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Central Idea:

Transportation systems are designed with a purpose.

Lines of inquiry
*The purposes of transportation
*Various forms of transportation systems
*Transportation changes over time (air, land and sea)
*Factors that influence the design of a transportation system
Teacher questions:
1. What are the different forms of transportation? (FORM)
2. How are transportation systems the same? How are they different? (FORM)
3. Why do we chose forms of transportation? (FUNCTION)
4. Why do we use transportation systems for different purposes? (CAUSATION and FUNCTION)
5. What are the factors we need to consider when designing a system of transportaiton? (FORM,
Learner profiles

What we do at school
Browsing Transportation books (inquiry chapter from professional
resource) We plan to go on a Field trip using the metro system and going to visit
the Metro store - reflection on field trip
What is transportation - draw or write
Class discussions
Give them opportunities to explore different ways of transportations
Transportation challenges

What you can do at home

Talk about different types of transportation systems that
you have used as a family and why
Try using different types of systems when you travelling
and comparing them from country to country
Introduce/review vocabulary used during this unit
(transportation, systems, parts of machines, vehicles)
Talk about transportation over time
If you have any connections to transportation systems
(airport, manufacturing, oil, train, water) please let us know
so we can set a time for you to come and present to the
Kindergarten classes.

Learning outcomes
-measurement (length and mass)
comparing objects and events
measure with nonstandard units
events can be ordered and sequenced
-number sense (decomposing numbers)
-graphing and data collection
-descriptive comparative adjectives: small, smaller, smallest

What you can do at home

Comparing people in your family
Name the measurement vocabulary in your mother tongue
Talk about size, length, weight, distance

Literacy - reading and writing nonfiction

Reading for pleasure
- Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
- Discuss own experiences and relate them to fiction and information texts.
- Develop personal preferences, selecting books for pleasure and information.
- Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
- Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
- Making connections parents read for different reasons as well, pleasure, work, school
Learning outcomes for writing:
-proof read and edit own writing according to checklist
-write legibly
We will be looking at the following units of writing:
Persuasive writing
Narrative writing
What you can do at home
Play around with rhyming words
Read you favorite nursery rhymes, poems
Talk about opinions and the supporting reasons in your mother tongue

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