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We used "Bluetooth Terminal" Android App from NEXT PROTOTYPES.

Commands were sent to the Arduino using a Bluetooth connection. For

making it easy to control the slider we defined four buttons "Forward",
"Backward", "Speed" and "Distance". Functions of these buttons are as
1. "Forward" move slider forward
2. "Backward" move slider backward
3. "Speed" adjusting slider motion speed (between 0.3 mm/s up to 37 mm/s)
4. "Distance" adjusting slider motion distance (9 to 81 cm)
Buttons "Forward", "Backward", "Speed" and "Distance" are defined in
'Button Preferences' section in setting of the app, they will send 'F', 'B', 'S'
and 'D' to the Arduino respectively. For adjusting speed and distance you
should just send a number between 1 to 9 from app.

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