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May 5, 2015

Mayor Pringle, Deputy Mayor Mackey, Councillor Gamble, Councillor Greig, Councillor Thompson &
CAO Moore
I have reviewed the 2015 proposed budget and I find the 9.7% ($401,231.75) increase in the taxation
levy to be astounding. This follows a taxation levy increase of 15.7% in 2014 and 6.7% in 2013. It
would be fair to say things are out of control.
As well as reviewing the 2015 proposed budget, I looked over the 2014 budget versus actuals. I found
82 items where the actual expenditures or revenues varied from the budgeted amounts by over 10%.
Of these 82 items, 24 varied by over 25% and 41 varied by over 50%. It is clear that it was not a
working budget but maybe just a justification budget. I realize priorities can change. But lets
remember these budgets are submitted when 1/4 of the year is past. Further, I examined all the
minutes of Council meetings and could not find where the budget or monthly statements were ever
discussed after approval.
I had attended one Council meeting where the capital budget was discussed and basically agreed on.
Council was presented with potential spending figures, a lot of it based on grants. Council agreed to
spend it all. Not once did anyone question the amounts to be spent.
I read in the BDO draft statement that our cash and equivalents at yearend in 2014 increased by
$431,132. The increase in the taxation levy in 2014 was $487,919. Are we tucking money away? Is
there more bad news?
I was unable to find the $146,000 one-time payment coming from Grey County in the budget.
I find the following statement under Council Report to be most interesting. The Draft Budget has
been completed in the best interest of the Taxpayers while still being able to continue to provide
services at a similar level as has been experienced in the past.
I think a 9.7% Chatsworth increase and a 4.03% overall increase in their taxes would be considered by
a vast majority of Taxpayers as not being in their best interest. Especially if they knew with normal
increases (not Chatsworth) in spending they may have seen a zero increase overall.
The second part of the statement is a nice philosophy but not likely sustainable without constant high
tax hikes or far better controls on spending.
In conclusion, the 2015 draft budget is unacceptable. A minimum reduction of $200,000 in the tax levy
must be made.
Ray Hunt

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