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By: Divine & Naaziah

What Is A Muscle ?

A tissue composed of cells or fibers, the

contraction of which produces
movement in the body.

An organ, composed of muscle tissue,

that contracts to produce a particular

What Is The Function Of A

Muscle ?
The main function of a muscle is . Muscles are the only
tissue in the body that actually has the ability to move
; also tying into body posture .

Human muscle tissue up close

*An Important Muscle*

The Gluteus Maximus is the strongest muscle
in the body! Its the buttocks. Its responsible
for hip movement and thigh movement

*An Important Muscle*

The Stapedius is the smallest muscle in the
body. The Stapedius dampens the ability of
the stapes vibration, and it protects our
inner ear from high noise levels. Including
our own voice.

What Disease Affect

Myasthenia Gravis
A neuromuscular autoimmune
disease. It affects the use of
muscles. It leaves communication
between the nerve and the muscle
interrupted, and also leaving the
muscle weak and fatigued.

Causes and Symptoms

of Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is caused by a defect in
the transmission of nerve impulses to

Site: Google

The symptoms of myasthenia gravis may

include eye muscle weakness, eyelid drooping
(ptosis), blurry or double vision (diplopia),
unstable gait, a change in facial expression,
difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath,
impaired speech, and weakness in the arms,
hands, fingers, legs, and neck.

Big Question !
How do muscles(skeletal muscular system) work together with the circulatory system to maintain
Homeostasis ?
Homeostasis basically means keeping things constant. It comes from the two greek words
homeo and stasis , meaning similar and stable. Both systems have an important relationship.
During overbearing periods of physical activity, the muscles in our body need oxygen. This is where
the circulatory system comes in, and provides the blood to the muscles. Which is carrying the air.
When the body is at rest , blood carries nutrients to the muscles that restore and repair them. Now
benefiting the circulatory system, the more active and healthier the skeletomuscular system is , the
better the circulatory system is. When we exercise our muscles, it allows blood to return to the heart
through our veins, and it increases strength and size of our hearts. Simplifying everything, both
systems work together to keep the body stable ; concurring to maintain homeostasis.

Answer : IDK


4 - Mastery

3 - Meets

2 - Approaching

1 - Below

Collects necessary

* Topic research is
complete and thorough
* Focus question
researched and answered
using multiple sources

* Research includes key ideas

and details
* Multiple sources used for
basic and deeper topic

* Missing some key research for

complete topic understanding

* Not enough research to

demonstrate topic

Synthesizes multiple
sources of data.

* Topic understanding is
complete and correct
* Focus questions &
research show deep topic

* Key/basic concepts are

correct and complete and in my
own words
* Details and questions show
topic understanding

* Key/basic concepts are mostly

* Details and deeper/next
questions show some

* Topic understanding is

* Project organizes
thoughtfully and clearly
* Explanations are
complete and clear

* Project is thoughtfully
organized by sections with
titles and images *
Explanations are complete:
includes key ideas and details

* Project shows some

organization of ideas
* Explanations are incomplete
and/or missing details

* Project has little to no

organization of ideas
* Explanations and/or
details missing

* All assignment
requirements met
* Final Draft: polished,

* All assignment requirements

-Different organs and their
-Disease that affects this system
-Maintaining Homeostasis
* Final Draft: edited, complete,
on time

* Missing some assignment

* Final Draft has some errors

* Missing assignment
* Unpolished Final Draft /
missing rough draft


- Constructs an
- Incorporates ideas and
* Precision
* Professionalism

** Information is not in my
own words

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