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Executive Summary

Prepared by Stephanie Adamec, Eric Bachus, and Megan Beischel

I. Strategic Partner Leadership Model
Too often in todays corporate world, businesses full of well-educated and talented
individuals are not reaching their full potential. Upon achieving a measurable level of
success, many organizations settle for being a good company and fail to strive for greatness.
In his award-winning book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and
Others Dont, author James Collins discusses this unfortunate trend. He states, Greatness is
not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice,
and discipline. Essentially, if an organization wants to be great, it cannot settle. Companies
cannot depend on or blame circumstance for their achievements; they must make a
disciplined and conscious effort to be better, and maybe even great.
1. How Can Companies Make the Leap?
Take for example Deloitte in the mid-1990s. As a generally successful company, the
Regional Vice Chairman could not understand why his Midwest Region was finishing
last in terms of partner admissions to the firm. Clients were happy and plenty of
chargeable time was being logged, so what was going wrong? After some investigation, it
was discovered that what was missing was not the technical work of the firm, but rather
certain personal and professional skills, such as Professional Credibility, Presentation
Style, Networking, and Marketplace Eminence. These were skills that were being
overlooked and that had potential to generate a considerable amount of money and
success for not just the Midwest Region, but for all of Deloitte. The firm needed to
implement these skills in order to progress. With these insights in mind, the Strategic
Partner Leadership Model was born.
2. Servant Leadership
In order to understand the Strategic Partner Leadership Model, it is imperative to first
understand the idea of Servant Leadership. Someone cannot be a Strategic Partner
without first becoming a Servant Leader.
a. How Can One Become A Servant Leader?
Being a Servant Leader means putting the best interests of others, and your
organization, ahead of your own. The basic tenants of Servant Leadership are:
Connecting, Assisting, Supporting, Championing, Mentoring, Motivating, Inspiring,
and Providing Role Modeling.
b. Example:
One of the best examples of Servant Leadership is the subject of our group
presentation, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Despite his privileged upbringing, FDR was a

man of the people. He is known for championing middle class Americans through one
of our nations most challenging periods, the Great Depression. Through his
implementation of New Deal programs, Roosevelt gave countless citizens the
opportunity for employment in a seemingly hopeless situation. His dedication to
inspiring the American people through his radio broadcasted Fireside Chats kept
morale high in times of crisis, and let the American people know that someone was
supporting them and looking out for their best interests. While confidence is
important in a position of power, FDR understood that true confidence comes from
Servant Leadership. In one of his most famous quotes, he states, Confidence thrives
on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on
unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.
c. Example:
While many people typically assume that people in positions of authority are working
in our best interests as Roosevelt did, it is too often the opposite. In order to
understand how essential Servant Leadership is, take these examples as cautionary
tales of what happens in the absence of service and the presence of greed and
a. The Watergate Scandal of 1972
This occurred as a result of President Nixon and his administration attempting to
cover up a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.
b. Enron
An energy company that used loopholes in accounting and financial reporting to
hide billions of dollars in debt from failed deals and projects, eventually leading
to the dissolution of its auditor, Arthur Andersen.
c. Bernie Madoff
His successful Wall Street investment firm was a massive Ponzi scheme and was
arrested by the FBI.
d. Ethics in Business
Mahatma Gandhi famously said that seven things will destroy us: Wealth without
work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, science without
humanity, religion without sacrifice, politics without principle, and business without
ethics. As exemplified by countless business and political scandals, Gandhis
prediction was spot-on. In order to be successful, morality within business is
3. Goals Associated with Becoming A Strategic Partner

Servant Leadership is the foundation of becoming a Strategic Partner, but there are also
several goals directly associated with this model. The diagram below outlines these
specific goals and the focus areas of each:

a. Grow The Business

A business is nothing if it is not generating profit, so the primary goal for an
organization, which should always be central to leadership focus, is growing the
business. Becoming an organization full of Strategic Partners is essential to this goal.
It is not enough to have the right people on board; you must also dedicate the time
and effort to train them to become the best version of themselves based on the
Strategic Partner Model.
b. Recruit, Develop, and Retain
Organizations human resources departments should focus on the goal of recruiting,
developing, and retaining the best talent possible. Notice that this goal does not
simply stop at hiring the best employees; it is essential to also work with them to help
them become Strategic Partners, then to treat them well so that they want to stay and
use their newly developed skills to aid in moving your organization forward.
c. Cultivate Professional and Personal Development of Each Individual
Mentors within the organization should focus on cultivating the development of
others, making sure to advance the performance of the entire firm with their
transferrable skills. This goal plays directly into the notion of Servant Leadership;
championing and motivating others is a very important part of the success of the

d. Enhance Individual Value

The need for individuals to become Strategic Partners lies in the final goal: enhancing
individual value through personal marketability. Each individual must make a
disciplined effort toward their personal development. If all members of an
organization can dedicate the time and effort toward becoming a Strategic Partner, the
organization will flourish. It is the coming together of all members that allows a firm
to become truly great.
II. Career Destination Model
1. Founders Background
The founder of the Theory of Long Time Perspective, Dr. Edward Banfield, was a
prominent American political scientist and sociologist. Banfield studied at Harvard
University, where he eventually became a professor and spent the rest of his academic
career. In addition to teaching, Banfield served as an advisor two three Presidents:
Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. He authored many novels, his most
famous being The Moral Basis of a Backwards Society (1958) and The Unheavenly
City (1970).
2. The Unheavenly City
a. Basis
The Unheavenly City is one of the last novels that Banfield wrote during his
lifetime. He wrote this novel in pursuit of the truth about success and what factors
play into the achievement of it. Many of the experiences and observations that
Banfield wrote about came from his experiences travelling the West while
working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Farm Security
b. Contents
Within the novel, Banfield describes one of the most notable studies about success
and priority setting. Banfields goal in writing the novel was to find out how and
why some people become financially independent during the course of their
working lifetimes.
a. Hypothesis:
The answer to that question lies in the traits of the individuals. These traits
can include family background, education, intelligence, or another
concrete trait. Essentially, Banfield believed that people are born
predisposed to success.
b. Findings:

The major reason for success in life is a certain attitude. This is where
Banfield develops the theory of long time perspective. People who have
long time perspective. Essentially, Banfield discovered that people of all
different backgrounds can be successful; a persons actions are more
indicative of success. His findings refuted his original hypothesis.
c. Controversy
The Unheavenly City was a controversial novel at the time it was published.
Banfields theory and its application to those who are in poverty sparked much
debate in the political arena. Banfield believed that government aid to the poor
generally served those who were giving the aid instead of those receiving it. He
argued that many of the programs President Roosevelt and Johnson initiated
through the New Deal and Great Society actually hurt those who are poor because
they didnt have long time perspective and therefore were unable to effectively
utilize the aid they were given.
3. Banfields Theory- Time Perspective
The theory of time perspective is the central theory that The Unheavenly City" revolves
around. Time perspective defines the degree to which a person projects into the future
while they are making decisions in the present. It also includes the ability for an
individual to equate present actions with future gain or loss. Time perspective is a
spectrum. On one end lies short time perspective, and on the other lies long time
perspective. A person can have any varying degree of time perspective on this spectrum.
Someone who has short time perspective lives in the moment and does not think about
how his actions will impact his future. On the other hand, someone who has long time
perspective is constantly thinking about the future and how his actions today will impact
him in the future.
a. Long Time Perspective
Of the two types of time perspective, long time perspective has more of a positive
impact on individuals lives. Having long time perspective is the greatest indicator
of success according to Banfields theory. Banfield notes that the more time in the
future a person takes into consideration when planning, making decisions, and
acting then the more likely success is.
Long time perspective is essential when setting priorities. Those who have long
time perspective are able to understand that a short term sacrifice may result in a
long term gain. This is crucial when setting priorities. Banfields theory clearly
states that things that will benefit individuals in the long term should have higher
priority over things that are short term benefits.
4. Relating Banfields Theory to the Strategic Partner Leadership Model

Banfields theory of long time perspective has clear applications to the Strategic Partner
Leadership Model. In this time period, there are a lack of Strategic Partners. Many people
in the workforce are missing key skills that are necessary to the growth and development
of our economy. While in the short term, the economy can survive; after the current
workforce retires, the economy will greatly suffer. Individuals need to learn how to
achieve their goal of becoming a Strategic Partner, and implementing long time
perspective is one of the most effective methods of doing so.
a. Why is there a lack of Strategic Partners in the workforce?
Over time, society has become more focused on short term gain. It is much easier
for someone to manage his life when long term goals arent being considered
when making decisions. Individuals are lacking when it comes to a focus on their
Career Destination. According to a University of Scranton study, only 8% of
individuals accomplish their New Years Resolution. So many Americans cant
even accomplish their short term goals, how can they be expected to set and
achieve long term ones?
b. How can long term perspective be applied to the Strategic Partner Leadership
There are many steps that one can take to achieve success through the application
of long term perspective to the Strategic Partner Leadership Model.
a. Ultimate Career Goal
The first step in utilizing the long time perspective is goal setting. An
individual needs to set their ultimate career goalthis should be a goal
that is reasonable, but will still stretch the individual.
i. Example:
In an accounting firm, the ultimate career goal of an individual is
generally to make Partner. This signals one of the chief
accomplishments within the field.
ii. Example:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the ultimate career goal of
becoming President of the United States. He discovered this was
his career goal throughout his young adult life.
b. Smaller Goals that Lead to the Ultimate Career Goal

The second step in utilizing long term perspective is setting smaller goals.
By breaking down the larger goal, it makes the enormous task much more
manageable. To do so, a person should ask himself: Where do I wish to
be in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? While doing so, a person should keep
in mind the types of experience he wishes to gain from each of the smaller
goals. Gaining skills outside a persons area of expertise will make them
more rounded, and therefore make them a better Strategic Partner. The
below diagram displays how to set these goals:

i. Example:
Within a company, looking at positions that are launching points to
get to the desired career goal are smaller steps that lead to those
goals. For an accountant, it may be beneficial for them to move up
within a company not only vertically but laterally. Getting
experience in other positions can help develop crucial skills needed
to become a partner.
ii. Example:
Ronald Reagan set his sights on the White House long before his
political career began. In order to achieve this goal, he set much
smaller goals that would give him skills to serve him well during
the presidency. He played three varsity sports in college, was
elected class president, became an actor, and was elected governor.
c. Day to Day Actions

The final step in utilizing long term perspective is making day to day
decisions that will help in the achievement of the long-term goal.
Individuals should ask themselves: How will what I am doing today
move me toward becoming a Strategic Partner? These day to day
activities form habits. Individuals with good habits are the ones who are
the most successful. Daily discipline is key in the achievement of goals.
The below diagram displays how individuals should approach day to day


Day to
within a
can make
or break a
person in
quest to
become a
This is where a person can develop the specific competencies
outlined in the Strategic Partner Leadership Proposition.

ii. Example:
Eleanor Roosevelt attended finishing school during her teen years.
Learning etiquette and how one should conduct herself during
interactions with others was a day to day habit that would pay off
in the long run when she achieved her long term goal of promoting
change in the world.
III. The Strategic Partner Value Proposition
In order for employees to take that next step in their career and truly become successful in
their lives, they must be able to exhibit the key variables of what it means to become a
strategic partner in the world. These key variables include personal credibility, oral
presentation manner and style, managing around time, business knowledge, marketplace
eminence and effectively leading others. These key concepts help distinguish the very best,
and help create a balanced approach in life that will allow you to be assertive, productive,
and a pioneer for whatever company you may work for.

1. Personal Credibility: The core competency is essential for every strategic partner, and can
be seen through the traits of self-image, presence, interpersonal skills, awareness,
professionalism, and presentation style.
a. Self-Image
One of the most important qualities that any individual can have in any aspect of
life is personal credibility. In a book called How the Best Leaders Build Trust
by Stephen Covey he states that 51% of employees dont trust senior management
and 72% of employees dont believe that their CEOs are credible sources of
information. How are you supposed to be effective as a company, when your own
employees dont trust in your credibility and trust? This is why it is important for
individuals to exert themselves and create a self-image and integrity that others
believe in.
i. Perception Becomes Reality
Your perception as a human being truly becomes a reality to that others
see in you. It only takes one event to completely destroy your self-image
and lose all reputation that you may have.
1. Example:
When FDR was President, he knew that during hard economic
times, Pearl Harbor and WWII, America needed a President that
appeared strong to the rest of the world. Thus, though he has polio
and wasnt able to walk, he hide his disease from the public so that
others wouldnt perceive America or his leadership as being weak.
2. Reality
For better or for worst, perception means everything in the
business world, and strategic partners need to work on this every
day and looking deeper on how they communicate and interact
with others. There are plenty of good humans being in the world
with a good head on their shoulders, however they are
continuously defined by one mistake or one mishap that can never
be changed.
ii. How To Overcome Perceptions
In order to overcome this, individuals must have self-assessments, and
even ask for constructive criticism by coworkers and siblings. You have to
feel good about who you are as a person, and though there may be
mishaps or mistakes that you make in the office, it is about how you

respond and exert yourself. James Hunter once said, Life is not so much
about what happens to us as it is how we respond to what happens to us.
b. Boardroom Presence
Another key aspect for a strategic partner to build upon personal credibility is
their ability to a boardroom presence during meetings.
i. Critical Audience
Strategic partners must appeal to the critical audience by the way they
dress. You have to dress up each and every day for the position that you
strive to get. People are naturally attracted to those who look nicer, it
allows them to seem more important and powerful.
ii. Fitness
As well, fitness also plays a major role in appearance. Strategic partners
should work out to allow themselves to feel better about who they are.
Furthermore, people who are overweight often get an immediate
stereotype that they are lazy individuals who dont care about how they
1. Example:
An example of this can be seen through Governor Chris Christie,
who recently got a liposuction done. Many people are skeptical of
his weight issue, and through this procedure people see him in a
new light and a stronger leader. How you look often correlates with
your work ethics and style, thus it is extremely important for a
strategic partner to be healthy and properly dressed for the job.
c. Interpersonal Skills:
In the business world, body language tells a lot about the interest and respect that
a person has. A strategic partner must at all times be confident and sincere to
everyone the meet.
i. Example:
Key figures such as Bill Clinton excelled with interpersonal skills as he
would remember everyones name to whom he talked to and could always
be seen with a smile on his face.
ii. Key Interpersonal Skills

Other important interpersonal skills include eye contact, warmth, firm

handshake and treating everyone with absolute respect. Often times there
is a saying that the way that a person interacts with their waiter or waitress
is a true testimony of the mans true character. Thus, being a strategic
partner means being genuine and personable to everyone, not simply those
who hold positions and titles. This is a skill that goes a long way in the
business world, and helps you create meaningful relationships and a good
reputation to others.
d. Awareness
A true strategic partner is aware of the main events that are going around him in
the world. It is vital for a strategic partner to develop knowledge on various types
of subjects whether that may be sports, national news, arts, plays and even books.
Awareness allows for a person to be well-rounded and knowledgeable. Often
times, many people get too caught up in their work and life that they lose sight of
whats going on around them.
i. Why Is Awareness Important?
When on lunches or casually talking with other coworkers in the office,
people are going to be discussing national news and people are going to
ask you what your opinions are. Strategic partners have to be engaged in
these conversation and be able to express their opinion on the matter. By
becoming aware, strategic partners are able to show that they are alert and
ii. How Can Awareness Be Increased?
Especially in Cincinnati, we are lucky enough to live in a town that has
two major sports teams, as well a ballet, symphony and Broadway shows.
In order to increase awareness, many national leaders, such as Bill Gates,
read one book per week outside of their personal area of interest. In order
to get better, you have to continue to learn and grow. By reading
newspapers such as Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and Fortune,
strategic partners are able to see the various trends that are going on and
stay up to date with any breaking news.
e. Professionalism
A true business leader shows the qualities of attitude, integrity, civility, selfdiscipline and work ethic in everything that they do. Amit Kalantri, a famous
Indian author, once states In business professionalism is not a tactic but a moral
value. This is a core competency that is one of the most important and helps
show the true character of a human being. The following traits are ways in which
individuals can gain professionalism.

i. Positive Outlook
To exert good professionalism, a person must have a positive outlook on
life to help build up those who are around him.
ii. Ethics
Furthermore, a personal must be ethically focused and strive to do the
right thing. In almost every company, integrity probably can be found
somewhere in the mission statement. This is such a valuable trait to have,
because it helps build trust and strong communication.
1. Example:
Back in 2008, Bernie Madoff was charged for creating a Ponzi
scheme which lost hundreds of Americans thousands upon
thousands of dollars. People trusted in Madoff with their life
savings, and because of lack of integrity they found themselves in
a large hole. Ethics are crucial in being a professional.
iii. Self-Discipline
Another key aspect of building upon Professionalism is having selfdiscipline. This trait pushes humans to each and every day to strive to
accomplish their goals and follow through with their dreams. So many
times Americans often find themselves lacking self-discipline and they
find themselves complacent with a lower lifestyle. If you want to become
the best, you have to push yourself through adversity and times of struggle
to reap the end reward.
1. Example:
The best example of discipline can be seen in The Crucible as
young men fought past fear, anger, and physical pain to become a
Marine. Sometimes with self-discipline you have to break down
past behaviors, and find the inner strength to continue pushing
forward. The young men seen in The Crucible put their heart,
sweat and tears in order at the end of training to receive that
prestigious title of being a US Marine. This is an analogy for
humans in the business world, as though there may be bad
quarters, you have to stay on your path and work even harder to
achieve success.
iv. Work Ethic

A strategic partner must exhibit a strong work ethic in everything that he

does. This is strongly related to self-discipline, as you must be dedicated
to the end goal. Emerson once stated, You get what you give. Strategic
partners must take that extra step, above the standard level, to exceed the
expectations of everyone. Strategic partners are far from average, and in
order to get to the higher level, they must overcompensate and put in the
extra work.
1. Example:
Pete Rose received the nickname Charlie Hustle because each
day he dedicated himself to put 110% into everything that he did.
Even if he hit a weak groundball to the pitcher, Pete would run as
fast as he could to first base to try to be safe. By using all of this
energy, Pete was able to be seen as one of the hardest working and
talented baseball player ever seen in the MLB.
v. Social Media
Through these key points about Professionalism, its important that
strategic partners consistently remain professional in everything that they
do, especially social media. In 2014, over 30% of Employers were rejected
based on what someone found on their Facebook.
1. Example:
This can be seen recently with the Ferguson trial where a Houston
woman posted on Facebook that The police need to just start
mowing them down with machine guns, purge them. Within the
next day, she was immediately fired from her job. People must
clean up their images and posts, because with social media
everyone is watching.
f. Presentation Style
Presentation style, or selling, is one of the most important things that a strategic
partner must do. Strategic partners must sell themselves, their ideas and their
services to clients and upper management. Recently in Bill Bagleys class, we had
a panel of professors, marketers, accountants, entrepreneurs, and wealth managers
and they all agreed that selling is vital in everything that you do.
i. Interpersonal Skills
A key component to presentation style is interpersonal skills, being able to
hold conversations with others. Whether this is in an elevator or even at a
social gathering you have to be interactive with others.

ii. Listening Skills

As well, being a good listener and engaged in the conversation. Often,
body language is easy to read and it is very obvious to those who arent
listening to you. Whether it is through email, discussions at meetings, or
formal oral presentations, a strategic partner must be persuasive and
impactful when he talks. In order to get that edge, a strategic partner must
be extremely knowledgeable about the subject, he must have a strong
vocabulary and sound bites that really leaves a lasting impact on the
iii. Confidence
A famous American artist Katy Perry once stated, If youre presenting
yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything. By
representing yourself with confidence and composure, this allows strategic
partners to get things done and have a competitive edge about the rest.
2. Oral Presentation Manner and Style
The second core competency for strategic partners is Oral Presentation Manner and Style.
As we mentioned earlier, presentation skills are extremely important to a strategic partner
to fully exert himself. Strong leaders will always have to lead presentations whether it is
for clients, staff meetings, training sessions, keynote address or oral proposals.
Presentations are vital part of everyday business, and its key for a strategic partner to be
clear and concise on any topic.
a. Example
When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, the American people were in
distress as hundreds of Americans were kills along with thousands of our naval
ships. Current President Franklin Roosevelt had to stand in front of the world and
comfort the American people that America would respond as this is a date that
will live in infamy. He was able to use his presentation style to rally America
around the War and show the strength of the American resilience. This type of
style motivates people and really inspires those around them. A strategic partner
must display this type of energy and zeal every time that they present.
3. Managing Around Time
This trait of a strategic partner may be the toughest of them all, as a true leader must
balance his time efficiently around his job, his family and himself. Dr. Tony Alessandra
once said, Time is natures greatest force. Nothing can stop it; nothing can alter it.
Unlike the wind, it cannot be felt. Unlike the sun, it cannot be seen. Yet, of all natures

forces, time has the most profound effect on us. This profound quote explains is clearly,
as time doesnt stop for anything. Thus, a strategic partner must put First Things First.
a. First Things First
This is a book written by Stephen Covey who stated that a man must balance
around career and family, achieving their goals, resolving time conflicts and
moving away from any waste that there may be. This is often a hard trait to do,
because especially with the new age of the internet and phones, people are always
connected at all times. The cell phone will always be ringing, emails will always
pop up, and at the same time a person is trying to balance getting kids to school
and various appointments. It can be so hard to find time for everything, thus it is
important for a strategic partner to get away from any distractions and get the
work done. There are two concepts of time, both the clock and the compass.
b. Clock versus Compass
The clock represent commitments, schedules and any activity that we are doing
with our time. We often find ourselves controlled by the clock and this leads to
urgency. When we become urgent we often get stressed and this negatively will
affect our work and relationships with those around us. Contrary to the clock is
the compass. This represents direction in a persons life, and allows a person to
live a life based on their vision of what is important to them. A compass is
centered on relationships and effectiveness that a person exerts. Shakespeare once
states I wasted time, now doth time waste me. As leaders and strategic partners,
we cant afford to waste time on irrelevant items.



Time Management Matrix

The following chart represent a time management matrix. This shows the four
quadrants that each person in their life will fall into.

When discussing time management, Strategic partners should find that most of
their time should be spent in quadrant II. Yes, there is going to be times where
there is crisis and even deception, however 65 80% of high performance
individuals spend their in the quadrant II. The shear reality is that only 15% of
typical individuals spend their time in quadrant II. This is a huge difference, and
is in correlation with those who know how to manage their time correctly. If an
individual wants to make that next level, they have to start focusing on whats
important, rather than worrying about the menial things.
4. Marketplace Eminence
In the business world, it all begins with networking. A wise person once stated its not
what you know, but who you know. However clich this may be, it can be backed up by
a recent MIT study. Those who are able to network with high officials and get their
personal broad known are far more successful.
a. Selling
As mentioned before, it is all about selling, and in order to do this you must have
a strong network in size and value. Christine Comaford-Lynch once stated,
Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness,
marketing what you stand for. Though you may be extremely smart and talented,
you wont be able to grow if you dont have a solid network around you to
support you.
b. Practice

In order to grow networking skills, attend seminars and roundtables. Furthermore,

you should increase your community involvement and submit articles to the
newspaper. Through these events, strategic partners are able to build key
relationships with top individuals and build upon their reputation. In order to
increase marketplace eminence, leaders need to be interactive while at these
events and make an effort to talk to new individuals.
c. Lasting Relationships
As well, it is important that while networking it is key to create a personal
networking file with a follow-through plan to stay active in their lives.
Networking isnt a one-time meet and greet, it is fostering relationships that last a
lifetime. Whether it is a simple hand written card or a yearly lunch meeting, a
strategic partner must stay active with their network community.
d. Business Acumen
Another key factor of marketplace eminence is creating business knowledge and
consultative skills. A strategic leader must fully understand his or her business and
clients. Through this common understanding, it allows for foresight and creating
strategies that will be the most effective for all. Creating this expertise helps build
trust, which in return will help bolster the business.
e. Innovation
Furthermore a strategic leader must become a thought leader and continuously
develop best practices and ideas with clients. Often times, communication is huge
with strategic partners. Through consulting with clients about new ideas and
strategies, this helps bring strength and grow for the relationship.
5. Leading Others
A strategic leader needs to be devoted to his company, his team and his success. A
strategic leader should be the model employee that everyone looks up to both in good
times and in bad. Thus, that is why a servant leader must act with class and character in
everything that he does.
a. Servant Leadership
The most important kind of leader is what is known as a servant leader, and this
refers to a leader that is in the trenches with his followers. A strategic partner must
direct his employees through his actions, rather than simply dictate. It is important
for a strategic leader to create positive strategies with positive conflict resolution.
He is the face of the company, and with this entails connecting, mentoring and
championing. A strategic leader inspires those around them, and creates an

atmosphere that is energetic and exciting. A servant leader speaks boldly for what
he or she believes in, and unites the company as a whole.
i. Example:
Martin Luther King, Jr. is the best example of a servant leader. He was
able to have an inclusive vision of a world without racism, and rally
America around his cause. Dr. King didnt want to be remembered for
prized or accolades that he won in life, however he wanted to be
remembered as a Drum Major for Justice. This is what a true leader
embodies, and is a trait that all leaders should strive to be. A company can
only be as successful as its leader, and thats why it is so crucial to have
the right leaders in charge of a company.
ii. Example:
It only take one bad leader for a company to go downhill fast. This can be
seen when James Cayne was the CEO of Bear Stearns in 1993 and
chairman in 2001. As Bear Stearns was on the verge of bankruptcy, Cayne
was found playing in bridge tournaments throughout the country. He was
never there for his company, and put his interests before the companies.
This lead to the companys hedge funds to quickly collapse as they were in
need of strong leadership. It is ever so important in this day of age for true
leaders to emerge that resemble true character and for leaders to inspire
others to continue to get better.

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