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These are the shortcuts used in Android studio

Go to class CTRL + N
Go to file CTRL + Shift + N
Navigate open tabs ALT + Left-Arrow; ALT + Right-Arrow
Look up recent files CTRL + E
Go to line CTRL + G
Navigate to last edit location CTRL + SHIFT + BACKSPACE
Go to declaration CTRL + B
Go to implementation CTRL + ALT + B
Go to source F4
Go to super Class CTRL + U
Show Call hierarchy CTRL + ALT + H
Search in path/project CTRL + SHIFT + F
Programming Shortcuts:Reformat code CTRL + ALT + L
Optimize imports CTRL + ALT + O
Code Completion CTRL + SPACE
Issue quick fix ALT + ENTER
Surround code block CTRL + ALT + T
Rename and Refractor Shift + F6
Line Comment or Uncomment CTRL + /
Block Comment or Uncomment CTRL + SHIFT + /
Go to previous/next method ALT + UP/DOWN
Show parameters for method CTRL + P
Quick documentation lookup CTRL + Q
Delete a line CTRL + Y
View declaration in layout CTRL + B
For more info visit Things worked in Android

press Alt + enter placing cursor on the line to auto import in android studio.
And for all imorts
Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import -> Java and make the following c
1.change Insert imports on paste value to All in drop down option.
2.markAdd unambigious imports on the fly option as checked.(For Window or linux
On a Mac, do the same thing in Android Studio -> Preferences

Android Studio --> Preferences --> Editors --> Auto Import

Checked Optimize imports on the fly option

Checked Add unambiguous imports on the fly option

Click Apply and OK button.

You can use Eclipse Short-cut key in Android Studio too.

File -> Settings -> Keymap -> <Choose Eclipse from Keymaps dropdown>

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