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Employees responsibility to their employers is the employment relationship

establishes assortment of responsibilities that employees have to their employers.

Milton Friedman describes a free-enterprise, a private property system; therefore, a
corporate executive is also an employee as an owner of the business. He explains
that responsibility is to conduct the business with certain procedures with their
desires, which will generate more profit as much as possible while following the
basic guidelines of society. Businesses must incorporate the laws and ethical code
to all their employees. Friedman points out a corporate executive, the supervisor is
the agent of the corporations, and supervisors have their primary responsibility to
their owners and employees. For example, the employee decides not to obey their
boss command would jeopardize their job, put them in an intimidating situation and
their consent cannot be fully expressed. Because the employer has the
responsibility to quickly demoted, transferred, or fired the employee.

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