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Yahoo! Canada Answers - Why has the HAARP targeted Haiti this ...


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Why has the HAARP targeted Haiti this time? Population control?
People are reporting the typical HAARP lights in the sky before the quake that hit Haiti's capital smack right in
the middle.…
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 01:04:28 )


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

if I had to bet, I would say it was HAARP
1 month ago ( 2010-01-14 23:07:35 )
22% 2 Votes
The Dude

daniel Strategic location to take over Venezuela. Notice what's going on there?

This question about "Why has the HAARP ta…" was originally asked in Yahoo! Answers United States

Other Answers (17)

One result of the Haiti HAARP quake is an increase of the negativity in the world and create a cloud cover or
smoke screen of fear, anger, to bring up or strengthen the lower astral realms on the planet. All of those
upset people in Haiti affects beings on many levels. This makes it more challeging to remain balanced and
loving, spiritual if you wish. The Haiti quake was a ritual sacrifice done by Illuminati or the powers that run the
planet. However, ultimately we all create our own reality with our thoughts collectively and individually.


Janet Swerdlow,


David Icke,
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 10:02:36 )
0% 0 Votes
Sevak Muni

1 of 4 23/02/2010 23:08
Yahoo! Canada Answers - Why has the HAARP targeted Haiti this ...

No USA or NWO don't care about overpopulation. They just wanted to test new weapon practicaly on Haiti,
because they are weak enemies. They have conflict, so why not to solve it silently. Now a lot of important
events will happen, even real war at 2010. But soon everything will be ok.

Idea about war came in lucid dream at 2010.01.13
1 month ago ( 2010-01-14 08:03:58 )
0% 0 Votes

The satanic rulers of the world are cautious; they like to have dry runs before big events, and they are ruled
by astrology. This sounds crazy, but so does a government causing earthquakes. This happened in an
astrologically significant window that foreshadows larger attacks to come.

Population control is always their goal, but any excuse to militarize an area works for them. Control is their
goal, and disorder is their tool. This will occupy the news stations so they dont report how they are taking our
money for a few days.

This shows their power, and that patriotic people are running out of time to stop this madness before it is too
late. The earthquake off of northern California shows they will use this against Americans.

EDIT: I agree with sevak muni that this is a ritual sacrifice and made to make it harder for people to be loving
and balanced. We cannot fight them with hate: only love. So to all the viewers of this answer, I love you.
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 09:22:05 )
11% 1 Vote

It's all a joke and game to the powers to be. Check out the illuminati playing cards created in 1995. It shows
future events they plan to do. One of the playing cards show the twin towers on fire. The ones controlling the
planet are very smart and crazy.…

Wow check this out..even the Beltway sniper was done by the illuminati through mind control.
1 month ago ( 2010-01-14 17:11:20 )
11% 1 Vote
Obama is Akhenaten

Our world is getting ready for a wake up call! Ive been doing major research on thee illuminati, buildabergs,
NWo (New world order) and Ill guarntee that Florida is next, people who have gotten swine flu shots are
******. sorry to say people but these next two years ar gonna be crazy, are presidents a mason by the way.

Source(s):, Free masons revealed, Hells

1 month ago ( 2010-01-14 12:58:23 )
0% 0 Votes

You humans wish HAARP, or anything you make, could be that powerful. No, it was not HAARP. The lights
were the beam weapon of the alien battle cruiser. Shape shifting reptilians. Your human leaders must have
been resisting and needed a reminder as to who's really in charge.

2 of 4 23/02/2010 23:08
Yahoo! Canada Answers - Why has the HAARP targeted Haiti this ...

1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 18:31:17 )

11% 1 Vote

I don't care if I get an email about this for not answering the question but

People have died in this earthquake and family's have been destroyed and you want to use it for fun or to gain
political points

No wonder the rest of the world is losing respect for the USA
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 01:59:51 )
0% 0 Votes
Zhongshan Renn

Probably, because they are part of the "useless eaters" that Henry Kissinger and others speak of.

1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 16:06:22 )
11% 1 Vote

I would have a better look :

There is accounts of the same lights before the earthquake that happened in China last year as well.


Jesse ventura program, and others

1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 06:44:27 )
0% 0 Votes

Wow, it pleases me to no end to see you all working to build a collective consciousness. I'm really loving it!
Awareness, love, and harmony to disorganize the New World Order!
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 12:34:28 )
0% 0 Votes

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


The Scriptures!
1 month ago ( 2010-01-14 13:42:48 )
0% 0 Votes

Do you seriously believe we can cause earthquakes? I mean, perhaps a thunderstorm or a tornado, but an
1 month agoAgain Asatrúar
( 2010-01-13 01:45:23 )

3 of 4 23/02/2010 23:08
Yahoo! Canada Answers - Why has the HAARP targeted Haiti this ...

0% 0 Votes

Nope just a test! the ideas of the rich are different. we have compassion they dont. and yes population, they
getting this 2012 plan goin
1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 08:49:17 )
0% 0 Votes
Stza Yazzie

More grizzly handiwork by the goons of the Bush/Clinton Crime Family.

1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 12:12:32 )
0% 0 Votes

Because the USA is evil

1 month ago ( 2010-01-13 01:10:00 )
11% 1 Vote

4 of 4 23/02/2010 23:08

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