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Family (Csald) (kzpfok)

How has the family life changed?
Hogyan vltozott a csaldi let?
In the past decades the most important change that happened was in the roles of women. Now
men dont dominate in the families. Women are no longer only housewives who have to do the
housework and look after the children but now they can have a good job and they can build a
career as well. They dont depend on men and they can be more and more independent. Another
important change has been in the number of children which has continuously decreased. It is
due to the advanced medical technology.
Az elmlt vtizedek sorn a legfontosabb vltozs a nk szerepvllalsban volt. Most mr nem
a frfiak uralkodnak a csaldban. A nk tbb mr nem csak hziasszonyok, akik elvgzik a
hzimunkt s vigyznak a gyerekekre, hanem lehet j munkjuk s pthetnek karriert is. Nem
fggnek a frfiaktl s egyre fggetlenebbek lehetnek. Egy msik fontos vltozs a gyerekek
szmban trtnt, mely folyamatosan cskkent. Ez a fejlett orvostudomnynak ksznhet.
What are the functions of the family?
Mik a csald feladatai?
The most important function is to bring up children. Families, if work well, can provide the perfect
environment for children to experience the unconditional love, how to fit in society and learn the
proper social skills. Some people say that children will follow what they see in their families. If
they grow up in a family where there is love and many children, they will probably have a similar
family. If somebody grew up in a broken family, he/she will never know how a complete family
A legfontosabb feladata, hogy felnevelje a gyerekeket. A csaldok, ha jl mkdnek,
biztosthatjk a tkletes krnyezetet egy gyermek szmra, hogy megtapasztalja a felttel
nlkli szeretetet, hogyan illeszkedjen be a trsadalomba s megtanulja a megfelel szocilis
kszsgeket. Nhnyan azt mondjk, hogy a gyerekek azt fogjk tenni, amit a csaldjukban
ltnak. Ha olyan csaldban nnek fel, ahol szeretet van s sok gyerek, valsznleg ehhez
hasonl csaldot fognak pteni k is. Ha valaki csonka csaldban n fel, soha nem fogja tudni,
hogyan mkdik egy teljes csald.
What are the most common family problems?
Mik a leggyakoribb csaldi gondok?
In my opinion, the biggest problem is the rising number of divorces. Nowadays, a lot of children
grow up in a one-parent family, which has a bad effect in the future. It has a financial and an
emotional side too. If there is only one parent working it is more difficult to earn enough money.
If the parent works too much to maintain the family, he/she cant be together with the children
to give them love and emotional support. Another problem is that young couples have only one
child, which can cause huge difficulties for the society in the future.
Vlemnyem szerint a legnagyobb problma a vlsok szmnak emelkedse. Manapsg egy
csom gyerek n fel csonka csaldban, aminek rossz hatsai lesznek a jvben. Ennek rzelmi
s anyagi oldala is van. Ha csak egy dolgoz szl van, akkor nehezebb elegend pnzt keresni.
Ha a szl tl sokat dolgozik, hogy fenntartsa a csaldjt, nem lehet egytt a gyerekeivel, hogy

szeretetet s rzelmi tmogatst nyjtson nekik. Egy msik problma, hogy a fiatal prok csak
egy gyereket vllalnak, ami slyos gondokat okozhat a trsadalomnak a jvben.
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Van testvred?
I have got an older brother, his name is John. I get on well with him but we share our room so I
dont have much privacy. Sometimes I would need a quiet place to think or relax. It is good to
know that there are people around me who I can rely on.
Van egy btym, John-nak hvjk. Jl kijvk vele, de a szobnk kzs, szval nincs sok
magnterletem. Nha szksgem lenne egy csendes helyre, hogy gondolkozzam vagy
pihenjek. J tudni, hogy vannak krlttem emberek, akikre szmthatok.
Is there an ideal age for having a baby?
Van idelis letkor a gyerekvllalsra?
I dont think you can say an age which would be perfect. All these things depend on the
personality, but the emotional readiness is very important. They have to understand that it is a
lifelong responsibility. Sometimes teenagers have a child, which is not a problem if they can cope
with the task. For me the late 20s seem the best age, as young people already had enough time
to enjoy fun and independent life and when they feel, they can have a baby.
Nem gondolom, hogy egy letkorra mondhatnnk, hogy tkletes. Ezek mind a szemlyisgtl
fggnek, de nagyon fontos hogy rzelmileg kszen lljanak. Meg kell, hogy rtsk, hogy ez egy
lethosszig tart felelssg. Nha tizenvesek szlnek gyereket, ami nem gond, ha
megbirkznak a feladattal. Szmomra a huszas vek vge tnik a legjobbnak, mivel a
fiataloknak elg idejk volt, hogy lvezzk a bulizst s a fggetlensget s amikor kszen
llnak vllalhatnak gyereket.
What problems do teenagers have?
Milyen gondjaik vannak a tindzsereknek?
They have all kinds of problems. They usually row with the parents as they start living their
individual life and they try to rebel. They can have troubles in the school, it is really hard to
achieve good result in every subject. Hungarian schools require a lot of theoretical things which
takes a lot of time to learn. And of course the biggest problem of the teenagers is the opposite
sex. Boys like girls but usually girls like older boys so it mostly results a hopeless love.
Mindenfle gondjaik vannak. ltalban veszekednek a szleikkel, mivel elkezdik lni a sajt
letket s megprblnak lzadni. Gondjaik lehetnek az iskolban, nagyon nehz j eredmnyt
elrni minden tantrgybl. A magyar iskolk sok elmleti dolgot krnek, amit sok id
megtanulni. s termszetesen a tindzserek legnagyobb gondja az ellenkez nem. A fik
szeretik a lnyokat, de a lnyok ltalban az idsebb fikat kedvelik ezrt legtbbszr egy
remnytelen szerelem alakul ki.
How do people get married in Hungary?
Hogyan lehet sszehzasodni Magyarorszgon?
First, the couple starts dating and when they feel like, the man engages the woman and gives
her an engagement ring. If the answer is yes, they start planning the wedding. In Hungary most
couples have a religious ceremony in church and a civil ceremony in the registry office. They
dont have to be on the same day. For many of them the religious ceremony is the big occasion
and after the wedding there is big wedding party, often in a restaurant where they eat, drink and

dance all night. After that they go on honeymoon.

Elszr is, a pr elkezd randizni s amikor kszen llnak a frfi eljegyzi a nt s ad neki egy
eljegyzsi gyrt. Ha a vlasz Igen., elkezdik tervezni az eskvt. Magyarorszgon a legtbb
pr templomi s polgri eskvt is tart. Ezek nem kell, hogy ugyanazon a napon legyenek.
Sokuknak a templomi eskv a nagy esemny s az eskv utn van egy nagy lagzi, gyakran
egy tteremben ahol evs, ivs s tncols van egsz jszaka. Ezutn nsztra mennek.

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