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This Awareness suggests that entities considering more than one

relationship to be most cautious and aware and to be willing to accept
the full responsibility for such actions before entering into such
This Awareness indicates it is not so much a question of morality, or
wrong, as it is a question of responsibility and the ramifications of
one's behavior and expressions.
e Chakras in Relation to Sexual Desire)
Awareness , in light of the information just given about the balancing
out of the male and female energies;with one another in relation' to
the tmesr.ion asked'by this lady, who observed that there are 40
women to 5 menwould celibacy in such a case be the suggested
answer to this problem, rather than seeking a relationship with other
men who might ailsd haVe relationships with more than one woman?
This Awareness indicates that for some entities, celibacy can be
valuable, particularly wherein they have already fulfilled their own
personal integrative expressions and have no particular need for
relationship with the opposite sex.
This Awareness indicates that for others, the action of celibacy may
assist in helping them to draw out the qualities within themselves
because of the intensity caused bv the celibacy. This Awareness
indicates however, that for others, the action of becoming involved
with another entity can be satisfactory and beneficial. .
This Awareness indicates that the problem area seems to be more in
the entity who seeks the relationship with another, but cannot find that
relationship, for there is no partner available; and the entity's energies
and attention and time, being put into pursuit and to tasking, can
become a great waste of psychic and physical and emotional energy.
This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity simply accepts one's
life, and is celibate because there is nothing available, but is not simply
being celibate because one particularly wills to be celibate, but is
celibate because of the inavailability of another; and when the entity

finds someone who is wishing to be close, wishing a relationship, and

the entity is open to such a relationship, but does not attempt to force
the relationship to be anything other than it isthe entity is expressing
a kind of self-contained maturity of being able to accept what is, and
respond to what is.
This Awareness indicates that this as being a somewhat difficult
discussion because this relates very closely to a totally different area of
concern. This Awareness indicates that this is in relation to the
development of the chakras and the opening of the chakras.
That wherein entities have their chakras open, that the entity whose
pituitary is open along with the others, such an entity can become
involved in relationships, not out of need, not out of desire, but out of
response. The entity can take it or leave it. The entity is whole.
This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the
pineal may be focused on celibacy or may be focused on seeking to
find an outlet for his or her energies of a sexual nature or of some
other goal-orientation. This Awareness indicates that many entities
whose chakras are open up to the pineal have very strong wills, and
are very certain of themselves, and such entities often have great selfcontrol. These entities often consider themselves to be quite righteous.
This Awareness indicates that the entity whose chakras are open up to
the pineal may be considered as those who are among the powerful
and the wise, for that is how they see themselves. They develop strong
personal wills to pursue what they wish, whether this be outside of
themselves or in terms of self-control or self- discipline. This Awareness
indicates that these entities generally consider themselves to be quite
right in whatever they do.
This Awareness indicates that the entity whose chakras are open to the
pituitary is no longer interested in being right or being powerful, but is
concerned about being able to respond from moment to moment, to
whatever needs response. This Awareness indicates that such an entity
may even be responsive to another's needs or may recognize the
other's need not b-:reriting from -? response; and therefore the entity
may not respond to that need. This Awareness indicates that the lack
of response may be the proper response.

This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open to the
thyroid may find himself unable to accomplish anything, but may talk
about the accomplishment. The entity may not have the will to
accomplish self-discipline, may not have the will to affect things around
himself, but may wish to discuss such things as ideas. The entity may
find his entire expression and happiness through silling around and
"rapping", "jawing", and talking about life and about concepts and
ideas. The entity may sit around, talking about relationships. The entity
may enter a relationship and talk about that relationship for hours on
end, even though the relationship only lasted for a few minutes. This
Awareness indicates that this entity whose chakras are open up to the
thyroid is concerned about communication and social expressions, and
communicates to others what he or she feels. This entity is not
especially concerned with responding or with power, but rather with
conveying information.
This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the
thymus or heart chakra is generally concerned with ego, pride, and
giving affection to others, and with the show of self. This Awareness
indicates this entity finds this as his or her highest form of expression.
This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the
adrenalin may find himself or herself involved in competition and
battling to out-do others. This may be physical or otherwise.
This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open to the
lyden may find himself or herself concerned with fantasies, illusions.
This Awareness indicates the entity whose gonads are overactive and
open may become extremely obsessed.

What activates (opens) and deactivates (closes) the

This Awareness indicates that these chakras open and close often
in response to astrological influences.
This Awareness indicates these chakras open and close often in
response to diet.

The chakras open and close often in response to ideas, and

sensual expressions or feedback.

Charkras regulate or determine ones attitudes

This Awareness indicates that the degree of openness affects the
entity. That as these chakras open and close, it affects the
general attitudes of entities.
This Awareness indicates that much of an entity's behavior is
regulated by the general condition of one's chakras.

Different individual, different chakras functioning

That for some entities, certain chakras seldom open, or open
only slightly, because the entity is unfamiliar with such
attitudes or levels of consciousness.
This Awareness indicates there are some entities whose entire life is
within their head and their chakras beneath the head are inactive.
There are others whose lives are centered around the lower chakras,
concerned with gratification, security, power, or prestige.
This Awareness indicates that, there are others whose expressions are
a mixture, and move up and down the chakras.
The entity may begin in the thyroid, discussing with another, only to
find that certain words or certain attitudes trigger-off one of the other
chakras and the entity may find himself in competition, in a battle, as
the adrenalin chakra begins to function.
This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities may understand that
even in terms of the development of an individual, things
change from moment to moment; attitudes change, values
change, feelings change, outside stimulus may change; and
one may have fixed, firm, righteous values at one time, only to
find that six months later their value changes.

This Awareness indicates it is much easier for an entity to believe in

celibacy when looking at another couple and believing that the other
couple should be celibate, than when one has the opportunity to
become involved with someone attractive to them. This Awareness
indicates that it is always easier to condemn another for licentious
behavior than to condemn yourself, or to avoid the temptation when it
is presented to you. Therefore, the outside stimulus and the
situations entities experience can often affect one's values,
and help to mold one's values.
This Awareness indicates that likewise, even as with the individual,
society's values change, according to outside stimulus. The
values of two and three thousand years ago can be changed
and affected as new things come in, in modern times; and as
these change, the new levels of expression, new levels of
consciousness enter into the situation and change values in
present time.
This Awareness indicates that likewise, entities may recognize that
humanity itself can be seen as moving through chakras. The
time wherein entities were competitive as the animals may be equated
to war-like days or war-like actions, reflecting the adrenalin qualities.
This Awareness indicates this particularly reflects on the development
of that social expression or religion which expressed itself in Mithrism,
wherein Mithra was the god of the warriors or soldiers.
This Awareness indicates the thymus period of humanity expressed
itself as the heart, or as that time of Christ. This Awareness indicates
that the present time of humanity as expressing itself in the thyroid, as
that time of communication.
This Awareness indicates the next step in humanity will be that
wherein entities experience mind over matter; the will, the pineal,
which is capable of affecting massive changes in material levels
through the expression of mind.
This Awareness indicates that following this will be the time wherein
humanity becomes thoroughly capable of responding and experiencing
through the pituitary, the doorway to the Divine. This Awareness
indicates that these various levels of expression, from the gonads up to
the pituitary, are symbolized for humanity itself in the Book of
Revelation as the seals which are opened, creating different effects.

This Awareness indicates that each entity is a j^k pf RnYohtion, nn-H;h"

humanity is also a book of Revelation._And these are
eonstantlyTxnng sfinralated, with seals opening and closing, for diri^reni.^elTeCsinnlTiTerent
timesprnt that there is a general movement toward the mass
expressiou^id^kwdoumciiI^Ll^ ondition, so that eventually_the
. rnefgethe bride and TrndegroomamLthe Second Coming of that
known as Christ Consciousness can appear to . every eye, to every
individuaLiiilhe mass of humanity. This Awareness indicates that all of
this symbolism is also the expression of stages of consciousness,
developing boLh in the individual and in society in general.

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