fold ABC logetner to make ® Bring k to the crease made in step 2 Tum te right t Wark the Mountain ana val Ines by folding Mave 2 Fold tne comers of AB a bit in order to make ‘eyes es shown in Photograph Fole outmard al jaliey line and legs Pull cu Make a leg out of J Fold ABC toguthean by refotcing itt down to tha ett on the miside a ihe ar nities nf the dest mountain fold 28 the Open up as in Foid D over valley ine To make 8 Aller & light afternoon shower, wa atten tind snails liding slowly down the trunk of a tree or coming out from under the fallen leaves. There are sevarel shanes o! snalla shove i (hiv picture i you fold E in diagram ( inward ad of oulward, the body section ang the shell section will be reversed. This will determine whether the shell winds sinisirally or dexirally, in otrer 4 eo on nection vwerdls, counter-clookwise oF 1 to the dotted line Hockwise. The spiral of the shell in the picture is talded from the outside. You can pinch the paper softly and told the curving line To make the shell LEAF larger, you can slightly shift the folding line. Finteh Turn A of diagram d@ to the right = to make the legs, B and C are tor the little horns, D_ Make diagonal 2. Piney 8 and make lines ona square piece s sien Open Lup a of paperfrold them all Title wit and shape lke togother a Wal CICADA When you wish to make origami of beautiful creatures or cule insects, il is best fo watch and observe carefully how they act and live in their natural surroundings instead ot depending upon illustrated books and photographs. By closely watching a tiny insect that is doing its very best to survive, you cannot help but feel love for it, When you have this feeling of love, it will invariably show up in your work There are many kinds of cicadas. You can try to make ditterent ones out ot the same diagram shown here, such as the cicada that sings in the tree under the hot summer sun, the hauntingly clear-tonad cicada that you gan hear in the morning or evening mist ani small cicada that sings al the end of summer Make heel 0 in the diage leal into the bran @_ Match two top () marks tha center D Make 2 crease along agonal ine AU. Slide B down BD. Turn over. Ihe back side ol 3) gly =6 shown ine Fold inside along Fam, Foles AL together the dallead tne Carine trom step 4) of an C1). Overiap Cin D Tp) 98 show © Prepare an isosceles ‘Out of a square sheet @Maxe eyss by folding the Fo 2 Fole Baron tw San mountain foward "okie A 2 Feit < ) wea wan ite one ® : Finish AM. ty jomti of the valley tal The back side ol 4 For the cleaga shown at Spread wings of cicada te lop ofthe picture, seen rom tha back of 3) told an isosecios trianglo Hoid A with fingers and al 1/4 of the langth throw it. It fies well Make many pleats on Follow stens in C1) and (11) 17 3) Tum over 2 Fo ARB c aot Backivara ae ; arrows ingicate Q @ PE j a) 8 IN Tx ee E ws Finish 2 roace Bin yh b of dotted } Eft ins g ® ® Y Mark mountain = = aint valley "folgs 08 Rowe tot as (a) oiFaa BREE db arrows indicate 5 Letit stand on 0, Fant Bp Ee . ‘ > LA) will sland better. you fol! GD on thm mountary fol © = A ® Fo @ snide ax Te ariow indicates, (B) In order to make (63, | folded GU torwatr, but o Follow stens tram Vio Dot (AL 5° Fold A&B back ward on mountain folds. Fold again on the valley fois | & B As shown in D Bring D ®) Pulloutthepato! g fold A WW Fold F dos make folding creas mn diestion B that doubles over J. same a3, B. ward Pert ol HT Open up ugain of arrow Make tne mountain Spread CAD Sotted lines and fold following fold and pull agai 10 open bath setes. sho Seps fom Dita © the place shown by the be toldec inside [A] and (B) dolled lines. Turn over as in 8) (ce) “ a» O° re 8 Let it stand on corners of LG & D. GB ana pull out AG 1° Ihe easiest way to make eyes. Te form tigurels: 18 Ww Pul_G,_ that covers half “af the back ot TI apart while holding Hi a2 Hot fh Fold H & 110 Ge cae i Fiche comer OMT DP Fold G and bring tt arrows mdicate own fo the corner iF. Fold A & Bi on Haun and valloy CRAB Iis very difficult 19 make a figure of any creature that has many legs but | have succeeded in folding a realistic crab using compligated yel basic folds. The purpose of origami is not necessarily to reproduce a roplica of a living creature but to capture ils characteristics, employing the simplest method possible. With @ square piece of paper, | made each part of the bedy by simply folding the comers. | was able to ndicate the eyes and the foaming mouth by utilizing the different colors of the right and wrong sides ot the paper. | believe that it succeeds in expressing the characteristics of a crab. In folding animals, | usually make the tigure on the asis ot the bone structure. in the case of a crab, ils shell represents ily bone structure. You will be able to make diferent kinds of crabs by varying the angle of the shell, the size of the lege and the shape of the claws. In orcier to show that there ate four legs on each side, ihe feet should be folded larger to give them volume GRASSHOPPER There are no boundaries in copying animals and insects realistically so in this cese, | have dared to focus upon the creature in a moro anstract way. Watching grasshoppers in tne ticld makes me eager lo express their movement in origami Grasshopper CA) : When you told GH ot diagram “) back and gently push the top down lo the dotied line, you will suddenly have a lifelike figure instead of a mare diagramatic. pattern Grasshopper (B) . This grasshopper has its rear legs extended and is flying through the ai, A grasshopper, unlike a Ulid of a bulterfly which fly by using thelr wings, springs up on its rear legs and glides through the air. The grasshopper in diagram (@ van fly ay itis but it will yo farther if you push down EF of @, which makes a little more space under the wing: this creates 2 special air siream. Grasshopper (C}: This is grasshopper (B) at rost, with its wings folded 2 Pull out A anc fold G8 H upward Pint : Bea i contioier, «EA RE ls —S—— ita Bee Mee aa en A Voli F&F 85. “a ® $ ® = 2) Prox wa tlteain @ 4 Fold © same as D: A 5 © ° Tt Mark valley and moumamioles angio as ma © b wring A&B together 4 Fold me comer GIG Spread © & D. Fold wings on th valley line. P Fold F backward and F forward Pull out 4 Hold at point © of B Hal: ace the Iwo wings. Throw inte q the air "Follow bring over ane of the wings. Fold 6 " } to Bb ot Me BSiS ihe smack and FO ® ta? “bata ie wng tpsinvard Fo G&D Sot as ae 49 make legs shown together toward "the ao opposite JUMPING ORIGAMI Children are very in‘erestad in moving objects. The ‘ones shown here, unlike those which must be made by an adult, can te made and enjoyed together with the parents. Folding paper in layers makes it more tractable ; then a light tap on the area indicated by tne arrow or a slight push will make it bounce forward There are vertical and horizontal fibers running through origami paper. It is easier to told the paper along horizontal fibers, However, in making jumping figures as in of grasshopper (A), it is wise to fold the paper against the vertical tibers. Here | have shown several simple folds. The common ‘actor among them Is that from these fosms you will be able to progress lo individualistic variations, When teaching children though, | would advise you to teach one pattern until they have thoroughly learned il and after an interval, go on to a different pattern {Note} tha tie matron to mak tretrog (1) 4. twi be easy rinse eps CB) (6) Jana (01 Mexe small mare a t GRASSHOPPER FROG square ® io rom mf ® | fous paper ¢ 2 ‘ 2 When you sss the point gente | OE @ ge praente Pe Toe * and move forward jorward Lo 5 You can follow ihe cane steps from @ to: s ett a} To make oyoo 1B) (C and (D) aS natural. fallow diagrams: on pace Fold comers upware Mako ayes uring stra tr argiee @ Some up to S aa a of i) ark fe mountain . aid valey told: is eaial tne s © | fy on th upper corner at 8 oe ® comer oF ub Fold steps 1— 6) of (8) and open up. Mark moun- tain fokis as .. ae (8) —_ ; ras gl i a = (c) a enn SSOTS Fola eam up to ste “Fold same up 19 step Bor Co Po (8) Press the moun Fold down al the pont of the ¥ Fold A in Mauniain fod ho paper aie 108 B ® , Ta - cerwe Mako. nyon and D) fod cernere of (D] Inward 23 DRAGONFLY Let's fold a red dragonfly flitting in the bright autumn air As shown in the photograph, you can make a nice display of a dragonfly resting on a leat stem which Is made trom a sheet of long paper Hf you find it difficult to make the head, you may simply roll the paper and push it in trom both sides. You can make many dragontiies with your children and let them perch on the top of 2 pole ot make a mobile of them. You will gat a greal deal more enjoyment it you ga outside and observe dragontlies in motion instead ot just tolding one by following a diagram P Pull out Cc and make 4 lotlow slops a ‘5 Bo ked D_Use a square piece of paper. Mark mountain end Valley folds. Fold accord: ingly § Fokt twice ax shown 1 Ihe Siagrasn tata J bie D fob a& 8 A folded the Fagun © Pals tame as € Betweer tated face by toamng on a ® Spread A & B. Fold ake wis by folding fe point of valley S Bring A out 1 Ine done ine 1 @@ Fold the corner of & mourn and valley folds. Make eyes tolloming sleps ward Make "double ® C&D inward A Wang te : : FISH D pul aa Bout @) to the dotted Ine D @ @ ® 4) Fold on moun- lan and valley cWo tolds Fold a square piece 2 Fold © down paper as in backwards. P Fold © & F inwg following mountain © Same steps valley folds Fold fom Et Pinch C & D together upward. ~ logetner and 5G Pull D out 7) Folg in nat p feigasn and pace over. dn ‘ine. aley fur Bwinsice ct tne pouch A ® Fold down on the dotted Hine Finish BD Put corner ot A in och of B. Fold C&D Rogather belween (8 Finish fold E & F out Fold corners GEH, Pull out fa) genly ang the top 10 WHALE AND FISH Let us make a whale, the biggest animal of all and a tiny fish) Firsi, you should learn the folds on a piece of paper about 15 centimeters (6 inches) square and then you could use a piece ot taney paper and make one as large as you like. When you use this type of paper, it is advisable 10 dampen it 10 make it more pliable. In using bigger sheets of paper, take care to told them roughly in arder to avoid mak- ing wrinkles. This will project a good image of the animal as a whole. I) you make the ao domen round, the whale will look as if it is swimming grace- lully with a balanced move ment. az V Make url isusveles tangle out of a square pigce of page” Foliow sleps — shown in the diagramsthen open t up to maa & a # Turn over 2 Make thn ‘entacteg by foc 5 ing a Das shown “in tne Siagiam a) Fold accord ing. to mountain a8 valey Tolds @ Pinch 6&0 along mountain folds Fatt he mountsin tolds | and try to tine them up with mountain folios arcaD Then, oid’ the. valley fads 20 and bring G & IV out- ward } fod eB F c A > a 4 Fotow fale g ines and fold D as ing B bold the same as D 8 8 @ Fold C&D according 10 i Merke-moune mountain and Bites ta valley folds. and toleion: te and fald on the oer lini wD 9 é H ih Make. pleats by foiding mountain and valiay To! HP Fold A inward nthe mountain fold | and push it Out at the valley foid,2. Hold at © mark with your tingers ard pull out cech pleat in Aireetion ot urraws Ihe result should look like | LOBSTER in Japan, a stately rad lobster is an indispensa ble part of the New Year's decoration. Let's make a lonster using a larger sheet of red paper. It can be decoraled with pine needles and bamboo leaves made trom green paper To capture the characteristics of the lobster, | have used a triewigular shaped piece of paper. It you use thin paper, you can simply fold it into halt as shown in ( - HERMIT CRAB There are many lively creatures on the beach in the summer. Among them are the amusing hermit crabs which I never re of watching. The hermit crab has claws like a crab. With its protruding eyes and minute antenna, it cautiously walks around and at the slightest noise or movement, il quickly withdraws into its shell, slamming the entrance shut with its big claws. Ihe head and claws of the hermit crab are similar to those of the shrimp or crab bul it must live in a spiral shell 10 protect its soft body, As il grows bigger, il musi move to a larger snell, That is why in Japanese, Its name means “house narrower Hermit crabs which live on the beach are amphibious like er land and there are some which are good at climbing trees. You can make your hermit crab come to life by the way you fold the lags or by changing their direction. You can use two different colors of paper, back to back, to show the contrast between the body and the shell. The head or legs can be pushed in or out of the shell to aller the appearance. In the photograph above, the hermil crab in Ihe middle is folded more realist) caly. bs, Others live only on the (A) ; Open # ona @ Prep wp es co cD make @ eps a ® a % ' co 2 ole ban aS inwars CD 4D Make mountan god val fyfolds on a piece of square Baoet Fold firs, and told A by foling un es shown ase Bas in tha iagram oqo ) fou Ha Ope up inward A Von shor ® @ army 4 “me 8) @ Follow same slaps 0-1 of CAD Make valley folds on C&D. Open up the angias ard fod © & O —£ i Pullsourto the dotted line Fo & Din girection of ag tho arrows nificate, @ That fod in aif on the 1A center line —_— 1 i Fold A on mountain fold 1 and bring i! back ai @ the valey line 2 D uoward on tne valley ine i i Fold at the Cone nto nat & Fold C & D aul- @ ward E ® ® 18" thao ayes by tolaing he Comer of A. Pinch the to sheets inside of ©. and pull & aul 1o te dotted line Finish fhe Shel wil pall up. Prass own to desires appearance. (2 Push Anas the arrow indl- cates 31 TURTLE There are many approaches to the art of folding origami, such as the realistic, the diagrammatic or the abstract. Here, | have made a realistic sea turtle like a sketch from life. In the ertistic approach te folding origami, you must first decide on the object that is to be tolded and design the folding lines accordingly. You cannot just come up with the figure by vaguely playing with tne paver. We try to fold each part with meaning. In this case, it means to focus on the head of the lurtle, The four comers the paper will become its front and real lags You will find it easy to master if you compare each part as you fold it to the finished turtle shown above. 32 2 Fold A & Bo make 3) (make the undereide of the head a 3 wider) @ should be same as A = i 8p 8 & D should be the folded fo taht @ 7 Moko reer legs cuter BF ahthon Grieg woe side 1 right on the aurlnes ard rate aide let on ite @y (A) bac Finish @ a ® Fold &G.1& H inward. Open up A and told it out to ‘he dotted line, Do ne satre wilt G Fold valley and moun- Turn aver, (8 Make the nezk nar fain folds to make a plea! cn rower at the joint ac the neck. DB shawn Or Wy) Follow soos ha of Matera pear nite CaF at fe peorneea eel Ua). 3 ip heck. rower nS Wake, mountan en vey tous ore BIRD When the warm sunshine bathes the trosh green leaves, baby birds start the'r life under he watchful eyes of their parents. Even when they become big enough to sit on the branches, they continue to beg tor food by fluttering their wings and cheeping noisily Here, | decided to fold a baby bird like the ones that can be seen in gne garaci cor the wo The flying bird will tly very well because of its overall balance. You can make various kinds of birds such as the bush warbler, tit or sparrow by slightly altering the shape of the beak or the wings, You can match the color of the birds by your choice of paper 34 ® Fold Dat 13 NV / B E of tenath: y Fold a piece of @ Fold at the center toward pack = CA) B with 2 asthe centeting point, make moustain ‘and valloy ioe, Pole B to make Turn over and fold A same as B. Fold E ascord- to mountain and folds. Fold FB inward. pullout ‘pari to make Hy Tea er ouaNty OPS Oe Pe ark ® Thatng Ole Sa aps wings. Hole) mark with tngers. Throw io fet itty, ® Pull Doutie the goted lina, We Fold A & Hi according to the Valloy folds Toni in ona stand fun Follow all the steps to the ‘of (A) Oper up to M0 Without foicing 1/3 of id on ines to make fig FLYING DOVE (Glider) Everyone likes origami which moves. However, just to make il move and lacking in imagination. Therefore, after studying the ecalo birds. | tried fo include these ideas in the shape of 4 dove in flight. The purpose is to not only make il fly fast and far, but to capture its lite rhythm and appear beautiful al the same time. Both of these glider doves, in figures (2) and @) fly very well, Atter you tinish folding the shape of the dove, you can spread it out as in figure 4) which will make il fly even better Tho center of gravily in the case of doves lies in the front section and they will only fly if you hold tham and throw them as shown in the photograph above You will be able to enjoy a variety of flying movements with (@ and @ because there is @ difference in the center of gravity, speed and lift in ech one of them s tao mechanics and functional movements 36 Fourths 2 Fold 1) Mark diagonal lines, AB ang o8 Pas GD. Divide trom A to the center acrows info @ and take rolled ‘olds, oe @ ® Fold fom te enter BY Tun over 8 a) Fo Fa G inward. Open” up cap. ® Fold & between C & D B Make the mountain told, Push curners of H & | into the inside of —) B) Make the heac 7 Make the valiey by folding E in the fold. Open up © & Glrection of" the Bang'telg them on Thraw the bird lightly holding the tail. — thewvalley (folds 37 PENGUIN rigami is divided between the types which can be made by eveyone and those which especially please young children. There is a certain uniqueness in origami folded by children even though the pieces may not be very precisely made. It comes easily to them to fold something with a natural theme. Awareness of perceptual constancy,nurturéd by repeated folding, helps them absorb scientific and artistic values which will blossom into a spirit of independence. | tried to fold this penguin in a really abstract way and by changing the proportions of the head ana wings, you can make penguins with differen! expressions. CA] shows how to fold a baby penguin. In (B) , folding the section unger the wings makes it look mare realistic from the head to the back. The straight line from the chest to the feet is strongly accentuated as is shown in diagram @). If you fold the corner at the battom right hand side, the whale appearance is spindle shaped which really makes it look like a penguin, In (C) .| made the head more true to life. In (D) , I made the feet by refolding ne part in diagram @ as illustrated. Hf you round off the figure from the neck to the chest as shown in, the characteristics of the penguin become more pronounced. Thus, it is possible to express artistic values even in diagrammatic torms. Even it it is designed for children. you can tind great art in these simple origami 38 @ 2 Continue fram ®ot mountain Mako pal crease A jof a square piece poner Fod UO phe ciayonal ae shown. 3 pover © ant fold inthe. dite: a Continue told: ing trom 4) of (AI Make mountain anc valley fos on D find Con the back, Then fold D ana ag shown in the lezctiagram §) Faiu inward on the moutiain foles Finish Ce) Push & inch ihe then pull & oul on ine valley fold 2 Follow steps to of CC), Oper up B a8 inthe dia- gram. Fold B in on fh mountan fold. (c} i ® foldi fod 1 Minish Fold 2 Ein on F the mountain told ay. Pull out folded E on the Goued line 2. to make a foot Fold Fn the same Way 10 make the other foo! NZ Fold ine wings Inwerd, Make the body Taund oy inserting your finger Push the cnest raofty to assume Ihe Finish posture, CROW It is only recently that origami hes gained recognition frorn the standpaint of art and ‘education Unlil now, educational origami consisted of the familiar Orizuru, helmet and balloon whi came out exactly the same when folded by anyone. When the International Arts and Crafts Fducation Conference was held in 1954 under the sponsorship of UNESCO, this traditional type of origami was not accepted as being adequate educational material. Fortunatoly, | was given an opportunity to explain and demonstrate my theory of Creative Origami with free expression and this was accepted. The crow introduced here is folded with a completely new idea. Every angle and fold is well thought oul and planned with a sense of beauty and deeo feeling. When | fold paper, | try to express not only the beauty of the creatures in nature but | also regard them trom a scientific point of view. It helps to understand basic ideas such as the function and structure of the creatures, the laws of nature and so forth. in making this crow, it was necessary 10 take into consideration such things as circular motion, rebound movement and the projected curve of item thrown into the air. Jumping origami, like those shown on pages 22 and 23 and the crows hare and on the next page are made frorn the most basic folds. By closing or widennig F&F in (B), you can balance the tolded crow. It is also tun to adjust the mountain fold line in diagram (2 and see how it changes the balance between the head and the body. (Al oo . ® Rig 2 Mork © py, pring % ty netio PATO fy Word tne scurtaold > arstully, roid A betwee Hesneers 3) When you. press Soin wih your in sor twit move 100- ———— fr ‘When you teach small children: _ 2 ® & ® i ® * 5) Fold on the, dotted The Sw in tne Fola A torward along tne mountain ‘le the shaun in, @ The fogon Lue as a MaKe the waley 1018 gents of growl, moves rked © stand up —_ (B) = @) ‘ BP Fok Aon & the mountain §), When you spread tole 1 ang Pa Peat the oonter of bring it Up fom saviy moves torward the valley fold 2 Boat wll move dowiward as shown by the dotted line fardon the vals) (c) ward on I folds e ® It you put your fingers in F&F and mave them, it looks like the crow is ceting some. thing stretoning ou its neck. It you al fight nandeo, you Shoule put your thump in| and your forefinger in F. Sup Bort the figure: with your mid- fin finger Fold on the vale ley fold, open uo A and cover over Ihe valley told. 5) Open up A again the meunvain ant 5 3 moeo item by tre dotted joer C&D. 2B Bring F over E. Tings to make: the head fold a square piece ot er as in), Fold B a @Fold & se in the diagram ang fog into halt as in oe ft So Fold C&D A down aloe , 1 Make fold mountain ane yo Pinch C&D ing Ines. & D sey folds acl pullout in fer then fold (Dottet tires Girettion of along vaity fold fie an extemion roms, 388 Gt valoy foioe 8) 3 jae pnd bring i ward. old B a: Follow Serta e BO a ) Oven up Area pe) ine ® gaan ane Shapes" accor Bown Fel @ werd on he dl ing. te the sug igosted lines. ws line 2 ® old AB Eundoste © rimisn 8 4 D meee Q) Fold as shown in dia gram Make a pleat on 8 and fod upward 2 Make Blenta oF gab we Fog an © drat aide on ‘mountain tos > 13 old them < . ‘on valley folds s Bsa @ ha = W. oO 2 Brg Ae : Cea ehecl % 9u § © Geated By aoved rong ie steps 1) to santa plea Fold to make MOTHER CROW AND BABIES is have been close to people through the ages, id a mother clow and some babies! The craws ¥ function, and motion Although haby crows actually have quite large leet, | have made them small, You can learn a lot aboul the physique and functions of living creatures by comparing these baby crows with their parent as you add the wings and tail teathers. Both mother and baby in (A) are folded simply, You can arrange them to look as though the baby is beading for food. In (B) . | tricd for a more realistic look by making the head round. This technique of accenting the head area will make not nly birds, but all other animals as well come to life. You can choose black, blue or charcoal gray paper The size of paper for the baby crow 's one-fourth the size of that for the mother, a3 } Folin @, direction of arrows Fold upward 1) Fold a savare ® lece of paper asin i fold E & F inward 7 ® - : BABY DUCK sy — i agra 10 ie Deak. & 2) Follow same segs as for Ihe parent duck ®, £6 mn 4 by C 44 rau O << y Lrg B upward to make the tail. Fold Dio wnnke the ape it weil as a whole fold C&D down DUCK FAMILY We'll now fold Mother Duck and her ducklings There is something humorous about the way a duck waddles when it walks. By ifting up the beak, you can capture an innocent expression and folding the feat ta the back will make it appear as though the duck is swimming. When you make the fest, as shown in diagram @, | advise you to told CD together with the paper in the middle, which will enable you to arrange the foet at any angle and length you desire, The ducklings can be made from paper which is one-quarter the size of that used to make the mother. OWL The wise old owl is a familiar figure. The one shown here is folded in relist torm and the face is purposely detormed to bring out the characteristics ol the ow! You can use any kind of paper but try to choose an appropriate color tor an owl. You can use either the same color tor Doth sides or contrasting colors. Two sheets of different Colored paper may also be selected. Effective use of color will make the owl very lifelike. You may like to perch your owl on a branch wilh leaves made from heavy paper or one with taney paper B Fold C4 Das ® FoldAdownwara, show 2 Mark @ and & with your finger nal Open up A. o” Make a al crease AU a picce of are payer. Fale: 8 5 D toward the © and fold A ars ® Fold ca D toward back Fold A a8 indicated e by the dotled line @D Foid on mountain and valley folds to make a pleat @ ® fold Ea F backward. Make a pleal_on G8 HT Fold 8 as shown in te diagratt ® Pinch G & i) Foid1& J down () Make a smal) ano) make folds. abi as shown ful pleat on A as Fold ine top ot ine the central point shown Fold F&F head backward to toward the wrtee Bong mourtain and make il round Fei valley lols in order 18 J upward to make & 2 tok =, G4 a and | inware on ha mountain folios. @ Open ea D pulling ward make §) ® mountain valley paper as shawn Fold as in 2 5 fold Dt et nat er ® » rasca ® Se indadane are told Bead egalt sein TD tumnow c 5 DP tow ss 1 Fold 8 up again tov Pid etane HL ay ate dotted inc nt au fois hd tSmard dottoatines. Sn'iip mountain Tol os ® a) Folds down oun off tho tres between L and th pully a una pO naicated by the dct § fours 2 along tha mountain and. valley folds Reference Ws. 2 Fuld 4 on the mountaly fold. Fold © & D iollowing Folding Im feel” Make the head by telaing A iollowing sles 18, 16 an 18 Simplified ‘olds for the Breas! and head The dove in the photo 1s age Dy follwing steos W', ang ie Folding the Feet fey DOVE The dove is the symbol of peace and is widely loved Batore making this vesign. | visited a nearby park to watch the doves There was always a conspicuous, strong looking boss leading the group There are many kinds of doves such as the cartier pigeon and the turtle dove which are easy to Wenlify whereas somo others may belong to the same species Dut have distinct body lines ‘You can make the dilierent kinds by altering the angles and folding liries as shown here Try making doves in diflerent postures, as it they are flying or eating 49 COW We have known the Gomesticated cow from ancient times The folding methods in diagrams @ and 4 can be varied by making adjustments in the length end angle (rom the insige Here, the tolding is done to capture the characteristics of the cow by presenting only Its head. Using photographs for reference, you should be able to fold other types such as the water buflalo, the American steer or Japanese cows, Choose your paper to match the color of he cow. The size for the calf should be one-third that required tor the cow CALF 7 Make valley toll Open it up again and id 60 vallay fold) 2 4 Ityou nold the ears and move them. the mouth wil alse move, @| 3 Go & , crward Aight se . Bees soens pe EN week YS Pacewaro e 5 D backward! 7) Mare mourtain and valley folds on a piece of sauare paper as shown Fold It to make 2 Y Full B cut of tne back of G ® Fold Bb B Pull AC on the valloy and D oul in OF down on {ele and then the “same ig on he moun way eS list fain” told ° Fold D the same ax & Dun a Ser Sanad i make Make 2 pleat at eye level DULG woctnres fae cP FOAL REE B thban te make we des indicate. horns. Open up B&D ter Finish: ake the earts, Finally fold the top of the head backward and arrange the tece a5 ¢ whole, RABBIT The rabbit is one of the cutest animals. It appears in many legends and fairy tales and it was irom such a story that | got the idea to make this rabbil, standing erect with its ears pointing upwards, The {ur of some wild rabbils becomes white in the winter. Here, | used a piece of pink paper with a white back, The white side was used to make the body gnd the pink appears as the inside of the rabbit's ears as illustrated in diagram dB. If you skip the steps from ($) to (@, leaving C and D as it is, you will come up with a tapbit with bigger ears fod G aH @ Punican ® Fold 8 Baokwerd ® FodGan Gn mountain nd valley tlds 8 fomako a pleat ® Open up as Raroscao inode fest and coat C&D from he sides asin ( D Fold a ie proce of square paper as in D Bring Aup. Fold on the Open up A at the valley Tod as ihe arrow ingicates, Fold. B dow Fold A over on the valley Tald, Fold 8 up fon thn mountain fold @_ Pull A gently an told comers, Open up the ears tno shane nem, Open Uo @ the ond ofthe tal and tmist tha ead. Spieed the feet out “and let ihe. rapes pA Stang y pheno & D Open up © & D by Twisting thar a bi. 4 Fold C& [) Mako @ diagonal crease AB dn a Square peice ol paper < Hae ‘Yatey. fos along te 6 waonal crease Fold G AB oe 8 ‘ ©. y gro kD A Gn mountain ‘and waliay tals ‘is tome WY eens ons bring Ae the top A 6 Make 3 pleat Eby folding ‘on the mountain: H and valiey folds. G ® ® ® a F F 4 Finch A and fold tl botween 6 8H on the Mountain and B fold both A&B F valloy tolls. 10 meke fm Fela taacen petwoon LR he CANtCt mountain fold 34 bad, RACCOON, The Drummer @ /\s @ Lets fold the raccoon, which is so well ‘ c known tram Japanese fairy tales and old folk songs, Take a piece of brown paper which is white n the back. It should be folded so that the white F cide appears on the stomach and chest. Pushing {iOpen A jn dire the tail upwards will give it the posture of the tion Of arrows and raccoon shown on the tight bring ewe After folding it, you can hold the figure by the neck and insert your tinger tram the back, pushing to make the storiach more rotund. By pulling A from the inside ot diagram @, you can Finish make the face rounder and this will make it look even more like a raccoon. Maton A Make a pleat at the eve lavel_ oll lolds. Io make the nose. Fold | & Joulwat lo make the ‘eet Shape the belly lo fook round, ® ss SNAKE There are not many people who like snakes. | ‘ed tu make these snakes more lovable by adopting the familiar, simple form ot local toys Mercury. the Roman god of commerce ard science, carries a caduceus. staif entwined with Iwo snakes and in Japan, snakes are also painted (on volive tablets for good luck in business. Tusually choose a color that matches the animal or object | am making, However, in the case of these snakes. | deliberately chose a difterent valor in order to give them a feeling of being toys. In the upper photograph, | folded the part hetween the head and the abdomen into two and gently pulled the neck up and wound the section trom the abdomen to the tail around my finger. (See reference.) Reference Fuld folowing Bope Band fold B un & a A valley lines Thon ‘aise the perl inward “as ® @ ® Srrows inaioate to make (B) § Fo at the 2" long narrow 1 : © B: fold E & Fin 8 sea 5 : 8 i @® ey Ses — @) Open and fold Aupward al 4/3 af the 8 oth ‘ 7 ® Fold A ®@ Fold over between sheets, @ Fou A on GD Bongo vatey the mountain jouse ‘ol. Make a pleat on A, then (DIe ne tp eso 10 make te tongue. Pole’ Siagons mourn QD ined sh Sedo: tte the val ie taf om tho table @ You can curve the tall es you o ® wis fee your sake ook cd (Back of 2) en a A ® ® @® AR >, & . 2 ® 4 Make valley Rey a towing @ & 7 ©® ® 3 8 e PANS GBEA ag. rai 4 ona BL Ougn ue bros. first ane. then fold ews a & b. iy and Wi re @_ Fold B between fa Pr ae a eee Geese — Soop tho” valey tion of the arrow fold and omen up” the comers to make i H 6 {2 Push A vowara a oa ea i fGl,"Open up the 1 Body Sn fold as chown a B boa tne 64 ooinied ow roid 6 e eae vr the sires . the" atrows toro the arrow Tur ® Bring G and cover the part of tha head to make it TW | olc A between f the sheets. same as G & S uM Fold sown the artow muancates Shape the nose and ih Make the to head and nese by faidin a Hota f out genty the nea, it told as ® DRAGON Among the twelve animals in the Japanese zodiac, only the dragon is a fictional one. However. unlike many of the popular monsters of the present day, il is @ relined creature In Japan, sculptured dragans are frequently scan in the decorations of shrines. They appear in folk tales ws the god of the sea or the dragon god, It's also said that dragons can summon the rain clouds and therefore, they are palieved ta be the guardian deity of woeden buildings: In falding this animal, iL 1s Important to clearly define the horns and mane. Iry to give it an appearance ot dignity by adjusting the angle between the face and the neck. MOUSE @ A) Fold a square piece of It is very casy to become enthusiastic wv Baner as in iD In order. to about origami because it is so simple to he paparas Srown In die do. | WoUId like to state the imporiance of an 2 8G. Fold. valey origami from the point of view at the ‘ok 13, and moumain told 4 to formative arts. awe When we think ahout origami tor children, there are two kinds , origami that adults fold and give to children and the kind thet they can fold themselves by following diagrams. The ideal size of paper in either case should be 12 cm X 12 om (7 in X 7 in). If the paper is larger than this, it mes difficult to handle. When you h childran to fald origami, you should next to them so thal they Gan see your hands instead ot sitting in tront of them, Generally speaking, however a 15 cm x 15 cm square sheet of paper is recommended Ii should f@ About the same thickness as piece of stationery. When you have lear to told an abject with a small piace of paper, il is quile easy to do the same with a larger snect 4 Fold up within 60 @ ® 1 Op up & & F and ford 2 odie aA ae ~ fold 6 ® ~ F (P Foto tre tower art of the Fold 13 upward to mak: ‘ai i Make Ihe fail narrower and open Ue tre ears found tne body by outting your fi ® Fold E uoward on the vi ley fol8. fou F same as E sicilic You é mice by changing the E the falls and hexds he sive. @Bring A down between E &F. TIGER 62 D Bring A& B upward a Ihe” dotted @ Fold A & 8 downward 7/4 Fold 3s inthe jagram. making 4 4 onesie 1/16 smal ® ® ler than the other. a Turn) over ® 2" - " @ Matk valley eed mous @ tain folds as shown, Fold E — ase down on the dotted line, oa ae 5 Beng the opening up on the moun wroMe (nc £10 tain and valley folds, 10 cate. ection of (aati Head 11) grows tune over. G @+@ 2! Follow the sions DS Mey. Shapo the moe 6H swith ine a 3 Fold the tail inward fe) 19 make it narrower, ® Spon up Aland tou up as in the diagram © bring G& Fup on the valley folds make the feel Attic of the head shown in: fo at Ihe body, Bout square piece Ree 241 cle A ag te arrow molcates. Feta @ paper sein hand m2 Between € 8 F on mountain Told % thon BFINg er teen E 8 Fon micartalh Tod ts be fopen it up. it back up to valioy told 2. 2 GIRAFFE Let us now fold a long-nesked giraffe, Just a8 you should make many Sketohes of animals you plan to paint or carve, 1 is important to do the same when folding origami because you then become familiar with their physique and posture. The study of healthy animals, to acquaint onesell with their characteristics. is @ vital step in enabling one to capture them in origami Here iv one ol the fundamental patterns for folding any vertebrate. After you have jastered it, you Gan work on the hone structure and modeling to make the object more life like. You can algo fold other animals like the ones shown above 64 af if Va 12 Mark Ihe aiagonal crease AB cn a square piece of paper. Make the other lings by using the diagona line, Bring togeiner fone lines as in fold i Fold B inswe to the doit ine Tol 8 1 outward on the valley fold Feta arts’ inward as the arrows indicate Finish 4) On the mountain, B down between tine Sheets. §) Fold © & D swan onthe valley folds, ® J Makovalley tolgsas |G Bring B to to shownandopenC& 0 ark | Told Bi Bad an arrows 0 ward on the. mountain fold Bring © & D up A 2 Fold as ® P snows ing @ Gate to mak C&D nar told bow Aa oe W Bring A.up to the dolled bre i) A . Ae ¥ ui Fold head, @ Talend tenes E fous indleats iB told Aon thw outta tig ‘36 the ar ovr arcana Pat tho index tnger yar ta hi neide ‘ot . 'eup pot! tha other sao bt the Boay with your middie finger and pul your Inumb on the front of the body. Then, with your tignt_‘nand nosh E& Fin the Sivection af the 6s GORILLA Our next subject is the gorilla, one of the most popular the largest and stron the anthropoids and watks upright, like @ man. This method ot folding is simple and shows the gorilla in ils most familiar stance, in a if you were actually jooking at a gorilla in the tha 200. The gorilla is crouch. When you make it, you should do 80 < 200 of in)'a photograph. By making the forehead broad and roughly shaping the mouth and nose, you will be able to make il look like a gorilla Repeated folding to produce a satistactory image will cause the paper to become wrinkled. Then you should make the tace longer. Try not to be tuo concerned with the f whol alone but work on the figure 1) Make valley find rountaie tal 2 Fold AG anit Bb terward together Heer Fs Put your thumbs inside the pouches, tormed "by E and push Inet up “a8 Shown in 9 Make sott pleats round ne neck arca See ep @ \ and shap wi @ along the nl mourtan folds 0 Spread L ‘arrows indicate 67 Fold the giant panda by using two Sheets of paver. black on one side while on the alter, Head to make the read and bouy separate hy DP Use the white colored ede oils Side att angle ang lold Gown 0 & O, Lo% Open up the © Fold B only as the arrow indicates, soushe: a0 fetn your fingers 10 the dotted lies 1 Consider tne size Of the inure, Fold Aa bit and told comes of B10 make the eyo 1) Fold a square piece uf paper as in 1 Fold all comers as shown. Fold in Finish 4a! on the center mountain fois. 2/Fuld the bottom line inward on the mountain told Fold | inwarcl on the mountain fold and ering up on the valey foie © Push parts inwara unas fail, Make darts at the front and fear leel io make it sland up Hook. of 6 of tho head ove! ft tn tty GIANT PANDA Next, we would like lo {uid the giant panda, that rare, charming animal which 1s tound only in China. Inv the beginning. | tried to make a realistic panda out ot one sheat of paper However, it was impossible to produce @ guvd figure without more knowledge of the animal so | joined the crowds al the Uenw Zou in Tokyo to see them, It was so crowed that each person only had about 30 seconds 10 observe them. A [riend arranged for me to look at a doeumentary tim on pandas and one of the keepers told me about their habits and characteristics Pandas are generally carctree animals and usually sleep long hours. | used two sheets of paper to make it casy to fold. Depending on now you arrange tie head on the body, you can make your panda show various expressions. | made the lace rather simple with thick upper eyelids. Just the head alone makes a nice object, THE FACE OF A DOG ORIGAMI AS FORMATIVE ART — PART | in the process of raising children. it is very important to olarify the following factors in order [0 let tham know exactly what 1s going on in their ives when, where, who, what and how. Animals (Including human beings) adjust themssives te the constantly changing environment by using iheir perceptive organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste and furthermore, they cooperate wilh each other by communicating with voice and sound. | nave tried to illustrate the fundamental knowledue thal leads us to a healthy life in my Formative Origami. \ want to activate children's sense of deauty and love through the themes that they wish to fold. As an example, lel us choose a puppy. W's spring end the fiekls are covered with preity green grass | can’t see it but | can hear a puppy crying. it's coming nearer and nearer. There, | can see ily face!” Alter telling the children this, you can make the face ot the dog shown in (A) and by moving its mouth, you will delight them by mimicking the cries of a puppy. Then. you can focus on @ puppy's sense of smell by saying, “Oh, | can smell something good!” And you can wiggle the puppy's nose In order to catch and hold the attention of active children, it is essential to indicate the action and movement of the abject clearly, You may continue your story by saying, “I heer many more puppies. Why don’ t we go and play with them? Crigam’ can b¢ used in this way in the formatve educational field. We can make up many stories to tell the children and fill them with imagination through the art ot origami, 70 ® 2 Fold Cu ) Fold. valey vrare to “mie told | tirst. Open the nose. Fold 4) Move the lower jaw by ‘up and. foie Avg tidewn t0 Holeiney wingers as ih valley fold 2 tha the ears the diagiam Follow the same steps snown in [A] ull Ihe pats under AB oul Tu the i dotted lines. Fold C upward and told @5* Open up L & | as arrows indi fe ported at baskares Pe REGS ae ad @ ® ® (B) =. = ® ° tong Open up : % diagonal ing foventa ot Ack ® Fold © twice to make the @ Fold a small pleat on D to or avsquae 8" ang ‘beng mule, PulE& Fioward he TAKS. Me Lowel aw, and pee of Baber, thai oul 9 the Center and pens hare army feng, MaKe ears by fic sig A test and Gotad Ines etn ley ant mourtain folds on B second, , a AGB. Finn SBT) Fold as arrows indicale to make the eyes. . @® ® s ® asa arse T-®# of (GC) Oi bataesibiiee ley folds that run (D} 1 frat td A Finish PUPPY ORIGAMI AS FORMATIVE ART — PART I! T would like to talk about having fun with origami and use @ puppy for our theme. Here, let's make the nose first by bending a bit of the comer of A in () instead of making ‘Sland it up on DB and CB as base lines, and you can easily imagine @ puppy, silting on the ground and looking up at the sky. Saying, “A nice smell is coming from behind you", you can fold on the valley fold of and turn the head backwards. Now. the puppy looks as if it is sniffing the air. Then you can work on A of diagram @ and push tt open as in the following diagram @. Betore making the cars, you can say to the child, “This puppy cannot hear al all even when its friends are calling. | wonder why?” The child will probably answer, looking at E and F, which do Not look very much like ears, "He doesn't have any ears. ” “Let's make him some.” Let the child fold the ears. Children usually fold E and F as they like. Those who studied how to make the face of the dog on the previous page will certainly know how to make the ears by bending tha corners on both sides of the head. It is this kind of “insight learning” that is so important for nurturing creativity in the minds af children, When you have made a pretty good looking puppy like the one in diagram @, you can continue your game by saying, "His Iriend is calling him. He's over there an the right hand side.” Now you can told the valley fold in diagram (2) in the opposite direction and change the position af the upper body. You could suggest that the child alter the puppy's posture py turning the nose up or down, to the righ! or leit or banding the neck diagonally. The results will vary according to the mental, spiritual and intollectual growth of each child. There will also be a noticeable difference depending on whether the idea is centered on the child himselt or around the object, in this case the puppy. Here, | have shown how to fold @ puppy but an adult dog can be made by shitting the valley line in diagram @), which will change the proportions. It will be fun to make @ parent dog with @ puppy oF @ puppy and its friends. The puppy can he made to show its happiness by wagging his tail So you see, out of one sheet of paper you can show various aspects of life to illustrate When, where, who, what and how. Furtheinore, you can learn about “shape anc posture” which are fundamental elements in formative art. Most important of all, the exciling world of Crealive Origami opens up before children ® F 8 I Fold a square mnece 7 Fol Aon the valley 9) Open Aug to make 2) Fold 8 narrower to cf paper along the fold. Fold B into tre he face. Foid the cor make ihe Vail Fol & diagonal lino, Fol C & Hollad line fom ie er uncer B inward twice to make the Dinward Fold B inom mountain fold. Pull B nose, Fold and slige Ihe mountain told ‘oul at the dotied line 2, the mountan and val- (A) ley folds a bitte make the ears as in ® Follow the same siens Bring E & F close to D Fold the mountain WHO Fold E& Eto $i for the puppy. the cent and fold, and valley folds 19 make the eyes. Fold 4° Gaon pe & Bas mark rarrow ‘angles. ourtan” and. valey arrows indicate. Then, slide them 10 tee folds under the ears ‘ dotted lines and fold Fold ¢ & D once again, thes ‘SPANIEL PUPPY "o& oe m3 IGUANODON Let us fold an iguanodon, an herbivorous animal which existed between the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, 140 million years ago, Try to imagine its physique and posture when it was walking about the land. Origami is not something that you should be satisfied with after completing one figure. Repetition will enable you to make increasingly lifelike objects. After you become good at making this animal, you can try making it in the various poses shown in @ ©, and ©. Aso, if you gently pull the chest and tail out in diagram @, and expand the body with your tinger or a Small stick, it will becorne 3-dimensional and look very powerful. If you make lhe neck slender. with a smalier head, you will have a brontosaurus. Study these animals In llustrations to familiarize yoursalf with them, @) Friends 4 Fold ® the b Open us A and ne sama as A. pul out Yo make i Fold F in the = diroction ot tne arrow, Fold L an the othe side 9 ) : jy es B Fold 6 for ward and backward a Pu me pan W Fold_A for marked ©) ou wacd and B Bite. dosed Sachwate a es. Fold AB B © wre ear rower 10 ike the fore s fain and valley B toward baci ‘he same Steps with A ® Surprised ] > © Eating ] ©) Walking fast | 75 ELEPHANT I think it would be nice to make a baby elephant whose tusks are just beginning to Use a piece of gray paver with a white back and make the tusks with the white side. This is a good example ot Creative Origami made in the [ree expression style, For instance, | folded this elephant lreely as though | were working with clay. | omitted unnecessary delails and emphasized the main lines to make it easy for you to fold. This is the most fundamental method of folding animals when you are concerned about their build and different postures. Through tne art of origami), you can learn so much as you ciscover the delicate relationship that exists between the diagram and the G-dimensional end product When making an elephant without tusks, you may skip the steps {rom (@) to (6. You should proceed trom @®. You can make elephants in inany poses, with their trunks stretched out or raised above their heads, 2 Fold C&D up te 4) Open up Sbtted tangles pouches é kDa @ Bi ong turn them inside out ® Fold up ac the arrows ipa cate. ) Mark the diagonal ® crease AB. Then. mark ail 8 2 the valley joids using the Giagonal ine, Pioen © & 0. + and fold them down as in 2 Fold B hes agee on Ine valley told in ime wradae Gitection oF al tne arrow Boon the dot ted ince as @ @ Beng A down u @ to the dotted linc. “ , + a) Spread B out Bring the tip of B up to the dotted si BRIE IN triangle the dotted line Pull Soe ihe tages wel . @ re under he body @ iE) ® 3 i Fold as arrows & Pinch the Great Prich Rand sins the fold it down ulside and shape eset sks. the bouy Ine. Fold The unk as in re Slag Sees unio mate the iW) Fold as shown mu : in the dagen ® ® 4 ® lowce D narrower and” bring them down ining © over 3 i Fold B down beiwaen shects Foid Ato mark the valiey fold. Then, spread it out and Told over the dottect line to make 14, Finish About the Author Akira Yoshizawa was born in Tochigi Prefecture in 1911. His interest in origami began from the time he was a child, when he started to study and create figures. His serious work commenced in 1933 while he was omployad In a steel mill. In 1950, as a result of the publication of his educational origami, he embarked on what was to become his life work of using origami for the benefit of society and he was often written up in the media, hald exhibitions and gave lectures. In 1954, International Origami Stuay Socl- cty was established, which played a great part in spreading interest in origami nationally as well as abroad DrGershon Legman organized ihe exhibit for Yoshizawa’s works at Museum in Amsterdam, Holland in 1955. This brought him to the attention of the international art world tor his extraordinary creations and he subsequent- ly held exhibitions in many places Exhibitions were held in 1957 in Tokyo and Yokohama. Aftar that he exhibited in many other cities in Japan. Mrs.Lillian Oppenheimer visited Tokyo in 1959 to meet Yoshizawa for the purpose of founding the Origami Center of America She held an exhibition in the Cooper Union Museum in New York and then showed his works In the United States. He won the Mainichi Culture Award for Publication tor his book, "Tanoshii Origami" in 1963, From 1966 to 1984, under the auspices of the Foreign Ministry and the Japan Foundation, Yoshizawa visited Australia, New Zealand, Eu- rope, Southeast Asia and Central America, a total of over 30 counties, as lecturer and teacher ot origami and contributed very much to international relations 78 In 1970 and 1971, the International Readers'Digest magazine did an article on him which was circulated around the globe. He recieved the Mobil Children’s Culture Award in 1971 1983 was the year in which he was deco- raled with the Order of the Rising Sun, fifth class. He also held an exhibition in the city of Philadelphia. In 1984, in bth Paris and Tokyo, spon sored by the Asahi Newspaper and Pere Cardin, ne had a one-man exhibition. Yoshizawa opened his own atelier and display room in 1985. It gives him a place for exhibition where he is also abic to work on his publications. He continues to ve active throughout the country teaching, not only the art and techniques of origami but also explain ing his theory about it, In 1986, he recieved the Foreign Minister's Prize, in recognition ot his 20 years of contrib ution to mutual understanding among the nations of the world as he travaind as an emis- saty of Japanese culture Other Books by Akira Yoshizawa Origami Ceijutsa (Art of Origami, Origami Tokudion V (Origami Reader 1) Onigami Votuion IL (Origami Reader 11) Tanoshii Origami \Joy'ul Origami) Origami Fhon (Origam) Picture 809%) Yusashié Origami (Eesy Origami) Usubuesduit Origami (Beauitul Orgam)) Origami: Hakubudsushi 1 (Origami Museum 1) Origami Hakubuisushé I (Origari Museum 11) Haha to Ko xo Tanoshii Origamé (Soytal Origami for Mother and Child) Sosaén Origami (Creative Origami) Tanoshit Origami | Pretty Origami) US$14.95 FAMAKURA SHORO,/HIPAN PUBLICKUIONS .

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