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Bold Books

1565 Madison Street, Suite 308, Oakland, Calif. 94612-4511

Books by Frank Jakubowsky. He discovered  Father Figure Frank’s Stories are true events about
the ten-part writing pattern. He is listed in the his relationship with children. It is an ideal book for
Marquis Who’s Who in America. parents to read to children. The main theme is how
Phone and fax: 510-763-4324 children relate to father figure Frank and how he relates
E-mail: to children. A child gets a sense of being loved.
1996. 60p. ISBN 0-932588-18-2 $10.00
 Caldecott is about an accident that happened in
Oakland, California, in the Caldecott Tunnel. Seven  Frank on a Farm is a children’s book that tells
people died in the explosion. Mr. Jakubowsky had a about his boyish life on a farm in North Dakota. The
psychic experience and saw it psychically as it was accented syllables are highlighted so that a child can
happening. He mentally communicated with those learn how to pronounce words. It is written in rhythm
trapped in it to back up. He had the same birthday as so that it is easier to read. Also, a group of children can
the main person involved in the accident. The astrolog- read it together easier. The sentences are numbered one
ical chart for the time of the accident matches Mr. to ten so that it can be read like a play.
Jakubowsky chart to a remarkable degree. 1980. 60p. ISBN 0-932588-11-5 $10.00
“An Aquarian flavor that catches the attention of
hardcore astrological readers like myself . . . finally  God Looked Down and Saw a Baby tells the life
and much deserved, it will get front-page specialized story of Jesus Christ. It is a parent read-to-children
attention.” -- Jewell-Cook Fahey, Mercury Hour book. It is written in an easy-to-read style with extra
“I found the book most interesting.” -- Kosmos spacing between some words to help in reading it with
1985. 78p. ISBN 0-932588-09-3 $15.00 a rhythm and emphasis.
1984. 69p. ISBN 0-932588-07-7 $8.00
 Creation is a 2,000-line scientific poem about the
origin of our galaxy, sun, solar system, earth, life and  Jesus Was a Leo takes the birth time given in The
man. It is based on the new revelations given in The Urantia Book and shows that it fits his life. The power
Urantia Book. of the chart is indicated by the fact that most planets are
“The book is interesting. It contains a great deal of in the sign of their rulership. For example, Moon in
information.” -- The Small Pond Magazine Cancer, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra,
“You have written in poetry what most of the sci- Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces. It presents a new
entists can only write in prose, and most of the times astrological method of relating a person’s writing pat-
their books are barren. Your book can be placed side by tern to the sequence of the planets.
side with Hesiod’s Theogony, of course, taking into the “The position of the planets at his birth creates a
consideration the time between you and the Greek pattern identical to the pattern of his parables. It
poet. In my modest opinion, you are doing a great answers scientific and religious objections to astrology
work. If you need encouraging, I can only say: Go on, by offering a new scientific theory on how astrology
it’s excellent!” -- Jorge Resines, Buenos Aires works on a biological and chemical level.”
1978. 106p. ISBN 0-932588-00-X $10.00 -- Astrology Books in Print
“The positive points are that both books are beau-
 The Creative Theory of the Universe explains the tifully bound and printed. The art work is attractive as
book Creation. Each of the 45 chapters is based on a is the typography.” -- Kosmos
quote from the book which it clarifies and expands 1979. 151p. ISBN 0-932588-01-8 $15.00
upon. It gives a new theory of the evolution of a quasar.
It gives a new theory that may replace the Big Bang  Lake Merritt is a children story about the lake in
Theory. Astronomers will be interested in the ten chap- Oakland. The accented syllables are highlighted so that
ters about the formation of planets. It explains about a child learns how to pronounce words. It is written in
the origin of life and man. It explains what makes man rhythm so that it is easier to read. Also, a group of chil-
unique and different from animals. dren can read it together to make it into a play.
1983. 201p. ISBN 0-932588-04-2 $18.00 1988. 60p. ISBN 0-932588-10-7 $10.00
 Perceptive Types describes four types: spring, sum- planetary mortal epoch. We have been experiencing
mer, autumn and winter. It has been made popular as it this higher level of spiritual living since the 1960s.
relates to colors and clothes fashions for woman. This 1990. 170p. ISBN 0-932588-15-8 $25.00
book helps a person determine his or her type.
1993. 45p. ISBN 0-932588-17-4 $15.00  49 Steps to Sainthood describes in general the path
of a person’s spiritual growth. It is an excellent gift for
 The Psychological Patterns of Jesus Christ is a a religious friend.
large 11-by-8 1/2 oblong book that is designed to show 1984. 50p. ISBN 0-932588-08-5 $10.00
the parts of the parables and how it relates to the
sequence of the ten parts of Jesus’s writing pattern. It  Universal Mind shows that the spiritually reborn
presents a new discovery of how a person’s writing people of today are writing in a ten-part pattern similar
relates to ten parts. Seventy parables and sayings of to Jesus Christ’s parables. It is evidence of the spirit of
Jesus are divided in parts that relate to the ten cate- truth active in people’s writing. Half a dozen large tests
gories. This method applies to all people so that it is a were done on the pattern of persons’ writing showing
discovery that can be used to check the authorship of the quality of the ten parts. Six tests of word counts on
writings. It basically shows how our mind works. It is the ten categories had almost 200,000 words. These
like our mind has ten rooms in a circle and two doors tests get results that are beyond two standard devia-
in each room. We go in one door and out the other, and tions. That normally is considered scientific proof. It is
we therefore make a cycle with ten stages. Note: the a major discovery how our mind works and how the
book is about writing and living patterns of Jesus and spirit of truth influences our mind.
not about psychology. 1988. 100p. ISBN 0-932588-23-9 $25.00
“A well-printed and well-written quality book.”
-- Book Dealers World  Whitman Revisited is a condensation of Leaves of
Ad from Newsweek: “Creates a new method to Grass. It picks the higher spiritual parts. It is numbered
test Jesus’ authorship.” in parts of one to ten and thus could be made into a
1982. 342p. ISBN 0-932588-02-6 $35.00 play. It interprets and is arranged and written in the uni-
versal mind pattern.
 Thank God, I am Alive is about the Loma Prieta 1989. 61p. ISBN 0-932588-12-3 $15.00
earthquake that hit the Bay area on October 17, 1989.
It gives the author’s personal experience and some
astronomical reasons why it happened.
1989. 50p. ISBN 0-932588-13-1 $10.00 *******************************************

 This New World; Birth: Sept. 8, 1958 scientifical- Ordering Information

ly shows that a major change occurred in the world at No discount on single book order; 40-per-
that time. One hundred samples are taken from maga- cent discount on two or more books ordered.
zines from the autumn of 1958 that shows evidence for
a great change. One hundred samples are also taken
Add $4.00 for shipping per order; $10.00
from the autumn of 1957 to compare it to 1958, and shipping for foreign orders. Returnable in
that makes it a scientific test. The last 2,000 years are saleable condition; one-year limit.
divided into seven ages, showing a relationship to the
spiritual plan of earth as revealed in St. John’s Payable to Bold Books, 1565 Madison Street,
Revelation. This is a start of a New Age and a new Suite 308, Oakland, Calif. 94612-4511
1565 Madison Street, Suite 308, Oakland, Calif. 94612-4511

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