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Run Space Used command on tables

select 'sp_spaceused ' + name + 'go' from sysobjects where type = 'U' order
by name
SP primary Keys on tables
select 'select "Processing Table ' + name + '"go' + ' sp_pkeys ' + name + 'go'
from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
select 'DBCC CHECKIDENT (' + name + ', NORESEED)' + ' go'from
sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
Update Statistics SQL
select + "Update Statistics " + name + " go" + " SELECT getdate()" + " go"
from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by nameselect 'Select * From ' + name
+ 'go' from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
Permissions At Object Level
select 'GRANT select ON ' + name + ' to SelectInsertUpdateDeleteExecSP' +
'go' from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by namegoselect 'GRANT insert
ON ' + name + ' to SelectInsertUpdateDeleteExecSP' + 'go' from sysobjects
where type = 'u' order by namegoselect 'GRANT update ON ' + name + ' to
SelectInsertUpdateDeleteExecSP' + 'go' from sysobjects where type = 'u'
order by namegoselect 'GRANT delete ON ' + name + ' to
SelectInsertUpdateDeleteExecSP' + 'go' from sysobjects where type = 'u'
order by nameselect 'GRANT exec ON ' + name + ' to
SelectInsertUpdateDeleteExecSP' + 'go' from sysobjects where type = 'p'
order by name
Rebuild Clustered Indexes
select distinct from sysobjects a, sysindexes b where a.type = 'U' and = and b.indid = 1 order by

select 'DBCC SHOWCONTIG (' + CONVERT(varchar(12), id) + ')' + 'go' from

sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
Run Space Report
create table #tmp (server_name varchar(10),rundate
datetime,database_namevarchar(15), tbl_name varchar(30),total_rows
int)SET NOCOUNT ONdeclare FKnames insensitive cursor forselect name
from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by namedeclare @FKname
varchar(50)declare @TblName varchar(50)declare @i intdeclare @total_rows
intdeclare @fordb varchar(15)select @fordb = db_name()select @i = 1open
FKnamesfetch FKnames into @TblNameWhile (@@fetch_status =
0)beginselect @total_rows = rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = object_id
(@TblName)AND indid < 2insert into #tmp values
(@@servername,getdate(),@fordb, @TblName,@total_rows)/* SELECT
SUBSTRING(@@servername,1,15), getdate(),
CONVERT(CHAR(5),@i),@TblName, rows FROM sysindexesWHERE id =
object_id (@TblName) AND indid < 2 */select @i = @i + 1fetch FKnames into
@TblNameenddeallocate fknamesSET NOCOUNT OFFselect server_name,
rundate,database_name,tbl_name,total_rows from #tmporder by total_rows
descdrop table #tmp
DBCC Reindex Script
select "DBCC DBREINDEX ( " + name + ", '', 0, SORTED_DATA_REORG)" +
"go" from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by name select "DBCC
DBREINDEX ( " +name + ", '', 0, SORTED_DATA_REORG)" + "go" +
"SELECT getdate()" + "go" from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by name---select "DBCC DBREINDEX ( " + name + ", '', 0, SORTED_DATA_REORG)" +
"go" + "Print ' " + name + "'" + "TIME START/END = " + CONVERT(char(30),
GETDATE()) + "go" from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by name
DBCC ReIndex Script with getdate's
Print "Print 'Start Of Rebuild Indexes For Database"goPrint "go"goPrint "Select
getdate()"goPrint "go"goselect "DBCC DBREINDEX ( " +name + ", '', 0,
SORTED_DATA_REORG)" + "go" +"Print ' '" +"Print 'Sucessfully Rebuilt
Indexes For Table " + name + "'" + "go" + "Select getdate()" + "go" from
sysobjects where type = 'u' order by namegoPrint " " Print "Print 'END Of
Rebuild Indexes For Database"goPrint "go"goPrint "Select getdate()"

---select "Table " + name + " TIME START/END = " + CONVERT(char(30),

GETDATE()) from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by nameselect
CONVERT(char(30), GETDATE())

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