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The nurse said

Nima's in
the garden
outside the
mental wing
so I went
to see her
there she was
on the grass
all sprawled out
how are you?
I asked her
how I look
she replied
that bad huh?
she nodded
and sat up
her hair tied
back loosely
her black dress
was screwed up
got a smoke?
she asked me
sure I have
so we both
had a smoke
from my pack
how's treatment
for the drugs?
slow process
like dying
she told me

any news
from your home?
Mother came
on Tuesday
all alone
what'd she say?
not a lot
she's a doc
talked to them
more than me
just the same
moany talk
let's go walk
she told me
can you go?
I asked her
in the grounds
I'm allowed
so we walked
and we talked
and we joked
and we smoked
then hidden
by the bins
at the back
we soft kissed
and caressed
lips to lips
hands holding
tightly and
all the rest.

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