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Class Profile Template

*Students names have been changed

Date Started: January 15, 2015


Does not have IEP

Strengths/ Areas of Need

interests, learning needs,
social/emotional strengths
and needs).
-attentive in class, great
listening skills
-thorough writing
-time management is pretty
-know himself well
Social needs
-very shy, does not
participate or discuss ideas
with peers
-does not ask for assistance
or clarification
-needs to advocate for
himself for his own learning
-prefers working alone
-likes Minecraft
-enjoys problem-solving and
science based questions
rather than expressive ones

Grade: 8

Instructional Strategies
& Resources;
Assessment Tools;

Teacher (TC & MT) Christina Ferreira & Adam Wos

Adjustments in
instruction/ Other
interventions if

Evidence of
improvement in

Available supports
and resources

Other relevant

Instructional Strategies
Nate is very attentive -does not turn down or -Resource room
-deep interest in Minecraft,
-Peer Teaching > Nate can during class instruction, pass opportunities -One-on-one time with which is a game that calls
develop practice in
completes work in class when participating in teacher
for a lot of creativity. As
communicating his learning independently, and
small group
-talk to school counselor such, Nate has to be a
with one other person and seemingly on track.
creative person to develop
create a bond
However, more group or
story/plot lines, character
partnered tasks could be -advocates for himself
development, etc. This may
beneficial for him to
if another student is
mean he is more
Assessment Tools
develop higher esteem annoying him (will
intrapersonal and expresses
and communication
actually say, Can you
himself through a different
-Self & Peer Assessment skills
please stop)
medium rather than in
person/in class with his
-does not have IEP, but
could benefit from one-onone instruction and small
peer-group assignments to
build confidence

-MT said parents, especially

mother, are very strict.
Perhaps he feels intimidated
to offer
e in class because he does
not get opportunity to
express himself at home or
fear of being incorrect


-strong voice in the
classroom and advocates for
-gets along with many
-Logical-Mathematical people, tries to get people
-does not have IEP

Instructional Strategies
Ensure that instruction Have not seen
-Peer Teaching > Tim can is engaging and
improvements yet
keep collaboration with one dynamic. You can gauge
or two other students by
when Tim is losing
teachers choice so he can interest in the lesson
keep focus rather than just when it involves
picking his friends
concepts. Would much
-Journal/Blog writing >
rather work with peers
Social Needs
encourage daily writing in or have class
-acts out to get attention from order to put ideas on paper discussions about topics
on lesson-related questions or questions. Apply
-intentionally tries to
and/or self-inquiry
Instructional Strategies.
waste/delay class time
-does not put effort into
handing some assignments in -Drama/Performance >
(I did not have a computer, I express ideas and
cant get a ride to the library, knowledge in a more
I do not live near my friends) physical way instead of just
-does not want to write
writing and speaking.
responses, would rather say Applying concepts in a
them out loud. This is not
different setting and letting
because he lags writing or out energy
motor skills, as his writing
demonstrates he is capable of -Class Discussions >
putting his ideas down.
instead of peer discussions
where Tim would get easily
distracted with his friends,
whole class discussion
allows all students to
participate and get ideas out
and himself to also feel
connected to a wider
network and involved in

-Special Education
teacher lets herself be
available to talk to Tim
when he wants to talk
about issues
-One-on-one time with

-MT says parents are going

through a really bad divorce
at the moment; Tim is living
primarily with grandparents
at this time and his
outbursts are intensified at
this time



-able to communicate his
ideas orally and written in
clear ways
-gets along well with
everyone, personable, and
tries to understand their

Instructional Strategies
-Peer Teaching > when he
misses class, peer teaching
would be effective as he
can learn important
concepts in a concise way
from peers + re-connecting
with them

Does not have an IEP

Social Needs

-Extra Time to complete

some assignments as he
misses classes/busy


-Give Steve a set

schedule week-by-week
so he knows what is due
and when to better
organize his time

-Resource room/Library -Steve plays professional

to use computers and level soccer and has soccer
space to complete
most evenings,
missed work
tournaments, and travels
during the school year;
misses a lot of instruction
and assignments which can
create gaps in learning and

Areas of Need
-Time management
-Loses handouts, reminders, -Journals > encourage daily
some assignments
writing in order to put ideas
on paper on lesson-related
questions and/or selfinquiry questions

1 The learning profile may include learning style, type of intelligence (s); learning preferences, as well as preferences or traits related to socio-economic or cultural background

Learning Styles: A= Auditory; V=Visual; K=kinesthetic; T= tactile

Learning Preferences: VL=verbal linguistic ; LM=logical mathematical; VS= visual spatial; BK= bodily kinesthetic; MR= musical rhythmic; N= Naturalist; I= Interpersonal; IN= Intrapersonal

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