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1. AAA-American Arbitration Association
2. AAEl-American Association of Exporters & Importers
3. ACDA-Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
4. ACE-Automated Commercial Environment
5. ACEP-Advisory Committee on Export Policy
6. ACH-Automated Clearinghouse
7. ACP-African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries
8. ACS-Automated Commercial System
9. ACTPN-Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations
10. ADB-Asian Development Bank
11. AD-Anti-dumping
12. ADD-Anti-dumping duty
13. ADS-Agent Distributor Service
14. AD VAL-Ad Valorem Tariff Rate
15. AECA-Arms Export Control Act
16. AES-Automated Export System
17. AFDB-African Development Bank
18. AFDF-African Development Fund
19. AG-Australia Group
20. AGOA-African Growth and Opportunity Act
21. AID-Agency for International Development
22. ANSI-American National Standards Institute
23. APCAC-Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
24. APEC-Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation
25. APHIS-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
26. APTA-Automotive Products Trade Act
27. ASEAN-Association of Southeast Asian Nations
28. AT-Anti-Terriorism
29. ATA Carnet-"Admission Temporaire-Temporary Admission" Carnet
30. ATAC(s)-Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee(s)
31. ATC-Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
32. ATCA-Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
33. ATPA-Andean Trade Preference Act
34. AUI-ASEAN-United States Initiative
35. AVE-Ad Valorem Equivalent
36. AWB-Air Waybill

37. BAR-Buy American Restrictions
38. BATF-Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
39. BDC-Beneficiary Developing Country
40. BDV-Brussels Definition of Value
41. B/E-Bill of Exchange
42. BEA-Bureau of Economic Analysis
43. BEET-Business Executive Enforcement Team
44. BENELUX-Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
45. BFC-Business Facilitation Center, U.S. Department of Commerce
46. BFP-Bona Fide Purchaser
47. BIRPI-United International Bureaux fo the Protection of Intellectual Property
48. BIS-Bank for International Settlements
49. BIS-Bureau of Industry and Security (Previously "BXA")
50. BISN-Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
51. BISNIS-Business Information Services for Newly Independent States
52. BIT(s)-Bilateral Investment Treaty(ies)
53. B/L-Bill of Lading
54. BNC-Binational Commission
55. BOND-Business Outreach to New Democracies (program)
56. BOP-Balance of Payments
57. BOT-Balance of Trade
58. BSA-Bilateral Steel Agreement
59. BTN-Brussels Tariff Nomenclature

60. C.A.F.-Currency Adjustment Factor
61. CACM-Central American Common Market
62. CADIC-Comparative Analysis of Domestic Industry's Condition
63. CAIP-Community Adjustment Investment Program
64. CAP-Common Agricultural Policy (EU)
65. CAP-Country Action Plan
66. CARIBCAN-Canadian-Caribean Basin Initiative
67. CARICOM-Carribean Common Market
68. CBERA-Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
69. CBI-Caribbean Basin Initiative
70. CBM-Chemical, Biological and Missile Non-Proliferation
71. CBW-Chemical and Biological Weapons
72. CC-Crime Control
73. CCC-Commodity Credit Corporation
74. CCC-Customs Cooperation Council
75. CCCN-Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature
76. CCL-Commerce Control List; formerly Commodity Control List
77. CCNAA-Coordination Council for North American Affairs (Taiwan)
78. CCPIT-China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
79. CD-ROM-Compact Disc—Read Only Memory
80. CDT-Center for Defense Trade
81. CEA -Chinese Economic Area
82. CEA-Council of Economic Advisors
83. CE Mark-Conformite Europeen
84. CEFTA-Central European Free Trade Agreement
85. CEP-Constructed Export Price
86. CER-Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations
87. CET-Common External Tariff
88. CF-Customs Form
89. CFIUS-Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
90. C&F-Cost and Freight
91. CFC-Controlled Foreign Corporation
92. CFR-Code of Federal Regulations
93. CFR-Cost and Freight
94. CFTA-Canadian Free Trade Agreement
95. CG-18-Consultative Group of Eighteen (GATT)
96. C.I.-Cost and Insurance
97. CIA-Central Intelligence Agency
98. CIB-Council for International Business (arbitration)
99. CIF-Cost, insurance and freight
100. C.I.F.& C.-Cost, Insurance, freight, and commission
101. C.I.F.C.I.-Cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
102. C.I.F.I.&E.-Cost, insurance, freight, interest, and exchange.
103. CIME-Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
104. CIMS-Commercial Information Management Systems
105. CIP-Carriage and Insurance Paid
106. CIS-Commonwealth of Independent States
107. CISG-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
108. CIT-Court of International Trade
109. CITA-Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements
110. CITIC-China International Trade Tribunal
111. CITT-Canadian International Trade Tribunal
112. CIV-Civilian License Exception
113. CIV-Customs Import Value
114. CJR-Commodity Jurisdiction Request
115. CMP-Country Marketing Plan
116. CNL-Competitive Need Limitations
117. CNUSA-Commercial News USA
118. COCOM-Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls
119. C.O.D.-Collect (cash) on delivery
120. CODEX-Codex Alimentarius Commission
121. COE-Council of Europe
122. COGSA-Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
123. COMECON-Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
124. COMEX-Commodity Exchange Inc.(futures contracts)
125. COP-Cost of Production
126. CP-Contracting Party
127. CPE-Centrally Planned Economy
128. CPT-Carriage Paid To
129. CSCE-Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
130. CT-Countertrade
131. CTA-Committee on Trade in Agriculture (GATT)
132. CTF-Certified Trade Fair, U.S. Department of Commerce
133. CV-Constructed Value
134. CVD-Countervailing Duty
135. CWC-Chemical Weapons Convention
136. CXT-Common External Tariff

137. D/A-Documents Against Acceptance
138. DAC-Development Assistance Committee (OECD)
139. DAF-Delivered at Frontier
140. DAV-Domestic Added Value
141. DDU-Delivered Duty Unpaid
142. DDP-Delivered Duty Paid
143. DDTC-Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (Previously "ODTC")
144. DEC-District Export Council
145. DEQ-Delivered Ex Quay
146. DES-Delivered Ex Ship
147. DF-Duty Free
148. DISC-Domestic Industrial Sales Corporation
149. DOA-Department of Agriculture
150. DOC-Department of Commerce (U.S.)
151. DOD-Department of Defense (U.S.)
152. DOE-Department of Energy (U.S.)
153. DOI-Department of the Interior (U.S.)
154. DOL-Department of Labor (U.S.)
155. DOS-Department of State
156. DOT-Department of Transportation
157. DOT-Department of Treasury
158. D/P-Documents Against Payment
159. DPL-Denied Persons List
160. DS-Dispute Settlement
161. DSU-Dispute Settlement Understanding
162. DTAG-Defense Trade Advisory Group
163. DTC-Defense Trade Controls
164. DTRA-Defense Threat Reduction Agency
165. DTSA-Defense Technology Security Administration

166. EAA-Export Administration Act
167. EAC-Export Assistance Center
168. EAEC-East Aisa Economic Caucus
169. EAI-Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
170. EAPC-Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
171. EAR-Export Administration Regulations
172. EBB-Economic Bulletin Board
173. EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
174. EC-European Community
175. ECA-Economic Cooperatin Administration
176. ECB-European Central Bank
177. ECCN-Export Control Classification Number; Formerly, Export Commodity
Classification Number
178. ECD-Exporter Counseling Division
179. ECDC-Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries
180. ECE-Economic Commission for Europe
181. ECGF-Export Credit Guarantee Facility
182. ECS-Echantillons Commerciaux (Commerical Samples)
183. ECS-European Cooperation System
184. ECSC-European Coal and Steel Community
185. ECU-European Currency Unit
186. EDC-Export Development Corporation
187. EDI-Electronic Data Interchange
188. EE-Export Enforcement
189. EEA-European Economic Area
190. EEBIC-Eastern Europe Business Information Center
191. EEC-European Economic Community
192. EEP-European Enhancement Program (United States)
193. EFT-Electronic Funds Transfer
194. EFTA-European Free Trade Association
195. EI-Encryption Item
196. EIB-European Investment Bank
197. EIN-Employer Identification Number
198. EIN-Exporter Identification Number
199. EITCA-United States-Soviet Union Agreement to Facilitate Economic,
Industrial, and Technical Cooperation
200. ELAIN-Electronic License Application and Information Network
201. ELAN-Export Legal Assistance Network
202. ELISA-Export License Status Advisor
203. ELVIS-Export License Voice Information System
204. EMC-Export Management Company
205. EMS-European Monetary System
206. EMS-Export Management System
207. EMU-European Monetary Union
208. EO-Executive Order
209. EOTC-European Organization for Testing and Certification
210. EP-European Parliament
211. EPA-Environmental Protection Agency
212. EPC-Economic Policy Council (United States)
213. EPC-European Patent Convention
214. EPCI-Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative
215. ER-Export Restraint
216. ERIC-Electronic Request for Item Classification
217. ERLC-Export Revolving Line of Credit
218. ERM-Exchange Rate Mechanism
219. ERP-European Recovery Program
220. ESA-European Sapce Agency
221. ESAF-Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
222. ESCB-European System of Central Banks
223. ESP-Exporter's Sales Price
224. ESPIRIT-European Strategic Program for Research and Development in
Information Technologies
225. ETC-Export Trading Company
226. ETD-Estimated Time of Departure
227. ETSI-European Telecommunications Standards Institute
228. EU-European Union
229. EXW-Ex-works
230. EXIM BANK-Export-Import Bank of the United States
231. EXPAT-Expatriate
232. EXW-Ex Works

233. FA-Facts Available 
234. FAA-Federal Aviation Administration
235. FAA-Foreign Assistance Act
236. FAC-Foreign Assets Control
237. FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)
238. FAR-Federal Acquisition Regulations 
239. FARA-Foreign Agents Registration Act
240. FAS-Foreign Agricultural Service
241. FAS-Free Alongside Ship
242. FBP-Foreign Buyer Program
243. FCA-Free Carrier
244. FCIA-Foreign Credit Insurance Association
245. FCN-Freedom, Commerce, and Navigation Treaty
246. FCO-Foreign and Commonwealth Office (United Kingdom)
247. FCPA-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
248. FCS-Foreign Commercial Service (U.S. Department of Commerce)
249. FDA-Food and Drug Administration
250. FDI-Foreign Direct Investment
251. FDIUS-Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
252. FDIC-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
253. FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency
254. FET-Foreign Economic Trends
255. FICA-Federal Insurance Corporation of America
256. FISC-Foreign International Sales Corporation
257. F.M.C. or FMC-Federal Maritime Commission
258. FMS-Foreign Military Sales
259. FMSCR-Foreign Military Sales Credit
260. FMV-Foreign Market Value
261. FOB-Free on Board
262. FOGS-Functioning of the GATT System
263. FOIA-Freedom on Information Act
264. FOR-Free on Rail
265. FOREX-Foreign Exchange
266. FOT-Free on Truck
267. FPA-Free of Particular Average
268. FPFO-Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures Officer
269. FPFS-Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures System
270. FR-Federal Register
271. FRA-Forward/Future Rate Agreement
272. FSC-Foreign Sales Corporation
273. FSN-Foreign Service National
274. FSO-Foreign Service Officer
275. FTA-Free Trade Agreement
276. FTA-Free Trade Area
277. FTAA-Free Trade Area of the Americas
278. FTC-Federal Trade Commission
279. FTC-Foreign Tax Credit
280. FTI-Foreign Traders Index Feet/Foot
281. FTO-Foreign Trade Organization
282. FTSR-Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations
283. FTZ-Foreign Trade Zone
284. FTZA-Foreign Trade Zone Act
285. FTZ-Board-Foreign Trade Zone Board
286. FTZ-SZ-Foreign Trade Zone - Sub Zone
287. Fv-Fair Value
288. F/X-Foreign Exchange

289. G/A-General Average
290. GAB-General Agent to Borrow
291. GAO-General Accounting Office
292. GATS-General Agreement on Trade in Services
293. GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
294. GCC-Gulf Cooperation Council
295. G-DEST-General License-Destination
296. GDP-Gross Domestic Product
297. GEC-Global Electronic Commerce
298. GEM-Global Export Manager
299. GII-Global Information Infrastructure
300. GL-General License
301. GLV-General License-Shipments of Limited Value
302. GmbH-Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung
303. GNG-Group of Negotiations on Goods
304. GNP-Gross National Product
305. GNP-Government Procurement
306. GNS-Group of Negotiations on Services
307. GO-General Order
308. GOV-License Exception on exports to U.S. government organizations.
309. GPA-WTO Agreement on Goverment Procurement
310. GPO-Government Printing Office (U.S.)
311. GP-ZONE-General Purpose Free Trade Zone
312. G.R.I.-General Rules of Interpretation
313. GSP-Generalized System of Preferences
314. GSTP-Global System of Trade Preferences
315. G-TEMP-General License – Temporary Export
316. GTDA-General License – Technical Data
317. GTDR-General License – Technical Data Restricted
318. GTF-U.S.-General License – Goods Imported for Display at U.S. Exhibitions or
Trade Fairs
319. G-5-Group of Five (United States, Japan, Germany, France, and United
320. G-7-Group of Seven (United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, United
Kingdom, and Canada)
321. G-8-Group of Eight (United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, United
Kingdom, Canada, and Russia)
322. G-77-Group of Sevent-Seven (all countries within UNCTAD Groups A and C
(except Israel and South Africa) 120 developing countries)
323. GUS-General License – Shipments to Personnel and Agencies of the U.S.

324. HAWB-House Air Waybill
325. HAZMAT-Hazardous Materials
326. H/H-House to House
327. H/P-House to Pier
328. H.P.-Horsepower
329. HM-Home Market
330. HPC-High Performance Computer
331. HS-Harmonized System
332. HTS-Harmonized Tariff Schedule
333. HTSUS-Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S.
334. HWA-Hold Without Action

335. IA-Import Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce) 
336. IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency
337. IAEL-International Atomic Energy List
338. IATA-International Air Transport Association
339. IBRD-International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
340. IBF-International Banking Policy
341. IBOR-Interbank Offered Rate
342. IC-Industry Committee of the OECD
343. ICA-International Cocoa Agreement
344. ICA-International Coffee Agreement
345. ICA-International Commodity Agreement
346. ICAO-International Civil Aviation Organization
347. ICB-International Competitive Bidding
348. ICC-International Chamber of Commerce
349. ICH-International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements
for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
350. ICITO-Interim Commission of the International Trade Organization
351. ICO-International Coffee Organization
352. ICP-Internal Control Program
353. ICSID-International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
354. IDA-International Development Association
355. IDB (or IADB)-Inter-American Development Bank
356. IDCA-International Development Cooperation Agency
357. IEA-International Energy Agency
358. IEC-International Electrotechnical Commission
359. IEDs-Improvised Explosive Devices
360. IEEPA-International Emergency Economic Powers Act
361. IEPG-Independent European Program Group
362. IESC-International Executive Service Corps
363. IFAC-Industry Functional Advisory Committee
364. IFAD-International Fund for Agricultural Development
365. IFC-International Finance Corporation
366. IFI-International Finance Institution
367. IIC-Inter-American Investment Corporation
368. IIPA-International Intellectual Property Alliance
369. ILO-International Labor Organization
370. IMF-International Monetary Fund
371. IMI-International Market Insight
372. IML-International Munitions List
373. IMO-International Maritime Organization
374. INC.-Incorporated
375. INCOTERMS-Internatoinal Commercial Terms
376. INR-Initial Negotiating Right
377. INRA-International Natural Rubber Agreement
378. INRO-International Natural Rubber Organization
379. INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services
380. INTELSAT-International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
381. IOS-Internatioal Orgnaization for Standardization
382. IP-Intellectual Property
383. IPAC-Industry Policy Advisory Committee (United States)
384. IPC-Integrated Program for Commodities
385. IPR-International Property Rights
386. IRS-Internal Revenue Service
387. ISA-Industry Sub-sector Analysis
388. ISA-International Sugar Agreement
389. ISAC-Industry Sector Advisory Committee
390. ISC-Intermodal Service Charge
391. ISO-International Standards Organization
392. ISPM 15-International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Publication No.
15: Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade
393. ITA-International Tin Agreement
394. ITA-International Trade Administration
395. ITA-International Technology Agreement
396. ITAR-International Traffic in Arms Regulations
397. ITC-International Trade Commission
398. ITC-International Trade Center (UNCTAD/WTO)
399. ITDS-International Trade Data System
400. ITO-International Trade Organization
401. ITU-International Telecommunication Union
402. IVL-Individual Validated License

403. JCCT-United States-Mexico Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade 
404. JCIT-Joint Committee For Investment and Trade
405. JCP-Japan Corporate Program
406. JDB-Japan Development Bank
407. JEIC-Japan Export Information Center
408. JETRO-Japan External Trade Organization
409. JEXIM-The Export-Import Bank of Japan
410. JICA-Japan International Cooperation Agency

411. KG-Kommanditgesellschaft
412. KGS or Kilo(s)-Kilogram(s)
413. KK-Kabushiki Kaisha

414. LAFTA-Latin American Free Trade Association
415. LAIA-Latin American Integration Association
416. LASU-Large Aircraft Sector Understand Letter of Credit
417. LDBDC-Least Developed Beneficiary Developing Country
418. L/C-Letter of Credit
419. LCIA-London Court of International Arbitration
420. LCL, L.C.L.-Less Than Container Load
421. LDC-Less Developed Country/Lesser Developed Country
422. LDCs-Least Developed Countries
423. LEAP-License Enforcement Action Plan
424. LIBID-London Interbank Bid Rate
425. LIBOR-London Interbank Offered Rate
426. LIFFE-London International Financial Futures Exchange
427. LLC-Limited Liability Company
428. LLDCs-Lesser Developed Countries
429. LO-Licensing Officer
430. LOC-Letter of Credit
431. LOI-Letter of Indemnity
432. LOI-Letter of Intent
433. LOT-Level of Trade Adjustment
434. LTA-Long-Term Agreement on International Trade in Cotton Textiles
435. Ltd.-Limited
436. Ltda.-Limitada
437. LTL-Less than Truckload
438. LTL-Less Than Load (Shipment)
439. LTFV-Less Than Fair Value
440. LVS-Low Value Shipment License Exception

441. MAC-Market Access & Compliance
442. MAI-Multilateral Agreement on Investment
443. MDB-Multilateral Development Bank
444. MERCOSUR-Mercado Comun del Sur (Sothern Common Market)
445. MFA-Multi-Fiber Arrangement
446. MFN-Most Favored Nation Treatment (now called Normal Trade Relations)
447. MHW-Ministry of Health and Welfare
448. MIF-Multilateral Investment Fund
449. MIGA-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
450. MIPRO-Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization
451. MITI-Ministry of International Trade and Industry
452. ML-Munitions List
453. MLA-Manufacturing License Agreement
454. MNC-Multinational Corporation
455. MOF-Ministry of Finance
456. MOFERT-Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (People's Republic
of China)
457. MOFTEC-Ministry of Foreign Economic Trade and Economic Cooperation
458. MOSS-Market-oriented Sector-specific Negotiation Process (United States-
459. MOU-Memorandum of Understanding
460. MPT-Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
461. MRA-Mutual Recognition Agreement
462. MSA-Multilateral Steel Agreement
463. MT-Marine Terminal
464. MT-Missile Technology
465. MTAG-Missile Technology Advisory Group
466. MTCR-Missile Technology Control Regime
467. MTEC-Missile Technology Export Control Group
468. MTN-Multilateral Trade Negotiations
469. MTO-Multinational Trade Organization

470. N/A-Not Applicable
471. NADBANK-North American Development Bank
472. NAEC-National Association of Export Companies
473. NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement
474. NAICS-North American Industry Classification System
475. NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization
476. N.E.S.-Not Elsewhere Specified
477. N.E.S.O.I.-Not Elsewhere Specified or Indicated
478. NICs-Newly Industrializing Countries
479. NLR-No License Required
480. NMEs-Nonmarket economies
481. NMT-Office of Nuclear and Missile Technology Controls
482. NNPA-Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act
483. NNPT-Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
484. NO.-Number
485. N.O.I.B.N.-Not otherwise indexed by number
486. N.O.S.-Not otherwise specified
487. NP-Nuclear non-proliferation
488. NP-Nairobi Protocol
489. NPT-Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
490. NRA-Non-Resident Alien Individual
491. NRC-Nuclear Regulatory Commission
492. NRL-Nuclear Referral List
493. NS-National Security
494. NSA-National Security Agency
495. NSC-National Security Council
496. NSD-National Security Directive
497. NSG-Nuclear Suppliers Group
498. NSO-National Security Override
499. NTB-Non-Tariff Barrier
500. NTDB-National Trade Data Bank
501. NTE-National Trade Estimates Report
502. NTE-National Trade Exports Report
503. NTE-New-to-Export
504. NTM-New To Market
505. NTR-Normal Trade Relations
506. NV-Normal Value
507. NVOCC-Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier

508. O/A-Open Account
509. OAC-Office of Anti-boycott Compliance
510. OAPEC-Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
511. OAS-Organization of American States
512. OAU-Organization of African Unity
513. O.B.L.-(shipping) Ocean Bill of Lading
514. OBR-Oversees Business Report
515. OBU-Offshore Banking Unit
516. ODA-Official Development Assistance
517. OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
518. OEE-Office of Export Enforcement
519. OEEC-Organization for European Economic Cooperation
520. OEL-Office of Export Licensing
521. OEM-Original Equipment Manufacturer
522. OEXS-Office of Export Services
523. OFAC-Office of Foreign Assets Control
524. OIC-Organization of the Islamic Conference
525. OMA-Orderly Marketing Agreement
526. OMB-Office of Management and Budget
527. OMC-Office of Munitions Control
528. OPEC-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
529. OPIC-Overseas Private Investment Corporation
530. OSHA-Occupied Safety and Health Administration

531. P/A-Power of Attorney
532. PCG-Policy Coordinating Group
533. PCT-Patent Cooperation Treaty
534. PEC-President's Export Council
535. PEFCO-Private Export Funding Corporation
536. PFC-Priority Foreign Country
537. PNTR-Permanent Normal Trade Relations
538. POA-Power of Attorney
539. POI-Period of Investigation
540. POR-Period of Review
541. PP-Purchase Price
542. P.P.-Prepaid (Freight must be prepaid)
543. P/P-Pier to Pier
544. PPA-Protocol of Provisional Application
545. P.R.C.-People's Republic of China – Mainland China
546. P.S.I.-Pre-shipment Inspection (of imports)
547. PSV-Post-Shipment Verification
548. PT 20-Per 20 Foot Trailer (Container)
549. PT 40-Per 40 Foot Trailer (Container)
550. PTA-Preferential Trade Agreement For Eastern and Southern Africa
551. PU&D-Pick-up and Delivery
552. PUDD-Potential Uncollected Dumping Duty
553. PWL-Priority Watch List

554. QRs-Quantitative Restrictions
555. RBPs-Restrictive Business Practices
556. R&D-Research and Development
557. ROC-Republic of China – Taiwan
558. RFP-Request for Proposal
559. RFQ-Request for Quotation
560. RoRo-Roll-on, Roll-off
561. R.R.-Railroad
562. RS-Regional Stability
563. RWA-Returned Without Action

564. S & D-Special and Differential Treament 
565. S.A.-Sociedad Anonima
566. S.A.-Societe Anonyme
567. SAA-Statement of Administrative Action
568. SAARC-South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
569. SADC-Southern Africa Development Community
570. SAF-Structural Adjustment Facility
571. SB-Surveillance Body
572. SBA-Small Business Association
573. SACU-Southern African Customs Union
574. SCL-Special Comprehensive License
575. SCM-Subsidies and Counterveiling Measures
576. SCO-Senior Commercial Officer
577. SDN-Specially Designated National
578. SDRs-Special Drawing Rights
579. SDT-Specially Designated Terrorist
580. SEA-Single European Act
581. SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission
582. SEC-Special Equipment Compensation
583. SED-Shipper's Export Declaration
584. SEED-Support for East European Democracy
585. SFSC-Shared Foreign Sales
586. SIC-Standard Industrial Classification
587. SII-Structural Impediments Initiative (United States - Japan)
588. SIMIS-Single Internal Market Information Systems
589. SIM-Singal Internal Market Service
590. SITC-Standard International Trade Classification
591. SLI-Shippers Letter of Instruction
592. SITC-Standard International Tariff Classification
593. SM-Service Mark
594. SNAPR-Simplified Network Application Process Redesign
595. SNPA-Substantial New Program of Action
596. SPAC-Services Policy Advisory Committee
597. SPI-Special Program Indicator
598. SPS-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
599. S.R. & C.C.-Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion Warranty
600. S.R.L.-Societa a Responsabilita Limitada
601. SS-Short Supply
602. STC-Security Trade Control
603. STDF-Standards and Trade Develpment Facility
604. STE-State Trading Enterprise
605. STELA-System for Tracking Export License Applications
606. STM-State Trade Mission
607. STR-Special Representative for Trade Negotiations

608. TA-Trade Assistant
609. TAA-Trade Adjustment Assistance
610. TAA-Technical Assistance Agreement
611. TAAC-Trade Adjustment Assistance Center
612. TABD-Transatlantic Business Dialogue
613. TAC-Technical Advisory Committee
614. TACM-Transit Air Cargo Manifest
615. TAPO-Trade Assistance and Planning Office
616. TBT-Technical Barriers to Trade
617. TCC-Trade Compliance Center
618. TCI-Third Country Initiative
619. TCMD-Third Country Meat Directive
620. TD-Trade Development
621. TDA-Trade Development Agency
622. TDO-Table of Denial Orders
623. TDO-Temporarily Denial Order
624. TDP-Trade and Development Program
625. TEC or CXT-Tarif Exterieur Common (common external tariff)
626. TEP-Transatlantic Economic Partnership
627. TEU-(shipping) Twenty foot equivalent unit. A forty foot container is equal to
two (2) TEU'S.
628. TFC-Trade Fair Certification
629. TIA-Travel Industry Association of America
630. TIB-Temporary Importation under Bond
631. TIC-Trade Information Center
632. TIEA-Tax Information Exchange Agreement
633. THC-Terminal Handling Charge
634. T.L.-(shipping) Truckload
635. T.M.-(shipping) Traffic Manager
636. TM-Trademark/Trade Mission
637. TMP-Temporary Export License Exception
638. TNC-Trade Negotiations Committee
639. TNC-Transnational Corporation
640. TOP-Trade Opportunities Program
641. TPC-Trade Policy Committee
642. TPCC-Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee
643. TPIS-Trade Policy Information System
644. TPM-Trigger Price Mechanism
645. TPRG-Trade Policy Review Group
646. TPRM-Trade Policy Review Mechanism
647. TPSC-Trade Policy Staff Committee
648. TPSC-Trade Policy Subcommittee
649. TRA-Trade Reference Assistant
650. TRIMs-Trade-Related Investment Measures
651. TRIPs-Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
652. TRO-Temporary Restraining Order
653. TS-Trade Specialist
654. TSB-Textile Surveillance Body
655. TSR-Technology and Software Restricted License Exception
656. TSU-Technology and Software Unrestricted License Exception
657. TSUS-Tariff Schedule of the United States
658. TSUSA-Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated
659. TT-Tested Telex
660. TWA-Trade-Weighted Average
661. TWEA-Trading With the Enemy Act

662. UBO-Ultimate Beneficial Owner
663. UCC-Uniform Commercial Code
664. UCP-Uniform Customs and Practices
665. UCPDC-Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
666. U.K.-United Kingdom
667. UN-United Nations
668. UNCDF-United Nations Capital Development Fund
669. UNCITRAL-United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
670. UNCSTD-United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for
671. UNCTAD-United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
672. UNCTC-United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations
673. UNDP-United Nations Development Program
674. UNDRO-United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
675. UNEP-United Nations Environment Program
676. UNESCO-United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
677. UNHCR-United National High Commissioner for Refugees
678. UNICEF-United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
679. UNIDO-United Nations Industrial Development Organization
680. UNITAR-United Nations Institute for Training and Research
681. UNRISD-United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
682. UNRWA-United Nations Relief and Works Agency
683. UNS-United Nations Sanctions
684. UR-Uruguay Round
685. URAA-Uruguay Round Agreements Act
686. URC-Uniform Rules for Collection
687. U.S. or U.S.A.-United States of America
688. USAID-U.S. Agency for International Development
689. USF&CS-United States and Foreign Commercial Service
690. USC-United States Code
691. USCS-United States Customs Service
692. USD/US$-United States Dollar
693. USDA-U.S. Department of Agriculture
694. USDIA-U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
695. USDOC-United States Department of Commerce
696. USEC-U.S. Mission to the European Communities
697. USGPO-U.S. Government Printing Office
698. USIA-U.S. Information Agency
699. USIS-United States Information Service
700. USITC-United States International Trade Commission
701. USML-U.S. Munitions List
702. USOECD-United States Mission to the Organization for Ecnomic Cooperation
and Development
703. USP-United States Price
704. USTDA-U.S. Trade and Development Agency
705. USTR-United States Trade Representative
706. USTTA-United States Travel and Tourism Administration
707. USUN-U.S. Mission to the United Nations
708. VAR-Value-Added Reseller 
709. VAT-Value-Added Tax
710. VER-Voluntary Export Restriction
711. VEU-Validated End-User
712. VL-Variable Levy
713. VRA-Voluntary Restraint Agreement

714. W-Ton of 1000 kilos
715. WA-With Average
716. WA-Wassenaar Arrangement
717. WAEMU-West African Economic and Monetary Union
718. W/B-Waybill
719. WCO-World Customs Organization
720. WCT-World Copyright Treaty
721. WEPZA-World Export Processing Zones Association
722. WFG-Wharfage
723. W/-With
724. WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organization
725. WL-Watch List
726. WMD-Weapons of Mass Destruction
727. WMO-World Meteorological Organization
728. W/O-Without
729. WPM-Wood Packing Material
730. WPPT-WIPO Performance and Phonograms Treaty
731. WTC-World Trade Center
732. WTDR-World Traders Data Report
733. WTO-World Tourism Organization
734. WTO-World Trade Organization

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