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iOviyam 2.

iOviyam2 is a mobile web DICOM Viewer. It has been tested on iOS & Android. Using
standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies
retrieved and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. iOviyam2 will work with any
DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Installation :
1.Copy iOviyam2.war to deploy folder of DCM4CHEE Server.
2.Point your browser URL to http://your-dcm4chee-ip:8080/iOviyam2
3.Use DCM4CHEE'S login credentials for login.
4.Server Configurations:
- Go to Setting page by selecting settings buttons in home page.
- Enter AE Title,Host Name,Port and Wado port of DCM4CHEE server .
- Echo can be used verfiy server.

Search :
- Quick search
Customisable Quick Query buttons, which has been configured in oviyam2.0 can be
applied here. (Eg: Today's CT, Morning X-ray, etc.)

- Advanced search
Query by Patient Name, ID, Accession Number,Birth date,Study date and Modality.

- Search Results
1.Patient/Study level results
2.Series level results
3.Instance level Results
Patient/Study level results

Instance level Results

Series level results

Tools and features in the viewer:

Vertical & Horizontal flip.
Left and Right rotate.
Pan & Zoom.
Reset image.
Text Overlay.
True 12 bit Window level / Window width adjustment.
Preset WL/WW values.
WL/WW adjustment can be applied for CT , MRI and CR(WL/WW for CR works only
in Android 4.0 and above) .
Measurement(Line and Circle).
Cine loop,
Change image orientation while horizontal/vertical flip.
Note :
Slider : cine loop can be started by lone pressing right arrow button.
Preset : Preset will enable only if WL/WW is applied.
Screen Shots

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