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Managerial Roles according to Henry Mintzberg

Mintzberg has drawn up a multifaceted concept of managers work, identifying

interpersonal, informational and decisional roles within the overall umbrella
heading of the term manager. Note that all 10 roles set out by Mintzberg, involve
dealing with other people, even those that are not designated as interpersonal roles.

Interpersonal roles How a manager interacts with other people.

Description of actions

1. Figurehead

2. Leader

3. Liaison

Examples from managerial

practice requiring
activation of corresponding
Symbolic leader of the
Attending ribbon-cutting
organization performing duties of ceremonies, hosting
social and legal character
receptions, presentations and
other activities associated
with the figurehead role
Motivating subordinates,
Virtually all managerial
interaction with them, selection
operations involving
and training of employees
Establishing contacts with
Business correspondence,
managers and specialists of other participation in meetings
divisions and organizations,
with representatives of other
informing subordinates of these divisions (organizations)

Informational roles How a manger exchanges and processes information.

1. Monitor (receiver)

2. Disseminator of

3. Spokesperson

Collecting various data relevant to Handling incoming

adequate work
correspondence, periodical
surveys, attending seminars
and exhibitions, research
Transmitting information obtained Dissemination of
from both external sources and
information letters and
employees to interested people
digests, interviewing,
inside the organization
informing subordinates of
the agreements reached
Transmitting information on the Compiling and
organizations plans, current
disseminating information
situation and achievements of the letters and circulars,
divisions to outsiders
participation in meetings

with progress reports

Decisional roles How a manager uses information in decision making.

1. Entrepreneur (initiator Seeking opportunities to develop Participation in meetings

of change)
processes both inside the
involving debating and
organization and in the systems of decision making on
interaction with other divisions
perspective issues, and also
and structures, initiates
in meetings dedicated to
implementation of innovations to implementation of
improve the organizations
situation and employee well-being
2. Disturbance handler Taking care of the organizations, Debating and decision
correcting ongoing activities,
making on strategic current
assuming responsibility when
issues concerning ways of
factors threatening normal work of overcoming crisis situations
the organization emerge
3. Resource allocator
Deciding on expenditure of the
Drawing up and approving
organizations physical, financial schedules, plans, estimates
and human resources
and budgets; controlling
their execution
4. Negotiator (mediator) Representing the organization in Conducting negotiations,
all important negotiations
establishing official links
between the organization and
other companies

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