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What Is Hypothyroidism?
What Causes Hypothyroidism?
How Does the Thyroid Gland Affect Your Health?
Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Problem
How Is Hypothyroidism Diagnosed?
Are You at Risk for Hypothyroidism?
Simple Ways to Prevent Hypothyroidism
Treating an Underactive Thyroid
4 Ways to Boost Thyroid Function
Dietary Changes That Can Help Your Thyroid Naturally

What Is Hypothyroidism?
An underactive thyroid can affect your everyday life and mess up your metabolism. This
condition is known as hypothyroidism and may cause weight gain, depression, and mood
swings. People with autoimmune diseases as well as those taking antidepressants are
more likely to develop this condition. On rare occasions, hypothyroidism can be triggered
by pituitary disorders and iodine deficiency. The good news is that you can control this
disease by taking daily hormone tablets.

How Does It Happen?

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common disorders affecting the thyroid gland. This
butterfly-shaped organ is located in the front lower part of your neck. It produces three
hormones that influence your metabolism, heart rate, energy expenditure, body
temperature, and protein synthesis. Hypothyroidism occurs when this endocrine gland is
underactive and doesn't make enough hormones.
This health condition may have several causes, including Hashimoto's disease, radiation
treatment, amyloidosis, thyroiditis, and autoimmune disorders. Some babies are born
without a thyroid or have one that is dysfunctional. A diet offering too much or too little
iodine, certain medications, and surgical removal of the thyroid gland can cause
hypothyroidism too.

Symptoms and Treatment

In general, hypothyroidism causes muscle aches, increased sensitivity to cold, tiredness,

dry skin and hair, unexplained weight gain, lack of energy, constipation, slow heart rate,
and difficulty losing weight. These symptoms are quite common and can indicate other
diseases too. If you have an underactive thyroid, you may feel cold all the time. Muscle
weakness and tingling hands may be a sign of hypothyroidism as well.
Treatment usually consists of hormone tablets, such as levothyroxine. Their role is to
replace the hormones your thyroid gland isn't making. Hypothyroidism is a lifelong
condition, so it can not be cured. However, you can control its symptoms by taking
medications and eating a well-balanced diet. Regular exercise and stress relief techniques
can reduce your symptoms too.

What Causes Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism affects millions of people worldwide. Statistics show that more than one
percent of U.S. adults suffer from this condition. Many of them gain weight and
experience serious issues because of their disease. Sensitivity to cold, muscular
weakness, extreme fatigue, and slow heart beat are just a few of the symptoms caused by
an underactive thyroid. This health disorder can have a variety of causes, ranging from
hereditary factors to medications and radiation treatment.

Here are some of the most common causes of hypothyroidism:

Congenital Factors: It is estimated that one in 4,000 people are born without a thyroid or
have one that doesn't work properly. Many children have this problem because their
thyroid gland was affected by medications taken by the mother during pregnancy.

Autoimmune Diseases: Celiac disease, Hashimotos thyroiditis and other

autoimmune disorders may cause hypothyroidism. Scientists don't fully
understand how this happens. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or Hashimotos
disease is the primary cause of hypothyroidism in America. If you have this
disorder, your immune system attacks the thyroid gland, affecting its ability to
produce hormones.

Medications: Research indicates that certain medications may interfere with

thyroid hormone production. These include interleukin-2, lithium, interferon
alpha, amiodarone, and antidepressants.

Pregnancy: Many women develop an underactive thyroid during or after

pregnancy. If left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause miscarriage, preeclamsia,
and premature delivery. It may also increase the baby's risk of developing
cardiovascular problems and brain development issues.

Thyroiditis: Thyroiditis is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism.

This disorder leads to inflammation of the thyroid gland. It can also cause
hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism.

Pituitary Disorders: If your pituitary gland doesnt produce enough TSH, it can
affect your thyroid. Studies have found that about one percent of all
hypothyroidism causes are caused by pituitary disorders.

Radiation Therapy: Many cancer patients develop thyroid problems following

radiation treatment. Additionally, people suffering from nodular goiter, thyroid
cancer, or Graves' disease are often treated with radioactive iodine, which may
lead to hypothyroidism.

How Does the Thyroid Gland Affect Your Health?

Are you constantly tired and fatigued despite getting enough sleep? Do you have a hard
time losing weight? If so, your thyroid might not be working well. The thyroid gland
plays a key role in your health, and can be easily affected by stress, hormonal imbalances,
and lack of sleep. Its role is to make, store, and release certain hormones into your body.
Having too much or too little thyroid hormone in the blood can affect your metabolism,
causing sudden weight gain or loss, depression, fatigue, infertility, and slow heart rate.

How Does the Thyroid Work?

The thyroid gland controls metabolism, regulates appetite, and contributes to protein
synthesis. It also produces hormones and calcitonin, and influences body temperature.
This endocrine gland is brownish-red in color and sits low on the front of your neck.
Triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and calcitonin, the hormones secreted by the
thyroid gland, are essential to the proper functioning of your body. They promote growth
in children, increase the basal metabolic rate, regulate energy expenditure, and control
heartbeat. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland all work together to
control these hormones.

What Is Thyroid Disease?

Thyroid disease is a general term that refers to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid

nodules, thyroiditis and other disorders affecting this gland. If your thyroid makes too
few or too many hormones, you may experience a number of symptoms like:

Weight loss
Unexpected weight gain
Increased heart rate
Breathing difficulties
Digestive distress
Mood swings
Extreme fatigue
Hot flashes
Hair loss

The most common thyroid disorders can affect your health, slow your metabolism, and
weaken your muscles. These problems often develop gradually, which is why most
people have no symptoms in the first few months or years. If you suspect that something
is wrong with your thyroid gland, ask your doctor about thyroid function tests. Free
thyroxin, TSH, TgAb, TMAb, and FT4F can help detect thyroid disorders before it's too

Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Problem

Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder characterized by low thyroid hormones in the
body. Its causes are varied and can include inflammatory and autoimmune diseases,
thyroid surgery, iodine deficiency, pregnancy, and medications. Some people feel ill and
gain weight after developing this condition, while others have no symptoms at all. The
signs of hypothyroidism depend on the severity of the hormone deficiency.

What Are the Symptoms of an Underactive Thyroid?

An underactive thyroid fails to produce enough T3 and T4 hormones into the

bloodstream, causing your metabolism to slow down. If left untreated, it can lead to
complications and early death. Its symptoms develop gradually and can get worse
without proper treatment. Most people with hypothyroidism experience:

Dry hair and skin
Lethargy and fatigue
Brain fog
Hair loss
Weight gain
Tendency to fall asleep during the day
Difficulty concentrating
Higher cholesterol levels
Slower heart rate
Poor memory
Heavy menstrual periods

This disorder often causes a goiter, hoarse voice, and swelling of the limbs. It may also
create a feeling of pins and needles in the hands and feet, which is known as paresthesia.
Many patients lose their appetite, but keep gaining weight and have a hard time losing the
extra pounds.

Hypothyroidism Diagnosis

Hypothyroidism has non-specific symptoms that can indicate other conditions.

Additionally, you may develop serious health problems that you can not feel, such as
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and memory issues. The best way to diagnose this
thyroid disorder is through blood tests.

Tell the doctor about your symptoms. He will also request information about your overall
health and family history. A physical exam along with TS, free T4 index, free T4, and
total T4 may be helpful. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will decide what treatment
suits your individual needs.

How Is Hypothyroidism Diagnosed?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones to keep
the body running normally. If you have this condition, you may feel tired and depressed,
gain weight, and become forgetful. Some people experience persistent jaundice, extreme
sleepiness, cold hands, bloating, and puffy face. These symptoms are non-specific and
can be attributed to hundreds of other disorders. For this reason, it's recommended to
check your thyroid gland regularly.
Exams and Tests
If you have any symptoms indicating an underactive thyroid, contact your doctor.
Although hypothyroidism is not a medical emergency, it may cause serious
complications. A complete physical exam followed by blood tests can help detect thyroid
problems. The most common tests for diagnosing an underactive thyroid include:

TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test

Total T3
Free T3
Total T4
Free T4

Your doctor may also request calcitonin, thyroglobulin, and TPOAb (thyroid antibodies)
tests. These medical exams help diagnose and monitor thyroid diseases. All it takes is a
blood sample taken from the patient. Most times, doctors can make a diagnosis based on
TSH and T4 levels in the blood. A low level of T4 (thyroxin) and a high level of THS
usually indicate an underactive thyroid.

Why It's Important to Check Your Thyroid

Hypothyroidism is a serious problem that shouldn't be overlooked. Without adequate

treatment, it may cause a goiter, heart disease, heart failure, high cholesterol levels,
peripheral neuropathy, depression, and slowed mental functioning. Other possible
complications include female infertility, myxedema coma, and birth defects in babies.
Children with untreated hypothyroidism face a high risk of mental and physical
development issues.
The blood tests used for diagnosing thyroid problems are inexpensive and minimally
invasive. They can help your doctor determine whether your thyroid gland's hormone
production is normal, underactive, or overactive. These medical exams can save your life
and prevent unwanted complications.

Are You at Risk for Hypothyroidism?

Do you have a slow metabolism? Have you gained weight recently? Are you sleepy and
tired all day long? Then you should check your thyroid. More than 12 percent of people
will develop a thyroid disorder during their lifestyle. After diabetes, hypothyroidism is
the most common health condition out there. Its symptoms include tiredness, weight gain,
numb and tingling hands, depression, hair loss, and constipation. This thyroid disorder
affects people of all ages and can occur anytime.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder caused by underactivity of the thyroid

gland. If you suffer from this condition, your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough
hormones. It is estimated that more than 4.6 percent of Americans have this problem.
Women are eight to 10 times more likely to develop hypothyroidism than men do. The
risk increases with age.
Low thyroid hormone levels affect your overall health, causing dry skin, memory
problems, low energy, high cholesterol, and extreme fatigue. This condition can occur
spontaneously or develop after pregnancy. Other common causes include Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, congenital hypothyroidism, and certain medications.

Causes and Risk Factors

Hypothyroidism can be caused by one or more factors, such as an autoimmune disease,

radiation treatment, surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, damage to the
pituitary gland, and thyroiditis. Many patients develop hyperthyroidism followed by
This health condition is more common in people with rheumatoid arthritis, type I
diabetes, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, and manic
depression. The risk is high among those with a family history of thyroid or autoimmune
diseases. Hypothyroidism has a wide range of symptoms that mimic those associated
with other disorders. The only way to find out if you have this condition is through blood
tests. Although hypothyroidism cant be cured, it can be kept under control with

Simple Ways to Prevent Hypothyroidism

Did you know that over 27 million Americans have problems with their thyroid gland?
About 13 million are undiagnosed, which increases their risk of developing
complications. Yet, hypothyroidism can be prevented. By making simple lifestyle
changes, you can keep your thyroid healthy and stabilize hormone levels.

Eat a Balanced Diet

What you eat affects how you look and feel. Certain foods improve thyroid function,
while others can have a negative impact on your hormone levels. Your diet should be
based on natural foods and provide optimal amounts of iron, selenium, iodine, and
vitamin A. These nutrients support healthy hormone production. Steer clear of foods that
are high in sugar, trans-fats, and artificial ingredients.

Get Enough Iodine

Iodine deficiency is one of the main causes of hypothyroidism. Although this problem is
rare in the U.S., it occurs frequently in other parts the world. A diet low in iodine can
negative affect thyroid function, causing hormone imbalances.
Many foods, such as salt, milk, and flour, are fortified with iodine, so be sure to check the
labels carefully. This nutrient can also be found in cod fish, shrimps, eggs, lean meat,
bananas, and prunes. Aim for at least 150 micrograms of iodine a day.

Avoid Stress

The thyroid gland is extremely sensitive to stress. Everyday problems, anxiety,

depression, and traumatic events can interfere with thyroid function and affect your
overall health. Even though you can't eliminate stress from your life, you can minimize
its impact. Meditation, yoga, physical exercise, and proper sleep can reduce the harmful
effects of stress.

Check Yourself

Make sure you check your thyroid gland at least once a year. If you've just given birth or
had thyroid surgery, get blood tests done regularly. Learn to recognize the most common
symptoms of an underactive thyroid, such as weight gain, fatigue, constipation, tiredness,
and sensitivity to cold. If you notice these signs, seek medical advice.

Treating an Underactive Thyroid

Have you been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism? Are you currently under
treatment? If so, make sure you follow the doctor's advice and take your medications.
With proper treatment, the signs and symptoms of an underactive thyroid can be
reversed. Even though this condition cannot be cured, you can reduce its symptoms and
prevent complications.

Treatment Options for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is treated with synthetic thyroxine pills. These medications are identical
to the hormone T4. L-thyroxine monotherapy has become the mainstay treatment for
underactive thyroid. Dosage depends on your age, weight, cause of hypothyroidism,
overall health, and other drugs you are taking.
If you've had thyroid surgery, all of your T4 must be replaced with thyroxine. Seniors
need lower doses to give their body time to adjust. Overweight and obese individuals
require a higher dose. Your doctor is the only one who can determine the exact dose of
thyroxyne needed. Over time, he may lower or increase your dose gradually.
Hypothyroidism treatment is required for life.

Is It Possible to Treat Hypothyroidism Naturally?

Many patients skip hormonal treatment and use natural cures for thyroid disorders. In
general, it's recommended to add more iodine to your diet, avoid all sources of fluoride,
and stick to a natural diet. Eat whole, natural foods and cut back on gluten, dairy, and
other allergens. L-arginine, l-tyrosine, and selenium supplements can help reduce
hypothyroidism symptoms. If you have an underactive thyroid, avoid stress at all costs.
Supplementing with chlorophyll, chlorella, milk thistle, tulsi, and ashwagandha can
improve thyroid function and lower your cortisol levels. Cortisol, the stress hormone,
affects endocrine function, causing hormonal imbalances. Regular exercise, deep
breathing, meditation, and acupuncture can help reduce cortisol levels too. These
alternative treatments are not backed up by science, but they seem to work for patients
with mild hypothyroidism. For best results, they should be used along with thyroxine

4 Ways to Boost Thyroid Function

Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with thyroid disorders that require life-long
treatment. These problems may put them at risk for serious conditions, such as obesity,
osteoporosis, heart disease, and infertility. A stress-free lifestyle, good nutrition, and
regular exercise can help improve thyroid function and boost your energy. By changing
your diet and lifestyle habits, you can prevent thyroid diseases or minimize their impact
on your health.

Stick to an Autoimmune Diet

Grains, soy, vegetable oils, refined sugar, and processed foods can trigger autoimmune
disorders and cause inflammation in your body. This increases your risk of developing
thyroid problems. Thus, it's important to avoid foods that can be inflammatory or cause
allergies. At the same time, increase your daily intake of essential fats and medium chain
triglycerides (MCTs), such as those found in coconut oil, salmon, and sardines.

Get More Selenium in Your Diet

Selenium is an essential mineral that supports thyroid health. This nutrient can be found
in garlic, onions, Brazil nuts, whole grains, fatty fish, chicken, turkey, and lean meat.
Your body needs selenium to decrease thyroid antibodies and convert thyroxin to its
active form (T3).

Find More Time for Yourself

Take the time to relax, sleep more, and do the things you love. Stress is often the culprit
behind hypothyroidism, stroke, cardiovascular disease, weight gain and other conditions.
Get at least eight hours of sleep every night, make exercise a habit, and avoid stress as
much as possible.

Reduce Exposure to PFOA

PFOA is a chemical found in non-stick cookware, household products, and waterproof

fabrics. Researchers have found that this compound may increase the risk of developing
thyroid disease. Although its not known how these chemicals affect the thyroid, their
side effects have been proven by numerous studies. In addition to thyroid disease, they
may cause DNA damage, low birth weight, and poor immune function.

Dietary Changes That Can Help Your Thyroid Naturally

Want to improve thyroid health and maybe lose a few pounds? If so, consider changing
your diet. Some foods boost thyroid function and keep your hormone levels in check.
Others can hurt your thyroid, causing endocrine problems and inflammation. A balanced
diet can help prevent thyroid disorders, reduce hypothyroidism, and boost your energy.
Here are some dietary changes to keep your thyroid healthy:

Eat More Fish

Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, sardines and other fatty fish contain omega-3 essential
fats, which support thyroid function and decrease inflammation. By eating more fish,
you'll reduce your risk of thyroid disorders, heart disease, high cholesterol, stroke, and
obesity. Fish also contains selenium, which plays a key role in thyroid health.

Eliminate Allergens

Cut back on wheat and gluten products to reduce inflammation and prevent thyroid
problems. These allergens can trigger autoimmune thyroid disease, or worsen its
symptoms. Gluten can trigger thyroid antibody production. If you're allergic to nuts,
dairy, soy, or fructose, clean up your diet and remove these foods. This can help you lose
weight and enjoy better health.

Consume Iodine-Rich Foods

One of the best ways to prevent hypothyroidism is to eat iodine-rich foods every day.
Make sure your daily menu includes salt water fish, seafood, seaweed, Celtic sea salt,
eggs, cranberries, and sushi. These foods can assist the thyroid gland in keeping up with
your metabolism.

Make Smart Food Swaps

Certain foods should be avoided altogether by people who are prone to thyroid disorders.
These include mustard, corn, cauliflower, cabbage, soy, pine nuts, Brussels sprouts,
turnips, millet, spinach, kale, peanuts, peaches, soy and any veggie that falls into the
broccoli family.
Although these foods are healthy, they may block iodine and lower thyroid function.
Replace them with safer alternatives, such as potatoes, brown rice, whey protein,
almonds, lettuce, and onions. Use herbs and spices instead of mustard, whey or beef
protein instead of soy protein, and lettuce or iceberg salad instead of cabbage.

Click below for the PERFECT 3 Step

Hypothyroidism Treatment Process

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Kerry McComish, Auckland, New Zealand

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