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RAPIDS Case Management System - Ticket #632902 RAPIDS Click here to show related case(s).. Dctient Cr Company: Dcompany more. ‘TELUS Communications Company Company: (742481) call Sign: Contact: CCM contact for Telus Gowner ‘Owner: ANDERSOM1 Section: Vancouver [case Information Status: Closed Privacy’ Industry: Telecommunications Subject: Quality of service Tone: Complaint Keyword: Business services Hot Issue: [Date Information Date Completed: 2013+ Target Date: 2013+ Registered by: ANDERSOM1 (2013-8-19 5:28:24 PM) {ENRYIU (2013-8-22 4:44:41 PM) : ANDERSOMI (2013-8-19 5:31:51 PM) Page | of 1 s.19(1) R Information on ticket CASE ID: 632902 Initial Action: Description: linger. Client has Telus trucks speeding in his neighborhood. He has not been able to get hold of a Manager and Telus land the client rep laughed at him, The other day he told a Telus truck to slow down, and they gave him the jesolution: ‘Out of scope, but given concern, can write in complaint 1© 1998-2013 Rapid Systems ine http://swebapps/rapidscemvista/update/Calldisplay.asp?CallID=632902&Pr... 29/10/2013000251

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