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Dennis Meukin Eseoulve Oficer Trustes Dan Prince Provident Organizer Terrence Dunnigan Business Repreentatve San Francico (Charlie Hemandez Business Representate ‘Son Jose Eduardo Reyes Organizer International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers IRON WORKERS LOCAL UNION 377 570 Barneveld Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 285-3880 January 22, 2015 Kamala Harris Atiomey General, State of California Office of the Attomey General Post Office Box 944253 Sacramento. California 94244-2550 Dear Ms. Harris: We in Iron Workers Local 377 are proud of the work we did together in the “Back on Track” program you crafted as San Francisco's District Attorney. We share your ideal of being “Smart on Crime.” We ask your help in ‘overturning a prohibition that runs against this ideal, and against justice and equality. Apple, Inc, is currently building in Cupertino its Apple Campus 2. This building, sometimes called the “Spaceship,” will be one of the largest on earth by floor space, By completion it will have required thousands of person-years of construction labor. ‘We are pleased that Apple has acknowledged the skills that our Building ‘Trades bring to such work and is using only union labor on the project. It has, however, prohibited its construction contractors from employing anyone with a prior felony conviction or a pending felony charge. ‘You know well that the Building Trades have long successfully provided formerly incarcerated men and women the means of creating new, productive lives and of contributing positively to their communities. We see no security concer that justifies a blanket probibition on their employment in construction of a building for a technology company. We see no justice at all init We see instead that certain communities have suffered disproportionately from incarceration. These same communities have little representation in the core workforce of technology companies, and such benefits as they derive from an industry now central to our region are largely through employment in services such as construction. Apple’s prohibition against employment of former felons or those with a pending felony charge does not just fail to address inequality, then, but amplifies it. It is, moreover, an evil precedent, We know from our attorneys that there is nothing yet in law to counter Apple’s prohibition, and itis not through your legal authority that we seek your help. Instead, we ask that you use the bully pulpit of your office to join us in advocating for what we believe is for you and us a common cause. ‘We are writing separately to Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Ine., to ask that he undo the prohibition, and we hope and trust that you and he will work together to achieve this, Sincerely, Dennis Meakin Business Manager Any LO eT Michael Theriault President ee: Tim Cook Building Trades Councils. Labor Councils Assembly Member David Chiu Senator Mark Leno Owner's Background Check Adjudication Criteria table in Section 5 of Exhibit F to the Amended and Restated General Conditions for Construction (Ovmer’s Project Access and Badges Protocol) shali be modified to remove misdemeanors as a basis for denying an individual a badge permitting unescorted access to the Project Site as follows (changes indicated in bold red): [2] No Record Found orclear record Meets Owner Standards 2} Cour disposition of not gulty, nol proseau, walved ordiamissed ‘Meets Owner Standards 3 | Deferred adjudication, Probation before Judgment including dismissed | Meets Owner Standards 4 [Trafic or vehice code violation ‘Meats Owner Standerde “S| Misdemeanors pending court dspasiion Tes Owner Standaras 6 [Any misdemeanor canvction except for « misdemeanor canvicion frets Owner Standards involving marijuana, which is addressed below 7__[ Mistemeanar marfuana conviction within the previous two [2)yaars ~~ | Musls Gwe Standards 8] Wistlemeanor conviction for the egal sole and/or delivery of tox.07 | Meets Owner Standards more of marijuana — 3 Felony charges pending coun dispasttion [Does Nor Week Owner Standards 20 _| Any felony convition [ bes Not Meet Owner Standards Apple's current policy as distributed in their pre-employment packet.

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