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Matching Type.

Letters only
_____1. It protects the brain a. nose
_____2. It cuts the food into places b. rectum
_____3. It allows us to breathe c. teeth
____4. It is where the solid waste of d. stomach
the body exists e. skull
_____5. It stores and digetes food f. heart
_____5. Bones that protectt the g. ribs
heart h. feet
_____6. secrets digestive juices i. hands
called bile j. liver
_____7. pumps blood to circulate in
the body
_____8. allow you to jold things

Alternate Response> T-true and F-false

_____1. All bones have similar sizes and shapes.
_____2. Some bones are for movement, others are for protection
_____3. The skull is part of the Appendicular skeleton
_____4. Collarbones are what you call the Clavicles
_____5. The funny bone is really a bone
_____6. Bones are alive, they grow.
_____7. Bones are tough because it is full of milk.
_____8. All cells have similar functions
_____9. Human cells have chloroplasts
_____10. tissues working together forms an organ
_____11. Stomata are for plants
_____12. A grown up person has about 260 bones
_____13. you can bend and stretch your elbows because of the hinge joints

Match the words

_____a. cartilage a. set of bones stacked on top of one
_____b. ligament b. hard part of the bone
_____c. jawbone c. thin membrane that covers surface of
The bone
_____d. joint d. thin membrane that covers the
Surface of the bone
_____e. breastbone e. produces blood cells in the bone
_____f. thigh/upper leg f. makes the bone tough so to stand
Stress and strain
_____g. compact bone g. not allow the bones to move
_____h. collagen h. cushion between 2 bones
_____i. fixed joints i. point where 2 or more bones meet
_____j. bone marrow j. strongest bone in the body
_____k. periosteum k. bone to which the bones of the
Ribs are attached


Choose the correct answer:
( ) 1.It is the union of male sperm cells
and female egg cell-
( ) 2.It is the process of producing organism
of similar parents-
( ) 3.It is the nature fertilized eggs-
( ) 4.A kind of reproduction wherein you need
a male sperm cell and female egg cell-
( ) 5. A kind of reproduction wherein
you only need 1 parent-

T-true F-false
( ) 1.Fertilization works well in water.
( ) 2.All insects hatch from eggs
( ) 3.Reproduction is when living things make copies of
( ) 4.Fertilization works also in land, cells do not dry up easily
( ) 5.Sea anemones reproduce by asexual reproduction

1. inflammation of the testes and causes sterility –
2. swelling of the epididymis-
3. infection of the urethra –
4. accumulation of a watery liquid in the scrotum –
5. painless sores. If not treated, may cause heart problems –
Write the correct answer: AILMENTS OF THE FEMALE
1. painful menstruation –
2. symptom of some diseases of the vagina –
3. failure of menstruation –
4. inflammation of the breast –


1. Most girls have their menstruation between ages ( ) to ( )
2. First menstruation is called ( )
3. A woman stops menstruating at the ages () to ( )
4. ()n a woman stops menstruating
5. Menstrual cycle prepares a woman for pregnancy. It repeats every ()days
6. The release of the egg from the ovary is called ( )
7. ()that signals the thickening of the wall of the uterus.
8. If the egg is not fertilized, ( ) occurs.
9. If the egg is fertilized, () occurs.
10. ( ) is a state of physical development
11. Menstruation comes from the latin word MENSIS which means ( )
12. Pregnancy takes () months
13. Ovulation occurs about () days before the next menstruation


A process that prepares a woman for ( ). This cycle
repeats itself every ( ) days. An egg is release
from the ovary. If not fertilized, the thickening in the (
) breaks down then there is ( )

Complete the OVULATION

Release of egg from the ( ). Egg travels to the uterus
through the
( ).After ovulation, egg produces another hormone called (
It signals the thickening of the wall of the ( )


1. receives the sperm; serves as the birth canal –___________
2. produce the female egg cells ( eggs) –_________________
3. directs the egg to travel from the ovary to the uterus –____________
4. where an egg is fertilized –receives and holds the fertilized ovum –
4. carries the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra-__________
5. produce sperm cells-____________
6. male sex hormone-______________
7. deposits sperm into the vagina-______________
8. passageway for both sperm and urine-________________
9. helps activate the sperm-_________________
10. holds the testes- gives nourishment to the developing embryo –-
11. provides the connection between mother and the embryo-________
12. skin of the penis is called foreskin or –_____________
13. female sex cells are called –______________

Write B-boy / G-girl

if the following are changes in the body during Puberty:
( ) 1. voice starts to break and becomes lower
( ) 2. Shoulders become broader
( ) 3. skin becomes finer
( ) 4. hair grows on the chest
( )5. broad shoulders
( )6. breasts begin to develop
( )7. voice becomes higher
( )8. hair starts to grow in the armpit
( )9. bone becomes longer
( )10. hips become rounder
( )11. hips becomes narrower

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